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ssmitty 05-04-2008 06:33 AM

porter ready for next test in nfl........ | Featured Saints Stories | Mickles: Porter ready for next test in the NFL — Baton Rouge, LA

QBREES9 05-04-2008 04:15 PM

Re: porter ready for next test in nfl........
I’m extremely happy about that,” Porter said of being chosen by the Saints with the 40th overall pick. “I haven’t been to a lot of their games, but I watch all of them on television.”

Good luck to Tracy sound like he has great head on his shoulders.

WillMacKenzie 05-04-2008 04:37 PM

Re: porter ready for next test in nfl........
I'm definately not sold on Porter. Ellis, yeah. Porter, eh, when I hear from people that he shys away from contact, that raises a GIGANTIC red flag!

TheDeuce 05-04-2008 09:37 PM

Re: porter ready for next test in nfl........
I think that's a bunch of bull****. You don't shy away from contact and rack up 83 tackles in a season in addition to picking off a bunch. Just because Mel Kiper said he shys away from contact, now everybody is saying that. I mean maybe he does, but the numbers don't show that at all, in fact, they show the opposite.

hagan714 05-05-2008 05:34 AM

Re: porter ready for next test in nfl........

Originally Posted by TheDeuce (Post 165520)
You don't shy away from contact and rack up 83 tackles in a season in addition to picking off a bunch. Just because Mel Kiper said he shys away from contact, now everybody is saying that. I mean maybe he does, but the numbers don't show that at all, in fact, they show the opposite.

This struck me as weird. In all the pre draft evals I read and the few games of his I watched, I did not get that impression. He does need some coaching in his technique. Maybe it is the fact I never saw him try to deliver a knock out blow. He is not a big hitter but he does wrap up.

WillMacKenzie 05-05-2008 03:31 PM

Re: porter ready for next test in nfl........

And Mark Simoneau's a stud middle linebacker...

Porter could be another one of these "bend but don't break" players who stand out in the field waiting for tackles to come to HIM.

Just saying - be realistic people.

JKool 05-05-2008 03:38 PM

Re: porter ready for next test in nfl........

I suppose that somebody somewhere saying that "he shys away from contact", which btw I haven't read anywhere, is good evidence, but stats aren't?


WillMacKenzie 05-05-2008 04:09 PM

Re: porter ready for next test in nfl........
Jason David 2007

Games played: 13
Tackles: 50
Passes Defensed: 11
Forced Fumbles: 2 for 55 yards. (one returned for touchdown)
Interceptions: 3 for 21 yards.

Mike Mckenzie 2007

Games played: 15
Tackles: 52
Passes Defensed: 17
Forced Fumbles: 0
Interceptions: 3 for 161 (two touchdowns)

So from looking at the stats, we could say what? That Jason David and Mike Mckenzie were basically the same player? Were they really? Did you watch the games?

Strange, isn't it? : )

JKool 05-05-2008 04:58 PM

Re: porter ready for next test in nfl........
Not really.

Certainly stats aren't all there is to the story, but I'm disinclined to arguments that they don't mean anything at all.


JKool 05-05-2008 05:00 PM

Re: porter ready for next test in nfl........
Also, does this mean you've seen a bunch of NFL games that Ellis and Porter played? If seeing them play is the only way to evaluate them, then why say anything at all?

hagan714 05-05-2008 05:12 PM

Re: porter ready for next test in nfl........
suit'em up first

JKool 05-05-2008 05:16 PM

Re: porter ready for next test in nfl........
I got a little snarky there. My apologies.

I just don't understand these anti-statistics arguments. I certainly agree that they don't tell the whole story, so they can be misleading. However, watching several games is open to a common fallacy known as hasty generalization.

There is a trade off between visual experience and statistical analysis (and probably other things). Alone, each is not as good as they are together. However, I just continue to resist the idea that one is SO MUCH BETTER than the other. They are just different kinds of information (and they are roughly equally incomplete).

WillMacKenzie 05-05-2008 05:35 PM

Re: porter ready for next test in nfl........
I'm just sayin I'm not sold on Porter as I am on Ellis. And I tried to provide SOME reasoning and evidence for my case.

By all means, I hope he's the best corner in the NFL for the next 10 years - I just have my doubts right now. I'm skeptical of this guy. Civil debate is what used to make this country great : D

JKool 05-05-2008 06:41 PM

Re: porter ready for next test in nfl........
I completely agree.

This time of year there is always a ton of hype. It is good to keep a bit of a skeptical stance.

I too think that Porter's impact will be much less than appears to be anticipated by fans. The learning curve for CBs tends to take a couple of years; that is, even if Porter turns out to be great, it won't be right away, certainly.

Memnoch_TP 05-06-2008 12:54 AM

Re: porter ready for next test in nfl........

Originally Posted by WillMacKenzie (Post 165601)
Jason David 2007

Games played: 13
Tackles: 50
Passes Defensed: 11
Forced Fumbles: 2 for 55 yards. (one returned for touchdown)
Interceptions: 3 for 21 yards.

