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Hebert says it well
Re: Hebert says it well
Playoffs??????? PLAYOFFS?????????????
No Mora Excuses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They sucked. It can only go up from here, we have seen a new low for this team. Talk about peaking in December when it counts. |
Re: Hebert says it well
I think Dallas gave us their bad December mojo...
Re: Hebert says it well
well said, no reply
Re: Hebert says it well
Bobby is the MAN...
Re: Hebert says it well
I don't think I ever heard Bobby say anything well...kinda like Buddy D. but not quite that bad...or good...however you look at it...
Re: Hebert says it well
Thankfully Dec is over.
Re: Hebert says it well
Bobby needs to brush up on his Saints history if he thinks this is the worst regular season loss ever.
Re: Hebert says it well
Yes Bobby did say it well. Listen when your defense can't stop the run, your in trouble. And then Dallas ran the Tampa cover 2 defense and shut are offense down. Well TB does the same thing today. Blame the one calling the plays for not figuaring it out. I'm agree with Bobby 100%. When we get in the playoffs, we're not going to be playing teams like TB. We can't afford to try to match them TD for TD and hope we have the lead and the ball at the end of the game. This team had better get it together or it's one and done in the playoffs period.
Re: Hebert says it well
CORRECTION: This IS the worst regular season loss ever!! When was the last time the Saints ever played for Home Field in the playoffs? NEVER! They were trying to play for a winning season and the playoffs. And with all those BIG games (that includes that game @ San Francisco during their 1-15 run in 1980) they were all big opportunities that they found a way to "P" on by their own discretion! http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/l...y1971/arge.gif
http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/l...underdabus.jpg |
Re: Hebert says it well
:bang: |
Re: Hebert says it well
This one would have meant top seed in the Conference. We combined a 1. blown lead 2. to one of league's worst teams, 3. at home 4. win makes you top dog. 5. A successful kick from our idiot kicker starts a huge party throughout the city. I am most disappointed, yes. ... and Bobby has lived Saints history. |
Re: Hebert says it well
Bobby Hebert's article is overreaction in its purest form, typical of Bobby Hebert. At the beginning of the season, he had them picked as a Super Bowl contender. Another overreaction. He dreams too big, so he is hugely disappointed. Calm down, Bobby. You're out of control. |
Re: Hebert says it well
Hopefully 1-3 in December doesn't lead to a one and done in January.
Re: Hebert says it well
Well, technically we will play at least two games in January. December is done...
Re: Hebert says it well
Re: Hebert says it well
I have not been a big Hebert fan but he just did a realistic analysis of where are as a team. We will not survive the playoffs playing like we did against TB. It will be one and done. We, as Darren Sharper said, have lost that sense of urgency. Call it urgency, call it mojo, depend on our gris gris the bottom line is we are not playing with heart like we did in the first 13 games. Something fundamentally went wrong after the NE game. It was like that game was our Super Bowl, like we had nothing to prove after that game.
Re: Hebert says it well
On a related note, I got a special autograph from The Cajun Cannon himself yesterday. I have had 2 copies of this SI cover for about 19 years.
