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spkb25 11-29-2009 11:35 AM

Re: The ULTIMATE disrespect!!!

Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 178874)
You can always move.

I am in Los Angeles and I can find a good bit of Saints stuff on store shelves. When I lived in VA thought it was scarce but I told they guy who owned the store I won't buy anything in here until he has Saints merchandise. Finally one day he had some stuff and I started shopping there.

where in va euph?

SaintPauly 11-29-2009 03:40 PM

Re: The ULTIMATE disrespect!!!
Tantrum? Whatever dude.... I guess
I'm the only one who responded to this
post, and has a problem with it. Even
though a lot of other people here, have
agreed with me. If we are being democratic
more people agree with me, than oppose
so go figure huh?

Next time I go to a video game store, and
they have never heard of Madden, I will
remember these "words of wisdom", I have
received here, and reallize its just good
business, not stupidity. No more "tantrums"
for me.

BTW, what's up Pak! Good to see a familiar
face brother.

Tobias-Reiper 11-29-2009 03:59 PM

Re: The ULTIMATE disrespect!!!

Originally Posted by saintpaul25 (Post 179348)
Tantrum? Whatever dude.... I guess
I'm the only one who responded to this
post, and has a problem with it. Even
though a lot of other people here, have
agreed with me. If we are being democratic
more people agree with me, than oppose
so go figure huh?

Next time I go to a video game store, and
they have never heard of Madden, I will
remember these "words of wisdom", I have
received here, and reallize its just good
business, not stupidity. No more "tantrums"
for me.

BTW, what's up Pak! Good to see a familiar
face brother.

Yes, tantrum.
You are the one who titled the thread "ULTIMATE disrespect".
Then you said yourself they had Saints stuff.

Originally Posted by saintpaul25
and the only saints stuff I found, was two sideline hats, and the sideline beanie.

So they HAD something Saints, even though they don't get enough requests for it.

What do you expect? The Saints to be 10-0 and all of the sudden every mom and pop store in the country to carry a full assortment of Saints regalia and paraphernalia?

pakowitz 11-29-2009 03:59 PM

Re: The ULTIMATE disrespect!!!
not much.. just working.. trying to come around more since all of you "unruly" members causing all this trouble

SaintPauly 11-29-2009 04:14 PM

Re: The ULTIMATE disrespect!!!

Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper (Post 179350)
Yes, tantrum.
You are the one who titled the thread "ULTIMATE disrespect".
Then you said yourself they had Saints stuff.

So they HAD something Saints, even though they don't get enough requests for it.

What do you expect? The Saints to be 10-0 and all of the sudden every mom and pop store in the country to carry a full assortment of Saints regalia and paraphernalia?

So now a store, IN A MALL, is a "mom and pop" store? This place was not out in Picayune somewhere, on main street, next to Papa Jimmy's Auto Parts, it was right next to Macy's, and Radio Shack.

The "disrespect" I was referring too, was the fact that when I asked him about it, he was clueless. I honestly don't think he even knew who the Saints were. The entire point, is exactly what I said to begin with, IF you are going to call yourself an NFL Shop, then in my eyes, you should carry the entire league. If you plan to only carry the Cowboys, the Niners, and the Patriots, you should call your store, "The Cowboys, Niners, and Patriots Specialty Shop." Unless you don't mind completely rooking potential customers, into believing that you have everything NFL.

Football, is essentially entertainment. In all other forms of entertainment, MOST businesses, sell what's hot now, plus what was hot twenty years ago. Thus, in any music store, you will find Lil Wayne, and Elvis, in the same store. That's why they read magazines, like Billboard, to find out what's hot now, so they can keep up with the times. Imagine going into a Virgin store, in Boise Idaho, and the clerk saying, "sorry son, we only sell local artists here. You gotta go get your "Ciara" cds somewhere else." It's not a tantrum, to expect one of only two sports stores, in a city of 2 million people to cater to the customers, not just themselves.

