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Dasidreidia 11-30-2009 04:44 PM

Blasphemy on
"OMG I CANT WAIT its so weird being a saints for for 10 years now and being this far in the season without a lose...its as if i am not cheering for the underdog nemore..which is why i became a fan but now i am cheering the Goliath...neways GOOOOO SAINTS...and for god sakes STOP SAYIN WHO DAT!!!...its annoyin and g e h"

An actual post from an article.


Saints will have to win a shootout to beat Patriots, stay unbeaten

Dasidreidia 11-30-2009 04:46 PM

Re: Blasphemy on
And the response to that post.

"I can't believe that someone who calls them a true saints fan would say to saints fans to stop saying "Who Dat!" we are the Who Dat nation. its easy to spot the bandwagon fans. WHO DAT!"

The bandwagon jumper's reply

"banwagon my a s s r e t a r d WHO DAT IS STUPID ...we are not an ebonic speaking turd team this year...or since we have had brees..we are a good team so stoping sayin annoying things like WHO DAT when we are junk again and our play looks like we cant spell or pronounce words correctly then we can go back to sayin who dat...time to turn the page r e t a r d s who say who dat...its absurd to think that was ever a good thing to yell..."

SaintPauly 11-30-2009 04:46 PM

Re: Blasphemy on
Who Dat, is much better than Who Dey... Thieving Bengals.. :)

Dasidreidia 11-30-2009 04:47 PM

Re: Blasphemy on

Originally Posted by saintpaul25 (Post 179640)
Who Dat, is much better than Who Dey... Thieving Bengals.. :)

Actually, I'm inclined to believe we stole it since they've been around longer.

Dasidreidia 11-30-2009 04:49 PM

Re: Blasphemy on
"On the other hand, Im also a Saints fan, and think anyone who says Who Dat is an idiot.. Pats time is over. Go Saints!"

And another. You wanted bandwagon jumpers?

Sir Psycho Sexy 11-30-2009 04:49 PM

Re: Blasphemy on

Originally Posted by Dasidreidia (Post 179642)
Actually, I'm inclined to believe we stole it since they've been around longer.

Nope, pretty sure WHO-DAT was first. The Bungels added that who-dey crap recently as i recall.

TheDeuce 11-30-2009 04:49 PM

Re: Blasphemy on
The Houston Rockets have just stolen the Who Dat chant as well. I hate the Rockets.

CantonLegend 11-30-2009 04:56 PM

Re: Blasphemy on

Originally Posted by Dasidreidia (Post 179642)
Actually, I'm inclined to believe we stole it since they've been around longer.

we didnt steal it.....its different

they say who dEY......we say who dAT

its kinda like vanilla ice didnt steal ice ice baby from queen

its different i sware

SaintPauly 11-30-2009 04:57 PM

Re: Blasphemy on
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that we started Who Dat first. They are both from the eighties, but I think we started it. What's next, the Lions, and the "Who Dem" nation.....?

Dasidreidia 11-30-2009 04:59 PM

Re: Blasphemy on
Meh. I just know they were good before we started it. But now that I think about it, I hadn't heard it until recently. Throw in their 2005 season, and it adds up.

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