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Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
Some of brooks post game comments. The crap about owning the Seattle secondary with his eyes is an embarrassment
Q: When your team commits four turnovers, it’s tough to dig out of such a hole. Aaron: "Oh, yeah. The main thing that Coach Haslett preached throughout preseason, and he will continue to do it throughout the season, is that when you lose the turnover ratio, there’s a high percentage that you’re going to lose the game. We turned the ball over way too many times, very excessively. That’s uncharacteristic of this offense. That’s something we’ve really got to take care of." Q: What was the impact of not scoring a touchdown early in the game when the offense threatened deep in Seattle territory? Aaron: "That killed us. That killed us all day. We kept putting ourselves in bad situations. It’s hard for our offensive coordinator [Mike McCarthy] to call plays when you’re first-and-15, second-and-15, third-and-10 when you’re in a long [yardage] situation where the defense can sit back on you. Today we made it really, really hard on ourselves, and that’s what we can’t do. That’s something I won’t tolerate. I’m quite sure the coaches won’t. So we’re going to look into this-not point fingers-but we’re going to get together and solve this so we have a much better outcome next week." Q: How will you tighten up factors such as dropped passes and overthrown passes before the Houston game next week? Aaron: "I hate to say it in a manner of 'I kind of saw it coming', but I don’t think we practiced as well as we should have during the course of the week. Donte [Stallworth] didn’t get as many reps because of his lingering injury. I’m quite sure he would like to have this game over again. Besides that, as a team, this was very uncharacteristic of our offense. To only score one touchdown when their defense is really just playing it safe, for us it’s really unacceptable. We’re a much better team than this offensively. I thought the defense did a fine job. We just didn’t play well, so we’ve got to go back to the drawing board. We’ve got to talk about this very seriously, very seriously." Q: You were able to prepare for this game longer than any other game. Aaron: "We prepared for it much longer. That means we’re supposed to be twice as prepared for it. I thought we were prepared for the game, but we just didn’t execute during the course of the game. This is an emotional game, and we got on the low end of the emotion. We just couldn’t really bounce back, and that’s attributable to turnovers and penalties. Like I said, [it’s] uncharacteristic of us." Q: Did Seattle’s young secondary looked vulnerable? Aaron: "Not at all, not at all. Actually, I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes, but we just didn’t convert. We had a couple of dropped passes, we had a lot of penalties, I didn’t hold on to the ball when I should have. Nothing they did really scared us out of what we did. The few adjustments we made, we just didn’t execute.". |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
WTF does that mean? Owned them with his eyes? BO-MAN! BO-MAN! BO-MAN! BO-MAN! BO-MAN! BO-MAN! BO-MAN! BO-MAN! BO-MAN! |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
Before the game yesterday, Brooks said during an interview that it was the job of each individual on the team to \"carry this ball club\". This response came after he was asked if this was the year he was ready to carry the team if he had to.
Also, I still say had Brooks thrown a block on the Michael Lewis reverse yesterday that Lewis would have gained a few yards and gotten out of bounds. |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
Somehow I knew there would be people in here blamin yesterday on Brooks...EVEN after watching our offensive line fail most of the day in both run and pass blocking...EVEN after watching our veteran center cost us a turnover, and EVEN after watching our recievers drop more balls than the NIxon Administration...somehow I knew there would still be people ignorant enough to blame this game on Brooks, and his post game comments had nothing to do with it. It\'s like I said last year...it wasn\'t necessarilly that the fair weather fans wanted Delhomme (congrats to him for a big win yesterday), it\'s that they (you people) want anyone but Brooks...to the degree that you\'d have him yanked when his performance CLEARLY wasn\'t the issue.
:casstet: |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
Nobody\'s blaming the whole disaster on Brooks but you must admit he played terrible. He couldn\'t hit his WR\'s in stride, showed little emotion and was smiling his ass off in the 4th quarter while we being served a big fat shiit sandwich.I\'ve taken up for him so many times I can\'t count, but he sucked yesterday every bit as much as the OL. Our team is lifeless, and his performance CLEARLY sucked. |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
Define \"CLEARLY SUCKED\" tweeky.
