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Tobias-Reiper 01-31-2006 06:39 AM

Re: RE: Re: RE: Interesting story on Leinart!

Did Matt Leinart sexually assault your mom or something? Your girlfriend/wife, maybe? Why do you hate this guy so much?
Why do you go down to this level? Can't you actually give your opinion and disagree with someone else like an adult?

Euphoria 01-31-2006 09:29 AM

RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Interesting story on Leinart!
I'll help you answer that... because some people lack intelligence. Yeah anyone who ever watched the sport knows that there is more than one person on the field but the player that stood up and put the game on his shoulders and won the game was none other than V. Young. Say what you will but Leinart had more weapons around him and a Heisman RB and couldn't win the game. Young is a better passer than Vick also believe that if you didn't see the game or did some checking yourself.

xan 01-31-2006 09:54 AM

RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Interesting story on Leinart!
I don't understand that last sentance, Euph...

yasoon 01-31-2006 10:13 AM

PFT is known for its drivel. I'll believe this when I see it.

Leinart is the most pro ready. Young is the most risk reward guy. Cutler stood out with the least around him and appears to be a very good pro prospect himself. All this is just talk to get us to the combine in APRIL, so let's not pretend to know too much in Feb.

We'll know if Leinart has small feet, big ears, bad breath....whatever: after the combine.

I have said since day one that Leinart kinda scares me, but I won't come out making emphatic statements of absolutes like some because we just don't know. He certainly played somethng closer to a pro offense than anyone else. (There are 2 sides to that...experience and lofty number aided by superior peripheral talent.)

I will be happy with either of the top picks, or a trade down to get an LB and hopefully Cutler. Who knows what's gonna happen? Like I said last year before the draft (and I was right)....whatever the Saints do, it probably won't be predictable.

TheDeuce 01-31-2006 10:56 AM


Why do you go down to this level? Can't you actually give your opinion and disagree with someone else like an adult?
Actually Tobias, I was out of options. The guy keeps coming out with outrageous comments that have no credibility, kind of like a guy named Billy that I know of. Only asking why he can't ever back his arguments with something other than ridiculous comments like "Leinart sucks because he didn't win the Rose Bowl" when it's obvious he had a very good game.

And Tobias, another thing, when I want your opinion, I'll ask for it. I'm sure you thought you were being witty, or something, but guess what, I don't care what you think. None of this concerns you. What I posted was a joke, so nice job picking up the sarcasm.

Milians 01-31-2006 11:34 AM

Fact is, there is a major risk involved in drafting any player in the draft. There is a risk in drafting Young and Cutler as well as Bush, Leinart and Hawk. We can't sit here and say that without question , "such and such is a can't miss prospect." Hawk could end up being a bust just as Young could. The only player I truly feel comfortable drafting with the second pick is Bush. He just seems like the safest bet. After Bush, I would feel most comfortable with Ferguson or Hawk. The problem is that our biggest need is QB. Everything should fall into place after the combine and individual workouts, not to mention free-agency.

Tobias-Reiper 01-31-2006 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by TheDeuce

Why do you go down to this level? Can't you actually give your opinion and disagree with someone else like an adult?
Actually Tobias, I was out of options. The guy keeps coming out with outrageous comments that have no credibility, kind of like a guy named Billy that I know of. Only asking why he can't ever back his arguments with something other than ridiculous comments like "Leinart sucks because he didn't win the Rose Bowl" when it's obvious he had a very good game.

And Tobias, another thing, when I want your opinion, I'll ask for it. I'm sure you thought you were being witty, or something, but guess what, I don't care what you think. None of this concerns you. What I posted was a joke, so nice job picking up the sarcasm.


ok, sort answer, obviously you can't...
You wouldn't know sarcasm if it bit you, nor wit for that matter... what you posted is not sarcastic, it is sophomoric...
...and what I posted wasn't even an opinion, nor was I trying to be witty... it was a straight question, I believe... Did I miss the question mark? Nope, it's right there.
... speaking of opinions, I don't know if you have noticed, but this is an internet forum. You do know how those work, don't you?

All I have to say is look at your own posts. Ciao.

TheDeuce 01-31-2006 03:58 PM

T-R, yeah I think I know how internet forums work. You make posts about whatever the forum is about. B& is about the Saints. I was making a post about the Saints. You weren't. Why don't you talk about the Saints instead of critiquing other people's posts?

AllSaints 01-31-2006 07:13 PM

See if USC won the Rose Bowl.......... none of this crap would have started and know every 1 says he sucks and stuff and you ppl who say that are complete idiots I-D-I-O-T-S

Winwin 01-31-2006 08:56 PM


See if USC won the Rose Bowl.......... none of this crap would have started and know every 1 says he sucks and stuff and you ppl who say that are complete idiots I-D-I-O-T-S

but that's just it, usc didn't win. even when they should've because they had more talent on the field than texas did. the real i-d-i-o-t's want to say texas's defense was better, they fail to mention how much more talented usc's offense was. and with all that talent at lienfart disposal, he failed! threw a int( ala brooks)...don't blame your defense, the offense should've been able to score thereby killing any chance for a texas comback.

aahhhuuuugggglast there was lienfart....

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