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BillyCarpenter1 09-02-2003 01:56 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!

First off - I will remember these quotes:

1. \"If they do not make every effort in the world to sign Milloy, I will be jumping on the boat with FWtex.\"
Yeah, but, I was only joking. If they don\'t sign him, I will be disappointed, but I won\'t be calling into question their commitment to win. Considering how agressive the Saints have been over the years at pursuing players, to me, that would be rediculous.

BlackandBlue 09-02-2003 02:00 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
Know how you feel, WhoDat, Roosevelt Colvin was my Lawyer Milloy this past offseason, and now he\'s tearing it up in Boston. :casstet:

WhoDat 09-02-2003 02:02 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
Think what you will Billy - I think it is ridiculous that we passed on a guy like Claiborne and took Ruff - difference in salary was 500K. I think it\'s ridiculous that we traded away two first round picks for one player and went with so many offensive players in the draft when our DEFENSE had so many needs. I think it is ridiculous that we allowed Pro Bowlers like Roaf, Glover, Johnson, Knight, and other solid players like Turley and Clemons go leave... or let it get to the point where they had to go just to alleviate the situation. Put Glover, Johnson, Knight, and Clemons (at OLB) back on this team right now and you\'ve got yourself 15 or 20 sacks, maybe more, and 200 tackles. Instead we\'ve got an injured second year player, rookie, back-up to an injured second-year player, and Clemon\'s backup from last year in those spots. That\'s ridiculous.

BillyCarpenter1 09-02-2003 02:08 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!

Put Glover, Johnson, Knight, and Clemons (at OLB) back on this team right now and you\'ve got yourself 15 or 20 sacks, maybe more, and 200 tackles.

Please!! Out of all of those players the only one who would make a difference is Glover and he is a liability against the run. Joe Johnson isn\'t even playing this year and has drug and legal problems. Charlie Cleamons is average at best. Sammy Knight might have had impressive stats, but he was picked on all year long. The stats just weren\'t worth the risk.

TomGreen 09-02-2003 02:12 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
The Bills have made a contract offer to Milloy. :( is saying that the Bills , have already started negotiating with Milloy\'s agent.

tweeky 09-02-2003 02:16 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
Not to mention, Roaf, Glover, and Johnson would have been about 30 Million dollars. Those 3 alone would have meant a Bellamy type player at just about every other postion, and we\'d be in salary cap hell.

Even Len P gave us props for letting those 3 go and listed about 7 or 8 palyers on our team now that we never could have gotten if we kept them. Charles Grant, LeCharles Bentley, Spenser Folau, Kendal Jacox, Grady Jackson, etc.

lumm0x 09-02-2003 02:17 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
The Saints have been aggressive at pursuing \"diamonds in the rough\". Even if they are high priced free agents, they seem to be people that have yet to reach potential. Granted, Claiborne would have been one of those, but they blantantly ignore the Pro Bowl players for potential Pro Bowl players.

It would be nice to see them going after a currently elite player.

BlackandBlue 09-02-2003 02:19 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!

Charlie Cleamons is average at best.
That was my favorite quote. Yeah, he was no better than average at MLB. But it\'s easy to forget that he was moved from the outside, where he put up very good numbers. We\'ll see how he does in Houston\'s 3-4 this year.
All you ranters, better be ready to be disappointed. Odds are, we won\'t even lift an eyebrow towards Milloy.

WhoDat 09-02-2003 02:25 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
Charlie Clemons led the Saints in tackles and sacks in 01 as an OLB. Knight led the team in tackles last year and was second in \'01 - he also led in INTs both years I believe. That\'s 200 tackles, 15 sacks, and 5 or 6 INTs right there. La\'Roi Glover went to the Pro Bowl last season. Johnson had no problems in N.O. and the CURRENT coaching staff was surprised and disappointed to see him go. So the coaches are wrong Billy?

