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Hmm how far will the nfl go to get us out?..this is their last chance..the vikes will have some extra help from the zebras i think
Why do you feel this way? Seriously, I've seen no evidence so far. Even get a little more time to prepare, meaning early playoff game on Saturday and the late game the following Sunday.
who do you think the nfl wants to win sunday???
Maybe if the Oakland Raiders were knocking on the door to a Superbowl, maybe, just maybe, I could buy into a conspiracy to keep them out. Other than the Raiders, I really don't buy into any conspiracy theory against any team. (Don't believe this for the Raiders either, just sayin)
There is no conspiracy - otherwise we would have won in 2006 and there would have been no phantom OPI called on Colston in the end zone (I think it was Colston anyway)...
It just depends on who their betting on
Conspiracy?? Wow, way to bring the forum down. :(
saints are one of the smallest media markets in the league,but the most profitable ones,they have no reason to keep us out unless its bretts swan song. they replayed bretts dads funerall on the nfl chan. i just don't see them beating us. it will be almost exactly like the cards game31-14 something in that range. to many weapons people. i'm as confident as ever.
The idea is not so far reaching. I'm convinced the league gave Pittsburgh their last two superbowls through BS calls. Two offensive pass interferences aginst the Seahawks and three missed illegal blocks on the 99 yard int return against the Cards. I fully believe they want to see Favre win another and go out on top. But they also could want a Colts/Saints SB as well for the obvious connections. I do think we will get the wrong end of at least a couple calls against the Vikings however. It is something we will just have to overcome on the way to the SB.
So far, each of the hyped teams going into this weekend got smoked, except for the Colts, who didn't get much disrespect all things being equal.
Let'm continue to over hype Favre and the Vikes. Let's just ignore the predicted beat down their d-line is going to give the 2nd best o-line in the NFL for the run and the 4th for the pass. Let them talk up the Vikings o-line, which is rated 14th in pass protection and 20th! in run blocking. At this point, you are what your record is and you are what your previous performance is. Objective analysis indicates that the Saints played against 10 games against the top 16 pass rushing d-lines and 9 games against the top 16 rushing defensive lines. I'm sure that the Vikes will get pressure. The good ones did. The key is limiting those incursions and putting pressure on them to make plays on the back end. For the season, MN's defense was actually rated lower than the Saints. Even worse, they got to play the Lions twice, the Bears twice, Seattle, Rams and SF, as well as the Browns. Half their schedule was against teams in such disarray making it to the stadium to get beat was the highlight of their day. Prepare, study, watch, identify, anticipate and react. I'm modestly optimistic that we're only being totally dissed instead of casually insulted by the media. |
(Just so you know, I'm pretty sure the Saints only played 4 playoff teams in a weaker division than the North.) |
My wife used to work for a VP in the NFL in New York. Believe me, there are no conspiracies that the league is involved with. |
If there was a conspiracy going on the Pats would still be in the playoffs.
My point is that there are obvious cases where the league has shown preference to certain teams and players and the Saints have never been one of them while Favre has. From terrible calls to "home" games overseas, the list of ways the league has wronged us goes on and on. I'm not going to throw out names in a sweeping net attempt to accuse anyone. But just because your wife is not aware of any bias doesn't mean it isn't there. I'm not surprised the perpetrators, whoever they are, did not share it with her. I have seen too many examples of it happen. You can believe it is bad luck or human error. I believe dollars has more to do with it. It is like the Jordan rules in basketball or the steroid era in baseball. When star players and teams win games and put up big stats it attracts more fans, and that is what they are hoping for. It doesn't take a big secretive agenda to realize the league sells more tickets, sells more merchandise, and sells more TV time to sponsors when certain teams and players win.
Obvious cases???
You can't say that unless you list them? The league hasn't wrong the Saints? |
JMHO http://upnextinsports.com/wp-content...ams-zebras.jpg |
maybe we can try to bring in ocho cinco jus for this game, incase we feel we're gettin shafted by the refs. |
We just have to play our game and not let the Zebras decide it for us...But with that said we have been victims of many bad calls... Im just glad Ed Hesonroids isnt callin this one...
