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Gatorman Rules
That\'s the weakest bunch of bull I\'ve ever heard in my life. Ditup2 calls gator and BucNup classless but that\'s ok because he praised you. All I told him was bye. Mabye I should have said Bye and JoeSam your doing a wonderful job..keep up the good work. [Edited on 15/6/2003 by BillyCarpenter1] |
Gatorman Rules
BillyC, maybe you should quit being such a smart azz and this would be over. If you choose to say Bye as you put it, then goodbye.
Gatorman Rules
Are you kicking me off here?
Gatorman Rules
Not at all. But if you choose to continue causing trouble I\'m sure we can accomadate you. Stop all the BS. Just let this die and let everybody get back to normal before the board gets ruind please.
Gatorman Rules
How do you feel about what Ditup2 said about BucNup? I mean the guy quit coming to this site because of him saying that he was classless. I didn\'t make him quit. Yet, you praise the guy. Seems like we have some double standards here. I say bye and Ditup2 attacks me and what do you do. You edit me. I called no one any names. I kept it clean just liked you asked. Thanks, JoeSam.
Gatorman Rules
I tell the guy bye and he attacks me. I said one word BYE. I get edited??????????? BucNup quit because of this!!!!!!! |
Gatorman Rules
First, understand I shouldn\'t have to explain this but I will. NONE of this would have ever come up if someone wouldn\'t have gone to another site and caused trouble. Then BucNup comes over here at his invitation and you guys jump him like a pack of wolves. I have yet to find a remark that BucNup made that wasn\'t asked for. Now you guys want me to stand up for you when you started it. To that I say hell no. This is our site and you know the rules BOTH Halo and I have posted them. Then you run off a good member D_it_up2, with your childish act. You want to know if I\'m pissed? Yes I am because you are running off good members just to serve your ego. I WANT THIS STOPPED!!!!! Right Friggin now! Grow up and get a life. Get along with the other members or get out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you two want to portray me as the bad guy, good do it! but I also can make your posts nothing at all. I DON\'T WANT TO EDIT BUT YOU ARE LEAVING ME NO CHOICE!!!!!
Gatorman Rules
What myself and BucNup had going on was friendly trash talking. He knew, I knew it, everyone knew it. It was meant to be funny, not to insult him. He bashed me many times, hell he had my name at the bottom of everyone of his posts. I took it like a man and fired back. I never heard him complain about me. Now on the other hand, Ditup2 was serious when he said that Gator and BucNup had absolutly no class. If your mad because we lost BucNup, talk to Ditup2. Ditup2 said he was not coming back to this board because of Gatorman and BucNup, that\'s pretty childish. I didn\'t agree with him so I told him BYE!!! He comes back and said I\'m lower than Gatorman and BuckNup, so I told him \" I said bye , you want a kiss too? Now you tell me who insulted whom? You think about that for a minute. You said show your intelligence, so instead of calling him names , I got my point across without being insulting. If Ditup2 don\'t want to hear what I think, then he needs to keep his damn opinions to his self. |
Gatorman Rules
YEAH, GET GATOR OUT OF HERE!!!! HA HA HA HA!! C\'mon Gator, you\'re over-reacting just a little bit, don\'t you think?
We\'ve all been trashed. Like D said, we squabbled and came out even cooler on the other side. How many times have I been the guy who everyone shat on? It comes with the territory... That being said... Can we all please clean the sand out of our Vag!nas and get over this?!?!?! Sorry if I offended anyone with that quote. By vag!na I meant... eyes. LOL... :) |
Gatorman Rules
I\'ll step back in here on my behalf. The reason I said you have no class is because you are just as guilty as Gator and Buc are about childish, pathetic, derrogatory comments bashing each other at every whim. It\'s absolutley tasteless. For a point about childishness, I\'ll show you this:
Gatorman Rules
What I said if you don\'t want to hear what I think, then you need to keep your opinions to yourself. I never told you to keep your opinions to yourself.
I tell you BYE and you say I have no class. Your opinion of me doesn\'t bother me. There\'s nothing you can say to me that\'s going to make me care. Your more than welcome to have your opinion of me. Now let me tell you my opinion of you. You want to talk about whining. YOUR A FUUNY DUDE!!!!! You come in here threating to quit because of Gatorman and Ditup2. Pratically crying to JoeSam!!!! Cry Baby Cry...... You said you were going to quit only to come back here and spew your non-sense some more. Be a man of your word and cry all the way home.........Get out of here boy!!!!!!!! Just for the record Ditup-----i\'m not calling you names I\'m just exressing what is really going on. [Edited on 16/6/2003 by BillyCarpenter1] |
Gatorman Rules
Thank you, Billy! You\'ve just enticed me to stay along for a while. Yes, you are right. I was going to leave because of the stupidity that has been displayed, but then you TELL me to get out of here? You\'re not man enough to tell ANYONE to go anywhere. You talk a lot of smack (and very badly) from the safety of your computer. What I was doing wasn\'t even CLOSE to whining. It was simply stating a fact of how immature you really are. Your posts have been consistent and factual. I say that because you are consistent with your whining and you have proven how childish you are. When you stop bottom feeding, then you can tell someone to leave. Actually, it still wouldn\'t work then. You\'re pathetic. Just flat out pathetic. You\'re making yourself look worse and worse with each post. 99.9% of your posts are the educational equivalent of a 5th grader.