Stallworth pointed an accusatory finger at himself. \"I dropped five balls, some at crucial times,\" he said. \"If I make those catches, we have a better shot of winning the game.\" As much as I hate name calling, you\'re post screaming for \"BO-MAN\" makes . I\'m not saying Brooks set the world on fire, but he didn\'t make Jerry snap that ball, and he didn\'t make Lewis fumble, and anybody who watched that game without a chip on their shoulder against Brooks could easily see the dropped passes, and it was HARDLY Brooks\' fault that the Seahawks ran the ball down our throats all day. Why, exactly, are you callin\' Brooks a \"Looozer\"? Tell me what he did in the game that warrants your saying that. Go ahead...tell me. attack the game not the members, we all know better. [Edited on 8/9/2003 by JOESAM2002] |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
Look , I don\'t attack people personally here so you can shove it up your Brooks luving .
I stated why he was a LOSER in my previous post. you\'d have seen it. I\'ll re-post it for you… I\'ll type it for you, so you\'ll understand, He was smiling his ass off in the 4th quarter while we being served a big fat shiit sandwich This team is lifeless, and he aint helpin a bit. no attacking members [Edited on 8/9/2003 by JOESAM2002] |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
Brooks alone did not cost us the game, but he sure as hell did not do much to win it either.
As I said yesterday right after the game ended, besides Brooks\' being Brooks (second guessing himself, throwing when he should have tucked and run, running when he should have thrown, miserably missing open receivers and too often throwing into double coverage), our offensive line looked horribly ineffective and pourous, our receivers dropped too many passes that they should have held on to, the misscommunication on the fumbled snap was pitifully amateuristic, really bad play calling -- too many short yardage passes and runs up the middle in long yardage situations and of course, Brooks running away from that reverse play that resulted in the fumble insteas of throwing a block like he was supposed to and damn well should have done, all contributed to an embarrassing loss. At least it was not a nationally televised game. People ***** every year, myself included, about why the SAINTS are not given more TV games. Flat out, it\'s because they are so unpredictable. You can never really count on them to show up. They may play a great game one week, but then look like a bottom of the barrel Division II team the next. The networks want competitive games that will be exciting, even if one team is off a little. But the SAINTS are far to prone to implode and just stink up the place. Hell, even SAINTS fans fans were turning off the game yesterday. Can you imagine how bad the ratings would have been everywhere else except Seattle??? Bottom line: the SAINTS sucked -- collectively. There were very few high points to speak of in yesterday\'s game. So, the coaches better damn well get off their asses and do whatever it takes to get their chosen player to start playing like a team soon or the season really will be over. It ain\'t over yet, but it will be if this goes on for another 4 or 5 weeks. That\'s just my opinion, but I\'m damn sure sticking by it, at least for now! Go SAINTS!!!!! David in Houston |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
Saintfan, on this one, we agree completely. The defense, O-line, and play calling are all far more to blame for that loss than Brooks. I will also say that I was pleasantly surprised to see Brooks’ completion percentage up around 65%. As you well know his efficiency has been one of my major problems and to see that getting better is nice.
On the flip side, he does continue to demonstrate to me at least why he isn’t really suited for our offense. He held the ball and didn’t get it out quickly. He didn’t seem to go through the progressions well or look off receivers. He appeared to be telegraphing passes to me and he’s throwing into coverage getting our receivers hit hard. Honestly, I don’t know how much of that is Brooks making poor decisions, and how much is McCarthy’s system. I didn\'t see a whole lot of stepping up and being a leader either. I saw two give-aways that were clearly his fault, and a miscommunication with the center (blame who you will on that one b/c I have no idea whose fault it was). In any case, Brooks’ play yesterday was neither spectacular nor terrible. I’d like to see him take better care of the football and get the ball out quickly to his receivers in a way that they can catch it and run with it. Still overall not a bad showing. Not a great one either. |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
I\'m not about to say Brooks set the world on fire, but I\'m not about to blame a pittiful performance by the \"TEAM\" on him either. Brooks play was serviceable to be sure. tweeky\'s completey ignorant \"BO-MAN\" post is just too much. Joe and tweeky will both have to forgive my earlier comment, but jeesh tweeky were you actually watching all the players on the field or not? How anyone with a clue could in their \"right\" mind pin yesterday on Brooks\' shoulders completely escapes me.
