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B_Dub_Saint 03-07-2008 08:38 AM

Names with Faces.......
On other types of forums, people have these type of threads to put up pics of yourselfs so people can see whos behind their screen name. Good idea/Bad idea?? I thought it would be cool. Ill start if everyone is down.

My girl and I at the Falcons/Saints away game. This is right before we beat the snot out of em on MNF

papz 03-07-2008 08:46 AM

Re: Names with Faces.......
All my family and friends call me Papz or Pappy... and here's me and my wife. - papz - 26 - Male - New Orleans, Alabama -

B_Dub_Saint 03-07-2008 09:56 AM

Re: Names with Faces.......
Cool, I just sent you a friend request on myspace.

WhoDat205 03-07-2008 09:58 AM

Re: Names with Faces.......
Me and the Ex...

Me in my natural environment...

It was a "thrift store formal" party, hence the ill fitting shirt.

pakowitz 03-07-2008 10:29 AM

Re: Names with Faces.......

me in panama city

andersen 03-07-2008 11:21 AM

Re: Names with Faces.......
1 Attachment(s)
Me and my two sons getting ready to beat the Eagles last year. Note the pimped out Caddy in the back.

TheDeuce 03-07-2008 11:44 AM

Re: Names with Faces.......
Me, on the right, with my older brother and younger brother at the Panthers game last year. They ripped our hearts out at that game.

Crusader 03-07-2008 11:44 AM

Re: Names with Faces.......
Me after a practise during the Football World Cup in Japan last summer.

foreverfan 03-07-2008 12:32 PM

Re: Names with Faces.......

I can dream can't I?

Me reaching for my favorite 5 Vegas Cigar.

SapperSaint 03-07-2008 12:45 PM

Re: Names with Faces.......
2 Attachment(s)
Me in Iraq

papz 03-07-2008 01:19 PM

Re: Names with Faces.......
Dope... is that a rocket launcher?

SapperSaint 03-07-2008 01:28 PM

Re: Names with Faces.......

Originally Posted by papz (Post 157154)
Dope... is that a rocket launcher?

As you look at the picture, the one in my right hand is a "homemade" RPG launcher. The one in my left hand is a "sho-nuf" real RPG launcher.

I figured the MP-5 would be the impressive thing?

maximkat 03-07-2008 01:36 PM

Re: Names with Faces.......
1 Attachment(s)
the only reason this picture is special is because I'm in it. I just took it 3 minutes ago.

papz 03-07-2008 01:41 PM

Re: Names with Faces.......

Originally Posted by SapperSaint (Post 157158)
As you look at the picture, the one in my right hand is a "homemade" RPG launcher. The one in my left hand is a "sho-nuf" real RPG launcher.

I figured the MP-5 would be the impressive thing?

Nah... seen the MP-5 plenty of times. The RPG launcher on the other hand... that's some power. Ever fired one of those bad boys? If so, any adrenaline rush when you did it for your first time?

SapperSaint 03-07-2008 02:00 PM

Re: Names with Faces.......
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by papz (Post 157165)
Nah... seen the MP-5 plenty of times. The RPG launcher on the other hand... that's some power. Ever fired one of those bad boys? If so, any adrenaline rush when you did it for your first time?

Funny you should ask that question.

No, I didn't get the chance to shoot one, you would not want to fire a weapon that was not American. But, I was on a raid with the ING (Iraqi National Guard) and one of their guys carried an RPG. I asked him how much kick was to it. Well, here we are in the middle of a village and he places it up on his shoulder, removes the safety, points it at a house....I scream for him to stop! I truely believe he was going to shoot a house with it.

Here is a photo from that day. You can see the "Big Guy in green jacket" with the RPG. That's me with the shotgun, between the two Iraqi's.

D_it_up 03-07-2008 02:04 PM

Re: Names with Faces.......
3 Attachment(s)
The first is of me in my new condo that I moved into in September. I was sad, because it was my last beer.

The second is my friend Lauren giving me.....well, you know.

The third is of me and my friend, Elaine, drunk as skunks at a buddy's graduation party from Louisiana Tech.

papz 03-07-2008 02:15 PM

Re: Names with Faces.......
LOL at #2.

I've always wanted to shoot a bazooka... since the GI Joe days. =]

Kittykat 03-07-2008 04:22 PM

Re: Names with Faces.......
You're all so young!
Me & the other half

D_it_up 03-07-2008 04:43 PM

Re: Names with Faces.......
[QUOTE=Kittykat;157196]You're all so young!

Don't let me being in college fool you. I may be a sophomore, but I'll be 32 years old on Sunday. lol

Kittykat 03-07-2008 05:14 PM

Re: Names with Faces.......

Originally Posted by D_it_up2 (Post 157198)
Don't let me being in college fool you. I may be a sophomore, but I'll be 32 years old on Sunday. lol

Happy early birthday! But I'm still older than you. :brood:

pakowitz 03-07-2008 05:16 PM

Re: Names with Faces.......
well ill be 27 this year so im still a youngin LoL

Kittykat 03-07-2008 05:22 PM

Re: Names with Faces.......

