Originally Posted by saintswhodi
Originally Posted by OldiesDJ
I don't know if I'll make it on time. However, look for a short, 21 year old kid with a mohawk and a Knight jersey. That'll be yours truely.
Okay, so I go in front of the Hyatt around 430pm, and I don't see anything that would identify anyone as part of black and gold. And by in front of the Hyatt, I was at the dome, on the ramp in front of the Hyatt, where the big inflatable NFL sign was. And near the Bud Light stage. Maybe you guys met somewhere else.
We were there and by about 4pm it was near to impossible to find a place to identify anyone because it was hard to tell where to tell people to go... hadn't been there since before Katrina. I went with Jeff Crouere and there simply there weren't any concrete markers to use, we used to meet in the New Orleans center for a beer before the game.
I know one thing, for those who went, you had a good time. We have a better idea of what to do next time. We are going to try to meet up at the Phili game when Joe Sam comes to town to Tailgate.