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BillyCarpenter1 06-14-2003 10:16 AM

What is the QB's job?
Someone can corect me if i'm wrong, but when one team scores more points than the other team, that team wins the game. Which brings me to the QB position. Is it not the QB's job to see that the offense puts points on the board, You can talk about game management all you want, but if the offense doesn't score points, it's really a moot point. Everyone keeps talking about Aaron Brook's lack of game management and his leadership ability(that's a matter of opinion), what is not a matter of opinion is that we scored a lot of points last year. He did his job, could it be that that our defense didn't do their job? Sure I guess he could have played like Trent Dilfer and played not to lose the game, I wonder what our record would have been if he had done so?

WhoDat 06-14-2003 10:27 AM

What is the QB's job?
You are wrong.

The job of the quarterback is NOT to put points on the board... nope. That falls on the head of the offensive coordinator. It\'s the OC\'s job to develop a system and implement it appropriately in order to make his offense successful.

The QB\'s job is simply to recognize the opportunities that present themself within the system\'s framework, and execute the system with as few errors as possible. He needs to be able to identify what the scheme\'s purpose is, how it will exploit the defense, and then act on that.

It\'s no more his job to put points on the board then it is the runningback\'s or wide receivers\' or tight ends...

The burden of moving a team down field and scoring points falls equally on all offensive players.... b/c the QB can\'t do his job without the line, receivers, runningback, fullback, and/or tight ends... that\'s true for every position...

so to answer your question again... NO. Your assumption is erroneous.

BillyCarpenter1 06-14-2003 10:33 AM

What is the QB's job?

You are wrong.
The job of the quarterback is NOT to put points on the board... nope.
The burden of moving a team down field and scoring points falls equally on all offensive to answer your question again... NO. Your assumption is erroneous
If that\'s the case why do you keep blaming Brooks? Maybe you need to read what you just said again?

WhoDat 06-14-2003 10:46 AM

What is the QB's job?
It\'s very simple my dear Billy...

As I said before, the job of the quarterback is to recognize the opportunities in the system and act on them. If a play breaks down, don\'t make a mistake by doing something stupid. Realize that your job is not to be the star or the playmaker. Your job is to get the ball out of your hands and into the hands of your real playmakers...

Aaron Brooks does not understand this. He makes a lot of mistakes. He doesn\'t understand his role in our system. He wants to be THE guy... he doesn\'t lead the team...

I\'ll give you a good analogy... is it a racecar driver\'s responsibility to build a good car? No. But it is his responsibility to drive it well. He can\'t win a race without his mechanics, his pit crew, etc. etc. etc. But once out on that track, it is his job not to clip the wall too many times, or bump other cars... avoid oil slicks on the track... and know what his car can do, recognize a gap when he sees one, and floor it and drive right on through it...

Aaron does not know how to drive the high powered stock car that is our offense. We need a better driver... get it now?

lumm0x 06-14-2003 10:54 AM

What is the QB's job?
WhoDat, just a quick question for you. In your last post you said we need a better driver. I\'m not picking a side here I\'m just asking you if you think Brooks will never grasp our system and his role? Is your opinion that he has hit the wall and this is all there is to him?

BillyCarpenter1 06-14-2003 10:55 AM

What is the QB's job?
Let me give you a good anology.....that stock car went around the track pretty damn good last year. The difference is we had 21 other people in that stock car. Let me fill you in. This is football. The name of the game is scoring points on offense and prevent the other team from scoring points on defense...IT\'S THAT SIMPLE. Aaron Brooks and the offense scored a lot of point. The defense didn\'t do their job. Again.......IT\'S THAT SIMPLE. You have stated your case about Brooks leadership skills, and I agree he needs to improve. But if you want to find the reason we lost most of the games that we would be well advised to point it at someone besides Aaron Brooks.

WhoDat 06-14-2003 11:05 AM

What is the QB's job?
lumm0x - not at all. To go back to my analogy... there are stock car drivers and there are indy car drivers... different skills sets. I think our offense is better suited with a stand-up drop back passer with more smarts and better game management skills... a chad pennington type if you will.

Billy... again you change the subject. You assume that I am saying that the Saints biggest problem is Brooks. I am not at all. Can you not understand how a person can question one thing without questioning another?

