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JOESAM2002 07-26-2003 01:05 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
\"special set of rules for me.......\"Now that\'s funny! :D I promise you\'re not that special yet.

pakowitz 07-26-2003 01:15 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
boo hoo.. da lil baby doesnt want to get yelled at.... u poor thing

BillyCarpenter1 07-26-2003 01:24 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
I don\'t mind the yelling just the editing. When you have a masters in SMACK then it\'s hard to do something half way. I have some classic stuff for the pakman but it would only last about 3 seconds before it\'s edited. Besides people take the smack too seriously and get their feelings hurt.

But Pak I\'ll test you out one day.

[Edited on 26/7/2003 by BillyCarpenter1]

pakowitz 07-26-2003 01:39 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
LOL u cant hurt my feelings... im always ready and willing for some good smack talking... plus i think joe would let u talk smack to me cuz i gonna rib u regardless of the consequence

BillyCarpenter1 07-26-2003 01:58 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
Here ya go Pak.....

I detect the kind of glaring logical inconsistencies in your \'reasoning\' that only botched frontal lobotomy patients with crisscrossed shoelace scars on their sloped foreheads are capable of making. If I want the advice of a retard, I\'ll slap you on the back of the head and wake up that little peg legged hamster that operates the drool-powered waterwheel of thought in your head. Until then, sit in the corner and wait until I either speak to you or spit at you.\"

pakowitz 07-26-2003 03:02 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
where are these \"inconsistencies in my reasoning\" that u speak of.. i only speak the truth... its very simple really, here let me slow my lil hampster down for you so u can understand... me = daddy, you = ****** who hides in the closet and attacks heterosexual people b/c you are scared of being hurt.. not being understood... u just want to be loved... by big bubba lmao its ok.. me and ur momma will find u a good psychiatrist and we will get ur head straighted out...hell.. medicine is so advanced now days.. maybe we can get u a new head.. one that everyone can stand to look at... i mean u scared the crap out of ur momma the other night when yall were playing hide and go seek... it really isnt fun anymore for momma... u always hide in the same place everytime (the closet) maybe we will have to find a new game for you to play like... guess what color is the white house.... but that might be to hard... oh and that spit that keeps coming out of ur mouth... i would have thought of u as a swallower... i guess that is my logical inconsistency in my \"reasoning\" ...

BillyCarpenter1 07-26-2003 04:18 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


Your truely sick and twisted....I didn\'t think you had in ya.....

pakowitz 07-26-2003 09:43 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
u like dat eh.. see, i wasnt b/s\'n when i say i like to talk smack too.. we are 2 of a kind... i like u billy... ur alright... but dont get no ideas... fag...j/k

BillyCarpenter1 07-26-2003 09:54 PM

BillyC Can't we all just get along?
Pak, that\'s a lonely line your standing in of people who like me. But hey, it\'s lonely at the top. Yeah, you got some trash talking skills but this is just training camp. I\'ve only began to defile myself.

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