I\'d bet that you would be all over Glover if we were trying to sign him and he hadn\'t ever been a Saint. Now that he\'s gone you\'re mighty confident that he was wrong for this team. Same is true with Turley, Roaf, Clemons, Knight - Pro Bowl caliber players. So let me ask you this Billy - who is the liability on our team this year? I just want to know now - b/c you\'re preaching about how this defense looks so good on paper, and how the coaching staff made all the right moves. But what happens in January when they cut players b/c of these types of problems. Will they be scapegoats, or problems all along? And if they are problems then, why aren\'t they problems now? So tell me Billy, who are our problem players - our weak links - that you will be happy to see go after this season?

BillyCarpenter1 09-02-2003 02:27 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!

That was my favorite quote. Yeah, he was no better than average at MLB. But it\'s easy to forget that he was moved from the outside, where he put up very good numbers. We\'ll see how he does in Houston\'s 3-4 this year.
All you ranters, better be ready to be disappointed. Odds are, we won\'t even lift an eyebrow towards Milloy

Cleamons has been in the league for how long? How many good seasons has he had? Now he might go to the Hall of Fame, but so far he has had an average career at best.

Odds are we won\'t? Where exactly would you place our odd?

WhoDat 09-02-2003 02:31 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
God - how much will it hurt you if that guy is Brooks?? You\'d have to change your screenname or leave the board! HA HA! ;) Kidding Billy - but my point all along has been, why do you trust the coaching staff so much now? Last year did they come in saying \"Knight and Clemons are going to be problems\"??? NO, those two guys were the cornerstones of our defense this time last season. Pro Bowlers in all of our minds. 16 games later the coaching staff claims they\'re everything that was wrong with our defense and you\'re buying it. Clemons was a very good OLB and he will be again in Houston. Watch Knight in Miami - this could be another Pro Bowl season for him too. I just don\'t understand why you NEVER question the coaches when their tunes seem to change every couple of months.

BillyCarpenter1 09-02-2003 02:33 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
WhoDat -- We can go on and on and on about which players the Saints should have signed or kept. But, the fact is with free agency that\'s the way it is. Also, there is no agueing the fact that the team the Saints have now is a better team than the Saints have ever had.

Every team would like to keep all the good players, but it just don\'t work that way. Would I like to have some of those players back? Sure I would. Would I like to sign some of the bigger name free agents out there? Sure I would, but there\'s this little thing called a salary cap.

BlackandBlue 09-02-2003 02:34 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
Based on past experiences, I\'m confident we won\'t. So much so, that if you\'re willing, I\'d also be willing to put up a $500 bet on this. All we would have to do is trade contact info.

WhoDat 09-02-2003 02:37 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
OK Billy - go that route. Just tell me who will fall short this season and be a major part of why the defense failed come January. Tebucky? Smith? Carter? Sullivan? Jackson? Who? B/c right now all I hear you saying is that the defense got better, but I\'m guessing you said the same thing last year. Maybe this year you\'ll be right... then again, you\'re saying the offense should get even better also. That\'s making me nervous.

BillyCarpenter1 09-02-2003 02:37 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
Please!! If you\'re saying that the odds are against the Saints because so many teams other than the Saints are going after him then I agree. If you\'re saying it\'s because the Saints front office sucks then I disagree.

No bet. My mama didn\'t raise no fool... ;)

BillyCarpenter1 09-02-2003 02:39 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!

OK Billy - go that route. Just tell me who will fall short this season and be a major part of why the defense failed come January. Tebucky? Smith? Carter? Sullivan? Jackson? Who? B/c right now all I hear you saying is that the defense got better, but I\'m guessing you said the same thing last year. Maybe this year you\'ll be right... then again, you\'re saying the offense should get even better also. That\'s making me nervous.
Unlike you, I cannot predict the future. I\'ll let you know who I want gone after the season is over. That way I can tell you who didn\'t cut it.

WhoDat 09-02-2003 02:42 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
OK - so then you\'re saying it is likely to expect that at least one defensive player will not live up to expectations this season. How will that affect the defense? It sounds to me like you\'re saying it won\'t. So someone on our defense will disappoint huh? Yet the D will still improve by 10 or 15 spots? Interesting prediction.

BlackandBlue 09-02-2003 02:45 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!

