10-18-2009, 04:05 PM
Guam Saints Fan
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Guam, USA
Posts: 411
idk if any of you guys play madden 10, but our saints are so average in the game.. brees ovr is 98 which should be a 99. thomas and bell should be at atleast 85 and up respectively. also our receivers ovr are garbage as well.. our offensive line is not that great either.. each of our linmen should be 85 and above.. our DL is underatted. our Linebackers are as well.. shanle is a 70 ovr i see him atleast an 80 and fujita is a 68 should be an 80. just expressing some love for out saints i know its a video game but waht can i say we are soo underatted everywhere.. but look at us now 5-0 WHO DAT!!!!!