SkipThomas |
05-04-2006 03:47 PM |
There are a number of things that could keep Mr. Bush in New Orleans for a very long time. First, I don't think his marketablity is hurt by being in New Orleans. Do you think Subway, Addias, or Hummer are going to drop him because he's been drafted by the Saints? He will get his marketing opportunities because he's marketable already at the national level. Another thing that will keep Reggie in New Orleans is the city's beautiful women. I spent 26 years in the USAF and I travelled all over the world. There are beautiful people everywhere but not in the abundance it's found in N.O. Do you think the man likes to eat? Where can he get the kind of food he's been introduced to in the last 5 days? Allow me to answer that question...NOWHERE! Finally, I live in Atlanta, GA now and I tell people to look at New Orleans as an emerging market (don't know why none of your mayoral candidates didn't coin that phrase)...he will have an opportunity with all of his wealth to not only contribute to the recovery but also benefit from the city's recovery...he's at the right age to benefit from for the rest of his life...there will be countless opportunities for people with the kind of money he will have in the next few months...don't worry, you guys are going to treat him like royalty and he'll never want to leave.