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biloxi-indian 06-07-2007 08:32 AM

Fred Thomas article......

WhoDat205 06-07-2007 08:46 AM

At least he's got the right attitude.

WillMacKenzie 06-07-2007 09:58 AM

I agree that it was Toast's lack of safety help that led to alot of those big plays. With Roman back in black, and Kaesviharn (led league in safety interceptions last year) they'll be noticeably fewer big plays.

ScottF 06-07-2007 10:02 AM

This article humanizes the guy and puts him in a good light, but doesn't improve his playing ability.

There are a lot of nice guys out there who don't play football.

Euphoria 06-07-2007 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by WillMacKenzie (Post 131385)
I agree that it was Toast's lack of safety help that led to alot of those big plays. With Roman back in black, and Kaesviharn (led league in safety interceptions last year) they'll be noticeably fewer big plays.

Well I would have to disagree... I do recall some plays the Saftey blew but FT was no wheres near where he should have been and so clueless out there he might as well have been rainman out there. The classic example was that GB fame (it still sticks with me) Farve didn't hide it and went at FT every pass play. Saftey where he should be and going in FT position right at the line and let the WR work one on one against FT. CB's are on an island... unless you are going to double team a WR Fred is going to have to step up or cut. He has stuck up the joint for 2 years at least.

WillMacKenzie 06-07-2007 06:14 PM

yeah of course, by no means am I saying that everytime there was trouble, it was the safety's fault - I meant a chunk of those weren't all Toast's fault. That's why my point is that I'm glad to have our real safeties back. There should be a reduction of those big plays. If Thomas thinks he's actually going to start though, he just soon lower his expectations before he gets hit with a let-down.

TheDeuce 06-07-2007 06:27 PM

Yes Fred Thomas got burnt last season, but that's just because I think he was in the wrong position. He wasn't, at that stage of his career, good enough to be playing on of the corners, but we didn't have anybody else. I'm glad he took the pay cut to come back because I think he's going to be a solid contributor to the secondary as a nickel or dime back. He doesn't have world-class speed anymore (he actually never did, but he has lost a step), but he has good technique, and I expect him to be one of the veteran leaders of this defense.

blacksaint 06-07-2007 10:50 PM

Nothing personal but Fred "DOUBLE MOVE" Thomas is nothing more than a dime back with the new secondary additions that we have. And for those who don't remember, he bit on those double moves like they were steaks and he was starving. And that's if he makes the team, because we have a lot of young athletic talent at the Corner position, I'm telling you guys keep an eye on Joe Porter from Rutgers, this kid can really fly and he has nice size(6'0",200), he's been making outstanding plays from day one.

WhoDat205 06-08-2007 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by blacksaint (Post 131442)
Fred "DOUBLE MOVE" Thomas is nothing more than a dime back with the new secondary additions that we have. And for those who don't remember, he bit on those double moves like they were steaks and he was starving. And that's if he makes the team, because we have a lot of young athletic talent at the Corner position, I'm telling you guys keep an eye on Joe Porter from Rutgers, this kid can really fly and he has nice size(6'0",200), he's been making outstanding plays from day one.

"Double Move"...that's freakin' hilarious.

I really like what I'm hearing about this Porter kid. I hope he's got a head for football.

hagan714 06-08-2007 09:08 AM

I like that better than toast

9thWardDesire 06-08-2007 12:06 PM =

blacksaint 06-08-2007 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by hagan714 (Post 131473)
I like that better than toast

Yeah "DOUBLE MOVE" fits him better, besides "TOAST" will forever be taken by the infamous Toi "TOAST" Cook.