Gatorman Rules
I see that you are making this personal. It\'s not for me. It was a game between me and BucNup, Gator, and everyone else that I was trash talking with. Like I said, you entitled to have your opinion of me, but you put this on a personal level, which I can handle, but you don\'t seem to be able to do. I don\'t want you to quit this site. Your the man. |
Gatorman Rules
I wasn\'t going to waste time on this thread.....but for the record here is everything I have to say about it.....................
Gatorman Rules
Well BillyC, it looks to me like D covered how I feel pretty good. You\'re wrong,I\'m right Nuff said!
Thanks Lumm foryour eloquince in this post. :D It\'s about time someone had something funny to say instead of crying. |
Gatorman Rules
WOW! I can\'t believe I just read this entire thread. There must be something sickeningly demented about me.
At any rate, I thought I\'d pop off a couple of cents worth here at the risk of drawing the ire of those whose seem most willing and able of delivering it. Joe, I really don\'t know what to say except: If it is your job to either edit posts that are not within the rules of this board or ban the writer of said posts, then do it for Heaven\'s sake. If you don\'t like the job, then pass those responsibilities to someone who will. Complaining about it does nothing. However, you should list the reasons why you have edited a post in the edit so we all can be sure you are not playing favorites. It\'s called checks and balances. Also, you should explain to each person who you repeatedly have to edit, why you take such measures in a private email to that individual instead of on the board. Handling it on the board only incites others to act in the manner in which you intended to prevent. That\'s called copy-cat syndrome, and, unfortunately, it is part of some people\'s nature. BillyC, BucNup, D2, Do any of you seriously want to ruin your good reputations on this board by continuing in the manner illustrated by this thread? There is simply nothing wrong with replying that some particular opinion expressed by someone on this board is awful, but these personal attacks are insipid and inane. I know you\'re bored. We have beaten every Saints related issue into the ground, dug it up, and beat it into the ground again. But I would rather list for a week straight the reasons why the latest Matrix movie sucked than read anymore of this crap you people are fussing about. Gatorman, For all the good football talk you have brought to this board, you should realize by now that the post you made regarding Buc was inappropriate. Further, you owe not only Buc, but the rest of us, an apology. Remember, YOU were the one to visit the foreign site and witness what Buc (as you claim) was up to. YOU were the one that suggested to him to visit this site although you had to know there was no way that he would come here to discuss anything about the Saints other than how much worse than the Bucs they are, true or not. YOU were the one that \"warned\" us of him and refferred to him as a \"jerk\" which pretty much started all of this. I know that my little comments will probably only fuel the fire and that I\'m putting myself out there as a target for your attacks. I do this, however, because I\'d like to see this end. I\'d like to get back to some imaginative football conversation without every thread being tainted with this drivel. As a showing of good faith that my motive in this matter is as pure as I claim, as soon as I post this I will create a new thread and I hope to see each of you post there ON THE SUBJECT without any of the above foolishness being mentioned. |
Gatorman Rules
Thanks Scotty. Point taken.
Gatorman Rules
Yeah you and D covered how you feel. Now let me cover how I feel. I aplojized to you for something I did not start. However, you want to have the last word and that\'s fine. Your the MODERATOR after all!!! But just a little food for thought for you. If you want me and everyone on here to stop all of this, how bout\' the MODERATOR practicing what he\'s preaching. Oh and I\'m happy for you and D, you guys make a nice couple. Andy and Barney Fife. How many times you gonna fire that one bullet you have in your pocket? |
Gatorman Rules
Gator: I wasn\'t offended by any of your comments. I just thought some things were unnecessary. I\'m cool with our discussions, but you\'re stooping. I do think all this is pretty silly, all this back and forth \"Trash Talking\". Trash Talking is for teenagers and insecure/arrogant atheletes. Does anybody think the pissing contests are cool and should be \"respected\"? Maybe we can set-up a trash-talking-pissing-contest link and all the \"respectable\" trashtalkers can visit there and piss all over each other. Wait, we already have that, its called NOLA forums. I posted a couple of football related topics (which I though were somewhat interesting) and I got no feedback, but the pissing contests are now on the 4th page. My take - its about 3 months before we have real issues to debate so this is bound to happen. For us Saint addicts, this is the withdrawal period. [Edited on 16/6/2003 by tweeky] |
Gatorman Rules
Uh. I have been AWOL, but after wasting precious moments of my valuable life reading this crap and thinking does any of this really matter? Whoever controls the site has the say. And then to question my intellect with your grandiose I planned it all to go this way junk. C\'mon, you felt the heat and came home like a whipped puppy with your tail between your legs. The \"master plan \" post makes me think of the game called Mouse Trap. Planned,unplanned whatever. It is a stupid waste of time. And the new members,what have they seen or learned? But i was fine with all of the lunacy,until I hit the I planned it all. Don\'t try to make everyone else feel like the stupid ones, look in the mirror. You should be an Engineer(if your not),because that was wonderful planning and masterful execution. And what do you have to gloat about?What are you proud of?
