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Why? Why would I care what some guy says on some other site? And why in hell would I want to jump some poor guy that doesn\'t know any better? Gator it\'s not often I disagree with you but my first thought was to cut this post completely.
If some of you guys want to \"bum rush\" some other site please feel free to go on. I joined this site because I thought this was a site where Saints fans could get together and talk some Saints football. Don\'t bring that crap here. Is there some reason we can\'t enjoy this site without cutting people down or ragging on their site? This one doesn\'t make me a happy camper! |
if i can\'t speak my mind on any board, what\'s the use of having one? trash talking is a form of entertainment to me, that\'s all......once you start censorship it becomes a dictatorship and here in the u.s. they usually rebel......personally i like to hit the trash talkers where it hurts the most, in their wallets....at games in the past, especially dirty bird ones, i\'m the fan you\'ll see sitting next to the falcon fans betting beers on the saints and getting drunk and having a good time......most fans are good people you know. there will always be the jerks, it\'s what makes the world go around. go back on any post on this thread and you\'ll see the most responses are the ones that rattle us to give our view. free speech...........i\'m all for it..........my opinion for what\'s it worth.....smitty
[/quote:354567da9c]I thought it would be cool if about 10 or 15 daily posters bum rushed their site and took it over. Ya know with all of us taking shots at them the 3 to 4 guys online posting won\'t know what hit\'em.[/quote:354567da9c]
Set a date and time, date and time :D Joe, if done properly, it is pretty amusing to see one guy catch hell from several other posters, only to see the calvary show up out of nowhere and throw-down the knowledge. But, yeah, I don\'t want them on my boards :p Let them continue to think that revolution place is the legit boards- they\'ll never see us coming. |
I think I\'m going to have to agree with JoeSam on this one. When you go to other boards to start bashing you are inviting their fans, legit or not, to come to yours. And pretty soon you will have another Saints site, like another one we all know, that are full of posters who have the I.Q. of a piece of toast. They will start filling your forums with hundreds of posts about anything but football and soon the Moderators are overwhelmed with the unpleasant task of trying to keep these rocket scientists from running off your older legit members.
damn, i figured most of the people here were bored at work and as a result posted here
i keep coming back because i bleed black and gold but i\'m not that bored i can see gator and joe\'s point, while i think it would be funny to see the result on their board i wouldn\'t want to come here and wade through a bunch of flamers wasn\'t everyone calling for leftdeppard or whatever his name was to be kicked out? i know you guys aren\'t going over there with lame stuff like that right? represent with knowledge if you\'re going to do it like i said i\'m not that bored, have fun :P |
Thanks Gatorman! I love when people rag on my \"lame\" ass site! First of all, BucNup only wanted to encourage dialogue between NFC South fan sites. How about you IM me if you have a problem with my site and we can discuss it like men! You just sound like an idiot, ranting and raving about something you probably know nothing about!
Furthermore, I didn\'t realize we had a \"main\" website, outside of the official one. I\'m sure he know\'s that there\'s more than one. And for 3 months, I think my MB is doing pretty good. Do you have nothing better to do or are you just a moron who likes to piss people off. If you want to play, I have nothing but time! [Edited on 12/6/2003 by SFinAustin] [Edited on 12/6/2003 by SFinAustin] |
But then again, I guess from your comments, you are just \"trashing talking\", based on your nice guys, come visit us approach at my spot? Quote:
You have angered the villagers. |
I welcome you. We spanked the Buc\'s twice last year and we\'ll be gald to do the same to you. |
Billy is really into spankings :o
I thought with a name like BlackandBlue that maybe you received one too many spankings????????? |
Not clever ;)
It\'s ok, I disagree with Gatorman all the time. |
You swept us indeed, but you along with the rest of the world watched us receive that BLING..... A trade off I can live with. :D |
B&B, you also noticed Billy\'s uncanny way of slipping in spanking somehow? If i see an avatar by his name with a blackhood and a gag ball in his mouth, we will have confirmation.
Are you sure that 2nd u in your screen name shouldn\'t be and an a? SubGay!!!! |
Not clever Part Deux ;)
My lord guys, what are we talking abou there? Has the legitimate football talk decayed that much?
And Billy... don\'t start talking trash about the Bucs offense just yet. Maybe you didn\'t watch much of the end of the season or playoffs, but they started to fire on all cylinders and it was pretty scary. They scored a lot of points in the last few games. The last thing we need is for their offense to close the gap with ours... b/c our defense isn\'t going to get ever remotely close to theirs any time soon. |
Maybe not clever but effective, none the less. :P
Where\'s Gatorman when you really need him?
Ok you guys go on and do what you want. However if I start getting complaints about this thread, you know what i\'ll have to do. I won\'t have good members leave because a few want to do something like this. If it gets out of hand and good members start to leave, just remember who started this downfall.
Whodat looks to me like some have to much time. Now they want to bring this crap here rather than leave it on another board. This disappoints me very much. I though we were older than that, but it seems we all get to go back to the 3rd grade. :mad: |
Because when the curtains fall on each season, everyone wants to be like the Bucs\' were in the end, in 2002 at least. Great observation there about the offense as well.... We sucked for the most part last year, but we turned things around in the playoffs, the most important time of the year. Billy, DIDN\'T YOU SEE IT on the TV??? Or where you too mad at the time to even watch? I\'m looking forward to the next season. Because the rivarly has been created. So if you want to dangle your 2 wins in my face for this rest of your existence, then...... All I have is that BLING in return..... Sometimes the truth shall set you free; in this case I\'d suggest you lean towards it. BLLLLLLLLLLLLING -- Your Telephone is RINGing. Speaking of RINGing, we get our RINGS on Saturday. Shall I post a pic???? :o |
Welcome BucNup, it seems that this has stirred quite the contraversy here. Oh well it won\'t be the first and sure as hell won\'t be the last. We do have some members that know their Saints and love them as well as you love your Bucs. I have nothing against good spirited rivelry as long as it\'s on an adult level. Something about going back to elementary school just never excited me. Well as I said welcome and you boys have fun. Just remember I\'ll be watching.