D24pick 06-09-2007 01:46 PM

i agree totally. i wouldnt blame any safety we have on the team. we play a cover 1, and once again you people know what that is. one safety up top, most of the time, stout or bellamy. bullocks stayed in the box for run-support, while thomas got beat on his own. he isnt the quick recover guy he once was anymore. he needs to learn new stratagies for his lack of quickness. he got beat on double moves all last year, and no safeties had to do with anything. people may say, "well we brung in tons of safeties this offseason". well this is because we aren't young at the position and the injury of harper couldve been worse than we all thought. the bullocks and harper tandem will stay alive with a mixture of sneaky kk

Teechauze 06-11-2007 10:46 AM

I can't help but try to take up for Freddie T. He gave up some big plays last year, and maybe it's time for him to hang it up, but in seasons past he was always a contributer. What he lacked in atheletism he always made up for with heart. And didn't he lead the team in interceptions one year?
He has always had a great attitude. I just hate to see him go out like this.

Euphoria 06-11-2007 11:50 AM

I seriously see the writing on the wall... I think he's done. We have some interesting talent and I think its time we cut our losts. He had 2 maybe 3 good seasons with us and been in the NFL a lot of years, he's losing a step a second now.

saintsrule 06-11-2007 02:41 PM

He was doing well last year, better than the rest of the CBs, besides Mike. He get hurt and was still the second best CB on the team. I don't care if he is the starter or not, he will play better, since he is not hurt.

D24pick 06-11-2007 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by saintsmissile (Post 131622)
is as much to blame as is Freddie T. Listen, my hat's off to FT. He's an aging player and wouldn't start on almost any team in the league. However, he gutted it out and gave his all on every play. Yeah, he's lost a step, but he played his heart out. Now, age is a legitimate excuse. What is Bullocks excuse? To me, he has to shoulder much of the blame last year. He played absolutely terribly, if you ask me. You watch the film and he was always out of position, missed easy tackles and made ZERO plays from his S position. To me, this is a make or break year for him as a Saint. If KK takes his job, I envision Bullocks going somewhere else next season via trade or cut.

bro, watch the film, most of bullock's plays he's up in run support.

blacksaint 06-12-2007 07:36 AM

Man, did you watch any of the games last season? Freddie "DOUBLE MOVE" Thomas got beat on some of the most simple stop and go plays I've ever seen. Look, screw sentimental feelings, we're trying to win a CHAMPIONSHIP here and with Freddie T. starting back there it won't happen. I like Freddie, it's not personal, but after last year he's nothing more than a nickle or dime back period, and I'm leaning to more of a dime back, and backup to the nickle. Freddie was a good player in his day, but at some point it comes to an end, and I think his is rapidly approaching. With that being said my best memory of Fred goes back a few years, we were playing the Minnesota Vikings and they put Freddie T. on the big bad Randy Moss, and the result: Moss one (1) catch for six (6) yards. That was just incredible, amazing, but that was then and this is now, nothing personal, if Freddie was to return to those days, I'll be right there cheering him on, but I doubt it very much.

D24pick 06-13-2007 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by saintsmissile (Post 131693)
so Bullocks was in run support. That doesn't say much for him. He missed more tackles than anyone on the team. Listen, an NFL safety in today's game has to tackle AND cover. In my opinion, Bullocks doesn't excel in either. He has good measurables and poor instincts ala Sedrick Hodge.

stop covering for fred thomas so much. im not gonna explain it to ya all over again, blacksaint's post sums it all up. he's not as good as he was anymore dude. people like fred thom,as so they blaim it all on bullocks, cause they witnessed him dropping a few int's. most of bullocks plays was where he was up in the box man. we play a cover 1 man-to-man, with one safety up top, which was stout or bellamy. with their lack of atheleticsm, they got beat as well as thomas play after play.

bullocks may have dropped some picks, but when he was up top in coverage, he got beat very little on big plays. face it, thomas was the one getting beat yo. if bullocks misses so many tackles he wouldn't be so high up in the tackles categoryy now would he? he made stops, you're just saying that because of the bears game, and that pretty t.o. block in the dallas game. other than those obvious plays bullocks stood his ground pretty well for a 2nd year man

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