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arsaint 12-27-2009 05:25 PM

Re: Anybody else about ready to pack it in?
Totally agree with you. That's what makes me so mad when I hear this "bandwagon fan" label tossed around.

C17-BING 12-27-2009 05:26 PM

Re: Anybody else about ready to pack it in?

Originally Posted by saintpaul25 (Post 187481)
I became a fan, when Hank Stram was head coach.... I was still a fan, when we drafted Archie Manning.... I was still a fan when Bum Phillips took over... I was still a fan when Bum Phillips bailed out... Through Mora, the Dome Patrol, Everette, Collins, Ditka, Haslett, McCarthy, and now Peyton, I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN A FAN. But if you expect me, to watch a game, like I did today, LOSE, and come in here with positives, just for the sake of keeping the peace, you can kiss my black and gold azzzzz... Question my fanhood? I could give a shi$. I don't like to lose games to 2-12 teams, when my team is supposed to represent the NFC in the superbowl.

I've been doing this long enough where the approval of a few "so called" hard core Saints fans, means about as much to me, as welfare cheese. I am mad about this game. And any true Saints fan should be just as mad. If not, then I guess that the "hippie" movement meant more to you than me.

SaintPaul ... You feel EXACTLY like I do! 28 years now ... I don't need to prove my fan hood to ANYONE! I'm pissed as hell and if you aren't ... Then I don't get YOU!!! This team is GOOD ... Just not good enough ... How much longer are we going to have to wait to actually win a SB!?!?!? (Because it won't be this year!!!!) I'm sick of this crap ... A loss to a 2-12 AT HOME with SO MUCH ON THE LINE --- We aren't for real. Time to get real people.

Fleured 12-27-2009 05:28 PM

Re: Anybody else about ready to pack it in?
I'm more upset for the ticket-buying domers who wanted a reason to party it up tonight...

pakowitz 12-27-2009 05:37 PM

Re: Anybody else about ready to pack it in?
This thread is full of pathetic. We lose 2 games and the world implodes. Did you people think they were just going to let us coast to the super bowl. Every game is tough to win whether it's against the pats or a 2-12 tampa team who has been playin some pretty good ball as of late in case u haven't been watching. This season is far from over. In fact it's only just begun.

arsaint 12-27-2009 05:40 PM

Re: Anybody else about ready to pack it in?
Do you SERIOUSLY think that the postseason will not be over quickly if we keep playing like this???

SaintPauly 12-27-2009 05:42 PM

Re: Anybody else about ready to pack it in?
Every year, I go through this. Whether it's here, or some other saints website. I am supposed to be content with the fact that we did our best, or we are not as bad as we used to be, or "i like the Saints, I have felt sorry for them for so many years". I'm not putting up with this anymore. If we are as good, as I think we are this year. If we have a potential MVP, at QB this year. If we are as solid, on both sides of the ball, as I have heard ALL FREAKIN' YEAR... then I don't want to hear one more word out of "hardcore saints fans" mouths, about how, we are still doing really good, and "no one would have predicted us to be 13-2", like we are a bunch of retarded kids who painted inside of the lines for the first time ever, again for the rest of my freakin life! This was an embarassment of a loss today, and EVERYONE OF YOU, should acknowledge it, and me mad about it.

Mr. Roboto 12-27-2009 05:44 PM

Re: Anybody else about ready to pack it in?

Originally Posted by SaintsFanInLA (Post 187438)
Good Riddance Mr. Roboto,

I hope the door hits you on the way out. I will never root for another team unless their victory helps the Saints. I will never turn my back on this team, I am from New Orleans and this is my team. Nothing pisses me off more than fairweather fans and bandwagoneers.

Soak in the loss and let's hope this makes our boys realize nothing comes easy in the NFL and no one is going to lie down to let them make the Superbowl.

All I know is I feel like I've had this dark cloud over my head from August to December every year since I was 7 or 8 years old. And I'm tired of it and ready to move on.

If you can take the endless disappointments, that's great. But I can't.

Following the Saints is simply not something I can do anymore, mentally or emotionally. It's not like I'm jumping ship to another team or anything like that. I'm just kind of over the whole sports thing.

Like I said, maybe that makes me a bad fan. I'm OK with that.

SaintPauly 12-27-2009 05:46 PM

Re: Anybody else about ready to pack it in?

Originally Posted by pakowitz (Post 187492)
This thread is full of pathetic. We lose 2 games and the world implodes. Did you people think they were just going to let us coast to the super bowl. Every game is tough to win whether it's against the pats or a 2-12 tampa team who has been playin some pretty good ball as of late in case u haven't been watching. This season is far from over. In fact it's only just begun.

Tampa? Are you freakin serious right now? Are you serious? The thread is full of pathetic? Yeah, let's go back and count how many superbowl winners lost to teams that were two and twelve the years they "won it all". Seriously. I want to see your findings on this theory. Then I will totally understand what you are saying here.... Come on Pak, back up your post here....

Soldier504 12-27-2009 06:26 PM

Re: Anybody else about ready to pack it in?
I totaaly agree with SaintPaul25.... OUR team sucked azz today.. Bottm line.. If they play like this next week.. MURDER.. if they play like this against anyone in the playoffs...MURDER.. When I say murder, I mean double digit blowouts... Right now, we are not looking like a 13-2 team folks.. We look like jokes.. I luv the Saints man, but they screwed us today... How the hell do you blow a 17 point lead to a 2-12 team at HOME? No EXCUSE.. The whole damn organization should be ashamed of themselves... Caddilac Williams didnt have a 100 yeard rushing game since 2006.. Guess what? He had one today.. They betta get their isht together or we will get embarrassed in the playoffs... Not one point in the second half by our "high powered" offense.. I saw no passion out of our boys today... GET IT TOGETHER.. With that being said.. WHO DAT

DrewDat 12-27-2009 06:32 PM

Re: Anybody else about ready to pack it in?
Well as a true die hard saints fan i can proudly tell you who are giving up to KICK ROCKS. BYE BYE we don't need negativity in the WHO DAT nation. Ok we loss two games. Where u here for last season? we didnt even have a win streak. I'm here for life. Good or bad season. I had good times because of this team. You know at first this game kinda made me mad but listening to this crap kinda made me get over it. Thanks quitters

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