The Bucs won the Super Bowl... does that mean that there\'s no room for improvement on their team? Of course not... they\'re looking for ways to get better right now. We scored a lot of points last year... does that mean that there\'s not room for improvement on offense? Should we not have signed Conwell? Should we not have drafted OLmen? Should we have kept Turley? Hard to say right now... the point I\'m trying to make somewhat inarticulately right now is that we are all looking for ways for our team to get better in every facet. I strongly believe that the offense could be even better with a different quarterback with a different skill set than what Brooks has...

I could be wrong, just as you could be... we don\'t know. At least I can make a valid argument and focus solely on the topic at hand... c\'mon man, I know that you can do better than what you\'ve given me so far.

Give me reasons why Brooks is the right guy for our system....

JudeThaddeus 06-14-2003 11:08 AM

What is the QB's job?
I\'ve been reading these boards for a while now. I really like the community spirit I see here, especially considering how difficult it sometimes is to state with pride, \"I am a Saints fan.\"

I now I am Joe Nobody here, but I have to agree that AB was a large part of the downfall of last season. No one can deny that the defense played poorly for most of last year. What was the average points we gave up? 20 per game? I can\'t remember.

Still, we were successful as long as Duece was healthy. What does that mean? When Duece lost that ability to make the hard cuts he got a lot easier for defenses to take out of the game plan. Remove Duece and you have to depend on your receiving corp and QB. Although the receivers are numerous, there was only one QB. That is the common denominator in this equation.

Don\'t get me wrong. I like AB and think he has tons of talent. I truly believe that if it were not dependent on him to build a bunch of players into a team, he can absolutely destroy any defense out there. However, since it is up to him to lead the team....well, I just don\'t see it happening.

I haven\'t given up hope. He may grow up and become the man we need at the helm. Even so, at heart I am a pessimist (I am a Saints fan, after all :) ) and I truly believe we have to get a leader in there to take us the last yard.

Just my opinion.

SaintsFan1967 06-16-2003 09:52 AM

What is the QB's job?
WhoDat makes a very good point. I really like the race car driver referance. :D Brooks has a lot of talent and a very strong arm. But he is playing in the wrong offensive system. He is a running style QB, that the league seems to be trying to install in the NFL. And there\'s nothing wrong with that. But it requires a different offensive scheme. The Saints are running the west coast offense. And the QB needs to be a standup pockett systle QB. AB does not have the mechanics to suceed in this type of offense. As we saw last year, when the RB, Deuce, was hurt the opposeing defenses where able to force the Saints to rely on there passing game. this hurt for a number of reasons. (1 the TE was ineffective (2 the QB would back peddle and the blocking of the Linemen became ineffective and the result was the QB scramling right into the rush of the defense. This was not the fault of the line men. And when running lanes opened up the QB was to slow in reading and reacting to them. It is the running of Duece last year that opened up the high scoring that the Saints enjoyed. But the lack of a pass rush by the defense and the inablity to stop the run caused the Saints to have to out score there opponents to win games. This must be corrected this year if we are to be successful. And we need a good RB to back up Deuce, cause we know that without one, our offense will stumble and fall. And it wouldn\'t hurt to have a better QB coach.

subguy 06-16-2003 10:17 AM

What is the QB's job?
No one can ever underestimate the importance of having a key player,usually a qb,assume an on field ,pick me up atitude. Billy, you said the purpose of offense is to score alot of points. And you said we did that. Well, all of those points couldn\'t get us where we need to be at the end of the year. Brooks has talent. Brooks has skills. They are not strong enough to bring it on home. As the on field coach,he hasn\'t delivered. He makes flaky mistakes. But he is not the only reason we have given up at the end of the past two years. He lacks maturity and with the receiving corps we have, In my opinion it is forcing him, or he is trying to be something he isn\'t. Now what is available to pick up...............nothing. Brooks has been blessed with a good RB and strong set of receivers. And it still is not happening.

BillyCarpenter1 06-16-2003 10:35 AM

What is the QB's job?

