05-30-2007, 05:19 AM
LB Mentallity
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 15,870
It is all up tom benson, from what I read. He has to put the city up to host the game. He is not going to do it till the 2010 dead line is resolved.
As far as the crime bit. It has always been an issue and always will be. The city has never really wanted to clean it up. For what ever reason. The superbowl would go on the standard lock down mode that mardi gras and the sugar bowl goes under. As long as the vistors stay in the right areas they will be safe. It is the same advise I give friends that visit the city. I even mark the maps with zones to stay in and the ones to avoid. Funny thing is most do not relize the danger. The city does an AAA+++ job of hiding these facts.
"We may have lost the game, but you'll be hurting tomorrow." Doug Atkins