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Just For Kicks

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; the post joking about Carney retiring did bring up a valid point. i like the guy as a player but he is definitely on the way downside of his career. his range seems to decrease every year and the blown ...

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Old 03-15-2006, 08:19 AM   #1
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Just For Kicks

the post joking about Carney retiring did bring up a valid point. i like the guy as a player but he is definitely on the way downside of his career. his range seems to decrease every year and the blown easy ones or game changing kicks are becoming less n less surprising. you have seen it before with these old kickers. they hang on until no one will sign them anymore, team to team, even multiple teams in a season. i think some bucks devoted to signing someone new would be well spent. Vanderjagt, Vinatieri, and Edinger are UFA and Josh Brown RFA. There is the talk of moving Mare out of Miami too. he wouldn't be much different though.

Some big bucks for V or V? Or at least a new face with Edinger?

I haven't found any that seem like hot prospects in the college crop. Conner Hughes, Virginia?

Whaddya think?
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Old 03-15-2006, 08:29 AM   #2
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RE: Just For Kicks

I'd rather have Vinatieri and Vanderjagt. He's won Super Bowls at the last second and he's got a stronger leg. Think about how many he'd hit in the dome, AND he'd be good outside.
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