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BlackandBlue 03-29-2006 09:10 AM

i'm waiting

BrooksMustGo 03-29-2006 09:26 AM

derailed thread anyone?

BlackandBlue 03-29-2006 09:42 AM

like this thing had anymore air underneath it :roll:

FatiusJeebs 03-29-2006 09:46 AM

LOL....great pic BMG. Let me see if I can fix the train while keeping the flow going....hmmmm.

Wow....I can't. The whole "Bigdaddy...." deal has me for a loop. It is practically impossible to mix the concept of us having Javon Walker acquired from GB with BnB's "lengthy" issues and Diva's scary yet intriguing stalking habits.

So this is going to sound like total spaghetti but....

"It would be great to acquire Javon Walker from "BigDaddyLongStroke" for his first round pick and in return we give him Diva's obsessive behaviors and her number 5 selection in the draft." think I did it!!! :itsgood:

NFLDiva 03-29-2006 09:50 AM

:lolup: :lolup: :lolup: :lolup:

FatiusJeebs 03-29-2006 09:52 AM

I'll drink to that Diva...that was not easy to come up with! :cheers:

NFLDiva 03-29-2006 09:55 AM

And Bravo...It was funny as hell....I am cleaning up the coffee I spit on my keyboard when I was reading it, as we speak...But I have to know...LOL....What does scary yet intriguing mean exactly??

saintswhodi 03-29-2006 10:01 AM

Scary yet intriguing is someone who you KNOW may cut you into little pieces later while you are asleep, but they are hot enough that you are almost willing to risk it. 8)

FatiusJeebs 03-29-2006 10:09 AM

Well Diva....stalking someone is a sign of severe interest. Any man would appreciate that...hence the intruige. However, if you are anything like Alicia Silverstone in that movie (forgot the name but I think you know which one I am talkin about.) well can apply ..."scary" to the issue. Bottom line....I'm a nutcase....and I know that makes you smile.

Actually....whodi does put it rather nicely. I trust in the fact, however, that you will not cut me into little pieces. :chainsaw: football terms.......if getting Javon Walker for your #5 would be great! Scary though if BigDaddy breaks his long stroke and we gave up our number 2 for nuttin. (HA!! I did it again! I'm on a roll. Keeping the thread alive.)

BlackandBlue 03-29-2006 10:15 AM

can i cut you into pieces?

FatiusJeebs 03-29-2006 10:19 AM long as BnB has that title of "BigDaddyLongStrokeAdministratorThugBully" I can't do or say a damn thing. Have mercy on my soul BnB. I can't compare myself to you. They call me "SmallKiddyShortStuff" on the payroll...isn't that humiliating enough? :crying:

BlackandBlue 03-29-2006 10:21 AM

didn't say you couldn't do anything. just asked the question......jeez, you're uptight.

FatiusJeebs 03-29-2006 10:23 AM

Im not uptight BnB. Hell I even improved your title. But if you really want to know....NO! :mrgreen:

BlackandBlue 03-29-2006 10:24 AM

just didn't understand the thug/bully comment. the only time i get like that is if the person in question is deserving of it.

FatiusJeebs 03-29-2006 10:26 AM

I'm just havin fun BnB. I was hoping you remembered our last thread derailment when you professed your dark powers and I asked for mercy. Just runnin off of that. I know you well enough to know you ain't a bully.

NFLDiva 03-29-2006 10:30 AM

You two have F**KED up a perfectly good stalking...... :P :P :P

And Javon Walker will not be in New Orleans next season :wink:

BlackandBlue 03-29-2006 10:31 AM

keep stalking me, they don't mind ;)

BlackandBlue 03-29-2006 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by FatiusJeebs
I'm just havin fun BnB. I was hoping you remembered our last thread derailment when you professed your dark powers and I asked for mercy. Just runnin off of that. I know you well enough to know you ain't a bully.


FatiusJeebs 03-29-2006 10:36 AM <I'm gonna pout incessantly now.> And just when I thought I was gonna start recieving all kinds of weird mail and obscene phone calls. :argue:

BlackandBlue 03-29-2006 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by FatiusJeebs <I'm gonna pout incessantly now.> And just when I thought I was gonna start recieving all kinds of weird mail and obscene phone calls. :argue:

don't hold your breath....... :blueshock:

FatiusJeebs 03-29-2006 10:50 AM

LOLOL....does this mean that you almost passed out BnB? :jkool:

Hey BnB....all jokes aside....thanks for allowing us to have some fun around here.

NFLDiva 03-29-2006 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by FatiusJeebs <I'm gonna pout incessantly now.> And just when I thought I was gonna start recieving all kinds of weird mail and obscene phone calls. :argue:

Don't bother...LOL....He never falls for pouting, believe me :red:

BlackandBlue 03-29-2006 10:58 AM

there are so many directions i could go with this right now, my head is spinning. and diva, get your mind out of the gutter :P

FatiusJeebs 03-29-2006 10:59 AM

Hey...I was day we should all( I mean everyone who posts) get together and buy a lump sum of tickets for a game. It is very very lonely down here in Miami when it comes to talking about Saints football. What do you guys think?

NFLDiva 03-29-2006 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by BlackandBlue
there are so many directions i could go with this right now, my head is spinning. and diva, get your mind out of the gutter :P

Your head is spinning from that whiskey in your coffee :P :P :P

BlackandBlue 03-29-2006 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by FatiusJeebs
Hey...I was day we should all( I mean everyone who posts) get together and buy a lump sum of tickets for a game. It is very very lonely down here in Miami when it comes to talking about Saints football. What do you guys think?

we do something like that every year. keep your eyes peeled, as i know that halo is planning something similar for this upcoming season.

FatiusJeebs 03-29-2006 11:03 AM

LOL.....a spinning head is a sign of a good time! :fanclub:

saintswhodi 03-29-2006 11:15 AM

FatiusJeebs 03-29-2006 12:22 PM

Whodi....I can't see the image. Damn it!! Comp won't let me...what did you put?

wheelman 03-29-2006 02:10 PM

Believe me you don't want to know. The horror! The horror!

*collapses on floor*

FatiusJeebs 03-29-2006 02:10 PM

LOLOL....thanx for the warning wheelman.

wheelman 03-29-2006 02:17 PM

Ummm wheelman isn't here right now. He kinda died. I'm his evil twin, wheel......dude. Yeahh, that's the ticket.

BrooksMustGo 03-29-2006 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi

You got that right.

wheelman 03-29-2006 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by BrooksMustGo

Originally Posted by saintswhodi

You got that right.

You're gay.

*dives behind car*

Hey, I didn't say that. My evil twin did. . . I mean. . . Oh my God! I'm alive! It's a miracle! Yeahh, that's the ticket.

papz 03-29-2006 02:35 PM

I finally get to see how BnB looks without his mask on... that's some scary shiznitz. Damn you sw... I'm scar'd for life!

BrooksMustGo 03-29-2006 02:39 PM

Draft Michael Huff!!

FatiusJeebs 03-29-2006 03:08 PM

BMG....I am worried about your resourcefulness. How on Earth did you find this picture?!?!?!?!? LOLOL.

NFLDiva 03-29-2006 03:32 PM

You guys are hysterical.....I never fail to laugh out loud when I come here.

BlackandBlue 03-29-2006 03:53 PM

yeah, friggin hysterical.....there's you here, alongside about 12 miles of sausage, and all they can talk about while i'm out is homosexuality.....starting to wonder about you freaks.

saintswhodi 03-29-2006 04:02 PM

Just messin with ya bud!!! :D

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