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Gatorman Rules
what is the time limit on this one gator? smitty
Gatorman Rules
as much as he is overreacting to things he hasn\'t done anything truly worthy of being kicked out of here, god i hate admitting that :mad: |
Gatorman Rules
Gator, the anwser to your question is HELL NO. The issue here seems to be that the \"powers that be\" on this site want everything kept on the subject of \"football talk.\" I went back and read some old threads and saw a lot of stuff by the same members here that are complaining, and a lot of their stuff was in no way football related. So the problem here can\'t be they want it kept strictly about football,or they need to pratice what they preach. The next complaint was about cursing. I went back and read your posts and although you did curse, it wasn\'t that bad (in my opinion). I read where Halo said to keep the cursing down. What does down mean? Down from my normal amout of everyday cursing or his?What is the acceptable level?If your going to start talking kicking members off of here, seems to me that the rules should more clearly defined. If they want no cursing at all, that\'s fine, but just state it in no uncertain terms. The last issue here is \"belittling people.\" The ones that are getting upset about this aren\'t the people that are so called being \"belittled\". It\'s the few people that are offended by it. I heard an arguemnent that calling each other names is unacceptable because it would offend new members, children, preachers and nuns. I would take everything that everyone is complaing about to my preatcher and I don\'t think he would be offended. He might say a few members need to grow up. Some people are like Barney Fife, they got on bullet in their pocket, and they can\'t wait to use it.......
Gatorman Rules
[Edited on 15/6/2003 by BucNup] |
Gatorman Rules
Why don\'t you keep this between you and gator? You accuse Billy of going up behind each of your posts with childish banter, but you are guilty of the same thing. Gator\'s question sure as hell wasn\'t directed to you, it was directed to the people that have been posting for a while. You want respect on these boards, you gotta work for it, and you haven\'t been around long enough. This is a B&G thing, so kindly keep your nose and remarks the hell away from it. |
Gatorman Rules
Yeah whatever.... I\'m giving him what he gave me. You got a problem with it, too bad.
Gatorman Rules
I don\'t want to see Gatorman gone. Although I don\'t agree with him on many things, it\'s a free country and he can say what he wants.
Gatorman, Though it\'s a free country, hosting isn\'t, which gives them the right to \"edit\" your posts or potentially ban you. I don\'t like edits but sometimes, I\'m out of line or offensive too. BucNup, I definitely hope you stay around Saints boards. They may not know it but you\'re very knowledgable about Saints football and bring facts to the table. I look forward to the \"smack talk\" the weeks leading up to the Saints/Bucs games this season! I hope we can put an end to all of this without anyone leaving. We have a great season coming and I look forward to all Saints fans being around to discuss it. |
Gatorman Rules
Let me explain this where you all can understand it. I DON\'T want Gator gone.
BillyC, before you start putting words in my mouth ,it would be a good idea for you to know what you\'re talking about. If you have a problem with me tell me about it. I\'ve been called a nazi and Barney Fife because I have a job to do and I do it. I don\'t edit posts unless they are blatantly cruel to others or the names are hurtful. If you don\'t believe this has happened oh well. It has and it won\'t anymore. AGAIN END OF STORY! Show your intelligence and do it. Gators words not mine. |
Gatorman Rules
Actually, the banter and the (sometimes brutal) honesty of everyone\'s (including Gator\'s) opinion is what made me want to start posting. Like the debate, like the intensity. like the board.
For what it\'s worth. |
Gatorman Rules
gator is actually one of the reasons i started posting on this board... the man is full of knowledge and he just lets everyone know about it in his own special way.... let the man be..... we have been posting here for a long time and i dont think any of us have acted any differently.... but sometimes people just say things that are stupid and repetitive... and they need to be put back in their place....
Gatorman Rules
Pak, you are right. That\'s what I\'ve been trying to get across to him all this time. Wake up and see what\'s going on around you. Yes he used to be on everyones case even mine, but lately he\'s gone over the edge and needs to calm down and get back to his old self.
Gatorman Rules
for whatevers it\'s worth gator, i have to say i chuckle reading some of these posts......as far as mother bucker, he does continue to prove you right which should in my opinion open more closed eyes on this board.........now again, what is the time limit on the question you posed so that i know when i have to decide? smitty
Gatorman Rules
And one other thing. Just who was it that said they would ask you or force you to leave the board? I\'d love to see that quote.
Gatorman Rules
If someone says something about someone, who then says when it should stop? The only thing that has been proved is that whoever is replying to my comments towards GM is trying to put a spin on things.... I didn\'t see anyone saying Hey GM, why are you talking about this person? Hey GM have you ever spoke to this person before? Hey GM what if he found your personal attack on him, then what would happen? I don\'t care what you (fill in the blank) or anyone else thinks.... The only thing I\'ve proved in that something he started I just might not let it finish..... And then the nerve of some of you; to come running to his defense. You\'re proving GM right.... yada, yada, yada.... Sounds like a bunch of little girls...... Then GM has the nerve to link images from my site without being a decent respectable person and simply asking. Getting back on you BlackandBlue, you need to read GM\'s post again. Tell me do you find the words: Hello all & members. Therefore, he is talking to me and I can respond if and how I wanted to. Yet another example of coming to someone\'s defense..... WEAK [Edited on 15/6/2003 by BucNup] [Edited on 15/6/2003 by BucNup] |
Gatorman Rules
Gatorman Rules
obnoxious jerk..............
