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skymike 10-05-2009 05:37 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"
most funny use of silly superlatives.

ever in the whole great wide world. (we're sounding a bit SR'ish today, guys)

and I am joking.

Danno 10-05-2009 05:41 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 168931)
most funny use of silly superlatives.

ever in the whole great wide world. (we're sounding a bit SR'ish today, guys)

and I am joking.

Most awsomest use of the word "superlative" ever. No joke.

Tobias-Reiper 10-05-2009 05:43 PM

Re: Anyone else see Payton on the sideline....

Originally Posted by B_Dub_Saint (Post 168903)
How bout PT's fumble yesterday and a helmetless Drew Brees that had to dive in a recover the ball for us. No one mentions that. Everyone just wants to bash Bush because he's an easy target. No one looks at all the great runs and blitz pick up's he had yesterday. I'm not gonna flame you, just say that you and all of the Bush haters have your mind so made up on him, that you wont pour out any other criticism where it needs to be. I dont think we should bench Bush nor ever think about it. I guess he is our new punching bag since Jason David got cut.

No one mentions PT's fumble because
a) that was PT's first fumble this season
b) PT's performance in both the Buffalo and Jets games.
c) PT is an undrafted free agent who won the staring RB job.
d) people give much more credit to a RB who pounds the ball and needs 2-3 guys to bring him down vs a RB who fumbles when a stiff wind blows near him.

I have given Reggie much slack because what he meant for the team and the city when he was drafted, and because,time to time, you get to see a flash of brilliance that leaves you in awe. But now he has reached Devery-status with me.

PT, on the other hand, has reached "poor man's Emmitt Smith" status with me.

I'm not going to root for Reggie to screw up, but I surely want to see PT and Bell carry the ball, and Lance just call for fair catches on punts...

B_Dub_Saint 10-05-2009 06:12 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"
Who gives a crap about the stats from yesterday. The OP talked about did you see Reggie get his ass chewed, not who had the better game stats wise. My point was not to point out stats, they all contributed in the win some how or another. The point I was trying to make is that everyone gets down on Reggie when he screws up but no one talks about other mistakes that other players make. It just so easy for people to jump on the Reggie Bush bash-wagon that they let other people slip away. When Mike Bell fumbled and it was returned for a TD all people talked about was Reggie. It just gets old after a while. Look I not saying the guy has played lights out by any means but the Bush bash-wagon gets old. Hey we won the game so get over it. This team is good... finally. Enjoy the win and quit all the *****ing.

ArmySaintFan 10-05-2009 06:35 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"

Originally Posted by B_Dub_Saint (Post 168955)
Who gives a crap about the stats from yesterday. The OP talked about did you see Reggie get his ass chewed, not who had the better game stats wise. My point was not to point out stats, they all contributed in the win some how or another. The point I was trying to make is that everyone gets down on Reggie when he screws up but no one talks about other mistakes that other players make. It just so easy for people to jump on the Reggie Bush bash-wagon that they let other people slip away. When Mike Bell fumbled and it was returned for a TD all people talked about was Reggie. It just gets old after a while. Look I not saying the guy has played lights out by any means but the Bush bash-wagon gets old. Hey we won the game so get over it. This team is good... finally. Enjoy the win and quit all the *****ing.

Wow now that was the best post ever....thank you couldn't have said it better. I have said before did anyone expect reggie to run anyone over or be a power back when he got here if so maybe you need to go back and review USC game tape!! how about we not worry about what reggie makes leave the business side to the front office and lets be football fans! give the kid a break I think everyone can see he gives effort you cant' deny him that he tries if anything tries too hard let the season progress a little he will come around. lets try something new as Saints fans...lets try supporting our team our entire team...we have a good one and everyone contributes and everyone makes mistakes so lets just focus on the fact that we are 4-0 ...leave it to us to be 4-0 and not be a fluke 4-0 we are undefeated because we are a good team playing good ball and still find the time to be critical just be happy we aren't the bucs or panthers!!

skymike 10-05-2009 06:36 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"

Originally Posted by B_Dub_Saint (Post 168955)
Enjoy the win and quit all the *****ing.


alright kids, go back to class now. hahaha...