But whatever Reap, I'm going to just sit here, and hold my breath til you agree with me....:)

SaintPauly 11-29-2009 04:18 PM

Re: The ULTIMATE disrespect!!!

Originally Posted by pakowitz (Post 179351)
not much.. just working.. trying to come around more since all of you "unruly" members causing all this trouble

I'm only unruly when we lose.... Luckily, I haven't had that problem this year so far. :)

I was real close to getting back to N.O. this year, but thanks to the Terminator, the economy out here took a nose dive, and I'm stuck here for at least another three years. It's weird, I'm meeting SO many people from Louisiana out here, looking for work. But it's also cool, because Saints fans are multiplying.

Tobias-Reiper 11-29-2009 05:46 PM

Re: The ULTIMATE disrespect!!!

Originally Posted by saintpaul25 (Post 179356)
So now a store, IN A MALL, is a "mom and pop" store? This place was not out in Picayune somewhere, on main street, next to Papa Jimmy's Auto Parts, it was right next to Macy's, and Radio Shack.

The "disrespect" I was referring too, was the fact that when I asked him about it, he was clueless. I honestly don't think he even knew who the Saints were. The entire point, is exactly what I said to begin with, IF you are going to call yourself an NFL Shop, then in my eyes, you should carry the entire league. If you plan to only carry the Cowboys, the Niners, and the Patriots, you should call your store, "The Cowboys, Niners, and Patriots Specialty Shop." Unless you don't mind completely rooking potential customers, into believing that you have everything NFL.

Football, is essentially entertainment. In all other forms of entertainment, MOST businesses, sell what's hot now, plus what was hot twenty years ago. Thus, in any music store, you will find Lil Wayne, and Elvis, in the same store. That's why they read magazines, like Billboard, to find out what's hot now, so they can keep up with the times. Imagine going into a Virgin store, in Boise Idaho, and the clerk saying, "sorry son, we only sell local artists here. You gotta go get your "Ciara" cds somewhere else." It's not a tantrum, to expect one of only two sports stores, in a city of 2 million people to cater to the customers, not just themselves.

But whatever Reap, I'm going to just sit here, and hold my breath til you agree with me....:)

Yes, a store, IN A MALL, can be a "mom and pop" store. Mom and pop store merely refers to a store which is not part of a franchise or owned by a corporation. Two Hindus owning a store qualify as "mom and pop".

The logic in your music analogy is completely erroneous.
Music preferences and sports team affiliations are completely different. People who buy music don't generally have the sense of affiliation fans of sports teams have, so they don't stick to buying cds from only one artist from one particular city. I don't doubt there may be exceptions out there, but generally speaking, no one walks into a music store, picks up a cd, and says "I'm buying this CD because the artist is from Atlanta" or "I'm not buying this CD because this group is from Tampa Bay".

So your "Ciara" would sell as well in Dallas as it would sell in Philadelphia.

Further, a CD with bad music, regardless of artist or genre, would not sell well anywhere, whereas sports franchises sell merchandise in their areas regardless of how bad the team is doing.

As for the store calling itself an NFL store, well, I don't know what they call themselves, but as you said, they DO have Saints merchandise. It's just that, because your team is 10-0 today, you expect a full inventory of Saints merchandise in every store across the country, but that is not how the business model works.

... and not only you expect it, you feel "disrespected" or feel the team is being "disrespected" if not every store across the country is right now carrying a full line of Saints merchandise.

There are other things I could explain to you about business models as well, as in sales forecasts and inventory costs and stuff, but those may go over your head a bit.

SaintPauly 11-29-2009 06:13 PM

Re: The ULTIMATE disrespect!!!

Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper (Post 179371)
Yes, a store, IN A MALL, can be a "mom and pop" store. Mom and pop store merely refers to a store which is not part of a franchise or owned by a corporation. Two Hindus owning a store qualify as "mom and pop".

Have you ever been to California? There is nothing resembling mom and pop here. Bad economy, has forced most of the smaller stores, and companies, at least in NorCal, out of business. And 99% of all the stores, in all the malls here, ARE chain stores. If not nationally, then at least in the state.

