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Believe me B&B it will stay that way. I have no problem with spirited discussions between fans of 2 teams but we WILL at least keep it clean. I understand that some are just trying to have fun but I feel we can\'t do this at the expense of others. We as readers and posters have no way of knowing who might be reading these posts. It could be you mother or your kids. That\'s why I say keep it clean.
Please don\'t make me start editing everything we post. I have plenty of time to do it, but I sure as hell don\'t want to. I don\'t want to be a censor, so please don\'t put me in that situation. |
well, the bucker has showed up..........so far, i see what gator is talking about...i could take a cheap shot and say the mother bucker has showed up, but i won\'t.......instead i\'ll ask you to prove gator wrong.........let\'s talk football if you really want to cause that\'s what we\'re here for..........anyone can trash talk and yes, you owe me one, but tell me where you see your bucx going? do you honestly think they can repeat? care to wager? smitty
Here\'s an idea... why don\'t we all act like adults and talk football? I know, I know... sometimes my brilliance is blinding.
PS - Pak?!?! A Moderator?!?! When did that happen? You call the guy Yoda one time and look at what happens... I just hope you all know who is REALLY tending to the force!
Hey Pak, did you see our Ode to Pak? When you were incognito for a while, Joe, Gator and I created the Rat Pak... AKA the Three Pakateers... (nice one on that call Joe). |
Everyone seems to be getting worked up by the trash talking and I can understand not wanting the vulgarity on here, that\'s perfectly understandable. But trash talking that if it is clean, doesn\'t bother me. There is a lot of stuff posted here that doesn\'t interest me but I\'m not calling the edit police.
Like I said we can do this however you want to do it, but don\'t go changing the rules; one\'s you made up in the first place. Come on now..... The guy has never spoke to me once, and is posting about me? I came to have a little fun and kill some time during the off-season. From a Bucs perspective, we don\'t have much to talk about, in the midst of this Pittman situation. It has put a sour note on a otherwise great season. I haven\'t used profanity, or made personal attacks towards anyone on this board. It has come from your own members. Yet I get singled out as a trouble starter? That\'s weak. [Edited on 13/6/2003 by BucNup] |
Man it\'s all good. You talk all the smack ya want brother. That superbowl ring the bucs got last year is hard to defend against but I don\'t care if they won 20-in a row. The Bucs stil suck. As a matter a fact they would suck one a mile long if they didn\'t have to walk back. |
My post wasn\'t aimed at anyone in particular. It was kind of a blanket coverage. Just saying to whoever wants and needs to hear it, vulgarity won\'t be allowed.
Nobody said you had to stop talking smack, just be careful with the wording, is what some were trying to imply. No rule changes have taken place, you\'ll be jawing with some of the best. Just don\'t get your feelings hurt.
Pittman? Pittman who?* *that\'s sarcasm, i felt the need to explain it since you seemed to have missed it on a few other posts. |
Gatorman is right about a lot of things here. If you don\'t like it, don\'t read it. If you don\'t want to encourage it, don\'t respond to it. While I think Gatorman argues at times simply for the sake of arguing and to create a controversy, without that we would all be here saying yay Saints and staring at blank threads.
You\'re right...it wouldn\'t be the same without you. The only way to shut up a Buc is to shove a fleur de lis in his pie hole on some turf. We did it before and we can do it again. |
As Pilate did when he offered the crowd the choice between a thief and Jesus....well the crowd chose Jesus. Pilate said \"I wash my hands of this\".
I could care less either way it goes. I just wanna talk football.
So I take it you\'re saying i\'m wrong? Just because I say no vulgarity and be careful of what you say. Who said it was just men who read these posts? Do you have any consideration for anyone but yourself? If you do you certainly aren\'t showing it. You have belittled me enough. So rather than delete anything you say, maybe I should just go somewhere else and let this bpard turn into a 3rd grade classroom. I won\'t stop you and when this board is ruined you\'ll have the pleasure of knowing it was you who got it started.
Gator, unless you didn\'t notice he was already on here. He knows whats going on. So I have a suggestion. Go to the Falcons site to raise hell and come back here when you want to talk football. By the way there a some others than me that don\'t want all that in here as I do.