As I have said many time.......BROOKS NEEDS TO IMPROVE.........For a QB that only started for the second year in the NFL, it is not usual to make \"flaky mistakes\". And no one player can get a team where they need to be. Brooks touchdown to interception raito was good. His passing yards were good. His touchdown passes were good.

He needs to make better descisons, so his completion percentage will be higher. The offense is fine and Brooks will be too.

Does no one on here not know that the QB positon is the most difficult postion to play? Give the guy some time to correct those mistakes.

He played with a rookie wide receiver and a running back that was a first year starter. If you think Brooks is stuggling anymore than some other QB\'s, that are now very good QB\'s , I don\'t know what else to tell you.

coastalkid 06-16-2003 10:39 AM

What is the QB's job?
A good quaterback\'s job is to execute the game plan as prepared for the whole week in practice. He isn\'t responsible for creating it just executing it. The offense coordinator should bear more responsibility for the \"plan\". Of course the head coach should bear it all. Deuce and Horn, in my opinion, are responsible for the majority of the points scored last year. But I MUST also give allot of credit to our very special special teams unit for both scoring and setting things up. Hopefully this often overlooked part of our team will be just as productive as last year. Mcarthy did a good job planning and calling plays for the most part. Our biggest problem area is defense. Venturi to blame? Maybe or maybe not entirely. He didn\'t have the best talent to work with but I still feel he could have done better. The defense as a whole could have done better. Haz needs to step in here and make whatever corrections he feels is needed. After all it is his total responsibility and his job to loose.
Blaming AB for loosing games makes as much sense as blaming the water boy. AB is good! He has talent we haven\'t had at the position in quite a few years. Is he the best? no but he looses very few games for us. He does win more for us than he looses. Deuce deserves allot of credit but he also needs a quality back up. Someone to spell him from time to time and also step up should Deuce get hurt. Our receivers are most likely the strongest part of our team, they just need to get the ball when the opportunity presents itself. Opportunity is the key here. Open up the offense and utilize what we have. TE position should be vastly improved this year. Lets use them. It will relieve allot of pressure on AB and Deuce as well as our receivers.
Bottom line is why do we NEED to blame AB? Yes he made mistakes but who hasn\'t? If it is necessary to lay blame lay it where it matters....on the coaches and coordinators. If it is a player costing us games over and over again...cut him! If it\'s a coach or coordinator....replace him too!

saintfan 06-16-2003 10:42 AM

What is the QB's job?
Well, Whodat, you\'ll disagree with me, but thats what makes this fun. I know I said I was done with this argument \'til the season started, but I just...can\'

Exactly what the QB\'s \"job\" is is debateable, but one thing is for sure and for matter what ANYone\'s personal opinion might be regarding AB...and that ONE thing is:

With Brooks at QB we had the pleasure of watching the most prolific Saints offense in the history of the franchise.

With Brooks at QB, the Saints averaged nearly 30 points a game last year. As I\'ve said many times...thow all your stats out the window...whether we liked out TE\'s or receivers or backs or QB or a group (group is the key word) they averaged nearly 30 points a game.

Now, I submit the following for those that might not have been around for my quite lengthy discussion with Whodat many moons ago: If you\'re scoring nearly 30 points a game and you\'re not winning consistantly where do you look to find the problem? The answer is VERY simple. It\'s DEFENSE!!!!!!

So, while Whodat and his deciples bashed the living hell out of AB last year...blaming him for all the woes of the team, I beat my head on my desk in pure disbelief, because the issue was OBVIOUSLY NOT with the QB or the offense.

My question to ANYONE who thinks AB either can\'t or won\'t succeed is as it has always been:

How many points to they need to score? The Brooks bashers will come back with some pretty ludicrous stuff. \"His back did all the work.\" \"His receivers did all the work.\" It was always something...ANYthing to keep from saying ANYthing positive about AB.

tweeky 06-16-2003 10:47 AM

What is the QB's job?
If this same team had a 30 year old Montana or Young, we\'d be averaging about 35 points per game and defending our back-to-back-to-back superbowls.
But we don\'t. We have Brooks and Bouman.

If Brooks improves (and I think he will), we\'ll be a SB contender.

If he stays the same, we\'ll be playoff also-rans and not much else.

If he digresses, we\'ll miss the playoffs and have to listen to all the \"I told you so\" crowds.