Please!! If you\'re saying that the odds are against the Saints because so many teams other than the Saints are going after him then I agree. If you\'re saying it\'s because the Saints front office sucks then I disagree.
Actually, I\'m stating neither. I\'m basing my opinion on our past maneuvers in free agency, which I think WhoDat summed up brilliantly in a previous post.
On another note, this is NOT the best Saints team we\'ve seen. The honors go to the team from 2000-2001 season, and if any of you are too stupid to realize why, then do not post here anymore. In quiet retrospect, let us all think back to the year and what made that team so great. It\'s funny that you can\'t base your opinions on individual players yet, because you can\'t \"predict the future\", but you are willing to claim this is the best Saints team we\'ve ever seen, without them taking a single regular season snap.

BillyCarpenter1 09-02-2003 02:55 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
Let me clarify something. When I said best team, I meant the best team(s) since Haslett has been here, compared to teams under past coaches. Quit posting cause I\'m supid huh? That\'s the best ya got? I could say the same about you IF your posts were more about football rather than about everything else.

BlackandBlue 09-02-2003 03:08 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!

and if any of you are too stupid to realize why
No no no, please, read more into my post than what is actually there. But I can see why you thought I singled you out- it was the way I typed it, it had that connotation. Please, Billy, as usual you\'re looking to lure one of us that has a differencing opinion than yours into a pissing match with you. Gee, maybe I could garner more respect by telling everyone that they are wrong all the time- yeah, that\'s it. I\'ll give that a go from now on. Would be alot better than never talking about football, like I do now.
And correct me if I\'m wrong, but wasn\'t the 2000-2001 season Haslett\'s first year as head coach? You\'re not a bandwagon jumper, are you?

BillyCarpenter1 09-02-2003 03:11 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
OK -- My bad. I aplogize.

WhoDat 09-02-2003 03:11 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
Billy - listen man, I\'ve been really cordial with you recently, right? I understand we disagree on a lot, but that doesn\'t mean that either of us is not knowledgeable, right?

Please man, I\'m trying to do you a favor on this one. Stop posting on this thread. You\'re embarrassing yourself. I\'ve called you out - your answer was not your best. BnB really knows his stuff. His posts are concise and well thought out. You\'re not making football arguments - as evidenced by your last post.

Simply say either - A. I am an eternal optimist, and though this coaching staff has been wrong before, they\'ve been right, in my opinion, more than any other coaching staff in Saints history, and for that reason, while I don\'t think every move they made will pan out, I do think that they got much better. Yes that may be based somewhat on wishful optimism, but right now I am buying it. They did get better on D - Haslett says so, and I believe him b/c he can obviously judge talent to some degree.

or B. nothing - b/c if what I said above doesn\'t demonstrate your feelings and beliefs than you\'re wrong, and when you\'re wrong you resort to name-calling and turn into a poster who is not fun to be around.

Just trying to help man - I\'m not trying to start anything.

BillyCarpenter1 09-02-2003 03:15 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
WhoDat -- Maybe you read something in my post that I didn\'t. What name did I call anyone? I misread B&B post and I aplogized. And as far as embarrsing myself. Feel free to include yourself in that list.

Now please show me where I called someone a name. Can you do that for me? That\'s what I thought.

WhoDat 09-02-2003 03:20 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
I can show you a lot of past posts when you did - and I guess name calling was inaccurate. Would you prefer personal attacks? Dude, I saw you apologized. Good man. I\'m not trying to upset you man, seriously. I\'m just saying that talking about BnB being stupid or not posting on subject... well, both of those statements are really wrong. You apologized - it was a misunderstanding, no big deal. I\'d just like to try to keep it about the football and not about personal attacks man. I\'m guilty of it too, we all are.

saintfan 09-02-2003 03:23 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
Follow Whodat\'s logic and we don\'t have the following players:

NO Deuce -- we already had Ricky...wasted draft pic
No Brooks -- he was a 3rd stringer, and Delhomme is the only 3rd stringer Whodat likes
No Horn -- Hadn\'t proved anything before New Orleans
No Pathon -- Was coming off injury
No Beerman -- What, an ex arena leaguer...are you kiddin

You guys think we should have a roster of 30 million dollar contracts. It\'s real easy to sit here and spew that crap when it\'s not your money. Most of you guys probably can\'t balance your freakin checkbooks. I\'m not sure why some of you don\'t just become Redskins fans. They have an owner who lives in Salary cap trouble.