9thWardDesire 10-05-2009 07:26 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"
He had a little swag and a little arrogance his rookie year, according to what I remember. It seems like he's losing (if he hasn't lost it already). All I can say is, NO DEUCE, NO EXCUSE!! The stadium lights is on him and he will be scrutinized (hope I spell'd it right) on every play. Not just by the so-called experts, not just by coaches, not just by his peers but by fans as well as the mighty media! It's still early in the season. So Reggie needs to step up or get stepped up on!! That's why they invented this thing called GAME FILM/TAPE!! Study and adjust!!

mighty12 10-05-2009 08:54 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"
Uh-Oh Adrian Peterson just fumbled the ball and it led to 7 points, I guess the Vikings need to just get rid of him. They will never win the Super Bowl with a running like that.

Euphoria 10-05-2009 09:11 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"

Originally Posted by B_Dub_Saint (Post 168955)
Who gives a crap about the stats from yesterday. The OP talked about did you see Reggie get his ass chewed, not who had the better game stats wise. My point was not to point out stats, they all contributed in the win some how or another. The point I was trying to make is that everyone gets down on Reggie when he screws up but no one talks about other mistakes that other players make. It just so easy for people to jump on the Reggie Bush bash-wagon that they let other people slip away. When Mike Bell fumbled and it was returned for a TD all people talked about was Reggie. It just gets old after a while. Look I not saying the guy has played lights out by any means but the Bush bash-wagon gets old. Hey we won the game so get over it. This team is good... finally. Enjoy the win and quit all the *****ing.

Stats have everything to do with it!!!

The comparison is what the players contribute to a win. You don't get rid of Payton Manning cause he threw an INT. Give me a break! Its what a player contributes to a teams success. Right now Reggie is in the NEGATIVE. More fumbles and stupid mistakes for his draft pick and money he is making. Brees has a couple of INTS this season do we cut him uhm duh no. His contributions far out weight the INT's.

If you have a Bush jersey at the end of the season I'll offer you 2 bucks for it so I can use it to wash my car with or if it keeps going my butt with, lol.

Hey I want to love the guy and I will cheer my butt off for the guy if he earns it. Fact is he is earning what he is getting from us and he is playing like crap and deserves crap.

CantonLegend 10-05-2009 09:47 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"

Originally Posted by mighty12 (Post 168998)
Uh-Oh Adrian Peterson just fumbled the ball and it led to 7 points, I guess the Vikings need to just get rid of him. They will never win the Super Bowl with a running like that.

this is a prime example of someone completely missing the point

reggie fumbles but doesnt lead the league in rushing and isnt supposed to be the best running back of all time by the end of his career.....some of these things are done and said about adrian peterson

this is the same argument for matt forte and pierre are using 1 thing to say that reggie and adrian peterson are the same player.....they are not and you know that the more talented player will always get the benefit of the doubt

Danno 10-05-2009 09:54 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"

Originally Posted by mighty12 (Post 168998)
Uh-Oh Adrian Peterson just fumbled the ball and it led to 7 points, I guess the Vikings need to just get rid of him. They will never win the Super Bowl with a running like that.

Drew Brees has thrown interceptions before. We should have kept Aaron Brooks.

Ashley 10-05-2009 10:31 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"
man i had tooo much 2 drink, during the game. didn't see it, hell i had to get online first thing this morning to see what the score was.

FrenzyFan 10-06-2009 12:15 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"

Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 169000)
Stats have everything to do with it!!!

The comparison is what the players contribute to a win. You don't get rid of Payton Manning cause he threw an INT. Give me a break! Its what a player contributes to a teams success. Right now Reggie is in the NEGATIVE. More fumbles and stupid mistakes for his draft pick and money he is making. Brees has a couple of INTS this season do we cut him uhm duh no. His contributions far out weight the INT's.

If you have a Bush jersey at the end of the season I'll offer you 2 bucks for it so I can use it to wash my car with or if it keeps going my butt with, lol.

Hey I want to love the guy and I will cheer my butt off for the guy if he earns it. Fact is he is earning what he is getting from us and he is playing like crap and deserves crap.

Since I work with statistics as a daily part of my job, I can tell you one thing about them with complete confidence. There are only statistics for what you measure. Makes sense, right?

When someone starts measuring the impact Bush has on a defense, just because he's on the field and regardless if he gets the ball, I'll think it might be possible to lean on stats as my only means of evaluating his contribution.


Originally Posted by CantonLegend
this is a prime example of someone completely missing the point

reggie fumbles but doesnt lead the league in rushing and isnt supposed to be the best running back of all time by the end of his career.....some of these things are done and said about adrian peterson

It is not an equal comparison. It is also a typical example of the absolute garbage that comes out of the sensationalized news coverage of modern athletic events. Peterson to be one of the greatest of all time, eh? He's Walter Payton, Gale Sayers, Barry Sanders, Jim Brown, eh? I'm not aiming this at Canton, because he's just quoting a sports media culture that lacks any semblance of credibility.