But I doubt we all have this same discussion next year, because if he doesn\'t get better, they will make a change.

BillyCarpenter1 06-16-2003 10:50 AM

What is the QB's job?
Saints 27.........Rams 24

Aaron Brooks throws for 295yds/3 TD/2 Ints. SAINTS WIN GAME. Aaron Brooks throws for 3tds and 295 yards. Aaron Brooks was outstanding today. He played well beyond his years as a starting NFL quarterback. Aaron Brooks is the future of the New Orleans Saints.

Saints 24..........Rams 27

Aaron Brooks throw for 295yds/ 3 TD/2 Ints. SAINTS LOSE GAME. Aaron Brooks threw
for 3TD\'s and 295 yards. Aaron Brooks showed he can put up big numbers but has no leadership qualites. Fans calling for Bowman to start.

This is not a real game all stats and scores have been modified to proctect the actual players. No part of this post can be trasmitted with expressed written concent.
[Edited on 16/6/2003 by BillyCarpenter1]

[Edited on 16/6/2003 by BillyCarpenter1]

ScottyRo 06-16-2003 11:20 AM

What is the QB's job?
What is interestng is that most prople here seem to be either completely for or completely against Brooks as a viable option at QB for the forseeable future. I tend to lean towards the former, but I can recognize as valid points made by the latter.

For the most part I think we all agree that Brooks is a talented QB. But many claim that his talent is not making up for his lack of leadership, consistency and game management.

Leadership: We can\'t really know how his teammates view him. I believe they respect him, but, as I\'ve said before, I think he wants to more one of the guys than their leader. The thing about leadership is it cannot be learned for the most part. Aaron has leadership qualities, but they are not honed yet. The question here is: Is he going to be able to learn how to utilize his natural leadership or not. My take is he\'ll get better but he\'ll never be a great leader.

Consistency: I would say this is his biggest area of weakness. Aaron tends to let his mechanics and decision making break down when things aren\'t going right. The good thing is, as we saw at Chicago, he is capable of forgetting his mistakes and making plays even though the early part of the game did not go so well. Aaron tends to back-peddle and throw off his back foot when pressured even though he has good scrambling ability. This is his most pressing need.

Game Management: Nobody claimed he couldn\'t manage a game while we had a winning record. The games we lost in the first half of the season last year, IMO, were more on the team as a whole playing flat - not on whether Aaron knew when to throw the ball away to avoid a sack or interception.

Lastly, we have to question his durability for a 16 game season. He was drained at the end of 2001 and he was injured last year. This is the big question. Can he make it a full year at his early season level of play?

subguy 06-16-2003 11:38 AM

What is the QB's job?
I am sorry SaintFan.........but the thread was entitled what is the QB\'s job, not where is our biggest area of improvement. 2 different things. Defense was our biggest issue. This is Brooks defining year,as it is Haz\'s. To throw all of the stats out the window would mean we couldn\'t count your 30 point average you referred to. I am not a Brooks basher, I am saying you cannot teach someone to be a leader. Most of those are qualities you are born with. That will be Brooks undoing.

BillyCarpenter1 06-16-2003 11:42 AM

What is the QB's job?
I am sorry too, SaintFan,

For those comments by Subguy. But he\'s entitled to his opinion.

FWtex 06-16-2003 03:54 PM

What is the QB's job?
Billy how is the score of a Rams game 2 yrs ago, going on 3yrs, suppose to help the saints in 2003? Do you walk into your bosses office and remind him of sucess you had a couple yrs ago when he is trying to pay bills today?

As for the QB\'s job it is to run the offense and make it as effective as it can possibly be. The QB\'s job is to protect the ball. The QB is responsible for directing the offensive players around him. The QB is the onfield leader and should assume the role of a team leader. The QB is the one player who touches the ball 99.9% of the offensive plays and is responsible for reading defenses and making correct calls. The QB accepts the blame when things go bad and praises his teammates when everything is great. The QB is the guy the rest of the offense looks to for direction. The QB should not be seen as the voice of the Off. Coord.

BillyCarpenter1 06-16-2003 04:22 PM

What is the QB's job?

That wasn\'t a reference to any game. It\'s an anology to the fans reaction when the Saints lose and win a game. I made the games up.

