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BlackandBlue 09-07-2003 09:19 PM

The only way you were watching a different game than I, was if you were there. What I saw was everytime the ball was snapped, we have the cameraman hovering around the ball (ie, he was centered on the QB and did not have the secondary also in the shot). In other words, from the snap of the ball, till the time he throws it, I have no idea what the coverage looks like. But everytime they followed the ball on the pass, it sure as hell looked to me like our recievers were shut down. I didn\'t say he had a great day, he made his fair share of mistakes, but he didn\'t sink this ship like some of you are making this out to be.
I blame coaching (and this is the first time I have pointed the blame at any of the coaches outside of Venturi).

BillyCarpenter1 09-07-2003 09:25 PM

B&B is absolutely right. This board has gotten down right rediculos and pathetic.

whowatches 09-07-2003 09:32 PM


Why is the board pathetic, now?

We don\'t have the right, as fans, to be upset with today\'s performance? What would upset you, then?

I don\'t understand why being critical of a bad performance makes us bad fans. That\'s unfair.

BillyCarpenter1 09-07-2003 09:39 PM

In case you haven\'t been reading everything on here. There is much more being said than just criticizing todays game.

BillyCarpenter1 09-07-2003 09:48 PM

Gator -- You can say whatever you want to say. That\'s what this board is for. You\'re not going to hurt my feelings, no matter what you say about the Saints. I\'ve heard it my whole life.

I\'ll just disagree when I disagree and agree when I agree...

JOESAM2002 09-07-2003 10:01 PM

So, Billy. What is it exactly that makes the board pathetic? The board doesn\'t post. It doesn\'t have feelings or opinions. Are you saying the people here are pathetic? If so, say who they are so at least they can answer your attack. No one is happy with the loss today. And yes the team did stink up the place. But all is not lost, there are 15 more weeks to go. They might be good or they might be bad. But they will be.

As I have said many times, Opinions are like ass holes, everybody\'s got one and they all generally stink! However we are all entitled to our opinion. Right or wrong.

P.S. B&B, sorry about the edit job on you AH and then useing it myself but my quote just wouldn\'t have the same meaning if I didn\'t use it.

BillyCarpenter1 09-07-2003 10:05 PM

Joe, I\'ll tell you exactly what is pathetic. Members on here saying that the season is over because the Saints lost one game. If they have the right to say that, then I have the right to say it sounds pathetic. Do I not?

JOESAM2002 09-07-2003 10:11 PM

Sure you do but don\'t you think you should at least give the ones you\'re not talking about the benifit of the doubt and call a spade a spade by saying who you are talking about? This blanket bashing of the board pisses me off. The board did nothing to you.

[Edited on 8/9/2003 by JOESAM2002]

BillyCarpenter1 09-07-2003 10:18 PM

Joe -- I think everyone on here knows exactly what I\'m talking about. I\'m really not talking about any one single person. I\'m talking about the overwhelming sentiment on THIS BOARD that is suggesting that the season is over. I think you know that.

BillyCarpenter1 09-07-2003 10:22 PM


You sound pathetic for even bringing this up.

Discuss, not name calling here.

At least if want to be taken seriously.

Everything is up for debate. But reducing our discussion to your not a fan b/c I say so is just stupid and overdone.

Just talk about the issue not its intent.

Start your own thread about what pathetic members or fans we are if you feel the need.

Damn, eveyone all of a sudden get\'s their feelings hurt. I\'ll say it again -- \" Anyone who suggest that the season is over sounds pathetic to me\" If you\'re in that group -- then I\'m talking about you.

[Edited on 8/9/2003 by BillyCarpenter1]

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