One thing is a fact. Peterson has a bad fumbling problem and the national media IS pointing it out.

CantonLegend 10-06-2009 05:15 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"

Originally Posted by FrenzyFan (Post 169166)
Since I work with statistics as a daily part of my job, I can tell you one thing about them with complete confidence. There are only statistics for what you measure. Makes sense, right?

When someone starts measuring the impact Bush has on a defense, just because he's on the field and regardless if he gets the ball, I'll think it might be possible to lean on stats as my only means of evaluating his contribution.

It is not an equal comparison. It is also a typical example of the absolute garbage that comes out of the sensationalized news coverage of modern athletic events. Peterson to be one of the greatest of all time, eh? He's Walter Payton, Gale Sayers, Barry Sanders, Jim Brown, eh? I'm not aiming this at Canton, because he's just quoting a sports media culture that lacks any semblance of credibility.

One thing is a fact. Peterson has a bad fumbling problem and the national media IS pointing it out.

you will never hear me say he is better than guys like walter payton and barry sanders.....jim brown was before his time and while i would immediately rank him in the top 3 ever, i just think it had a lot to do with him being before his time

gale sayers isnt in the same sentence as walter payton, barry sanders and jim brown even tho he is a hall of famer as well

walter payton is the epitome of what a running back should be....he was quick on his feet....he was strong and strong willed....he was quiet to the media but a great influence to kids and a great volunteer in the community

emmit smith has the rushing record....but walter payton still has the title as best running back ever IMO

like you said....i was just regurgitating the media but the comparison is still nonsense

jcoll16 10-06-2009 06:20 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"

Originally Posted by mighty12 (Post 168998)
Uh-Oh Adrian Peterson just fumbled the ball and it led to 7 points, I guess the Vikings need to just get rid of him. They will never win the Super Bowl with a running like that.


Originally Posted by CantonLegend (Post 169006)
this is a prime example of someone completely missing the point

reggie fumbles but doesnt lead the league in rushing and isnt supposed to be the best running back of all time by the end of his career.....some of these things are done and said about adrian peterson

this is the same argument for matt forte and pierre are using 1 thing to say that reggie and adrian peterson are the same player.....they are not and you know that the more talented player will always get the benefit of the doubt

Mighty12 wqas being sarcastic.

joker-saint 10-06-2009 06:48 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"
Common people. We are 4 and 0. Who cares if Reggie fumbled the ball, so di Adrian Peterson against Green Bay. These things happen. Its not like its developed into a pattern. Hes more of an asset to this team than a liability. As soon as defenses start to think they have him contained he breaks free for either a touchdown or a long gain. Lets hope we continue to carry our momentum over to the Giants game. Good thing its at home. GEAUX SAINTS!!!!

FrenzyFan 10-06-2009 07:52 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"

Originally Posted by CantonLegend (Post 169226)
gale sayers isnt in the same sentence as walter payton, barry sanders and jim brown even tho he is a hall of famer as well

I agree with everything you said, especially about Sweetness being the absolute greatest running back of all time. However, this statement struck me as odd.

I know Sayers' career was short because of injury, but the guy was simply amazing. Many players who played against him (and other names on our short list) still regard Sayers as the greatest half back that ever played the game. He scored 22 TD in his rookie season, about 1 TD for every 10 touches. He scored 6 TDs (4 rushing, 1 receiving, and 1 punt return) in one game against the 49ers, and in that game the field was a sloshy mud-bowl. Sayers still leads the league for TDs among kickoff returners all time (with at least four TDs). He only had 91 returns, and 6 were TDs. To put it in a modern perspective, Devin Hester has 6 TDs over 94 returns - but Sayers return average is 6 yards per return better and he has 600 more return yards than Hester with 3 fewer total returns!

Finally, Sayers made the HoF with only five years in the NFL. That's virtually unheard of. While Payton still is the ultimate in RB perfection in every facet of the game on and off the field, I do not think there's any overstatement to put Sayers' name in the same sentence with him.

Just my opinion, of course.

spkb25 10-06-2009 08:03 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"

Originally Posted by FrenzyFan (Post 169259)
I agree with everything you said, especially about Sweetness being the absolute greatest running back of all time. However, this statement struck me as odd.