BlackandBlue 06-16-2003 04:44 PM

What is the QB's job?

Billy how is the score of a Rams game 2 yrs ago, going on 3yrs, suppose to help the saints in 2003?
He also forgot to mention that in the game where the Saints won, he completed 21 of 32 passes, but in the game where we lost, he only completed 23 of 44 passes.

Hey hey, look at me, I can make **** up too!!! :P

[Edited on 16/6/2003 by BlackandBlue]

BillyCarpenter1 06-16-2003 04:48 PM

What is the QB's job?
I\'m going to explain this one more time. You can substitue any team for the rams, my point was the fans reaction to Brooks when we win and lose. Get? Got it? Good !!!

BlackandBlue 06-16-2003 04:51 PM

What is the QB's job?
So in other words, you can pull numbers and stats out of thin air to prove a point?


BillyCarpenter1 06-16-2003 04:52 PM

What is the QB's job?
Your slow but you catch on........My Man !!!

And if you\'ll read, I said, fans calling for Bowman to start. Was he our quarterback then?

[Edited on 16/6/2003 by BillyCarpenter1]

ssmitty 06-16-2003 04:56 PM

What is the QB's job?
hey whodat, somebody needs to tell vick it\'s not his job to score points when he plays the saints..........smitty

lumm0x 06-16-2003 05:05 PM

What is the QB's job?
I like Aaron Brooks. Nice kid, a load of talent and athleticism. He is a starter in this league right now and would likely have a job 1st or 2nd on alot of teams. He is tailor made for the offense Al Davis wants to run. I think Davis would get a semi just learning he could get him.
All I have to say right now is if I see the \"slick reverse finger roll\" he perfected so well last year I\'ll snap. I\'ve never seen a QB chuck it backwards so often when he wasn\'t in any danger nor was he hurried to get the pass off. He just couldn\'t focus on what he was being paid for.

BillyCarpenter1 06-16-2003 05:13 PM

What is the QB's job?

Do you think Brooks will ever be a guy to take a team to the superbowl?

lumm0x 06-16-2003 05:19 PM

What is the QB's job?
I believe he can yes. If you look at alot of Super Bowl winning QB\'s they are usually leaders, but Brooks has that Doug Williams gun that could propel the right team in there. I think he definitely could take a Super Bowl. I think the Saints can get one, but that\'s thinking 50% heart in that.
We have the roster to do it. It comes down to our division games and the games against weak competition. First you need to beat the teams that you should beat. Then you need to be 110% against division opponents. A first round bye would be huge, as would not playing in Philly or Green Bay in early rounds. If the Sainst got 11-5, or 12-4 this year and matched up well after that, yeah we have a good shot. Anything less is a long, rocky road.

And no team can escape nor prepare for the death of anyone ....injury.

[Edited on 16/6/2003 by lumm0x]

BillyCarpenter1 06-16-2003 05:28 PM

What is the QB's job?
I too tend to think with my heart sometimes. When I first saw Brooks play with the Saints, I thought, man this guy has some incrediable athletic ability. He just impressed the hell out of me. I\'m refering to the games when Blake went down. He didn\'t really know the offense that well. I figured once he became the starter he was going to struggle and have some growing pains for a couple of years. To me this is normal with most QB\'s. He\'s been working with an excellent QB coach this offseason. I think this is the year. At least I hope so, so I can shut all the Brook\'s bashers up on here. If not, it\'s going to be a long season.

lumm0x 06-16-2003 06:10 PM

What is the QB's job?
Hopefully this QB coach pays dividends then. He has some mechanical problems such as the backpedal, showing the play with his pre-snap motions, pocket awareness, etc. Those are things that can be taught. I also remember those first few games, the 49er game in particular. I was jaw-dropped in that game when he bought time and made plays at the end. I was amazed by him in that game. I think he\'s got it in his head that he needs to be a pocket passer. That he is ashamed of the mobile QB moniker. He seems hesitant to take off with the ball the last two years. He is too athletic to suppress that part of his game.
I\'d like to see him excel as much as anyone. There\'s not a player in this league without flaw. The QB\'s just get the most criticism because they handle the ball so much.

subguy 06-16-2003 06:14 PM

What is the QB's job?
Thanks FWtex and lummox........too many people measure a QB in the things they see in black and white. Not the intangibles.

