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BillyCarpenter1 06-13-2003 10:06 AM


In closing, smack talk is not what I want to do. I can do it, given the situation, but it is not something that I look to do on a regular basis.
I\'ll discuss football topics as the situation presents itself.
Your kidding me, right? Please!!! Several members have asked you to debate football and several have went the smake direction. You jumped all over the smack and stayed away from football topics like it was the plague. And do you actually beleive that I beleive you when you say that you care if you offended someone on here. Again, Please!!! Personally, I couldn\'t care less if you talk smack or football, but be a man and my sole purpose is to talk smack. If your going to talk smack and go back and aplogize for it, it makes you look like the weak little smack talker you are. The fist rule of smack talking is to never ever aplogize for it. So learn from this experience and in time you might actually learn how to talk smack. For now, your just a rookie and your about to be cut, unless you start learning the system.

BucNup 06-13-2003 10:58 AM

Thanks again Billy!

BillyCarpenter1 06-13-2003 10:59 AM

The strain was more than his heart could bare.

JOESAM2002 06-13-2003 11:20 AM

Statement: Your team sucks, my teams great.
Answer: no, your team sucks, my teams great.

Statement: boy does your team suck, my teams great.
Answer:Oh no, your team sucks, my teams great.

Statement: Well then your team sucks, my teams great.
answer: oh but your team sucks, my teams great.

I wonder how many ways there are to say the same thing over and over again? Isn\'t this fun? So much for talking \"Smack\"

[Edited on 13/6/2003 by JOESAM2002]

lumm0x 06-13-2003 11:28 AM

There\'s nothing wrong with team pride. Loving a team that people think you have no logical reason to love is the greatest thing in the world. I love the fact that I can hold my head up and not be a bandwagon jumper. What kills me is the number of turds flaunting Bucs gear now. Where were you in the lean years guys? Any Bucs fan that has proof he was there when the pirate ship was barely afloat has my respect as a fan. Any fan that came on board this year, last year, or the last four years for that matter should wait 10 years before beating his chest too hard. Are you selling your Pats jersey on eBay right now?

JOESAM2002 06-13-2003 11:36 AM

I totally agree with you LummOx. It seems every team has their Johnny come lately fans. Even our beloved Saints. You know you\'re a fan when you remember \"fans\" going to games with bags on their heads. But I\'m still standing. I love this team, as I\'m sure fans of other teams love theirs. However, selling that gear is one of the ways the teams make their money. I feel fairly sure that really don\'t care who wears it as long as they buy it.

P.S. I was a Braves fan too. Even through the rotten years. I still am.

BlackandBlue 06-13-2003 11:45 AM


I was a Braves fan too. Even through the rotten years. I still am.
NOOOOOOOOOOOO, my image of you is completely blown!!! :P

JOESAM2002 06-13-2003 12:01 PM

Ah, but it\'s true. I\'ve been a Braves fan for many years. I got hooked on them in the late 60\'s and early 70\'s.

By the way. It seems I may owe members an apology. I have done some soul searching and I think I understand the principal of talking smack.

It works on the same principal as; if you can\'t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullsheet.

BucNup 06-13-2003 12:06 PM


There\'s nothing wrong with team pride. Loving a team that people think you have no logical reason to love is the greatest thing in the world. I love the fact that I can hold my head up and not be a bandwagon jumper. What kills me is the number of turds flaunting Bucs gear now. Where were you in the lean years guys? Any Bucs fan that has proof he was there when the pirate ship was barely afloat has my respect as a fan. Any fan that came on board this year, last year, or the last four years for that matter should wait 10 years before beating his chest too hard. Are you selling your Pats jersey on eBay right now?
Where would you like me to begin?

I could start with Steve Spurrier being our first QB in our 0 - 16 campaign.
I could mention the fact that John McKay was hired as the Bucs first coach ever in 1975. Currently his son is our GM.
I could say the name Lee Roy Selmon, but that would be one of the names even many of your would know. But since he was so great, give it up for him anyway. Inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1995.
I could mention Donald Igwebuike career kicker with 53% FG success of over 50 yards.
I could mention Jimmy Giles, Mark Carrier, James Wilder, Doug Williams, Paul Gruber, Ricky Bell, Stever DeBerg, Steve Young, Bo Jackson\'s failure to play for us and signing with the Raiders, our first ever win against you Saints..... WHERE YOU A FAN THEN?

I could go on, but what\'s the use?

1976 until death.......

lumm0x 06-13-2003 01:28 PM

I wasn\'t intending to get you searching the internet for old Buc stats to justify yourself (just kidding). The point I was making, and I\'m sue you\'ll agree, that when a new team becomes a champion or starts achieving success, it opens the door for new fans. I\'m sure you are already tired of seeing all of the bandwagon jumpers that are sporting Bucs jersey\'s that wouldn\'t have been caught dead in one five years ago. Probably the same guys that cheered for the Raiders in January too. As the Saints get better suddenly more people become Saints fans.
A die hard fan doesn\'t only know stats. Proof of being a fan goes beyond that. I could be a first year fan and have memorized the history of the team right done to Steve Stonebreaker\'s shoe size and that wouldn\'t cut it. I\'m not bashing you....I\'m bashing those who know they are fair weather fans.
As for me, I\'ve got picks of me in the jersey at age 8. I\'ve got a 16 year old tattoo that looks like crap, but it bleeds after every loss to this day. My kids parade around in Saints gear every game day. My wife is pulling her hair out from how broke we\'ve gone due to my obsession with buying football memorablia. I sit in the same chair that my Great Grandfather built in 1895 every game day, and only game day. I keep the reciepts for the 3 windows I broke after playoff losses when my helmet went through them. I get so sick after a loss that I miss work the following day because they tell me not to come in due to my mood. As far as I\'m concerned there is no other team in professional sports.

I\'m glad you\'re a Bucs fan. I\'m really glad.

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