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Dasidreidia 12-02-2009 02:38 PM

Re: After further review, little peeved over bandwagon...

Originally Posted by RaginCajun83 (Post 180429)
My hate for the Cowboys started in 1987 when my dad got transferred to Midland, TX and I would get picked on at school for wearing my Saints jacket. It only got worse when in junior high, one of the teachers (my football coach) would give me crap after a Saints lose and a Cowboys win. I can't wait for the game in the dome this year ....

Hey let them jump on the wagon and spend their money on the Saints, in a couple years they will jump to the next "it" team and their true character will show though it. Like my dad said growing up, "Cheering for the Saints shows and builds your character. When they win it all, it will be that more sweeter."

But what happens if we're the next "it" team for this decade?

RaginCajun83 12-02-2009 03:04 PM

Re: After further review, little peeved over bandwagon...
I have no problem with that cause I'm not going anywhere. If they did become the next "it" team just means more money given to the Saints, thats a good thing

BOLTS4LIFE 12-02-2009 03:10 PM

Re: After further review, little peeved over bandwagon...

Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper (Post 179264)
... I know I shouldn't be, I thought I wouldn't care,maybe I should be happy about it, but during my annual Disney trip, I saw more new Saints gear walking around the Magic Kingdom than you'll see in the B&G shop. There was a sea of 9s and 25s everywhere...even saw people swimming in the pool with Saints gear on; and honestly, it kind of felt wrong. I usually see Who Dats here and there, but this year, I saw hundreds of people with new Saints gear. I usually don't walk around with much gear, maybe a hat or worn out B&G sweatshirt...of course, the faded Fleur-De-Lis tattooed on my left hand between my wrist, index finger and thumb is there for everyone to see that I was branded B&G long time ago, before tattoos became the accessory fad they are now.

..anyway, just a little peeved :)


Why be peeved about that? As a long time fan, it should make you smile. Cause that means your team is getting respect.

In LA, many people are throwing away their Raiders gear and replacing it with Chargers gear... AND I LOVE IT!!!!

Matchew 12-02-2009 04:13 PM

Re: After further review, little peeved over bandwagon...
Tobias. My family was also @ Disney over Thanksgiving weekend. You're right we saw a ton of B&G. I just had my '06 Division Champ ball cap on but the Who Dats were giving thumbs up and peace sign and shout out "Who Dat" as you passed. I spoke to a few dudes couple locals but a few from Mississippi. Yeah we've got Who Dats everywhere. The more the merrier I say. Some maybe hadn't felt strongly enough about the team to show it outside of the home or dome. And us not being so used to having a team so good this is the first time we've experienced this. Great.
More wins = more pub = more bandwagoners = more $$.


Who Dat.

Mr. Roboto 12-02-2009 04:53 PM

Re: After further review, little peeved over bandwagon...
I don't think it's a case of people being bandwagoners. There have always been tons of Saints fans all over the Gulf region. I think now you just have more people getting openly excited because they recognized this team is special. You have to understand, people have been disappointed too many times and that takes a toll.

leilung 12-02-2009 05:18 PM

Re: After further review, little peeved over bandwagon...
I call this the Ugly Girl Syndrome: She's so used to being unpopular with the other kids that now that she's had a makeover and others want to be her friend, she doesn't know whether to be happy, or resentful...

skymike 12-02-2009 06:25 PM

Re: After further review, little peeved over bandwagon...

Originally Posted by leilung (Post 180535)
I call this the Ugly Girl Syndrome: She's so used to being unpopular with the other kids that now that she's had a makeover and others want to be her friend, she doesn't know whether to be happy, or resentful...

that is just brilliant--lol.

Hey guys, I was at Fiesta Texas in San Antonio (was forcibly coerced into
goint to SA-- for the kids entertainment), and I saw as many Saints Jerseys there as I did Cowboys, not kidding.

Memnoch_TP 12-02-2009 09:59 PM

Re: After further review, little peeved over bandwagon...

Originally Posted by Rocket (Post 179697)
Does the Saint's benefit $ from the merchandise thats being sold?
If so let them buy

My friends tell me that I shouldn't wear my Archie jersey, what do you guy's think?

I think your friend are jackasses.

#8 is the ultimate expression of the true, long suffering Saints fan. Don't get me wrong, I love Drew Brees. But Drew is not from the area, he is not a Saints draft pick, he represents the best of the good years... Archie represents the best of the bad years.

I have a #9, but it was a gift. #8 is my pride and joy. Actually, I really want a #42 Sharper, but I'd feel like I was betraying the memory of Sammy. Cause I love my #29 too.

I had "The Safety's Pray". "Our Safety, who art in Nawlins, Sammy be thy name..."

It was usually followed by a timely game-ending interception. I miss Sammy.

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