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blacksaint 05-01-2007 01:03 AM

More Press On Walter Thomas........
He's not the brightest apple in the bunch.

hagan714 05-01-2007 06:08 AM

Well to be honest the more inside you play, the less bright you need to be. A boy his size will have to now two basic thing. Beat up the three guys in front of you and go get the ball. Kinda like in a bar room brawl.
Well there is third.
All I want him to do is break a few noses and make people sh*t themselves when he hits them. Collecting heads is good thing. You do not need a high IQ to do that. I am a bit old fashion about interior play.

saintsfan1976 05-01-2007 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by saintsmissile (Post 128829)
a conditioning coach and a mentor and the sky is the limit. .

I think he just found BOTH!! Missile, you're absolutely correct: You must run around this guy. Especially if he's next to Hollis!!

Hagan, I just bought a pretty big HD TV...... I HOPE he just hits 'em real hard. I don't wanna see sh*t in HD! :p :p

hagan714 05-01-2007 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 128837)
Hagan, I just bought a pretty big HD TV...... I HOPE he just hits 'em real hard. I don't wanna see sh*t in HD! :p :p

Not that bad in HD, now if you got opptional smell-o-roma with the set. I would agree

ScottyRo 05-01-2007 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by saintsmissile (Post 128841)
is can he be mature enough to be an NFL player? He was supposed to meet a reporter for an interiew on a Friday and showed up on SATURDAY. He said he forgot the date and apologized. With the amount of scheduled meetings etc that NFL teams impose, I'm worried that this kid just won't have the discipline or dedication to stick around. We'll see, but I'm a big fan and supporter of this kid. I hope he makes it because he could turn out to be the biggest (no pun intended) find in NFL history. Let us not forget, Hollis Thomas was undrafted as was Norman Hand.

He sounds like he has everyting he needs physically to be an excellent DT for us. The problem is he also sounds like he's the type of guy mentally to jump offsides on 3rd and 4 with the game on the line and all we needed was a stop to seal it. Maybe he can be coached up, maybe not.

saintsfan1976 05-01-2007 10:02 AM

ooooooh. that would definitely make me loose my rotel dip!!!

hagan714 05-01-2007 10:06 AM

Lets not even talk about a Fry station with this guy.....

ScottyRo 05-01-2007 10:10 AM

Not only does he have a problem academically, but he already needs to lose wieght. You think that's going to be easy in NO? Is he going to be the second coming of Grady Jackson?

biloxi-indian 05-01-2007 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by ScottyRo (Post 128852)
Not only does he have a problem academically, but he already needs to lose wieght. You think that's going to be easy in NO? Is he going to be the second coming of Grady Jackson?

July and August in Jackson MS and you can rest assured if he has to lose weight...not a problem. He WILL! LOLOLOLOLOLOL

JOESAM2002 05-01-2007 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by biloxi-indian (Post 128855)
July and August in Jackson MS and you can rest assured if he has to lose weight...not a problem. He WILL! LOLOLOLOLOLOL

You can bet that this is true. I sat on my ass there last year and lost weight.

papz 05-01-2007 11:51 AM

I think he'll be okay playing around 340-350. He is going to be put thru our conditioning program so I don't think getting there will be a problem. We need a space eating run stuffer... it's not like he's going to have to drop to 320 -330. Look at Hollis, he's well in that 340-350 range.

papz 05-01-2007 12:04 PM

John Henderson is 3 inches taller and weighs about 40 pounds less than Thomas. Let's not kid ourselves, he needs to lose 30-40 pounds... that's a given.

ChippySwans 05-01-2007 12:49 PM

please tell me where this guy is going to lose even 10 lbs from? he is in amazing shape and can do flips. just because one is big doesnt mean they need to lose weight.

papz 05-01-2007 01:16 PM

He's 6'4 373... and there plenty of places where weight can be lost. You've got to be on something to say he's not overweight and couldn't stand to lose 20-30 pounds. Who cares if he can do flips? It's unhealthy to be that size at that weight.

ChippySwans 05-01-2007 01:25 PM

not at that height and with that muscle mass...look at him...he's ripped and toned. he's just a big guy. big doesnt always equal fat and unhealthy.

papz 05-01-2007 01:55 PM

What's his body fat ratio then? Even scouts and analyst say that he needs to lose some weight... people who've seen him in person and scouted him. All you're going by is a photo.

I can guarantee you Shaq looks bigger in person than in a picture... which can be said also about a lot of athletes.

I agree Chippy... big doesn't always equal fat and unhealthy. 6'4 374 pounds does.

xan 05-01-2007 03:05 PM

At 373, some OG or Center is going to have to generate a lot of force to push him off the ball on a run play. If all he does is keep things from going up the middle or disrupting the blocking schemes, he'll be worth keeping in the rotation. He could be a swamp monster.

JOESAM2002 05-01-2007 03:14 PM

Hey, at 6'2" 330 you could say I was fat but i'm not......i'm just short for my weight! If I were 9' tall i'd be perfect!

Euphoria 05-01-2007 03:26 PM

Well some of the quotes I recall reading about him...


"you can't run at him, you can't"

Oh the possiblities here.

GumboDawg 05-01-2007 03:28 PM

I suppose if he played college ball in MS then he won't drop dead in Jackson during two-a-days.