Ck your private message. Then call me childish. P.S. I went back and read every post in this thread. Maybe you should go back and read your first one in it. It seems to me you started it with this guy. [Edited on 13/6/2003 by JOESAM2002] |
Ok, let\'s do this as I said a while back. Do your smack. But keep it clean. No if\'s ands or buts. Clean! You want to do it in an intelligent way then do it intelligently. Show how smart you really are. Do it cleanly.
You are wrong.... The Smack section is not my most popular section. We have a general section that surpasses the smack section by some 1,500 more post. The information you brought to this board about me, is incorrect. I can\'t take the time to ensure that my words are being expressed in a manner that is suitable for you. But what you need to remember about whatever it is, you believe I said about the Saints or any other team was that it was in the \"Smack Section.\" You made a generalized statement and have now introduced me as a smack talker. When YOU started the smack talk? Now, more or less; the memebers of this board will think that everything I have to say will be based on smack. Not a good way to generate true football topics, or members with that approach. Even your post was moved to the smack section, because it was not referencing football. For what it\'s worth, I extend a heart felt apology to all members of this board, if I have offended, upset or caused stress from anything that I\'ve said. All I am guilty of is falling for \"bait.\" Bait that GM himself has admitted to throwing out there. How can you question, or get mad at the amount of FLIES, when the trail of raw meat leads here? GM: Thanks for the props on the site, but the Smack Section was created as a form of prevention actually. I thought about the possibility of people stumbling across the site and want to \"post banter\" about the Bucs. Because as much as I love my Bucs, I realize that there are as many people that hate them too. In closing, smack talk is not what I want to do. I can do it, given the situation, but it is not something that I look to do on a regular basis. I\'ll discuss football topics as the situation presents itself. |
I\'m not sure if you get it or not but I have a Saints site because I love web design, and I love the Saints. Simple as that. If it was about competition, I wouldn\'t post here, or on every other Saints board. I\'m sure you can tell how young it is. I shouldn\'t have to restate that. If you don\'t have anything respectful to say, keep my name out of your mouth. Thanks! |
Nice flash intro, by the way. I want that picture of Pathon. You know the one I\'m talking about.
Thanks again Billy!
The strain was more than his heart could bare.
Statement: Your team sucks, my teams great.
Answer: no, your team sucks, my teams great. Statement: boy does your team suck, my teams great. Answer:Oh no, your team sucks, my teams great. Statement: Well then your team sucks, my teams great. answer: oh but your team sucks, my teams great. I wonder how many ways there are to say the same thing over and over again? Isn\'t this fun? So much for talking \"Smack\" [Edited on 13/6/2003 by JOESAM2002] |
There\'s nothing wrong with team pride. Loving a team that people think you have no logical reason to love is the greatest thing in the world. I love the fact that I can hold my head up and not be a bandwagon jumper. What kills me is the number of turds flaunting Bucs gear now. Where were you in the lean years guys? Any Bucs fan that has proof he was there when the pirate ship was barely afloat has my respect as a fan. Any fan that came on board this year, last year, or the last four years for that matter should wait 10 years before beating his chest too hard. Are you selling your Pats jersey on eBay right now?
I totally agree with you LummOx. It seems every team has their Johnny come lately fans. Even our beloved Saints. You know you\'re a fan when you remember \"fans\" going to games with bags on their heads. But I\'m still standing. I love this team, as I\'m sure fans of other teams love theirs. However, selling that gear is one of the ways the teams make their money. I feel fairly sure that really don\'t care who wears it as long as they buy it.
P.S. I was a Braves fan too. Even through the rotten years. I still am. |
Ah, but it\'s true. I\'ve been a Braves fan for many years. I got hooked on them in the late 60\'s and early 70\'s.
