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TonyMax 06-04-2003 01:13 PM

Aaron Brooks
Man I am getting to tired of seeing Saints fan dog and come down hard on Aaron Brooks. He\'s the only quarterback in Saints history to actually lead the team to a playoff victory. I became and Saints fan when Aaron Brooks joined the team. I used to be a Niner fan (I do live in the bay) until they start letting the great ones go (Montana, Lott, Rice). So as you know I\'ve got to see Montana and Young. They were great quarterbacks. And I see that greatness in Aaron Brooks. He has to learn how to cut down on the mentall errors. When he makes a mistake he seems to make the same mistake. That\'s his only weakness. Other than that I think he\'s a great quarterback. He was hurt last season and shouldn\'t of been in there. That\'s Haslett\'s job to pull the qb if he\'s ineffective. In my opinion he\'s the greatest quarterback to ever wear a Saints uniform. The Saints have had some horrible quarterbacks in the past. The Saint fans who dog Aaron aren\'t used to seeing a great quaterback.


[Edited on 4/6/2003 by TonyMax]

JOESAM2002 06-04-2003 02:02 PM

Aaron Brooks
First let me welcome you Tony and all the new members. Now on to your post. When we see members post about AB most of the time it\'s not really dogging him, it\'s more questioning his ability in some areas. As you put it his mental errors are something I think everyone on this board agrees with. I know I do. What scares most of us is the repetition of these same mistakes, it starts us wondering if he has the mental ability to correct this problem. I for one hope he does and finds it this year.

Believe me I like AB but at times he makes me think of someone from the Wizard of Oz. :)

[Edited on 4/6/2003 by JOESAM2002]

saint5221 06-04-2003 02:47 PM

Aaron Brooks
Welcome Tony ,glad to hear from a convert but I must disagree with just about everything in your post

I used to be a Niner fan (I do live in the bay) until they start letting the great ones go (Montana, Lott, Rice). So as you know I\'ve got to see Montana and Young.

The Saints have had some horrible quarterbacks in the past. The Saint fans who dog Aaron aren\'t used to seeing a great quaterback.

So because you were a niners fan you are a better judge of QB talent than Saints fans ,unless they agree with you of course. If you want to convince people of AB\'s greatness you\'ll have to back it up with more than, I\'m from San Fran.
You accurately touch on some of AB\'s problems, the repetition of mental mistakes but then dismiss them.

That\'s his only weakness. Other than that I think he\'s a great quarterback.
Thats one hell of an only weakness.One I am not so quick to dismiss. Joe Montana did not have half the physical skills AB has but Joe was as savvy a QB as there has been.The mental aspects of the game is were Joe excelled. It was his ability to make the right decision when needed, to lead and inspire the great players around him that made him great. AB is not near there yet.
As for AB being the greatest Saint QB ever that honor must go to No. 8

WhoDat 06-04-2003 03:27 PM

Aaron Brooks
I didn\'t take the time to read all of these posts, so I may be bringing up an old topic... but whoever said that Aaron Brooks has been a top-ten talent the last two years is right... and totally wrong too.

Brooks has been tops in the league in stats that rarely prove that the QB himself has any talent. Stats like yards, TDs, etc. are as much if not more a result of the system and talent at receiver than anything the QB does.

He is below 20th in the truly important indicator rankings... such as completion percentage, efficiency, etc. Also, his intangibles are terrible. He\'s not a leader. He\'s selfish, he hasn\'t shown much ability to learn and stop making the same mistakes over and over again (i.e. throwing while backpeddling, forcing the ball into Horn rather than looking for a better option, not running when there\'s room to run... etc.).

I will agree that Aaron has a lot of PHYSICAL ability, and that gives him potential. However, I have seen very little that shows me that Aaron Brooks is capable of being the type of leader and/or student of the game that a truly good NFL quarterback must be.

Take a look at the QBs that have been in the last three, four, five Super Bowls. Have they been the best athletes or the best managers of the game. Let\'s consider... Gannon, Johnson, Brady, Warner, Dilfer, Collins... yeah, those guys are REAL athletic... No, successful NFL QBs are good field generals. They realize that their only job is to make as few mistakes as possible and get the ball out of their hands and into the hands of their true weapons ASAP. Until Brooks understands that he will be moderately successful at best.

TonyMax 06-04-2003 07:20 PM

Aaron Brooks

Welcome Tony ,glad to hear from a convert but I must disagree with just about everything in your post

I used to be a Niner fan (I do live in the bay) until they start letting the great ones go (Montana, Lott, Rice). So as you know I\'ve got to see Montana and Young.