BillyCarpenter1 06-16-2003 06:26 PM

What is the QB's job?

I totally agree tthat Brooks feels ashamed of being a scrambling QB. If not, I don\'t know why else he wants to be know as a pocket passer. Maybe all the publisity that his cousin Mike Vic is getting will make him rethink that. He needs to realize why he got where he\'s at now. The coaches, I think are letting him know exactly that. You don\'t drive a Farrari to church on Sundays, you\'ve got to get it out on the open road.

BillyCarpenter1 06-16-2003 06:59 PM

What is the QB's job?

I found this from last year on B&

Is Aaron Brooks the man?
Posted by: Wayne Cassady

Considering his first two years with the Saints have been anything but normal, does he have what it takes to lead this team to the Superbowl? At times we have seen him completely dissect an opposing secondary with the skill of a brain surgeon. At other times we have seen his cannon-like arm hurl a football 60+ yards downfield. We have even seen his quickness and speed as he eludes would-be tacklers and scampering for a 30-yard gain. But, I ask you, does he have what it takes to lead this team to the Superbowl?

I, being one of the most diehard Saints fan you’ll find, decided to ponder this question and do a little research just to find out for myself if there is light at the end of the tunnel. And what I found out might just surprise you. So, without further delay, here are the hard facts, coupled with what little football knowledge I possess, to give you an otherwise optimistic view on the man that holds the future of the Saints in his hands.

The first thing I did was a little comparison of the first two years of other great quarterbacks in this league to the two years Aaron Brooks has had. It came out something like this:

Any surprises yet? How about Aaron played in 9 fewer games than Peyton, 8 fewer than Brett, and 2 fewer than Troy? With the exception of Manning, he had the better TD to INT ratio than all of them, and the best yards-per-average compared to the whole lot of them including Peyton.

He has better escapabilty, better arm strength and better speed than any of them. The only thing he didn’t have that the rest of these quarterbacks had was a great offensive teacher. So you see, I think Mr. Brooks has shown himself well with what he has had.

Offensive Formula is Key

Now, take this coming year for instance, we have a lot of new faces that could definitely help Brooks become a pro-bowl quarterback. With Joe Horn at one wide-out and Stallworth at the other, double-teams will be non-existent. Now add Pathon and Sloan to the mix and opposing teams will have nightmares the week before they face the Saints. So you go to a dime package on defense to stop the relentless passing game and Deuce starts breaking runs for 15, 20, and 30-yards a whack. And the re-loaded offensive line has the ability to blow the holes open to make that happen. Add that to the fact that we have more depth at the line position than we probably have ever been, and you have the formula for a stellar offensive year.

Intangibles Factor

So, let’s go over a few tangibles that could effect the way this season will go such as Ron Zook’s absence as Defensive Coordinator which means the defense will definitely improve. Also the quality players added to shore up certain weak spots on an otherwise talented defense means teams will score fewer points thus allowing the offense a little more breathing room when having to make play-calls. In other words, Aaron Brooks being allowed to play with a little more abandon than he did last year. And hopefully the coaching staff will see for Brooks to be effective, he has to have the threat of being able to move out of the pocket a little more often.

The Leadership Factor

Another plus for the team this year is more locker room leadership which is what was evident in the pick-up of Jake Reed, Bryan Cox and Dale Carter. Young Aaron will have many voices of experience to draw from including the expertise a coach like Mike Riley brings to the table. And yes, even the departure of disruptive players, (i.e. Ricky Williams, Albert Connell and aging Willie Roaf) will prove to be a blessing to this team in the long run. And if you think for a minute that Aaron doesn’t have the ability to read ,learn and apply you have to go no further than his degree in Anthropology and his personal love of reading to know his intellect is far above the norm for NFL players.

So you see, I have great faith in Mr.Brooks leading the Saints and if all this optimism isn’t enough to make you enthusiastic about the up-coming season, just sit back, down a case of beer, eat a few pounds of crawfish and in time everything will look better. I promise.

