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papz 05-02-2007 12:22 PM

Do you know what ripped and toned means?

I don't think you do.

blacksaint 05-02-2007 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by ScottyRo (Post 128991)
Yeah, nothing I have read so far impressess me about this guy other than his potential and potential ain't diddly poo.

Pro's: talent

Con's: lack of maturity, too fat, intellectual deficiency, possible criminal

The odds are stacked aqainst him.

You know what's funny about that statement? They said the same dam thing about Warren Sapp, I mean future HOF Warren Sapp. Look I'm not praising the kid as the second coming, but I'm not going to prejudge him either, if he turns out to be a monster, beautiful if he don't, he's a FA no harm done. I truly believe he's worth the risk. Hell, just look at all the buzz he's generated without even being in pads, good or bad the kid is defenantly a story.

WhoDat205 05-02-2007 01:44 PM

Someone mentioned his Myspace page, well I found three.

Here he talks about smoking weed and that's about it. (Hometown: Stillwater)

Here he talks about rapping and his girlfriend

Here he addresses football (sort of) and more rapping, fighting and a little fellatio for good measure

I don't know guys...he is not exactly mature. I hope he works out, just like I hope everyone else works out, but I'm not putting all of my faith in a backflip.

blacksaint 05-02-2007 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by WhoDat205 (Post 129021)
Someone mentioned his Myspace page, well I found three.

Here he talks about smoking weed and that's about it. (Hometown: Stillwater)

Here he talks about rapping and his girlfriend

Here he addresses football (sort of) and more rapping, fighting and a little fellatio for good measure

I don't know guys...he is not exactly mature. I hope he works out, just like I hope everyone else works out, but I'm not putting all of my faith in a backflip.

DUUUUUUUHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Like I said, if he too immature to make it, F@#$ him, it's all on him. I think he's just a big ass kid, when he get to know how we do it, he will either get on board or go back and be with his boys, whatever the case may be it don't cost us nothing.

ChippySwans 05-02-2007 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by papz (Post 129000)
Do you know what ripped and toned means?

I don't think you do.

ripped and boobs but pecs...look at the tone of the arms...the shoulders...and we're talking about a HUGE man here:

papz 05-02-2007 03:17 PM

You're right. We are talking about a HUGE man here.

ChippySwans 05-02-2007 03:18 PM the point...he is NOT "fat"

WhoDat205 05-02-2007 03:28 PM

Man, that's just scary...what a monster.

papz 05-02-2007 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by ChippySwans (Post 129042) the point...he is NOT "fat"

Of course not... he's only 374 pounds. Now if he was 375, maybe... but just a little.

Euphoria 05-02-2007 03:58 PM

Its not the size
...well it is but the fact he can run faster than most TE's in the league and as limber and athletic, whew. OH THE POSSIBLITIES. If he is nasty day in and day out, we'd be badass. I'd have him in camp trying out for different positions as well can you imagine this guy catching a ball as a TE and running over DB's???

biloxi-indian 05-02-2007 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 129046)
...well it is but the fact he can run faster than most TE's in the league and as limber and athletic, whew. OH THE POSSIBLITIES. If he is nasty day in and day out, we'd be badass. I'd have him in camp trying out for different positions as well can you imagine this guy catching a ball as a TE and running over DB's???

I can imagine him leaping over tall buildings and changing into his Saints uniform in a phone booth. However, his lady is named Liz and not Lois. DAMN.

Sean said a "look see", you damn right it will be a look see, a LONG ONE.

blacksaint 05-03-2007 08:21 PM

It's just unbelievable all the hype this undrafted kid has received. This youngster has two college games under his belt, and with all the talk you would think he was a first round pick. It's not just the Saints forums, he's the talk all over the net.

D24pick 05-03-2007 09:09 PM

Actually he only had two games last year, oh wait maybe you're right

But the guy is a monster. Huge size, atheletic, speed, frame, and amazing strength! I'd love to see him develop on our team then on anothers. I'd like to see him roomed with Whitehead (A super vet, who gets the job done) and Will Smith (Helps From His atheletic Production standpoint). He'd be fine with some good strait forward mentoring. If he wants to be a "n" word, then he needs someone who will give it to him straight up with no play play.