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
Agreed - but to say that his performance was without its distinct areas for improvement is also wrong. (I know you didn\'t say that, I\'m just making a statement)
Same old situation Saintfan - Brooks is going to get pointed at if he\'s not playing like a top five QB... and he should, we\'re paying him like one. We\'ve gotten rid of good players spefically for, or with the idea that, he will be THE man in N.O. for a long time. You\'re likely to be less critical of Brooks, I\'m likely to be more critical... but I will say that Brooks should be getting less attention right now then the D, play calling, and O-line... maybe even special teams, which we also very unimpressive yesterday. [Edited on 8/9/2003 by WhoDat] |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
I never pinned the whole loss on Brooks.
How anyone could read the statement \"Actually, I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes\" and not be embarrassed that this guy is our QB. That completely escapes me. There is plenty of blame to go around. Duece also gets blame in my book, especially after that lame draw at the end of the game to try and give him his 100 yards. But when your \"team-leader\" is smiling as your getting destroyed, and then says something that stupid after the game, it hard not to single him out. The team looked like they didn\'t care. I can\'t help but think its a reflection of their leader\'s attitude, who looked like he didn\'t care either. If Brooks had 1/2 of Dan Marino\'s desire, he\'d be a top 3 QB in this league. |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
As far as hiw \"owning\" them, maybe he did...there were a lot of open recievers and Brooks (and the rest of us) watched \'em drop pass after pass. As for Marino, all the heart in the world never won him a superbowl did it?
And you\'re right Whodat...people will point the finger at Brooks...whether he deserves it or not, because \"fans\" gotta blame SOMEbody, but anybody, and I mean ANYbody calling for \"BO-MAN\" after yesterday is simply not paying attention to what happened. I didn\'t see their corners do anything necessarilly special to tell the truth. They made some pretty good hits for sure, but Brooks damn sure gave our guys the oppurtunity to make plays. AB shouldn\'t be held responsible for the fact that they didn\'t. |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
I think every person who was on the team plane is to blame for that loss.
I did not hear the comment or know how it was used but from seeing that comment posted here I would say Brooks is back to his old \"me, myself and I\" attitude. His comment should have been we did not play well as a team today. By saying what I read here he is telling me it was not his fault it was everyone elses fault they lost. |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
Here\'s a transcript of the conversation between Haslett,Brooks,and McCarthy on the sideline right befor halftime when they were laughing it up and shaking hands while being down 21-3.
Haslett---Boy Aaron we look like crap out there don\'t we? Aaron--We sure do coach(laughing)! Haslett--Don\'t worry about it(laughing)! I\'m sure we will look even worse in the 2nd half. You are going to be my man regardless of how we play,I\'m not going to let anyone get your job ok?(handshake between the two) Aaron-- Thanks coach you\'re the greatest! McCarthy-- Hey Aaron we\'re going to try and get you some plays where you can roll out to your left and get creamed and maybe put the ball on the ground deep in our territory.Maybe the Seahawks can recover it and you can get back to the sidelines and continue lauging it up with the rest of the boys on the bench. Aaron -- Great coach! Try to get me some plays where Conwell,Horn,and Stallworth don\'t get in the way.Let\'s also stop giving it to Deuce!He keeps getting us the first down! McCarthy--No problem Aaron we\'re working on that too!(laughing!) |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
I don\'t think Brooks even understood the question about the defense being vulnerable because he said not at all,but then he said he owned them with his eyes.