The logic in your music analogy is completely erroneous.
Music preferences and sports team affiliations are completely different. People who buy music don't generally have the sense of affiliation fans of sports teams have, so they don't stick to buying cds from only one artist from one particular city. I don't doubt there may be exceptions out there, but generally speaking, no one walks into a music store, picks up a cd, and says "I'm buying this CD because the artist is from Atlanta" or "I'm not buying this CD because this group is from Tampa Bay".

That is not true. Fans of all teams, are all over the place these days. There is a bar in San Francisco, called the Voodoo lounge, that holds about fourty, to fifty Saints fans everytime they play. Another in Sacramento, called Players. Not to mention, California, is i would guess, at least 50 percent transplants, not natives, so buying things to remind them of their homes, is a very frequent occurence.

And I'm sorry, but if you don't believe that people in areas, don't prefer and buy, their hometown music over others, then you must have never heard of Tupac (west coast), and Biggie (east coast). Those two artists alone defined seperation of areas, plus loyalty to certain music, from specific coasts. To the death.

So your "Ciara" would sell as well in Dallas as it would sell in Philadelphia.

Personally I hate Ciara, just using it as an example. I'm not talking about regional, local, or anything else, i am talking about customer service here. i don't care what kind of business you run, if you put any customer in a position, where they feel unimportant to you, you are destined to fail. Period.

As for the store calling itself an NFL store, well, I don't know what they call themselves, but as you said, they DO have Saints merchandise. It's just that, because your team is 10-0 today, you expect a full inventory of Saints merchandise in every store across the country, but that is not how the business model works.

Two hats, and a beanie.... that was it. Not even a Bush jersey, and he's from here for gods sake.

... and not only you expect it, you feel "disrespected" or feel the team is being "disrespected" if not every store across the country is right now carrying a full line of Saints merchandise.

Never said every store, never said full line of anything.

There are other things I could explain to you about business models as well, as in sales forecasts and inventory costs and stuff, but those may go over your head a bit.

Never, at any point did I say, that I was expecting a full store, of Saints gear. Did you read my post? I said, they didn't have a saints key chain... Go back and read it. A key chain, not an autographed football, but a key chain.... They had the browns, the lions, and the bucs, but no Saints, keychains.... A key chain bro... What do those cost retail? And I didn't say every store, everywhere either, I said THIS ONE. Ok?

I remember a time, when "the customer was always right", now, it's "the owner knows best." The guy was a douche, and didn't even want to discuss it with me, AT ALL. What are you guys not understanding about this? Go back and read the posts again.

SaintPauly 11-29-2009 06:29 PM

Re: The ULTIMATE disrespect!!!
You know what, I'm sorry I brought this up. I have a head ache, and feel like I'm at a real estate seminar. MODS, could you please just delete this thread? It has turned into a nightmare. Thank you in advance.... And now back to your regularly scheduled program....

CantonLegend 11-29-2009 08:16 PM

Re: The ULTIMATE disrespect!!!

Originally Posted by saintpaul25 (Post 179379)
You know what, I'm sorry I brought this up. I have a head ache, and feel like I'm at a real estate seminar. MODS, could you please just delete this thread? It has turned into a nightmare. Thank you in advance.... And now back to your regularly scheduled program....

lol euph and toby are good about being facetious

it has nothing to do with you.....its just how they are

your issue is very valid and its actually a pretty common occurence all over the country......the saints are just so consistantly bad and most fans are fans of winning just rarely see those die-hard lions and browns fans unless you are at a lions or browns game

i saw a guy with a kansas city chiefs bowling ball the other night and i was blown away....he said thats how most people react but that i should know how it feels cuz im an "aints" fan

Tobias-Reiper 11-30-2009 07:13 AM

Re: The ULTIMATE disrespect!!!