We\'d all like to see \'em sign Milloy, but I don\'t want \'em to break the bank or mortgage the franchise to do it.

WhoDat 09-02-2003 03:28 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
Back to the subject at hand...

I find it intersting that two years ago we were a smallish fast attacking defense with players like Glover and Clemons. The coaching staff said that we weren\'t good enough against the run and wanted to get bigger. We did that. Now, we were too big and slow and not fast enough. We need to be all over the field - attacking. Speed will help us stop the run... uh, isn\'t that what we started with? Don\'t all of those guys we cut fit our newer new defensive scheme perfectly? I just wonder why so many people have so much faith. We\'re trying to get back to a defense we had in the first place... so all of these moves and we\'re trying to reinstall what we had with players of, in my opinion, a lesser talent level.

BillyCarpenter1 09-02-2003 03:30 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
It was a simple misunderstanding. He made the reference to \" if anyone is too stupid\" not me. I just took it as him talking about me. I guess he wasn\'t and like I said I aplogized. Now how would it sound if I told you \" if anyone is too stupid to see what I\'m saying is true then you need to stop posing here.\" Not my words-- HIS.

BlackandBlue 09-02-2003 03:34 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
You\'re right, I don\'t balance my checkbook. I pay someone to do that for me.
And I\'m not dumb enough to think that we can have a pro-bowler at every position, one of the Saints strong points is that they are better than any other team at picking out \"role-players\". \"Role-players\" are guys who may lack the physical characteristics of their fellow players, but play solid ball, with no mistakes. I look at the defense and I see alot of \"role-players\", but very few \"difference makers\". And you can\'t go to a Super Bowl with a team filled with \"role-players\". You need an even mix.

WhoDat 09-02-2003 03:36 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
Hey Saintfan - I think Haslett has done a particularly good job on the offensive side of the ball. No argument there. The problem though is, and has been, the defense. For a defensive minded coach he has not made good decisions. Not with player personnel, not with coaching staff, and it shows.

And I am not suggesting that we ONLY sign top name FAs. I agree it\'s about value - you tell me, who is the bigger value? Claiborne or Ruff? We\'ll see about Tebucky vs. Knight. We\'ll see about Rodgers vs. Clemons. I say two first rounders is always better than one...

My point is laid out above. They came in and said, we need to change this league leading/elite (in sacks and turnovers anyway) defense. We need to get bigger. That failed miserably and now they\'re trying to bring back the system that worked in the first place. That doesn\'t instill much confidence in me. Maybe it does to you guys, but I\'m starting to think you guys believe everything the coaches tell you.

... oh, and PS, I\'m a licensed broker... you wanna talk finance Saintfan?

BillyCarpenter1 09-02-2003 03:42 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
I agree there have been mistakes with the defense. The defense(not including this year) hasn\'t been as good as the first year under Haslett. But, mistakes happen. This isn\'t a science and mistakes happen. I just don\'t get all the critcizm when you consider what Haslett inheirited and what he has turned this team in to. I don\'t know of any team that is dominate in offense, special teams, and defense, do you. I do know that we\'ve got a great offense and special teams and we\'ll see about the defense. Am I missing something here?

[Edited on 2/9/2003 by BillyCarpenter1]

WhoDat 09-02-2003 03:52 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
Tampa will be this year - at least they should be. The Rams had been for a while up until last year\'s blunder. Oakland has been very good on all sides of the ball for a while. Miami would be if they could stay healthy. They should be this year. The Pack ain\'t bad, neither is Hotlanta. The Eagles, NE, even the Titans...

few are dominate, but all are at least better than average on both sides of the ball, many good. Yes, it is possible to have a top offense, defense, and special teams unit. Ask the Raiders - it got them to the Super Bowl last season. I\'d rather have the tenth best offense and tenth best defense than the best offense and 20th defense, I can tell you that much.