Brooks always sounds ignorant when they interview him. |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
LOL - now that one I like.
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
Some of you seriously have a problem. Brooks didn\'t play his best game neither did he play a poor game. When he play a great game some of you say it was all the receivers, and when he play a game like this one y\'all try to find ways to put it on his play.
I am curious, why don\'t you all who believe Brooks is not the right quarterback tell me who you will replace him with and tell me me how your guy will be better than brooks |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
Most of the time when QB\'s screw up plays or throw interceptions,they go back to the sidelines and huddle with their backups and their offensive coordianator,and try to see how they can fix the problem.All you ever see Brooks doing is laughing and joking and drinking Gatorade.Brooks dosen\'t seem to be able to communicate well with teamates.I guess it\'s because he feels everyone is against him all the time.He even said in an interview that everyone steals the limelight from him,including his cousin Michael Vick.He feels threatened by his backups,He\'s afraid of constructive criticism,and he dosen\'t like to take blame for being indecisive with the football at times.He still brings up the fact that Allen Iverson stold the show when they were in highschool by winning the state championship for his school while Brooks had better numbers as a QB.He needs to let all that go and start worrying about AB,and make a name for himself instead of worrying about what everyone else is doing or has done.Stand up and be a leader.It\'s not going to hurt you to throw a block for your teamates every once in a while,and it\'s not going to hurt you to communicate with the rest of the offense.When we did so well in 2000,it was because he had Jeff Blake to communicate with,and players like Horn and Jake Reed,and Willie Jackson gave him confidence.When the leadership roll fell on his shoulders he couldn\'t handle it.Look at how vocal Jake Delhomme was being on the field in his comeback yesterday.He said when he got to Carolina,he was going to develop a good relationship with everyone on the team so they could communicate.Brooks needs to follow suit.
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
Most of the time when QB\'s screw up plays or throw interceptions,they go back to the sidelines and huddle with their backups and their offensive coordianator,and try to see how they can fix the problem.All you ever see Brooks doing is laughing and joking and drinking Gatorade.Brooks dosen\'t seem to be able to communicate well with teamates.I guess it\'s because he feels everyone is against him all the time.He even said in an interview that everyone steals the limelight from him,including his cousin Michael Vick.He feels threatened by his backups,He\'s afraid of constructive criticism,and he dosen\'t like to take blame for being indecisive with the football at times.He still brings up the fact that Allen Iverson stold the show when they were in highschool by winning the state championship for his school while Brooks had better numbers as a QB.He needs to let all that go and start worrying about AB,and make a name for himself instead of worrying about what everyone else is doing or has done.Stand up and be a leader.It\'s not going to hurt you to throw a block for your teamates every once in a while,and it\'s not going to hurt you to communicate with the rest of the offense.When we did so well in 2000,it was because he had Jeff Blake to communicate with,and players like Horn and Jake Reed,and Willie Jackson gave him confidence.When the leadership roll fell on his shoulders he couldn\'t handle it.Look at how vocal Jake Delhomme was being on the field in his comeback yesterday.He said when he got to Carolina,he was going to develop a good relationship with everyone on the team so they could communicate.Brooks needs to follow suit.
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
Just curious, how many TD\'s did our starters score during the WHOLE preseason? It\'s obviously not one man\'s fault, but DANG! McCarthy\'s supposed to be this offensive guru and this is all we can muster? I want Haslett\'s head on a platter, how many more games is it going to take to find out this coaching staff does not have what it takes to prepare this team to play? And I want even start with Venturi because that would be redundant. The offensive line did not do that bad in pass blocking, when you hold the ball for more than 8 seconds it\'s time to run or throw the dang thing out of bounds. Now the run blocking is another story, although Deuce did get over 90 yards do we want him to take a beating to get that yardage every game? We were a scoring monster most of the year last year, what\'s changed? Same QB, Same receivers with the exception of a very good TE. Most of the same line, same RB..... I think this time the collapse has started early and it all points in one direction....the coaching staff.