Gatorman Rules
The master plan is to talk about Saints football or NFL topics like football players, offense, defense, special teams, rivals etc. All I see is a LOT OF DRAMA, people getting their feelings hurt, and people talking about \"who is the worse jerk.\" If this entertains you, so be it, I think some of it is funny- but members should not get their feelings hurt, and if you do so you need to check yourself. This is the summer and there isn\'t anything \"Saints\" to talk about so enjoy the forum as you like. All I ask is that you stick with the rules, enjoy yourself and not yank the moderator(s) chain.
When training camp begins I want to see the same people here talking about some football too rather than each other. |
Gatorman Rules
Finally someone with some sense. I think it\'s hilarious. Just wondering, was that article on Jones a stab at BucNup? |
Gatorman Rules
Well this is still a Saints website. Although we respect the Bucs for winning the Superbowl and our congrats go out to them, I think I speak for all of the writers when we say the Bucs were not the best Superbowl team we\'ve ever seen. In today\'s NFL, you hardly see any team that stands up to some of the great teams of the past. Free agency has made the season and the playoffs more of an endurance tournament than a \"March to Baghdad\" like the 49er\'s, Cowboys, Steelers, or Giants of the past used to do. With that said, no the article was not a slap at Bucnup, but Bucnup may see it that way because the Bucs have a possible problem at RB and Bucnup feels invinsible after the Bucs won the Superbowl. If the Saints won the Superbowl I would walk on air a few times myself. The facts are it\'s true. Jones is not a great back and with the trouble the Bucs are having with Pittman, don\'t you feel better that he may not start next season, and Jones will? I think Jarrod is merely reporting a truth- the Bucs are reaching for some help at RB and they are telling us: Pittman\'s in trouble. As a whole, I think Saints fans feel the Bucs are beatable because we beat them twice last season and they are not perceived as a powerhouse right now, but no team who wins the superbowl is a powerhouse anymore (ie. New England, Baltimore etc.) Fact is the current trend suggests the Bucs won\'t make the playoffs next year and the team may start to dismantle. |
Gatorman Rules
Absolutley I\'m glad Jones is starting. He seems to have a lot of off field issues too. I said the same thing about the Buc\'s being a weak superbowl champ and I don\'t know why everyone says that the superbowl champs are the one\'s to beat. That might have been true during the super bowl days of the 49\'ers or the Cowboys, but not todays NFL.
Gatorman Rules
Thanks for the advice but I haven\'t said anything to anyone who didn\'t come at me. It just ain\'t that damn serious. |
Gatorman Rules
JOESAM! It\'s time we ended this silly charade. BillyC was right. We DO make a great couple! I\'ve thought so from the start. I\'m the Barney to your Andy. I guess what I\'m trying to say is......*drops to one knee and hands out a second bullet* Will you marry me? :P
This will probably be edited, but I hope BillyC reads it before it is. BillyC? When you start making gay slanders to members of the forums, make sure the swelling goes down of what you have in your mouth first. It\'s not nice to talk with your mouth full. |
Gatorman Rules
Here\'s one I know will get edited. You would suck one a mile long if you didn\'t have to walk back!!!!!!!!!!! And I made no reference to anyone being gay. I didn\'t know Andy and Barney we\'re gay. But hey they did live in Mayberry!!!!!! [Edited on 16/6/2003 by BillyCarpenter1] |
Gatorman Rules
That was the most pathetic comeback I\'ve ever seen in my life. I\'m done with you because it\'s not even worth taking another pot shot at. You buried yourself with that one.
Gatorman Rules
Where\'s the love?
Gatorman Rules
LMAO @ Ditup ........the veins in the forehead eventually do back into the forehead..........mine did.
Gatorman Rules
This is where it all went down hill for me. :casstet:
Gatorman Rules
I think that you\'re confusing this thread with your birth! :) LOL
Sorry Billy, that lob had to be knocked out of the park. |
Gatorman Rules
I miss D_it_up2 :(
Glad Bucnup is gone, though. Outsiders (read fans of other teams) get under my skin. |
Gatorman Rules
How did dredge this thread out of the archives........BillyC are you sure this is when it all went bad for you
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