The Saints have had some horrible quarterbacks in the past. The Saint fans who dog Aaron aren\'t used to seeing a great quaterback.

So because you were a niners fan you are a better judge of QB talent than Saints fans ,unless they agree with you of course. If you want to convince people of AB\'s greatness you\'ll have to back it up with more than, I\'m from San Fran.
You accurately touch on some of AB\'s problems, the repetition of mental mistakes but then dismiss them.

That\'s his only weakness. Other than that I think he\'s a great quarterback.
Thats one hell of an only weakness.One I am not so quick to dismiss. Joe Montana did not have half the physical skills AB has but Joe was as savvy a QB as there has been.The mental aspects of the game is were Joe excelled. It was his ability to make the right decision when needed, to lead and inspire the great players around him that made him great. AB is not near there yet.
As for AB being the greatest Saint QB ever that honor must go to No. 8
Quarterbacks have weakness period. AB just has to learn how to not make the same mistake twice. And that has to do with coaching also. Haslett must teach, preach, and stress discipline especially to Aaron Brooks. Just because I am from the San Francisco area doesn\'t make me a better judge on quarterback but I\'ve seen two of the greatest play and they even had weaknesses. It\'s the coaches who have to correct those weaknesses or disguise them.

JOESAM2002 06-04-2003 07:38 PM

Aaron Brooks
So what ya\'ll are saying is and correct me if i\'m wrong. Vince Lombardi, if he were still around, could preach, teach, shout , drill and anything else to show a rock and make it understand? Please don\'t get me wrong, i\'m not calling AB a rock, but Young and Montana, Farve and a few others have the mentality to learn quickly and maintain that knowledge. I\'m not sure AB has the same ability. I hope it shows up this year. I have to agree with some, mobility is fine but you have to know what to do with that mobility too.
I agree that AB can be a very big weapon for the Saints, he just needs to play smarter.

billybignuts 06-05-2003 09:25 AM

Aaron Brooks
AB needs to grow the **** up. Until he becomes the leader of this team, his physical talents won\'t mean crap. This kid has the goods, he could become a good QB one day, he shows flashes of his potential all the time. But when he throws an int and smiles as he goes back to the sideline is inexcusable. When he did it last year, I wanted to run on the field and smack the damn thing off his face. If he matures the sky could be the limit for this kid, but until he does he will struggle and so will we.

subguy 06-05-2003 12:18 PM

Aaron Brooks
I think Brooks just needs to grow up. I think he lacks the maturity to deliver when it counts. He can throw. He can run, when either he or the coach decides. The coaches may not call your number much as a primary runner, but a QB has to have the instinct and field vision to know it is right to run. The lack of redzone bootlegs is a coaching decision. Although Brooks could be highly efffective at running these. This year will be a critcal year in his career. He has starting experience and has some excellent receivers. I think it is going to come down to those moments when we are struggling for Brooks to show his leadership skills. The kind of player who realizez it isn\'t happening as it is and then make things happen. Leadership which is a very important part of QB\'ing. Alot of guys can pass far and accurate, but how do they field general? Brooks needs to step up make good decisions, show leadership and rallying skills. I wasn\'t certain what leadership skills Delhomme had. I don\'t think any of us saw enough of him to know. He will have his opportunity this year. Coaches certainly have to focus on our bench QB\'s to see if they notice that leadership ability.

WhoDat 06-05-2003 02:32 PM

Aaron Brooks
Gator... why did you even bring up Delhomme\'s name? I know that we agree more than we disagree on this topic, now you\'re just trying to stir up the sh!t. My assessment of Brooks has absolutely nothing to do with Delhomme. Do I think Delhomme deserved to get a shot in NO? Yes... but that\'s irrelevant now.

I don\'t care who our quarterback is as long as they do a few things - learn, manage well, distribute the ball quickly to a variety of players, lead, and don\'t make mistakes. None of these things sound like Brooks to me. Can he be good? Absolutely. I just think he is the wrong guy for our system and our team. With our team Dilfer could have his numbers... better actually b/c his efficiency would be better...

BillyCarpenter1 06-05-2003 05:28 PM

Aaron Brooks
Who Dat,

Delhomme deserved a chance? I\'m just curious to why you would say that? Is it because of the incrediable numbers he has put up? I don\'t think so. Or could it be you feel like Brooks should be perfect in just his 3rd year? Rome wasn\'t built in a day. Brooks has done about a good of a job as anyone could have done. Has he made mistakes? Yes, of couse. So did Terry Bradshaw, John Elway, Rich Gannon, and everyother QB that has ever played the game. As far as Jake, I think he deserves a chance (with the Panthers) and now he\'s got it. Give me Aarron over Jake anyday.

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