WhoDat 06-17-2003 08:11 AM

What is the QB's job?
OK, I haven\'t read the last ten or fifteen posts... I skipped them all for one reason...



Of course, he\'s back to his old ways... skirting the issue... LOL. Saintfan... as I have said in the past, I will not argue for one second that this team\'s single greatest problem is defense. I will also not argue for one second that as a group this offense is the best we have ever had.

What I don\'t understand is why you can\'t consider a single player outside of that... Really, when you\'re considering the offense\'s output do you really consider the defense? Maybe some - b/c time of possession, field position, and all that matter... but c\'mon...

Way back in the day, when we had the best defense in the league, and arguably one of the five best front sevens ever, the one thing that stopped the Saints from going all the way was their terrible offense... but did that stop you from wanting to upgrade at corner... game after game when you saw Cook or Massey getting beat... ? B/c hey, the defense wasn\'t the problem... yeah, no sh!t...

The offense isn\'t the problem... but that doesn\'t mean that it can\'t be improved... now, if you had to look to one place to improve this offense right now, where would it be?

(my guess is that he says TE or backup running back... who wants to bet?)

WhoDat 06-17-2003 08:12 AM

What is the QB's job?
nope... nope... I was wrong... I can\'t believe I missed this one... pass protection... right Saintfan? Pass protection...

tweeky 06-17-2003 10:49 AM

What is the QB's job?
QB\'s Job, 101

Before Snap:
1. Read Defense, determine if play can work, or check off.

QB must know what play to call based on what defense is showing, personnel on the field for both teams, time remaining, down and distance, etc. He must then verify that all 10 players are on the same page, if not direct them to their spots, call TO, or take a delay penalty.

This takes intuition and tons of film study only obtained through experience and repetition. Most teams will only have a couple of check off plays. As Brooks gains experience he\'ll get better at checking to the right play.

Brooks Grade: B+ Hard to grade if you\'re not a coach in the system. Too much to know and do for us armchair guys to evaluate accurately.

After snap:
Execute the play as designed.
On passes, determine which option is open and throw. If all options are covered,
A) throw ball away,
B) buy time by scrambling,
C) take off running and get what you can,
D) take a sack,
E) try to force a throw.

Brooks Grade: C+ He often chooses the wrong option (D or E). Flashes of brilliance and flashes of \"WTF was that\". Most of us armchair guys can accurately evaluate him on this.

After play: Look to sideline for info. Don\'t smile like a goofy dope!
Brooks Grade: D

Leader: Know every stinkin play inside and out, expect everyone else to, or get in their face.

Demand perfection from everyone. Thats the hardest part.

Jeff George sucked at it and came across as an screaming A-hole to his players.
Joe Montanna, Steve Young, and Dan Marino excelled at it. When one of their guys screwed up, they heard about it before the coach even said a word. They rarely made the same mistake twice. I think Marino was the best ever at this.

To me, Brooks appears timid at times, like he wants everybody to like him too much. Thats why he\'s going to a \"leadership seminar\". It may help and certainly couldn\'t hurt. There is a skill to chewin\'ass, and its a fine line between an A-hole and a Leader.

[Edited on 17/6/2003 by tweeky]

lumm0x 06-17-2003 01:01 PM

What is the QB's job?
Tweeky, that name came to me a few days ago when I was reading these posts.......Jeff George. Although Brooks is not on par with George\'s attitude problem, but he has the same ability ratio.

Good call.

BillyCarpenter1 06-17-2003 01:08 PM

What is the QB's job?

It\'s too early to be comparing Brook\'s to Jeff George or anyone else. You comparig Brooks who has only started 2 years to someone like George that had a whole carear to prove he was worthless. If Brooks is worthless like your refering with the \"same ability ratio\", give the guy time to prove he\'s worthless. Go read the comparion I made to Brooks vs. Elway on AARON BROOKS THREAD and let me know your thoughts on that?

BlackandBlue 06-17-2003 01:54 PM

What is the QB's job?

It\'s too early to be comparing Brook\'s to Jeff George or anyone else.
Anyone else find humor in the above statement. That street goes both ways.

JOESAM2002 06-17-2003 02:03 PM

What is the QB's job?
Yes, in fact I do. I guess we can give AB a little more time. LOL :D

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