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
When I read tweeky`s post I never got the impression he was blaming the whole game on Brooks. But Brooks is the QB and doesn`t show, in my opinion, that leadership quality we need at the QB position. I have watched every play and every snap Brooks has ever taken for the Saints. I`m not pulling an opinion of Brooks out of my butt. I`ve seen his work and I don`t like him for our starter. I personally think O\' Sullivan would be much more effective than Brooks as a leader and a QB.
What is it that you Brooks lovers are seeing that I`m not? If we released Brooks is there any team in the NFL that would jump on him for their starter? I think not.... Brooks has been successful as a run threat QB. That was something new here. Guess what?...everybody knows now. Run threat QB`s don`t last long. Shall I list them? *****I just hope that we don`t waste our entire season waiting on Brooks to be consistently good....cause it ain`t gonna happen. |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
One other note about Brooks - everyone on this board that loves him keeps talking about giving him time and letting him develop... He started 5 games in \'00 and 16 in \'01 and \'02, plus he had a year in GB before he came to the Saints. That means he\'s had FIVE training camps, FIVE preseasons (three as THE starter), and as of Sunday 38 games as a regular season starter, plus 2 games in the playoffs. By week eight he\'ll be a FOURTH year starter who had time to sit and wait and develop behind Favre and Blake - two pretty decent QBs I\'d say. They\'ve brought in QB coaches for him, hall of famers, and even leadership experts. If this guy doesn\'t start playing like a star soon, he never will... at least not in a Saints uniform. Just like Haslett, it\'s put up or shut up time.
[Edited on 9/9/2003 by WhoDat] |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
You\'re reaching again Whodat, and so are all the other people in this thread who simply cannot seem to get over the fact that Brooks is the starter. NOW you people are talkin\' about O\'Sullivan and \"BO-MAN\"? Are you serious? I can\'t help but to laugh at the shortsightedness that goes on in here sometimes. I\'d like to say I can\'t believe what I\'m hearing, but from certain posters it\'s nothing new. You guys hide behind statistics when it suits you and then toss \'em out the window when it doesn\'t. If you were Eagles fans you\'d be ready to get rid of McNab...after all he\'s never won a superbowl...you\'d be ready to fire the coach for the same reason, but you\'d completely ignore all the dropped passes and Lack of protection he got...or wait...maybe you\'d give Tampa\'s defense the credit and cut Donovan and the coach some slack. Afterall, it\'s Brooks you guys seem to have the vendeta against. Anyone else is given the benefit of the doubt. This thread is the proof. Brooks played as well as anyone on the team last Sunday...better than most...and stepped up to the plate afterwards and said the TEAM\'S play was unacceptable. He said the following:
\"Today we made it really, really hard on ourselves, and that’s what we can’t do. That’s something I won’t tolerate.\" EVERY YEAR TEAMS BRING IN \"EXPERTS\" TO ASSIST AND ADVISE VARIOUS PLAYERS. WHY ATTEMPT TO LABLE BROOKS FOR SOMETHING THAT IS COMMONPLACE IN THE NFL? I\'ll tell you why...because there\'s not much else to complain about. Whodat...what, sir, do you consider \"success\"? Maybe the Eagles should get rid of Mr. McNab. I\'m sure if you measured him on the same scale you measured Brooks\' performance from game one he\'d be on the bench for game two. Like I\'ve said MANY MANY MANY times before...it\'s a damn good thing some of you people don\'t really have a say in how the team is run. |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
Often when I read all the harsh words written about Aaron Brooks I wonder what he will have to do to get some respect from the Brook\'s bashers. Would leading the league in touchdown passes this year quieten the critics? I would have to say no, since he did that last year. How about throwing for close to 4,000 yards? Wrong again. He did that last year too. Maybe haveing a good TD to interception ratio? Nope! That\'s not gonna cut it either -- 27 TD\'s and 16ints got him no respect last year.
