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Hey guys

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; Just thought I'd stop in and see how the season was going. I haven't been watching the games or anything. Those sorry old Saints got me depressed with that numbskull Aaron Brooks at QB and Haslett still keeping him in ...

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Old 01-15-2007, 11:30 AM   #1
Faqda Falcons
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Hey guys

Just thought I'd stop in and see how the season was going. I haven't been watching the games or anything. Those sorry old Saints got me depressed with that numbskull Aaron Brooks at QB and Haslett still keeping him in the line-up, so I quit watching. It's looking more and more like Benson will sell the team due to the Dome not being reopened......

Now that the joke is over. Damn, I can't get over this freakin season. I haven't visited here in quite a while due to school and work, but I just had to come by. I'm still finding it hard to fathom that OUR SAINTS are in the NFC Championship game. I know it's been a great season and all, but I keep waiting for someone to pinch me to wake me up from it all. I get more and more confident with this team with every game. I just can't wait to see what they do in the offseason, but I can definitely wait to concentrate on that after a trip to Miami. WOOT!

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Old 01-15-2007, 06:26 PM   #2
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Welcome back D. good to have you back.
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