http://i.cdn.turner.com/sivault/si_o...1007_large.jpg So I went to Deanies for the Point After. My wife & I had just bought some pretty stuff from Royal St, and I thought I'd give it a try on the way back, so I snaked my way through the people-jam. The WWL promotions man liked my SI Cover, and gestured that I'd be next, and also commented on how polite me and a girl standing next to me were. As a radio guy myself, I can say Bobby is outstanding. How he can concentrate, make his points, interact with fellow commentators and listeners, keep his stats & notes together with all those drunk people hollering at him & trying to distract him is amazing. Remember he's not an English major or trained speaker--- he's a quarterback. He does all this, and remembers not to cuss! Not to mention, he's actually fairly photogenic. I wont call him a leading man type, but I'm guessing Hebert's never had trouble getting a date. Again, he's not a model, he's a quarterback, but you could have done worse. He could look like the Ft. Hood Jihadist. He could look like Elway. Bobby's aging well, and chicks dig him. And I still say Hebert is probably the best match for a listening demographic you could ask for--- He sounds like Louisiana sports. I would say to his detractors, grab a mic & see how you sound. See how you deal with people, live, with 1 million critics listening. I'll bet you'd choke like Garrett Hartley. Anyway, the little 20 yr. old cutie next to me is getting a nice jersey signed, and tells me she loves Hebert. I say, "Yeah, he was an awesome player," and she says, "He played?" People, she's 20, ok? She's one year older than my magazine cover, so take it easy. As I told her a little Saints history, every other 20-something nearby wanted to see the magazine cover. They were "wow"ed. None of them had ever seen it. They wanted to know when it came out. I wanted to pat them on the head & give them cookies. so cute. And then I was up front, waiting for the station break. I stood in place & tried to not do anything annoying. One guy actually touched his hand-written notes, and I wanted to slap him, but Bobby didnt seem fazed, patient, as if he were babysitting small children. So when the break came, I asked him to sign my cover "to Skymike," which he did, and I complimented how natural his dental implants look, (The front teeth were knocked out in a collision in Tampa with two defensive backs.) He shrugged at first, then realized the incident I was speaking of, which brought a smile. I asked him if he remembered the hit, but he said he only remembers the locker room afterward. I told him how excited we were after the USFL folded, when he announced his interest in the Saints, then gave a polite fist bump, and said "thanks." It was cool to meet Bobby Hebert and let him know a lot of us remember and appreciate him. As someone who is sometimes asked to autograph things in my own line of work, I can tell you a nice word from people on the street is always enjoyable. GEAUX! |
Re: Hebert says it well
Re: Hebert says it well
Re: Hebert says it well
Re: Hebert says it well
Mike, that story rocks! I've met Bobby a handful of times and he is always been beyond nice. |
Re: Hebert says it well
Apparently you've been in Houston, and dozens of other major cities, where all the sportstalk guys sound exactly alike. Houston sports talkers all sound like pre-pubescent YUPPIES, and have the personality of a head of green flowering kale salad. They bore the living **** out of me. No wonder the Texans suck. Nobody here roots for them. (As I said in another thread, the Texans can have a home game, and you can be in Houston---and be completely unaware there is an NFL game happening here. sad but true.) Nobody on sports radio here is even FROM this town. pathetic. How lucky you are in New Orleans to have a radio voice who is -- a former veteran player -- a local citizen -- a knowledgable personality -- a huge fan -- and a real live Coonazz! --(EDIT) oh yeah, dont forget He remembers not to CUSS. amazing. There should be an FCC rule requiring these things to be the Point After host in New Orleans. Thanks, Exile. Getting my SI cover signed definitely took some of the sting out of yesterday. |
Re: Hebert says it well
Re: Hebert says it well
So yall werent thinking this might be a special year for us back in the beginning of the season???
hmmm. |
Re: Hebert says it well
The Tampa loss was meaningless.
Re: Hebert says it well
It didnt feel meaningless in the Dome.
Re: Hebert says it well
Re: Hebert says it well
LOL. LB, did I mention I was there??? Why, yes, I was-- thank you for asking.
Hey everybody, I was there!!! lol... Know what else? I got Bobby Hebert's autograph at the Point After on the way back from buying pretty stuff on Royal St. with my wife. I'm framing it and putting in on the wall in my studio. love ya, man. :) |
Re: Hebert says it well
Re: Hebert says it well
Hey, Mike...wanna hear the story of the 2, count 'em, TWO times I met Archie in person (got his sig on a tennis ball the 2nd time)...or have I already bored you with those stories. I also talked to Barry Bonds (he wouldn't sign...said he was gonna miss the bus) outside the Big A. Hell...Brett Favres' dad was my baseball coach and I have his sig on my Amer. Legion Tourney certificate telling me what a winner I am...
Enough? |
Re: Hebert says it well
Dauphine @ Iberville, duh. |
Re: Hebert says it well
I never met Archie, but Bobby was right on.
This team needs to toughen up and turn it around, or we're so 1 and done. |
Re: Hebert says it well
I said in another post, pretty much every NFC team, in the play offs this year, have laid up a duck at some point. Vikes lose to the Bears, Eagles lose to the Raiders, Cardinals lose to the Seahawks (i think). It happens. I agree that it wasn't the best time to do it, especially at home, but look at it this way. Maybe now when teams do come to play us in the dome, they get a little too confident, and it works to our advantage.