I know if we keep going -- the answer is out there -- on how Brooks can get some respect. Let\'s see...we have ruled out TD-passes, total passing yards, TD to interception ratio. Oh yeah, that leaves completion percentage! Aaron had a completion % of 54 last year. Could 6 percetage points be bringing all the bashing on? Surely not !! If not completion percentage then what? Leadership maybe?? That couldn\'t be it -- because they want to replace Aaron with QB\'s that have never really played in the NFL -- much less proved they are a leader. Could it be the smiling? Yep -- needs to stop that to get some respect. Could it be that Haslett didn\'t pull Brooks when he got hurt last year and put Delhomme in? I\'d say so !! Could it be that they think Brooks is most responsible for not getting the Saints to the playoffs -- You Bet !! But I\'d have to say that the biggest reason is they just BY GOD don\'t like Brooks. The only thing that will ever silence the critics is if he is damn near perfect !! But you know what? I don\'t believe that would cut it either. |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
Saintfan and Billy,
Would you have said (or did you say) the same thing last year when a host of fans called for the late season benching of Brooks in favor of Delhomme? He seems to do a pretty good job in his first real shot at the pros. Maybe that\'s what Brooks needs to get him going again -- some competition. It\'s only human nature to take it a little easier and coast when you know that no one is on your tail and you CAN\'T lose your job. Think about it. When did Brooks play his best??? When he was fighting to prove himself to make sure he won the starting position. He\'s got the big contract now and knows that Haz won\'t pull him no matter what. He has no motivation, whatsoever. That applies to both inner drive and leadership ability. Haz needs to be a man, think about the team and the fans and just tell Brooks that he shows more of his superstar abilities (yes, I do believe he is capable of being a great QB, if he really wants it enough) or else his A$$ is on the bench. Go SAINTS!!!!! David in Houston |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
Last season, when Brooks was injured, I could see sitting him down. That\'s a question for Haz, not an indictment of Aaron Brooks. My question is why do all you people want him benched THIS year? You people just can\'t accept that he\'s the starter, and his play on the field is in no way related to the persistant ignorance that goes on in this forum.
Now Mr. Drake, about Jake. I\'ve got nothing against the guy at all...never have...and to that end I hope he does well, but ya don\'t judge a player on ONE game. \"Wait \'til the league catches up to him\" is what the persistant ones have said about Brooks. Let\'s judge everyone equally and wait until Jake has some real experience and gets his head knocked off a few times before we decide to pass judgement. I also find it funny that, while I admit Jake did an excellent job last Sunday, he did it against Jacksonville after all, and lets not forget he tossed 2 INT\'s and the \"almost\" 3rd one was dropped. Had that ball not been dropped by the DB there would have been no comeback and Jake wouldn\'t be quite the hero he is at the moment. Competition is NEVER a bad thing, and I think \"BO-MAN\" brings plenty. If AB is deserving of the bench I\'ll holler for his head too, but I\'m not gonna holler for the sake of hollering. Now, about this \"Superstar\" nonesense...Brooks doesn\'t have to be a \"Superstar\"...and especially not in his present situation. What Brooks needs to do is get the ball to his very talented recievers and/or his very talented running back, which by and large he did last Sunday. I\'m not sure how you incorporate dropped passes into Brooks\' stats. I call that \"Funny Math\"...or just plain Funny. I continue to believe that it\'s a damn good thing some of you aren\'t in charge. Mr. Drake you have only furthered my belief...thanks for the confidence booster! |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
daviddrake2 --
When Aaron got injuried Haz probably should have put Jake in. But, this has nothing to do with Aaron\'s ability. This has to do with taking an injuried player out of a game. If you want to blame somebody -- blame Haz!! All this talk of getting rid of Brooks doesn\'t have anything to do with what Brooks has done or can\'t do. It has to do with some misguided fans that think they can spot talent at the QB position and they are convinced (without any facts) that a back-up QB is better than Brooks. If you don\'t beleive me just ask WhoDat, 08, FWtex, how it is they know that some bench warmer is better than Brooks! They\'ll give you some off the wall reason why somebody else is better than Brooks, but nothing solid. There\'s a different scale they\'re grading Aaron on. If everyone wants to judge a QB on one game -- I\'ll give you one of Aaron\'s games to judge him on. If you want to judge them on 5- games -- I\'ll give you 5 games of Aaron\'s. Oh, I forgot -- Jake hasn\'t played 5 games. Bottom Line : You can\'t compare Jake to Aaron yet. Jake could be a hall of fame QB (which WhoDat is convinced of) or he could be riding the bench after he runs into Tampa\'s defense this Sunday. |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
...or in the Emergency Room. I hope neither is the case tho. Tampa is gonna be a solid test for Jake. We already know AB can beat \'em!