Gatorman Rules
Do you not see BucNup calling Gatorman an obnoxious jerk??? Please do something? I am offened and hurt by his remark towards my good buddy Gatorman... |
Gatorman Rules
Gatorman Rules
Please give me the quote and i\'ll look into it. I just want to be sure he\'s talking about Gatorman.
Gatorman Rules
This is pathetic.....
Don\'t you guys read your own boards? |
Gatorman Rules
JoeSam, There ya go... [Edited on 15/6/2003 by BillyCarpenter1] |
Gatorman Rules
There you go.... |
Gatorman Rules
You don\'t have to go looking. I called him an obnoxious jerk...... Because as I stated, he called me one.......
You don\'t need to go pulling threads..... I said it. And I was referring to GM, based on his discription of me. Are we all on the same page now? |
Gatorman Rules
Two wrongs do not make a right. And ya point is............. |
Gatorman Rules
Looks to me like that\'s Gators quote. The other seems it could be addressed to anyone even me.
This is awfully childish. Grow up! [Edited on 15/6/2003 by JOESAM2002] |
Gatorman Rules
He just admitted..I demand justice. |
Gatorman Rules
Gatorman Rules
Go on acting like a three year old. I\'m going to watch the LSU game. You can\'t demand anything. It doesn\'t work that way.
Gatorman Rules
Just for the record,
I am offended, hurt, and I can only hope the little children do not ever read BucNup\'s foul mouth remarks. I for one will never be the same |
Gatorman Rules
Dammit, because of reading this thread, my IQ has dropped by 10 points...and to think I was at 12 to start with =/
Gatorman Rules
Your point is made BillyC. Now go stand in a corner.
Gatorman Rules
Can I come out now?
Gatorman Rules
I have no problem with debate. None at all. Hell, me and WhoDat were at each other\'s throats for a couple of weeks for a while. I\'ll admit we both were saying things that we shouldn\'t have said on the boards, but AT LEAST we were talking about FOOTBALL. This has become a childish \"he-said, she-said\" or \"my dad can beat up your dad argument\". It really has nothing to do with the Saints or football at all. It has more to do with foolish pride. As far as I\'m concerned, I\'m out of it. I don\'t want a part of all this if it\'s going to be constant bickering and name-calling. There\'s no point in it. Gatorman may know a lot about football, but he has absolutley no class. Bucnup is right up there with him. That\'s not name-calling or showing disrespect. That is simply calling \'em like I see \'em. I\'m not defending ANYONE on this post, except for JOESAM and any other moderator. The man is only trying to do his job. You two have done nothing but make it more difficult for him and any other moderator to do their job. I haven\'t been here near as long as most of you, but up until the original post of this Bucnup character was made, I enjoyed coming here. Now I could care less if I post here or not. I may be the only one who seems to disagree with everything that is going on, but I\'m going to say what I feel on the situation. With that having been said, I\'m graciously bowing out of the forums. I\'ll come back and check on the posts from time to time, but until this mindless, childish bickering comes to an end, I won\'t be in here that much. To the moderators, thanks for having me.
Gatorman Rules
[Edited on 15/6/2003 by JOESAM2002] |
Gatorman Rules
About time the season starts, hmm? And it\'s still so long ...
Gatorman Rules
Oh! And by the way, I\'ll make this post as well. BillyC just proved he\'s a lower-class than Gator or Buc. BTW....your trash-talking absolutely sucks, man. You need a lot of help in that category. I think the best phrase I can think of for that would be \"bottom feeder\".
Gatorman Rules
[Edited on 15/6/2003 by JOESAM2002] |
Gatorman Rules
I don\'t see why people won\'t stop and think for a minute of my position. The GM dude laid the insult in plain view. I retaliate and I\'m creating problems? That is so lame until I don\'t know how else to classify it. Then the Saint fans come out of the wood works. Claiming not to get involved but DO. I just wanna give my 2 cents. My 3 cents.... blah, blah..... It\'s not pride dude, its giving back what was given. It\'s been that way since the beginning of time. But oh well, I tired of going back and forth with you guys over nothing. I\'ll exit as fast as I came....... Good luck JOESAM........ Its all good..... Really, it is...... *poof* BucNup chracter vanishes........... |
Gatorman Rules
[Edited on 15/6/2003 by BillyCarpenter1]
[Edited on 15/6/2003 by BillyCarpenter1] [Edited on 15/6/2003 by JOESAM2002] |
Gatorman Rules
D, I am sorry for these two. They seem determined to ruin our board because of their selfishness. they want to be right and that\'s it. I have tried to get them to stop but they don\'t seem to care. I sure don\'t want to lose a good member but really I can\'t blame you. these guy\'s just won\'t let it die. They started it so they want to end it. All they are ending is a perfectly good board. What\'s bad is they don\'t care. Please feel free to come back if they ever quit this crap.
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