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Room on this Bandwagon?

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; My grandfather, who grew up in Pascagoula, MS, was a Vikings fan up until 67-68, when the Saints came into existance. At that point he became a Saints fan, because they were part of the community. Hell of a community, ...

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Old 01-10-2007, 08:44 PM   #1
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RE: I am not young but i am new.

My grandfather, who grew up in Pascagoula, MS, was a Vikings fan up until 67-68, when the Saints came into existance. At that point he became a Saints fan, because they were part of the community. Hell of a community, because Pascagoula is about two hours away from New Orleans. Now the fan base stretches all the way from Mobile to Houston, and upward to Tupelo, MS. That's a very large community. : )

In 69, after Camille hit, my family moved to Philadelphia, MS, and started a new life there. The first Saints game I ever watched was with my grandfather, was around 76. He loved Hank Stram, and had high hopes with a Superbowl winning coach coming in. That was around the same time I became a fan, because of good ol' number 8. That was in 76-77. He and I watched the games every Sunday together. It's a great memory for me.

My grandfather passed away in 89, right at the beginning of the Mora era. I know he's somewhere up there, loving what he's seeing this season. I just wish he could have been here to enjoy it with me.

With that, I guess you could say that I was "grandfathered" in to being a Saints fan. An old trucker term. I'm with Deuce on this one. If you are a fan, you gotta stay that way. Through thick and thin, through fair, and stormy weather. It's almost like Katrina washed away the bad luck Camille brought with her. It's a weird world we live in.
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Old 01-10-2007, 10:46 PM   #2
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RE: I am not young but i am new.

I agree with everyone here.

Well almost. I don't mind the bandwagoners. Just don't bail when things go bad. This is the best time ever to be a Saints fan. Most other years even when we were half good, we always feared other teams. This is the first time ever when I honestly don't think there's an NFL team that can beat us if we play our A game. I fear no team.

Yeah I remember being the butt of jokes and wisecracks as recently as April. When we picked up Reggie Bush that seemed to be our turnaround point. But still I remember getting the laughs and all that because I was such a staunch supporter of the Saints. This season makes all of that worthwhile, and the future looks bright.
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Old 01-11-2007, 07:44 AM   #3
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RE: I am not young but i am new.

To me a "Bandwagoner" is someone who "Supports" the current "Winning" team. Bandwagoners "LIKE" the team, fans "LOVE" the team. My point is this; If you want to "like" this team fine. Buy the tickets, the hats, the jerseys, and whatever else floats your boat.

I agree with getting younger kids to become fans. My daughters (10)&(3) fit into that category. My oldest watched me and how I acted when Reggie scored 3 TD's in one game and said, "Dad you are crazy. I have never seen you act like this." She has become very involed with watching the games and enjoys it. However I think my 3 year old will be as passoinate as me.

We love this team. No one here can doubt the loyalty of anyone on this site. I am all for getting "NEW FANS". It is the only way this team will grow. New Fans not "Likers".

"We are number one. All others are number two, or lower."
-The Sphinx
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Old 01-11-2007, 09:34 AM   #4
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I have been a fan since '89. My friends all throughout my life and even some family members have thought that I was insane for being a Saints fan. To some the name Saints was foriegn. (I live in Miami...Dolphin Country...these teams only play once every 4 years) One time in high school...the Saints beat the dolphins and I wore my Saints sweater the next day in school and man did I hear it. Everytime we went to the playoffs back then....I wore Saints stuff. Everytime they lost in the playoffs...I'd wear my stuff the very next day. Part of my frustration growing up was finding Saints gear. Part of that was mostly due to the complete unpopularity of this team. My first Saints jersey was a replica Rickey Jackson jersey. I found it in the cracks throughout the enitre NFL jersey section at a Pro Image store. No store carried Saints gear here. I wanted an away jersey but I could NEVER FIND ONE. You know how I found the away jersey??? On my first trip to mardi gras I went to the Riverwalk and found an authentic at 50% off. 9 times out of 10 if I wanted something from the Saints...I had to order it in catalogs and you know what???....most catalogs didn't have Saints stuff either! Point of this rant is this......we need bandwagoners....the exposure this team has had through out the years has been abyssmal. I understand the feeling of hating bandwagon fans and how they join us now that we are kicking ass but in the long haul....the more fans...the more demand for Saints gear and that would make MY LIFE IN MIAMI...a hell of a lot easier when it comes to SHOPPING! Go Saints!!!
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Old 01-11-2007, 10:39 AM   #5
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I'm just floored that we even get to talk about people riding the Saints bandwagon! That's just peoples nature I mean everyone loves a winner. And if by some act of God we get beat this weekend and the wagon goes off the cliff sure a lot of those wagon riders are gonna bail. But we also might get a few new believers too. The true test will be next year I mean we gotta be more consistent to really develop a wider faux fan base. Sure this year were the feel good story in the NFL and we've got the wagon rolling but we gotta get some consistence so we can get a bandwagon with like multiple carts. That would be dope!
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Old 01-11-2007, 01:04 PM   #6
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I'm from Dallas, been traveling to New Orleans approx one a year for a game for the last 16 years. Ironically, the only team I have seen the Saints beat in person is the Cowboys.. three times!! I've been to home games when it felt like there were more fans for the other team than the Saints...especially one Green Bay game...green and obnoxious yellow everywhere!! I was in New Orleans last New Year's Eve for the Carolina game. It may have been bandwagoneers, closet Saints fans or whoever but it brought tears to my eyes to see that city full of black and gold. The fan support was awesome for the team and the city. I'm flying back this weekend and I couldn't descibe it better..."like a kid on Christmas morning"!!! Go Saints!!
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Old 01-11-2007, 01:44 PM   #7
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The true fans will be around through thick and thin. But we really need the Dome full and lots of ticket sales to keep the team here, so I am glad to see anyone who supports the Saints, even for a few games/seasons.
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Old 01-11-2007, 02:45 PM   #8
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I was there when John Gilliam ran back to first kickoff. I bleed Black and Gold!!!
This Coach, General Manager, and Owner will make all native New Orleanians proud. SAINTS GO ALL-THE-WAY
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Old 01-11-2007, 03:55 PM   #9
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Welcome aboard all you new guys. Don't let all the crazy people on here scare you. This is a fun, well run site ane we appreciate your input. have fun and GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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Old 01-11-2007, 08:48 PM   #10
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Like I said earlier I am a fan for over 20 years, and I lived in Pennsylvania for all my life. Before when I would tell people who my favorite team is they would laugh, and say "What the #@$* do you like them for?"

Now I feel if I'm walking down the street decked out in my Saints gear, and a stranger sees me they figure I'm just jumping on the bandwagon. It's funny how the tide is turning. Hopefully one day it will feel like I'm not the only one wearing black 'n' gold.
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