I know Sayers' career was short because of injury, but the guy was simply amazing. Many players who played against him (and other names on our short list) still regard Sayers as the greatest half back that ever played the game. He scored 22 TD in his rookie season, about 1 TD for every 10 touches. He scored 6 TDs (4 rushing, 1 receiving, and 1 punt return) in one game against the 49ers, and in that game the field was a sloshy mud-bowl. Sayers still leads the league for TDs among kickoff returners all time (with at least four TDs). He only had 91 returns, and 6 were TDs. To put it in a modern perspective, Devin Hester has 6 TDs over 94 returns - but Sayers return average is 6 yards per return better and he has 600 more return yards than Hester with 3 fewer total returns!

Finally, Sayers made the HoF with only five years in the NFL. That's virtually unheard of. While Payton still is the ultimate in RB perfection in every facet of the game on and off the field, I do not think there's any overstatement to put Sayers' name in the same sentence with him.

Just my opinion, of course.

All I am saying is, if you want to have an opinion- can you first provide the mean, variance and standard deviation. Thanks!

skymike 10-07-2009 06:21 AM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"
I would apply the empirical against the perceptive, and esoterically contrast the rhetorical consideration, guarding against unrelated variances.

Saint_LB 10-07-2009 06:39 AM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 169309)
I would apply the empirical against the perceptive, and esoterically apply the rhetorical consideration, guarding against unrelated variances. comments from the peanut gallery, newbie.

skymike 10-07-2009 06:42 AM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"

Originally Posted by Saint_LB (Post 169310) comments from the peanut gallery, newbie.

I was merely noting the academic direction of our rhetorical
discourse, and contrasting the myriad complexities.

Saint_LB 10-07-2009 07:20 AM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 169311)
I was merely noting the academic direction of our rhetorical
discourse, and contrasting the myriad complexities.

To quote one of my favorite TV characters of all time, Goober Pyle...

"Say it again!"

My life would be complete if I could just get a...well...I don't know how to describe it, but it was the little "Tsk" that Goober would do while faking a pinch to your ribs. Anybody know what I'm talking about?

skymike 10-07-2009 07:56 AM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"

Originally Posted by Saint_LB (Post 169314)
To quote one of my favorite TV characters of all time, Goober Pyle...

"Say it again!"

My life would be complete if I could just get a...well...I don't know how to describe it, but it was the little "Tsk" that Goober would do while faking a pinch to your ribs. Anybody know what I'm talking about?

I cant remember that... wish we had a clip. You do mean Goober, not Gomer. I knew they were brothers, but man, I was playing with dinosaurs, cowboys and indians in my grandma's living room when Mayberry was current.

edit: Ok, now that I read your post in relation to mine, I can pretty much visualized Goober & his goofy grin doing that. I remember the show well, but of course, being 4, I missed many of the nuances. (mayberry, nuances---hahaha..) Nope, at that time I was simply amused whenever Aunt Bea said, "Goober."

/threadjack Reggie is a human highlight reel incarnate, an eruption waiting
to happen!

darstep 10-07-2009 07:58 AM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"
Some of you guys are a little too hard on Reggie, and it true, he should get an ear full...and a butt full when he messes up. Let's keep focus: Reggie is Reggie, and that's all. He'll never be LIKE some of those other guys but he has skills that Payton will use to help us win SOME games. Just like the defense stepped up and got us this win, Reggie will do his thing and help us close some teams out. I've got a feeling that even if/when he does, some will still galdly hand him his coat and his hat and point him to I-10 (east or west wouldn't matter).

Saint_LB 10-07-2009 01:03 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 169317)
I cant remember that... wish we had a clip. You do mean Goober, not Gomer. I knew they were brothers, but man, I was playing with dinosaurs, cowboys and indians in my grandma's living room when Mayberry was current.

edit: Ok, now that I read your post in relation to mine, I can pretty much visualized Goober & his goofy grin doing that. I remember the show well, but of course, being 4, I missed many of the nuances. (mayberry, nuances---hahaha..) Nope, at that time I was simply amused whenever Aunt Bea said, "Goober."

/threadjack Reggie is a human highlight reel incarnate, an eruption waiting
to happen!

I predict that somewhere, sometime in the future, you are going to be sitting in your recliner with TBS on in the background, probably unknowingly to you at the time...but Andy is going to give Goober some instructions abourt what he is suppose to do around the courthouse while he is out of town, and right after Andy gives all the instructions, he will say, "Got it?" to Goober, and Goober's gonna say..."Say it again!"...and then you will lyao. :)

Edit...Oh yeah, about Aunt's "Gooba". lol

ArmySaintFan 10-07-2009 03:02 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"

Originally Posted by Saint_LB (Post 169310) comments from the peanut gallery, newbie.

hope that was joke if not real dick move!