BillyCarpenter1 09-02-2003 04:04 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
Sure, all of those teams are better overall than the Saints, but we had a 3-13 team 3 years ago. Were any of those teams 3-13 three years ago? Not to mention the fact that Ditka gave up a whole draft for Ricky Willimas.

WhoDat 09-02-2003 04:09 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
Good point, but the team in \'00 wasn\'t THAT different than it was in \'99. The major impact players in \'00 were there in \'99. Obviously Blake and Brooks weren\'t. Nor Horn. I definitely credit the M-Bros for that. Haslett too. I just think he has reached the top of his ability. 7-9 to 10-6 is the best he can make us. We need something to get us over the hump, and I don\'t think we\'ve got it. Maybe a great D coord... I dunno. I\'m just not that impressed with the moves made since the first season.

[Edited on 2/9/2003 by WhoDat]

tweeky 09-02-2003 04:19 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
The report I read said several teams were talking with Milloy, including the Saints. He probably relishes the opportunity to sign with a division rival and stick it to his old team. I\'m disappointed we didn\'t get him, but I\'m also encouraged that the Saints did go after him, we were apparently outbid by the bills.
Bills now have to cut someone and Len P. stated their starting safeties were really good, just not Milloy status. But then who is? I wonder if they\'ll let one go?

BillyCarpenter1 09-02-2003 04:25 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
The Bills haven\'t signed him yet. Where did you see that and do you have a link?

tweeky 09-02-2003 04:27 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
On a Bills website, so there\'s still hope that its a false rumor. I\'ll try to find link. Be right back...

OK< in ESPN Countdown lingo
Here it be dog...

[Edited on 2/9/2003 by tweeky]

BillyCarpenter1 09-02-2003 04:35 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
Thanks Tweeky -- But I already saw that. I don\'t belevie it till it comes from espn or someone like that. Don\'t scare me like that again. ;)

BlackandBlue 09-02-2003 04:39 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
Well since it appears that the Saints have been active, I\'ll officially eat my own words right here. I\'ve always said that I\'m usually wrong twice a year- this would be #2. You heard it here first...

[Edited on 2/9/2003 by BlackandBlue]

saintfan 09-02-2003 04:40 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
You\'re a licensed broker? I didn\'t know that. I get the feeling you think I should be impressed...wrong feeling.

What I find so interesting Whodat is that you\'re so fired up against the Defense this year. Where were you last year when the defense was givin up 20 points a game? You were blamin the TEAMS problems on Aaron Brooks...THAT\'S where you were. You didn\'t want to HEAR ANYthing about the defense because per you if Brooks had performed givin up 20 a game was ok. You weren\'t mad at Haz regarding the defense, you were mad at Haz because your boy Jake Delhomme wasn\'t starting, and that was LONG before Brooks got hurt. I just get frustrated with ya sometimes man. I don\'t think I\'ve ever seen a more negative human being. \"08\" comes close, but only close.

It\'s TRUE whodat. We don\'t have the leagues number one defense. I don\'t think we need to fire all the coaches either. I especially think we should give \'em a few games before we pass judgement.

I\'ll do you like you did Billy. I\'m not callin you out, I just get REALLY tired of your CONSTANT negativity. When was the last time you posted something POSITIVE about ANYone on this team? Since you\'re a licensed broker I\'ll ask you this: Are you as pessimistic about finance, cause there\'s not an optomistic bone in your body regarding New Orleans Saints Football. Not One...

JOESAM2002 09-02-2003 04:53 PM

Lawyer Milloy Released!!
Hey Whodat, I\'m broke too. Does that make me a broker? LOL. Let me ask you this about the Saints defense. Is what you\'re saying that after the 2000/2001 season when they decided to go bigger that \"if it ain\'t broke don\'t fix it.\" ? In other words rather than changeing the whole defense just tweak it with a better player here and there. You know kinda like they did the offense.

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