:P |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
I think my previous comments about BO-MAN have been mis-construed. I think Brooks can be a FANTASTIC QB in this league and have backed him to the point of being labeled a Brooks-apologist. I\'ve never been a Brooks basher, and I don\'t think we should cut him or trade him. My anger with him is directed more to his non-chalant attitude and that goofy smile he flashes as were getting humiliated on the field. I think yanking him out and putting \"BO-MAN\" in for a series or two just might wake his asss up and he\'ll start taking things more seriously. I\'m certainly not the only fan (or NFL Expert/Analysyt) who\'s noticed his \"don\'t give a crap\" expressions. When\'s the last time you saw him get visibly pissed-off at anything? He appears to have no fire in his belly and now the team appears that way too. Now it may be my \"persistant ignorance\" that leads me to believe that the team\'s attitude might be a reflection of their leader\'s. And I haven\'t just called out Brooks on this, I\'ve called out Deuce. Yes, Deuce McCallister, he\'s a team leader and needs to be more vocal and visible on the field. But maybe that’s just our \"short-sightedness\". But that short-sightedness happens to also be the opinion of the majority of experts and analysts following this team. This team appars lifeless and needs a kick in the asss. Saintfan, I continue to believe that it\'s a damn good thing you (and the other 4 or 5 fans that refuse to see his problem) aren\'t in charge. Thanks for the confidence booster! FOR THE RECORD: I LIKE BROOKS, HE WILL GET BETTER, WE WILL GET BETTER. [Edited on 10/9/2003 by tweeky] |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
I am not calling for Brooks to be benched or cut nor am I saying that any or all of our past and present back-ups are better than him. All I\'m trying to say is that Brooks, at times obviously lacks the mental and emotional drive to be the team leader we need him to be.
My opinion of why he hasn\'t given it his all at times last season (particularly late in the season -- and yes I know he was hurt) and during the pre-season and last week\'s game is that he doesn\'t have enough incentive to do so. He knows and Haz has proven that he won\'t be pulled -- NO MATTER WHAT. Not if he\'s hurt, not if he screws up and certainly not if he he just laughs off bone-headed goofs and missed opportunities. To me, he is not showing the leadership qualities that Haz has eluded he should have -- he\'s got a huge contract, no more so-called distractions from people like Turley that were \'bad\' for the team, but also provided some leadership and got the team fired up. We need leaders! Haz has obviously not made it clear that that is what a QB is supposed to be -- a leader. I know Brooks put up some fantastic numbers last year. I was pleased as could be to see them too. No one would be happier than me to see him do it again. But I\'ll still be pissed if he does it with the same kind of flipant attitude he has displayed in the past. And if you read my posts, it is very easy to see that I do not put all of the blame on Brooks\' head. I give credit where credit is do, but I also call out those that don\'t play NFL-caliber football, i.e. poor tackers, linemen that can\'t stop a rush, receivers that consistently drop passes, butter fingered players, etc. But most of all, I call out Haz forletting his players get away with sub-par outings. If a kid acts up in school, breaks the law or just has a bad attitude in general, it\'s as much the parents\' fault for letting the kid get away with it as it is the kid\'s. Haz need to crack the whip a little more and maybe, just maybe his charges will learn that anything less than 100% is unacceptable. One last thing, if I didn\'t care so much about this team and only want what is best for them and all of us fans, I wouldn\'t have wasted so much time and emotional effort rooting for them all these years and I certainly would be wasting time posting here. I do it because I love this team, even though they can really T me off at times. Go SAINTS!!!!! David in Houston |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
You last post was well put. I aggree totally. Someone or several players need to step up and light a fire under this team. Go SAINTS!!!!! David in Houston |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