Sounds like a fridge bulb, intelligence-wise. Whatever, he's a DT. Certainly seems like someone worth bringing in to camp. If he turns out to be Jonathan Sullivan at least you didn't trade two first-rounders to move up to get him.

biloxi-indian 05-01-2007 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by JOESAM2002 (Post 128908)
Hey, at 6'2" 330 you could say I was fat but i'm not......i'm just short for my weight! If I were 9' tall i'd be perfect!

As the cable man would say..."Now, that is funny, right there!"

JoeSam, are you going to Jackson for training camp? If so, I'd like to speak with you...I am considering going for a week...cranking up the Harley and heading east!

papz 05-01-2007 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by JOESAM2002 (Post 128908)
Hey, at 6'2" 330 you could say I was fat but i'm not......i'm just short for my weight! If I were 9' tall i'd be perfect!

Can you do a back flip? =]

SaintPauly 05-01-2007 04:02 PM

He looks like the guy from Adam Sandler's version of "The Longest Yard." "He broke ed my nose coach!"

Hey, I don't care if he stuffs french fries up his nose, and eats em later, if he can grab Vick by the neck, and shake him around I say, let Shrek do his thing.

As far as the weight goes, if he works better with it, then leave it alone. Sometimes guys losing weight actually hurts their game, because they are not used to playing that light. If he's as thick in the head as you guys say he is, he might freak out, and think he's shrinking or something.

Let the boy eat! "Mongo likes candy!"

JOESAM2002 05-01-2007 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by biloxi-indian (Post 128912)
As the cable man would say..."Now, that is funny, right there!"

JoeSam, are you going to Jackson for training camp? If so, I'd like to speak with you...I am considering going for a week...cranking up the Harley and heading east!

I want to but it really depends on my health. I'll try to remember to let you know.

JOESAM2002 05-01-2007 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by papz (Post 128915)
Can you do a back flip? =]

If I could do that you guys would be talking about that 55 year old defensive tackle the saints just signed! LOL

TheDeuce 05-01-2007 07:03 PM

I mean it sounds like the kid is a specimen, but even at OSU he never got playing time, even when he was passing classes (which obviously didn't last long). Does that say anything? Maybe not, because he was just a freshman, but any guy that size should be making an impact. I'm hoping he can go into camp and really turn some heads, not because of his size, but because of his work ethic and his play on the field. I don't know if that will happen, but it could.

Also, reading the profile of him at makes him sound VERY immature. First of all, Ok State is not known for its great academics, and an athlete there I would imagine would HAVE TO TRY AND FAIL to actually flunk out. But I'll be pulling for this kid when he puts on that black and gold; like somebody said, playing DT is a good position for guys less concerned with thinking and more concerned with hitting. Sure, there are plays, but really it's *snap* and "go hit that guy."

blacksaint 05-01-2007 08:25 PM

I hear everybody talking about his weight issues, but IMO his weight is not that big a deal, to me it's his stamina. I don't give a dam how big he is, if he can consistently play without being pulled out after every other play, than his weight is definitely not an issue. Man, when I look at that picture I look at the size of this dude arms, his shoulders, he's a massive beast of a kid. If he last through camp he'll contribute greatly to the middle of our defense.

ScottF 05-02-2007 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by blacksaint (Post 128944)
I hear everybody talking about his weight issues, but IMO his weight is not that big a deal, to me it's his stamina. I don't give a dam how big he is, if he can consistently play without being pulled out after every other play, than his weight is definitely not an issue. Man, when I look at that picture I look at the size of this dude arms, his shoulders, he's a massive beast of a kid. If he last through camp he'll contribute greatly to the middle of our defense.

EVERYTHING with this kid is an issue- maturity, weight, grades...

BUT, his potential is absolutely unlimited. We need to have someone in his ear every day reminding him of the difference between the NFL and being a bouncer at a bar in Mississippi. I say room him with Grant or Smith and have them mentor him night and day.

It would be a crime to let all of this potential go down the drain.

blacksaint 05-02-2007 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by ScottF (Post 128986)
EVERYTHING with this kid is an issue- maturity, weight, grades...

BUT, his potential is absolutely unlimited. We need to have someone in his ear every day reminding him of the difference between the NFL and being a bouncer at a bar in Mississippi. I say room him with Grant or Smith and have them mentor him night and day.

It would be a crime to let all of this potential go down the drain.

I think that's what they're intentions are, to room him with a vet so he can see how it's done from a professional stand point.

Euphoria 05-02-2007 10:52 AM

The Big Problem
is making sure this kid stays our of trouble. Ya know he was cut from Oaklahoma for 'Conspiracy to comit robbery'. They need to get his ass in line and hopefully he realizes someone is taking a chance on him and giving him an oppitunity so its up to him to make the best of it.

ScottyRo 05-02-2007 10:59 AM

Yeah, nothing I have read so far impressess me about this guy other than his potential and potential ain't diddly poo.

Pro's: talent

Con's: lack of maturity, too fat, intellectual deficiency, possible criminal

The odds are stacked aqainst him.

ChippySwans 05-02-2007 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by ScottyRo (Post 128991)
too fat

Where is the WORLD do you get that from? He is anything but FAT!?!?!?!

Fat men arent ripped and toned...and they definitely dont do backflips.

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