ArmySaintFan 10-07-2009 03:03 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"

Originally Posted by ArmySaintFan (Post 169407)
hope that was joke if not real dick move!

yeah yeah go ahead make the newbie crack on me can't help all my stuff got lost when site crashed :p

Saint_LB 10-07-2009 03:24 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"

Originally Posted by ArmySaintFan (Post 169407)
hope that was joke if not real dick move!

See what you got me into, FF!

skymike 10-07-2009 03:28 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"

Originally Posted by ArmySaintFan (Post 169407)
hope that was joke if not real dick move!

oh oh yes, Army, total joke. LB is wrong about most things, and he wrongly of course, believes I'm full O' crap. But weirdly enough, because
I am sorta old, and he's really old, we tell good stories, and get along great.
Its all good, but thanks for having my back.

<<<<<<<<<< ----btw, your avatar gives me this.

Lets all blame FF!

exile 10-07-2009 03:30 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 169412)
oh oh yes, Army, total joke. LB is wrong about most things, and he wrongly of course, believes I'm full O' crap. But weirdly enough, because
I am sorta old, and he's really old, we tell good stories, and get along great.
Its all good, but thanks for having my back.

<<<<<<<<<< ----btw, your avatar gives me this.

Lets all blame FF!

FF did it. I saw 'em.

Saint_LB 10-07-2009 03:31 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 169412)
oh oh yes, Army, total joke. LB is wrong about most things, and he wrongly of course, believes I'm full O' crap. But weirdly enough, because
I am sorta old, and he's really old, we tell good stories, and get along great.
Its all good, but thanks for having my back.

Lets all blame FF!'s the rest of the story, as Paul Harvey use to say. I get this message from FF telling me that all your stuff got lost or whatever, and urges me to give you the business about the newbie, yeah, you should blame FF. Now I've lost his trust forever. Oh well...

skymike 10-07-2009 03:33 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"
but he's right. I am a newbie. This is me with technology:

Saint_LB 10-07-2009 03:35 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 169417)
but he's right. I am a newbie. This is me with technology:'s Oliver Wendall Douglas, the great pig lawyer!

skymike 10-07-2009 04:00 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"
freakin hilarious, isnt it. I remember being a little kid, and staying with
my grandparents at our little camphouse in the country--- near the Big Thicket in Texas, and Green Acres would come on, and I thought, "its just like that here." --even though we had an inside phone, and plumbing too.

I used to have nightmares about Indians attacking us.

Of course the real hazards were copperheads, water moccasins, mean
cattle, and those little red bugs that always wanted to stick to your body
near your dingy.

/threadjack (I learned that from nerds from my old site) How bout
that Pierre Thomas!!!! He's looking stronger than ever, and I heard he
put on a few pounds of muscle in the offseason. Nice guy too. My kids &
I met him in the 500 degree heat in Jackson training camp, and he still found
time to sign stuff for us, and take pics.

B_Dub_Saint 10-07-2009 06:34 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"
Who the hell is this SkyMike guy. Its like all the sudden he comes in here and acts like he's knows everyone. Earn you keep rookie :)

skymike 10-08-2009 05:55 AM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"

Originally Posted by B_Dub_Saint (Post 169457)
Who the hell is this SkyMike guy. Its like all the sudden he comes in here and acts like he's knows everyone. Earn you keep rookie :)

3 words for you, Mr. Works for the Saints--and I Know You
Can Sneak In & Get me Something.

helmet fleur decal....



iceshack149 10-08-2009 02:31 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 169530)
3 words for you, Mr. Works for the Saints--and I Know You
Can Sneak In & Get me Something.

helmet fleur decal....



What he said. With signatures on it from #9, #12, #16, #21, #23, #25 (that's right), #26 (you have him on speed dial right?), #41, #42, #51, #88 and #98. Is that so much to ask? I'll pay the shipping cost!

skymike 10-08-2009 04:40 PM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"
I can get you up close with Taylor Swift.
just dont touch her microphone.

Saint_LB 10-09-2009 05:56 AM

Re: "I hope you're watching!"

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 169656)
I can get you up close with Taylor Swift.
just dont touch her microphone.

I can get you into a poker game with Jack Elam's little brother...or so they say.

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