Originally Posted by saintswhodi
Originally Posted by spkb25
already bashing bush and we drafted him less then two weeks ago. jesus it never amazes me
I ask again, who bashed him? :roll:
Originally Posted by Beeobee
ok..honeymoon is over...the line about touring the 9th ward..how many times are we gonna hear that?? It's like he's a robot or something..and frankly i don't care about your adidas contract or subway or i dunno..friggin trojan condoms whatever..time to show us now..i know this ain't the 60's and it's about the money also and if i were him..i would be enjoying this because you dream of this and now it's a reality..but it's time to produce something because really..bush hasn't shown us anything yet
Sounds like bashing to me.
Bush isn't going to sign a contract before July. In fact he isn't going to sign a contract before training camp starts.
Bush isn't going to be the savior of this team either, at least not on the football field. Let's remember that we've had superstar running backs on this team including a Heisman winner for a while now. While both Ricky and Deuce have been outstanding players for the Saints, neither have lifted the team anywhere near the fans' expectations. Even if Bush has a year where he matches both Deuce's and Michael Lewis' best years, in football terms it won't add up to getting deep in the playoffs. That's what happens in the Ultimate Team Game.
However, we do need Bush to continue to be the face of the franchise. In non football terms it means doing exactly what he's doing: interviews and pitching product. The Saints need Bush to be the irresistable marketing force.
Now in football terms we really do need Bush to continue what he has done in the past. If Bush can contribute just one jaw dropping SportsCenter highlight every game or so, then he'll pay off. Be that a kick return, swing pass for a long run, or some ankle breaker, that's what he needs to be this year.
The other aspect is to make the defense account for him. That's why the jaw dropping plays are so important. Think of how productive Deuce will be with Karney in front of him and only 7 in the box because Bush motions out to the slot? Or what will happen when that safety tries to cheat inside and Bush runs right by him?
I don't think brother man will have a prodctuve season numerically. But his talent will open up the offense even if he doesn't personally benefit from it statistically.
So that's why I'm not worried about the contract. Bush isn't going to need a full camp to learn to run a couple of plays in the slot, return kicks, run a reverse (or a fake reverse) with Deuce, and motion to catch the ball in the flat. So let him and his agent work out the best deal they can. It'll take them awhile for them to understand that Bush isn't going to get #1 money.
Now on to the rest of the team, you know the part that really matters?! The Saints have gotten much better with addition by subtraction. They need a KISS philosphy this year: namely:
- Don't turn the ball over.
Do stop the run.
Defensively learn to get off the field on critical plays
Dominate both lines
That's it. With that foundation we have the skill people to make the plays necessary to win.