Originally Posted by saintpaul25 (Post 179374)
Never, at any point did I say, that I was expecting a full store, of Saints gear. Did you read my post? I said, they didn't have a saints key chain... Go back and read it. A key chain, not an autographed football, but a key chain.... They had the browns, the lions, and the bucs, but no Saints, keychains.... A key chain bro... What do those cost retail? And I didn't say every store, everywhere either, I said THIS ONE. Ok?

So, specifically not having a key chain is the ULTIMATE disrespect? Because they had some key chains for other teams that are losing now, that for all you know they could've been dangling over the counter for years?

I remember a time, when "the customer was always right", now, it's "the owner knows best." The guy was a douche, and didn't even want to discuss it with me, AT ALL. What are you guys not understanding about this? Go back and read the posts again.
.. and I remember a time when the window that now says "Customer Service" said "Returns and Complaints". "The customer is always right" is a motto that Macy's came up with many, many, many years ago.. sort of retail political correctness... but no one is always right. Certainly walking into a store doesn't make you automatically be right on everything.

And I can see why the owner (if he indeed was the owner) didn't want to discuss with you why he didn't have a Saints key chain.

When I saw the title of the thread, I expected something like "someone spat on my face and called my mama names". But to call "the ULTIMATE disrespect" the fact that this particular store in California - which BTW is a few miles away from 2 NFL teams - didn't have a Saints key chain but had Lions and Browns key chains, that is throwing a tantrum.

skymike 11-30-2009 07:23 AM

Re: The ULTIMATE disrespect!!!
You know, I think its crap that you can go somewhere and buy Browns stuff and UNSOLD Texans stuff in places you dont even have anything Saints. When are we gonna get respect?

In January.

Euphoria 11-30-2009 10:24 AM

Re: The ULTIMATE disrespect!!!

Originally Posted by spkb25 (Post 179323)
where in va euph?

LYNHAVEN MALL in Va. Beach VA. When he started stocking Saints stuff I made it a point to drop by and buy something from time to time.

I was stationed there at Oceana, then in Norfolk and up near DC in Anacostia. I got around.

WifeUnit 11-30-2009 02:09 PM

Re: The ULTIMATE disrespect!!!

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 179529)
You know, I think its crap that you can go somewhere and buy Browns stuff and UNSOLD Texans stuff in places you dont even have anything Saints. When are we gonna get respect?

In January.

Hey, I saw some of those jersey-style beer koozies (you know the ones, that look like a t-shirt to go over bottled beer) at Walgreens in Spring TX and they only had SAINTS and Pittsburgh, didn't even have Texans. WHO DAT?!!:p

cargojon 11-30-2009 02:14 PM

Re: The ULTIMATE disrespect!!!
I live in York, PA and last year for Christmas I happened to go into Kohl's looking for something.

As luck would have it, they had a bunch of Steelers stuff andSaints stuff. Nothing else. Weird, but I'll take it. Bought some Saints glasses for the kitchen, out of which I'll be drinking tonight.

SaintPauly 11-30-2009 04:39 PM

Re: The ULTIMATE disrespect!!!

Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper (Post 179527)
So, specifically not having a key chain is the ULTIMATE disrespect? Because they had some key chains for other teams that are losing now, that for all you know they could've been dangling over the counter for years?

.. and I remember a time when the window that now says "Customer Service" said "Returns and Complaints". "The customer is always right" is a motto that Macy's came up with many, many, many years ago.. sort of retail political correctness... but no one is always right. Certainly walking into a store doesn't make you automatically be right on everything.

And I can see why the owner (if he indeed was the owner) didn't want to discuss with you why he didn't have a Saints key chain.

When I saw the title of the thread, I expected something like "someone spat on my face and called my mama names". But to call "the ULTIMATE disrespect" the fact that this particular store in California - which BTW is a few miles away from 2 NFL teams - didn't have a Saints key chain but had Lions and Browns key chains, that is throwing a tantrum.

OOOOOOKKKKKKK REAP!!! WTFE! Jesus Christ, and the prophets. You are right, and everyone else that thinks its a problem are wrong. You are a retail marketing genius! Can we move on now???

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