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this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; I\'m agreeing with you that the QB is the most important individual position on a team. You can get by with a less talented but consistent plug here, but you will have trouble with an inconsistent part....

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Old 06-23-2003, 05:42 PM   #31
Resident antediluvian
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I\'m agreeing with you that the QB is the most important individual position on a team. You can get by with a less talented but consistent plug here, but you will have trouble with an inconsistent part.
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Old 06-23-2003, 05:47 PM   #32
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Pretty Funny...but 486 or not that\'s the way it is. But unlike a CPU that is what it is, a QB can get better, smarter, and faster....

I can understand you frustration with AB, but your being a little hard on the guy.

It\'s fair to single out the QB though, just like it\'s gonna be fair to drill you when AB is taking the Saints to the superbowl this year..

Would you like mustard on your crow????????
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Old 06-23-2003, 06:05 PM   #33
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I\'d be pleased to eat that crow dry if we had a bowl. It would be some sweet tasting crow....mmmmm.
I\'m just arguing for the sake of arguing about this. I\'m bored. I like Brooks. He can be frustrating to watch at times, but he has talent and there\'s no arguing that. I also think we\'re better off with him than our current options or what options were available in FA this year.

Here\'s hoping to eat some crow.
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Old 06-23-2003, 06:06 PM   #34
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That would be me! And besides Whataburger is a better burger.
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Old 06-23-2003, 06:48 PM   #35
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Kurt Warner was the MVP of the league... are you really going to tell me that he was MORE important to that team than Faulk was... ever? no way... QBs get a ton of credit b/c when you hear things over and over your brain subconsciously begins to equate hearing it a lot with good. Honestly, I think there are very few quarterbacks that have ever been as good or as important to their team as the hype surrounding them said they were... but that\'s just me...
You can put up an arguement that certain players such as receivers, tight ends, running backs, etc., are more important than the QB, which is true at times. I\'ve seen cases where running backs or defenses carried the team on their shoulders.

But if I were going to single-out the most important and difficult positon on a football team, it would be the QB.

How many offensive positons have you ever seen call their own plays. Did Marshall Faulk do that?Terry Bradshaw and Rodger Staubach did.
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Old 06-23-2003, 07:10 PM   #36
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Sure Marshall Faulk called his own plays. Do you think he hit the exact hole that the blocking scheme tried to create? Every running back uses creativity and spontaneous decision making during running plays, so yes, in essence, Faulk calls his own plays. Same with recievers and O-linemen. The play is setup to run a certain way and they try to dictate it as such, but the offense reacts as well to the defense they face and must improvise routes and block technique to suit the situation.
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Old 06-23-2003, 07:44 PM   #37
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Sure Marshall Faulk called his own plays.

You must be very bbored. Now you are being a spin doctor. Marshall only gets the ball when someone tells him he\'s going to get it.

Do I need to go further?

[Edited on 23/6/2003 by BillyCarpenter1]
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Old 06-24-2003, 09:40 AM   #38
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I\'m just screwing with you.

Yes, I\'m bored. I\'m starting to watch games from the 80\'s now. Damn did Bill Cowher look young coaching special teams with the Browns. He was happy and smiling.
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Old 06-24-2003, 09:49 AM   #39
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I knew you were. Your much harder to argue with than anyone so far.
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Old 06-25-2003, 09:29 PM   #40
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Do you even watch football? With that ridiculous post you just must wonder..........................
ohhhhhhhhhhh BillyC an insult but not a must be the CENTER!!!!
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