Thank you Joe...
But to be honest with you, I was offended by GM\'s intial response. How can one be called a jerk, without holding a single conversation with a person? This is the best example of being a: HATER, that I can define.... I\'ve bookmarked your site, I guess that was his intentions? I don\'t get to wrapped up in the smack talk, but I will stand my ground...... I\'m happy to be hear and wish your board members no harm, nor will I come with the foul and filth commonly associated with your passerby...... I can speak at/on any level at which the topic depicts. Good luck in the upcoming season. I\'m gald to know that I\'m being watched...... Sincerely, 2002 World Champions Buccaneers Fan - BucNup Blingadi-Blingadi-Blingadi-Bling.... That\'s all folks...... ;) [Edited on 12/6/2003 by BucNup] [Edited on 12/6/2003 by BucNup] |
Try not to beat off too much, they\'ll turn blue- DID I NOT MAKE THIS PAINSTAKINGLY CLEAR IN ANOTHER THREAD??? ;)
[Edited on 12/6/2003 by BlackandBlue] |
Sure you got a ring but if I had to judge the talent of every team that has ever won a superbowl, I\'d have to say that the Buc\'s rank dead last. Your offense did look better at the end of the season but it had nowhere to go but up. The Saints showed you who was the better team. Do you really want to play us this year? That ring won\'t help the Buc\'s as Joe Horn and Donte\' Stallworth are celebrating in the end zone. I\'m not worried at all about the Bucs\' because we have their number and we rang the hell out of it last year. |
I\'ll take your advice; based on your name and all.....
But hey, keep lifting those weights. You\'re getting bigger....... Soon you\'ll be able to hoist that trophy...... :D :D OMG -- I\'d better stop all of this.... I think it is turning BLLLLLING...... I MEANT BLUE........ :casstet: :casstet: LOL! |
Not clever Part Trois ;)
Damn, will the season ever get here??? Need...relevant...material...to talk...about <twitch> |
One more comment like this and I\'m putting you on the ignore list..... Does this board offer that feature? Do we really want to play you guys this year? Stop flattering yourself. You are setting yourself up for the classic fall. Grant it, we don\'t play a single game, but if your thinking was to spread, it would be a problem..... Your comments are so full of HOMERISM until I\'ll sit back and wait for a self-respecting Saints fan put you in your place concerning it...... Geesh! Where\'s WhoDat when you need him? |
Did he say RANG????
AS in Super Bowl Rang? The Blang Blang??? Sorry, I saw the opportunity to talk slang! :D :D |
I must have found you guys site a while ago, but never posted? Posts: 8 Registered: 12/6/2003 Status: Online I like the board, but I have a score to settle with GM. In an adult manner. I\'ll catch you all later. Im at work right now, must stay employed! Go Bucs! |
i see i found the real party.... bucnup.. im happy for u that the bucs won the superbowl....ur just lucky we didnt make the playoffs cuz ur team never would have made it past the first round......they only good thing about the bucs is they have big mouths... enough to put my ___ into....how come warren sapp can talk smack to everyone in the league but to us.... hmmmm maybe thats cuz we whipped his ass 2 straight games.... i cant wait for the 2nd sweep... hey fellas... lets get our brooms out and get them ready...... oh and the smack u talk...all u do is repeat urself over n over again... how bout backing ur statements up with some real stats.. like head to head... saints 2 bucs 0
Pak you know better. Keep it clean at least ok? [Edited on 12/6/2003 by JOESAM2002] |
WOW... The moderator coming with the cuss words?! Now this board must really get down right nasty. Sam are you watching this? Now what if I were to respond, would you side with your Saint-bretheren if I were to pour out a display of insults laced with \"grade school\" taunts, and references of his little useless weenie?
What you speak of is a classic example of \"the Pot calling the kettle black.\" All you can talk about is your 2 wins over us. 2 wins are not the season, if you want to pound your chest over that, then fine, go right ahead. I can\'t debate your statement, nor can you debate my CHAMPIONSHIP...... What are we playing 17 weeks of football for? 2 wins against an opponent or the whole damn cake? Don\'t lie, you are not happy for the Super Bowl victory, this is an example of :MAD PROPS..... You are mad, but trying not to show how you really feel...... LOL As for stats??? B&B knows where this one is going, but what greater stat is there, other than: Bucs 1 -- Saints 0 SUPER BOWL VICTORIES............. PS: Make the playoffs, then popoff, popOuWHIZ.... |
aight guys, i know i\'m not the most popular member here but listen to me just this once
i know you are bored but B&B is right: they won the big dance and nothing you say to this guy is going to change anything i don\'t come here to wade through flamers crap to find good discussions, getting heated in an argument over a valid topic is one thing but \"your team sucks no your team sucks no your...\" is damn annoying pak i know i don\'t have to read the thread if i don\'t want to but you guys are pretty damn knowledgable and watching this is like watching college professors go \"math sucks no history sucks no math...\" if you guys want to flame each other do it on the bucs site |
Pretty much agree with rusta on everything. Yeah, I like to fling poo from the safety of my computer just as much as the next guy, but this place has been a civil home for me and I would like to keep it that way.
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