Originally Posted by pakowitz (Post 157204)
well ill be 27 this year so im still a youngin LoL

Youngster. *lol*

Your tat matches mine (no, really?!)...when did you get yours? :bng:

pakowitz 03-07-2008 05:23 PM

Re: Names with Faces.......

Originally Posted by Kittykat (Post 157206)
Youngster. *lol*

Your tat matches mine (no, really?!)...when did you get yours? :bng:

um.. ive had mine for about 5 years im guessing.. its been a good while

TheDeuce 03-07-2008 05:39 PM

Re: Names with Faces.......

Originally Posted by Kittykat (Post 157196)
You're all so young!

Don't let me being in college fool you. I may be a sophomore, but I'll be 32 years old on Sunday. lol

Hey man, better late than never! You go to La Tech?

D_it_up 03-07-2008 06:29 PM

Re: Names with Faces.......

Originally Posted by D_it_up2 (Post 157198)

Hey man, better late than never! You go to La Tech?

Yeah, it's my 2nd go around here. The main difference this time is that I party just as much (if not more) than I did last time, but I'm maintaining 3.1 GPA this time opposed to a 1.6 the first time. lol

D_it_up 03-07-2008 06:33 PM

Re: Names with Faces.......
1 Attachment(s)
And since this is the post for pics and school got into the conversation, I figured I would post a pic of me taken today on campus by my girlfriend's best friend while it was snowing. It has been four years since I've seen snow around here and this is what we got.

SapperSaint 03-07-2008 06:54 PM

Re: Names with Faces.......
Do you or anyone else have a pick of Joe to post?

By the way, Nice pics Papz. Love the way you discribe yourself.

Hagan, you need to put a pic up here!

SapperSaint 03-07-2008 07:00 PM

Re: Names with Faces.......
My age is 35 Kat, but I have the body of a 70 year old man.

Kittykat 03-07-2008 07:20 PM

Re: Names with Faces.......

Originally Posted by SapperSaint (Post 157218)
My age is 35 Kat, but I have the body of a 70 year old man.

Me too!

I keep it under my bed in a Rubbermaid tote.


hagan714 03-07-2008 07:59 PM

Re: Names with Faces....... - 714 - 46 - Male - MASSACHUSETTS -

sorry gang the computer crashed so I have to try to get the old drives up and running again. So myspace will have to do. One day I will finish it. LOL

Plus all the draft review work is on them tooooooo. ggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Halo 03-08-2008 01:19 AM

Re: Names with Faces.......

Originally Posted by SapperSaint (Post 157217)
Do you or anyone else have a pick of Joe to post?

By the way, Nice pics Papz. Love the way you discribe yourself.

Hagan, you need to put a pic up here!

You know I should. Last time I was with Joe he took pictures and emailed them to me. That was last year but I'm going to go back in my email and see if I can find them. Will post when I find something

maximkat 03-08-2008 02:37 AM

Re: Names with Faces.......

And since this is the post for pics and school got into the conversation, I figured I would post a pic of me taken today on campus by my girlfriend's best friend while it was snowing. It has been four years since I've seen snow around here and this is what we got.
lol hey D I got plenty of that white fluffy stuff up in my neck of the woods, you are more than welcome to it :)

D_it_up 03-08-2008 09:40 AM

Re: Names with Faces.......

Originally Posted by maximkat (Post 157253)
lol hey D I got plenty of that white fluffy stuff up in my neck of the woods, you are more than welcome to it :)

HAHA! No thanks, maxim. I'm cool with snow only coming around once every four years like leap year. It was alright for the few hours it lasted, but I'm ready for it to warm up. lol

Ashley 03-08-2008 10:29 AM

Re: Names with Faces.......
Me in Salt Lake

CheramieIII 03-08-2008 10:54 AM

Re: Names with Faces.......
2 Attachment(s)
Me and my oldest before he went to England (Air Force) a month ago and my New Orleans Tat.

Hey B Dub was that the Falcons game from the past season because if so I remember you. I was hawking autographs before the game with 2 of my kids.

SapperSaint 03-08-2008 11:35 AM

Re: Names with Faces.......

Originally Posted by Ashley (Post 157269)
Me in Salt Lake

That's you in the bathing suit????

Ashley 03-08-2008 12:50 PM

Re: Names with Faces.......
1 Attachment(s)
Hope thats not me, i guess my file was to big. I'll have to shrink it

CheramieIII 03-08-2008 01:08 PM

Re: Names with Faces.......
I was getting ready to say Ashley the name of the thread is names with faces? LOL

phatoosdey 03-08-2008 06:03 PM

Re: Names with Faces.......
was gonna post picture but i have to shrink size...
not sure how...jpg is 60kb

phatoosdey 03-08-2008 06:27 PM

Re: Names with Faces.......
1 Attachment(s)
trying in brees jersey, younger sister wearing colston jersey, and brother to the left of her
ready to leave for saints/eagles game

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