Sorry if it offended anyone, but its true. He has too much talent and potential to get in trouble and wind up like a Quincy Carter.

blacksaint 05-04-2007 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by D24pick (Post 129159)
Actually he only had two games last year, oh wait maybe you're right

But the guy is a monster. Huge size, atheletic, speed, frame, and amazing strength! I'd love to see him develop on our team then on anothers. I'd like to see him roomed with Whitehead (A super vet, who gets the job done) and Will Smith (Helps From His atheletic Production standpoint). He'd be fine with some good strait forward mentoring. If he wants to be a "n" word, then he needs someone who will give it to him straight up with no play play.

Sorry if it offended anyone, but its true. He has too much talent and potential to get in trouble and wind up like a Quincy Carter.

You got me wrong I'm in this kids corner 100%, it's just amazing to me all the hype. But trying to be the N-WORD is a little of the mark, you have to a little more broad mined, he's just a kid, period. That mentality is across the board, no matter the race all these kids are the same wave length, kids in every race have that same mentality, so in future reference that's not the way to go.

Bobaganoosh 05-04-2007 12:34 AM

I refuse to get excited about this guy. All of his physical attributes are wonderfull...but there is no reason to think that this kid has his head on straight. I wish him the best but i wouldnt be surprised if he got cut before training camp.

blacksaint 05-04-2007 01:36 AM

That is definitely a possiablity, I'm just hoping he will be a Eric Swann type for us.

mikesaintfan 05-06-2007 10:43 AM

all up side
this kid has the potential to be awesome but if he is not then no harm no foul
its not like we wasted a draft pick

TheDeuce 05-06-2007 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by Bobaganoosh (Post 129166)
I refuse to get excited about this guy. All of his physical attributes are wonderfull...but there is no reason to think that this kid has his head on straight. I wish him the best but i wouldnt be surprised if he got cut before training camp.

I feel the same way Bobaganoosh. There's a lot to be excited about with him physically, but in reality, there's a reason why he only played a handful of games. The way I'm taking this situation is that I don't expect him to do anything, but if he does then great. If not, he's just a camp body.

rich006 05-07-2007 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by saintsmissile (Post 128891)
I would not say he looked fat.

Not to his face anyway...

hagan714 05-07-2007 05:09 AM

The enigma now has 6 pages here. :rolleyes:
Well he has given us something to talk about.

NarwhalHunter 05-07-2007 12:59 PM

If he's ready to apply himself (and hopefully he will be, not just for the betterment of the team but for himself) and he can make it through Payton's first few minicamps that have been known to lay low mere mortals, I wouldn't be surprised to see him make the team.

The more important question: If he does make it and we win the Superbowl, does he get a movie made for him a la Invincible? What do they call it, BEERMAN and BEERTRUCK? The Littlest Giant? These are the questions that keep me up at night.

hennr 05-07-2007 01:33 PM

pro day for big walt
Short shuttle 4.84 --3 cone 7.76---40 time low5.11 high was5.27---27 reps of225 an 8-4broad jump an 24.5vert jump.not to bad but on a pro workout schd. he should improve all no# above . an he was weighed in at 6-4an3eights tall/374.:handguns: :handguns: :handguns:

TheDeuce 05-07-2007 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by saintsmissile (Post 129375)
is an example of the American dream. Made mistakes, paid the price for them and now has a chance to redeem himself. This would certainly be a great story if he makes it. You know, you guys that are being kinda harsh on this kid seem to forget a player named Michael Lewis. Certainly didn't have any kind of college career to speak of and just worked his as* off to make it. Now, can WT do the same? That's the big question on this kid, his work ethic. We all know he has the physical talents to get it done. If he can work his butt off and stay out of trouble, the sky is the limit. BTW, the reason there is so much talk about this kid is because he's the kind of story that everyone is drawn to. It's like in old time baseball when scouts would scour the country and abroad to find that one phenom who noone knows about. Course, we all knew about WT but know that he's signed it's a damn media explosion. Everyone talks about different players to mentor WT, like Whitehead etc. I would think a guy like Lewis who had to work his way up for the VERY bottom like WT would be a great role model for him.

I mean you're right, if he puts his mind to it, the sky really is the limit for Walter. But I think the reason why myself, and other people are "being hard" on him is that he has not shown anything to make us believe that he will put his mind to it. In fact, he's given us plenty of reasons to actively doubt him. Does that mean I'm not pulling for him? No, I think his physical gifts could be a huge advantage for this team. But do I realistically think he's going to make it? Nope. Typically guys who have such glaring character problems can't just flip the switch and say "OK, now I'm going to be a high character guy and adopt a great work ethic." It just doesn't happen like that.

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