Look tweeky, don\'t take my word for it, and don\'t believe all the \"designed for ratings\" comments you hear all the \"experts\" puking up on sportscenter either. Do your best not to be swayed by the \"anyone but Brooks crowd\" while you\'re at it, and listen to what the players say. Go from there. And don\'t come in here posting \"BO-MAN\" nonsense after a loss -- a game in which Aaron Brooks played pretty darn good considering the entire T-E-A-M was necessarilly flat -- and expect that you won\'t get called to the carpet for it by someone like me who see\'s that as an \"a-typical\" overreaction. |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
2nd- \"the whole team was flat\" Did you read any of my posts or did you just intend to come across as a sanctimonious expert who\'s \"above it all\". My comments were directed at his stupid attitude. My whole point is that I think the team may be flat because he doesn\'t give a .... Nevermind. I\'m not going through this again. Read my posts again and maybe the light in your head will go off. \"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes\"???? Just how stupid and embarrassing is that? Especially after they just whooped your asss. He should be benched or fined just for that stupidity. The Seattle boards are laughin their assses off at that comment, as are many of my Saint friends. Therfore my BO-MAN chant. But I\'ll honor your wishes as the moderator and won\'t chant BO-MAN any more. \"JT\" \"JT\" \"JT\" \"JT\" \"JT\" \"JT\" \"JT\" \"JT\" :D |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
It\'s hard for me to understand what Brooks was talking about with that comment, but I\'m going to guess that he meant -- I could SEE open receivers but they either didn\'t hold on to the ball or my throws were off. Think about it. He said owned them with his eyes not the results. How can you own someone with your eyes unless he was saying that the passes were there , we just didn\'t get it done?
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
Maybe he meant he mesmerized them like Kaa the snake in Jungle Book.
Personally i think it was his smile! ;) |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
LOL -- Who knows what he was talking about. Hang in there Tweeky. I know you have been a Brooks supporter and it\'s understandable to be pissed off about that statement after we lost the game. Losing brings everything into question. If the Saints would have won, Brooks could have said he owned them with is arm pits and everyone would have laughed it off. Well, most everyone.
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
Dude -- I don\'t moderate a thing. I just post news when I can find something that hasn\'t been posted already. And yes, you can post anything you like, but you can\'t expect not to be called out for it by people who recognize it as a typical overreaction. So post that junk all day if it helps you sleep at night, but Whodat will tell ya I won\'t let it get by. If you were to watch the game again, you\'d see that Brooks had open receivers all day...THEY JUST KEPT DROPPING THE PASSES...and if you read their post game comments you can then take THEIR word for it...NOT MINE. Their defense didn\'t kick anyone\'s \"asss\" as you put it. The Saints beat themselves...but again, don\'t take MY word for it...read the players comments and make an intelligent statement regarding what was said by the people that were actually on the field.
I have never considered myself an \"expert\" and have never attempted to pass myself off as one by any means at all. I watch the games without any pre-conceived notions. Tell ya what, for someone who posts off the cuff stuff like \"BO-MAN\" you sure do get offended easily. You may not like Brooks\' smile, and there may very well be nothing you can do about it, and this may very well be the end of the discussion. ...or maybe it won\'t. You have about as much control over that as you do Brooks\' smile. Man, life sure can suck sometimes can\'t it? |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
Your favorite teams\' QB\'s attitude - yes! |
Brooks"I owned them pretty much the whole night with my eyes
I\'m not so sure you oughta be complaining about someone\'s attitude one way or the other, but as Dennis Miller once said, \"that\'s just my opinion. I could be wrong\"
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