Make no mistake, that game Sunday was terrible, but as long as these guys learn from their mistakes, instead of dwelling in them, then half the battle is already won. I know I've learned from mine. :) |
Re: Hebert says it well
Very well said Bobby!!!
Re: Hebert says it well
Yes, I want to hear all of those stories on this thread, please. any order you like. Here, pass the matches, and we can get a good fire going. wait... gotta itch my butt... ok... alright. all ready. Hey kids, come over here and sit a while....Lets hear some LB tales--- Let em rip! |
Re: Hebert says it well
I hung out and drank with Rob Trujillo once, at the crowbar in sf. Did the same with Stephen Carpenter, at the press club in sacramento. That's my only cool celebrity moments.
Re: Hebert says it well
First Archie encounter...
There was a girl I knew in the neighborhood and school who had a father who was a big Ole Miss alumnus. Archie had pretty much become a legend by the end of his Jr. year, and during the spring of the following year, that girl's father invited my best friend and me to go along with him to the spring game and awards banquet in Oxford. We attended the game that afternoon. We stopped along the way at Johnny Vaught's house, but unforutunately I had to wait in the car as my friend's father went inside and visited with Mr. Vaught. Later that evening, we went to the awards banquet, and as we were waiting to eat, they asked that everyone bow their heads for the invocation. Archie just happened to be passing by our table when the request was made, so he stopped and sat down right across from me and my buddy as we were praying. I didn't pay much attention to the prayer as I was busy poking my buddy in the ribs to make sure he was aware of the legend who was sitting across from us. I couldn't help but notice that Archie noticed my giddyness and was smiling at me. Made my day. |
Re: Hebert says it well
2nd Archie encounter...
It was my Sr. year in high school, and Archie had just finished his Sr. year at Ole Miss and had just been drafted by the Saints. It was spring time, and my buddy, (yes, the same guy that I went to the spring game with) and I were playing tennis one day. All the sudden he stops and looks at his watch. He starts running toward me during the middle of a game, and I ask him what's up. It's then that he informs me that our DB coach who was in his 1st year as coach right out of Ole Miss told him that Archie was gonna be down at the Red & White grocery store up in North Gulfport, and said he was going to meet him there at around 6. It was around 5:30 then, so we hopped in his VW beatle and beat it down to the store. When we got there, sure enough, there was our coach standing there talking to Archie. He introduced us, and we talked for a few seconds about our team and what positions we played and what not, and then we asked for his signature. We didn't have any paper or anything, but I still had the tennis balls in my pocket, so I got him to sign those. I wish I knew where those tennis balls were today. |
Re: Hebert says it well
Barry Bonds encounter...
It was somewhere in the early 90's and it was the 2nd ever interleague game played in the Big A as it was known then in Anaheim. (The first game was the night before) I brought the family to see the Giants play the Angels, and I can't even remember who won but it seems like the Giants did. Anyway, after the game, I brought my oldest son who was around 8 or 9 at the time down to the Giants locker room exit to try to get autographs. I have been a Giant fan myself all my life as the first team I ever played for in pee-wee baseball was the SF Giants. We waited for the players as they came out, only problem there was a fence between us and them, so they had to come over to sign if you were to get an autograph, and not many players were inclined to do that. I got tired of that, so I took my son around to a parking lot that had a gate that was opened where the players cars were parked. I saw J.T. Snow get in his car with his girlfriend, so I snuck in there with my son. An attendant saw what we were up to, but surprisingly turned his back. I had a straight shot at the path where the Giant players were walking to their bus, but I just waited patiently for the possibility of seeing Barry. Low and behold the man comes walking by. I swear, he is much bigger when you are standing next to him. The bus is blowing it's horn, and I pop over there with my son and hold up a pennant from the game commemorating the 1st ever interleague series in the Big A, and Barry informs me he doesn't have time...the bus might leave him. I'm thinking, "Right...and then the driver would be looking for a job the next day." |
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