By the way. It seems I may owe members an apology. I have done some soul searching and I think I understand the principal of talking smack. It works on the same principal as; if you can\'t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullsheet. |
I could start with Steve Spurrier being our first QB in our 0 - 16 campaign. I could mention the fact that John McKay was hired as the Bucs first coach ever in 1975. Currently his son is our GM. I could say the name Lee Roy Selmon, but that would be one of the names even many of your would know. But since he was so great, give it up for him anyway. Inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1995. I could mention Donald Igwebuike career kicker with 53% FG success of over 50 yards. I could mention Jimmy Giles, Mark Carrier, James Wilder, Doug Williams, Paul Gruber, Ricky Bell, Stever DeBerg, Steve Young, Bo Jackson\'s failure to play for us and signing with the Raiders, our first ever win against you Saints..... WHERE YOU A FAN THEN? I could go on, but what\'s the use? 1976 until death....... |
I wasn\'t intending to get you searching the internet for old Buc stats to justify yourself (just kidding). The point I was making, and I\'m sue you\'ll agree, that when a new team becomes a champion or starts achieving success, it opens the door for new fans. I\'m sure you are already tired of seeing all of the bandwagon jumpers that are sporting Bucs jersey\'s that wouldn\'t have been caught dead in one five years ago. Probably the same guys that cheered for the Raiders in January too. As the Saints get better suddenly more people become Saints fans. A die hard fan doesn\'t only know stats. Proof of being a fan goes beyond that. I could be a first year fan and have memorized the history of the team right done to Steve Stonebreaker\'s shoe size and that wouldn\'t cut it. I\'m not bashing you....I\'m bashing those who know they are fair weather fans. As for me, I\'ve got picks of me in the jersey at age 8. I\'ve got a 16 year old tattoo that looks like crap, but it bleeds after every loss to this day. My kids parade around in Saints gear every game day. My wife is pulling her hair out from how broke we\'ve gone due to my obsession with buying football memorablia. I sit in the same chair that my Great Grandfather built in 1895 every game day, and only game day. I keep the reciepts for the 3 windows I broke after playoff losses when my helmet went through them. I get so sick after a loss that I miss work the following day because they tell me not to come in due to my mood. As far as I\'m concerned there is no other team in professional sports. I\'m glad you\'re a Bucs fan. I\'m really glad. |
Right on lumm0x. Perhaps I\'ve been carrying this burden too long? I know what you mean about everything you say, I just deal with it. I have been known to take Buccaneers gear after a few questions were not answered accordingly from a few people at bars..... That\'ll teach those bandwagoners for playing with my heart! :heartpump: [Edited on 13/6/2003 by BucNup] |
The Bucs will definitely have one thing this season that will eclipse anything they\'ve ever had before......a gaggle of big, selfish egos.
One of the best quotes in the world.
\"It\'s better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt.\" And one more. \" Be careful of the words you speak, keep them soft and sweet, you never know from day to day which ones you\'ll have to eat.\" CHILL OUT! [Edited on 14/6/2003 by JOESAM2002] |
First, I\'m not after you. I thought we had an agreement on the as you say smack talk. then you come back in saying all your fu\'s and what ever you feel like saying to hurt other members. As I said you can say what ever you want, I don\'t care. But you will keep it clean and you will quit attacking other members. Remember it was you who said you will do your cutting down in an intelligent manner, well what i\'ve seen so far is far from that. Now you know I like you but I\'m getting really tired of this. Either quit pissing off members or I will edit every word you say and that will be it.
Gator , if you can\'t see what you\'re doing to this board then you aren\'t paying attention to the other guy\'s posts. You\'re affecting more people than you think. PLEASE just chill out and don\'t make me do something I don\'t want to do. PLLLLLLLLease. I don\'t know how I can make it plainer than that. Hell I\'m begging you to stop this. This is childish. This is it man. No joke, I don\'t want to edit your posts but I\'m just trying to get you to do what you said you\'d do.
P.S. This is the last post I will make to this thread. I will not answer any more of your thoughts on this subject. [Edited on 14/6/2003 by JOESAM2002] |
hi there, It\'s Nazi Joe here.
Here\'s the deal. Final word! This ain\'t TV, this ain\'t the net, This ain\'t a Porno site, this is Black and Gold. net! KEEP IT CLEAN AND NO BELITTLEING OTHER MEMBERS! end of story!!!! P.S. This isn\'t a threat. It\'s a fact! |
joe, i enjoy reading your posts just as i do reading gators, and all other members on this board...........again, that\'s why i like it............smitty
Thanks Smitty. |
Just curious, have you ever had this problem here before, and what did you do to stop it? |
This is the first time since I\'ve been a member here, but it will also be the last.
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