Mike Mckenzie 2007

Games played: 15
Tackles: 52
Passes Defensed: 17
Forced Fumbles: 0
Interceptions: 3 for 161 (two touchdowns)

So from looking at the stats, we could say what? That Jason David and Mike Mckenzie were basically the same player? Were they really? Did you watch the games?

Strange, isn't it? : )

There is one major difference though.

He was zeroing in on one specific aspect of Porter's play, and looking for stats that helped to determine that answer.

You were simply manipulating statistics to show that statistics can be manipulated, because you don't like statistics, because they can be manipulated.

This makes EXACTLY as much sense as a stranger walking up to you and asking you what time it is, and responding by giving him a picture of a donkey, telling him you love Jesus, farting, and walking off.

But, I don't expect a response to this. You see, WORDS can also be misleading! Yes, you read that right! WORDS can be misleading! Now you won't be able to talk or type, unless you dip your toes in that pool of inequity called language, and what would that do to your soul?

So, judgment goes to the defendant. Especially since the plaintiff testified against himself, showing two NFL CBs with 30+ less tackles than Porter, who played less games in college. Porter is NOT afraid of contact.

Having the right stats helped make this an easy call.

TheDeuce 05-06-2008 01:17 AM

Re: porter ready for next test in nfl........

Originally Posted by WillMacKenzie (Post 165593)

And Mark Simoneau's a stud middle linebacker...

Porter could be another one of these "bend but don't break" players who stand out in the field waiting for tackles to come to HIM.

Just saying - be realistic people.

I know I'm a little late on this argument, but that's a completely different situation. Mark Simoneau is a middle linebacker who is supposed to rack up the tackles. If he doesn't, he sucks. Most MLBs have over 100 tackles a season (or if your Jonathan Vilma, you can get 187 or whatever he had a few years back).

But for a cornerback to rack up 87 tackles in a college football season, that's gotta tell you that he can tackle. I'm not saying I'm ready to crown him as the next coming of Champ Bailey, but I do think that you have to consider his stats when making an assessment of the player. Your right, stats don't tell the whole story, but it does make you wonder why he's been labeled as not a physical player.

JKool 05-06-2008 10:11 AM

Re: porter ready for next test in nfl........
Memnoch, I like your point about the misleading nature of words. That fits nicely with my idea about the misleading nature of "viewing". Do you agree that an aggregation of various types of evidence is a good thing, or do you think we are always mislead? Just curious really.

TheDuece, nice take on the role of stats in this argument. I agree. The stats don't tell the whole story, but how can they be completely discounted (at least without some other argument)? Though, I may disagree with you slightly on the MLB point, overall I'm on board with what you're saying.

stockman311 05-06-2008 10:34 AM

Re: porter ready for next test in nfl........
As long as he doesn't get beat deep, I don't care how poorly he tackles. If we can get opposing teams off the field this year on 3rd and long and stop with all the 20+ yd plays on us we are going to murder the league this year.

iceshack149 05-06-2008 02:17 PM

Re: porter ready for next test in nfl........

But, I don't expect a response to this. You see, WORDS can also be misleading! Yes, you read that right! WORDS can be misleading! Now you won't be able to talk or type, unless you dip your toes in that pool of inequity called language, and what would that do to your soul?

Memnoch, I like your point about the misleading nature of words. That fits nicely with my idea about the misleading nature of "viewing". Do you agree that an aggregation of various types of evidence is a good thing, or do you think we are always mislead? Just curious really.
Language is indeed limiting. Especially the English language. What I suffer from the most on these forums, general typing and written form is the inability to use hand gestures and facial expressions, as evidenced in poor communication with JKool the other day.

JKool 05-06-2008 02:19 PM

Re: porter ready for next test in nfl........
I think we should implement the use of hand gestures...

hagan714 05-06-2008 03:10 PM

Re: porter ready for next test in nfl........
I want to put music to my words. I have the soundtrack from the Wizard of Oz going through my head a lot here. Wait a minute, those could be just the usual voices doing the Chorus Line. Nope Wizard of Oz.

iceshack149 05-06-2008 04:02 PM

Re: porter ready for next test in nfl........
Give me sound effects. Like the fog horn sound when some one screws up.

foreverfan 05-06-2008 04:40 PM

Re: porter ready for next test in nfl........

Originally Posted by hagan714 (Post 165707)
I want to put music to my words. I have the soundtrack from the Wizard of Oz going through my head a lot here. Wait a minute, those could be just the usual voices doing the Chorus Line. Nope Wizard of Oz.

Are you sure? Tomorrow is a different day.

foreverfan 05-06-2008 04:42 PM

Re: porter ready for next test in nfl........

Originally Posted by Memnoch_TP (Post 165645)
This makes EXACTLY as much sense as a stranger walking up to you and asking you what time it is, and responding by giving him a picture of a donkey, telling him you love Jesus, farting, and walking off.

But, I don't expect a response to this.

I bet you do this all the time.

SmashMouth 05-06-2008 08:22 PM

Re: porter ready for next test in nfl........

Originally Posted by foreverfan (Post 165725)
I bet you do this all the time.

.. what? .... farting off?


hagan714 05-07-2008 05:20 AM

Re: porter ready for next test in nfl........
1 Attachment(s)
Nope these guys

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