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The looting of the Saints

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; Opinion - December 23, 2005 So it looks as though Benson has finally made his intentions officially known. It amazes me that this tool is willing to spend thousands and thousands of dollars to sue the NFL instead of using ...

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Old 12-23-2005, 10:51 PM   #1
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The looting of the Saints

Opinion - December 23, 2005

So it looks as though Benson has finally made his intentions officially known. It amazes me that this tool is willing to spend thousands and thousands of dollars to sue the NFL instead of using that money to "rebuild" his organization IN New Orleans to move to San Antonio. Not so easy Benson. You still have to get approval from 24 of 32 NFL owners to make the move to San "Looterville" Antonio. ** I encourage EVERYONE to click on the e-mail link above, including e-mail addresses of all teams and NFL, and send a message to these organizations showing your support to keep the Saints IN New Orleans.

Let's give the boys a hand .......:08:

\"Americans play to win at all times. I wouldn\'t give a hoot in hell for a man who lost and laughed.\" - George S. Patton
On another note, I\'ll take a bite of that crow 08. - Saintfan
Brooks is a moron!! - Halo
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