I tell you what is a conspiracy is the media tryin to make the public feel sorry for all the Viqueen players... I mean the Farve 4ever special..the I was poor and then i bought my mama a house Sidney Rice special... I wouldnt be suprised if NFL {Need Farve to Live} network doesnt cancel the Cards ..Saints replay to air two hrs of Farve working on his tractor..lol
now..in a business sense did it make sense for the saints to have a "home game" in giant stadium? or after the ravage of katrina to STEAL the revenue from NOLA to send 1 home game to europe?..why couldnt sandiego have lost the home game? and from conspiracy standpoit::::did ANYONE(be honest) ever hear of the tuck rule before the pats game?...we have all seen lots of football for many years and i never heard of it before then |
I would not go so far to completely exclude the possibility, but I have to say it seems that a conspiracy that involves the league's highest offices seems extremely far fetched. The risk is far too great for any reasonable league officer to get involved with.
Now, if you want to suggest that there might be a rogue ref that may be more possible, but that would be true with any game. |
has anyone heard of The Bilderberg Group? if not..u r far more vulnerable to conspiracy than u think
no conspiracy,just take it to them like you took it to us and the refs are out of it
Do you have any idea how much $$$$ the NFL would lose if it EVER came out that there was some kind of fix? That's the exact reason that there is no conspiracy. The amount of money they stand to lose if exposed far far far exceeds anything they would hope to gain by a conspiracy. If you think it's fixed - why do you still watch? Why bother? If the outcome is pre-determined, it kind of takes the fun out of it doesn't it? This kind of tinfoil hat crap is what fans of losers hide behind to explain why their team sucks. Newsflash- Saints don't suck. |
:bartinator::bartinator::bartinator::bartinator::bartinator: |
the key to a conspiracy is getting everyone to not believe...follow like sheep..conform...conform..conform
Thank you sir. Quote:
I watch because I love the Saints and hope that the league will call the game fair or to our side. For most of this year (and mostly since Katrina) they have. I never said it was completely predetermined, only that there is a bias. Read what I wrote rather than put words in my mouth. I said I expect us to have to overcome some bad calls to beat the Vikings, not that it was predetermined we would lose. Sorry if you cannot understand the difference. If you want to deny the countless number of times it has happened to us in our history that is fine with me. I prefer to keep my eyes open and be realistic. Newsflash to you - there have been plenty cases where the Saints have lost games in their past due to poor calls by the refs. It has nothing to do with sucking. The Niner teams of the 80's got evey call in games against us because they were the darlings of the league. The Dome Patrol teams didn't suck, but they got shafted sure enough. |
That doesn't mean it's part of a calculated, intentional effort to influence the outcome of games. http://scienceblogs.com/startswithab...at_antenna.jpg Hey just realized that tinfoil hat could pass for a viking's mascot costume BAWAHAHAHA |
please do to farve what you done to kurt:D You guys are bringing the Lombardi home...i`m sure of it and i`m on your bandwagon like it or not...for 2 more games anyway...then we are enemy again:p |
If there really was a conspiracy, the Vikings would be playing the Packers for the NFC Crown. Nothing against the Saints here, but the amount of viewers for the two games they played in the regular season were record breakers. The NFL would be licking their chops over that one.
Or maybe a Vikings/Jets Superbowl. There's a story line for you.;) |
So it all boils down to symantics and what is meant by conspiracy ( a term I have not used in this thread until now). It wouldn't take some clendestine effort to make a difference. The commish (way before Goddel) could have said in an owners meeting or memo to league during the summer or during labor negotiations with the refs "Wow, what a great season we had. Team x had a great year in winning the SB. More people watched that game than ever! We also had record merchandise sales this year. Hey, I see team x lead all in those sales as well. Wow people sure like to represnt teams X,Y, and Z. Also player so and so lead all individuals in jersey sales. Interesting. Anyway, let's get back to our discussion about revenue". So, they know high revenue for the league will mean more money for the refs and players when the next contract negotiations come around. So, no, I don't think that someone has whispered to the refs or sent a memo out to anyone to cheat. But any ref knows it is better for league revenue if the Steelers, or Pats or Colts or Giants win games than if the Saints or Seahawks or Texans win games. Better league revenue means more available money for them as well. Some may call that a conspiracy. It's not the WWE, so it is not fixed all the way, but the field is hardly level.
I appreciate if you think it is all on the up and up. I wish I did. I just don't. But I don't think that means we can't or won't win. Just that we will have to work that much harder and be that much better than Mini-sota. Because if it comes down to a close game with an important review to determine if Bret f;&@ing Favre threw an int or not, I don't like our chances. |
St Mike, think about what you wrote. The ref's actions would be very far removed from any financial benefit he might receive.
Favre sells jerseys. If I throw a flag, Favre goes to the SB. Revenues increase league wide by .0000001%. Commish sees this increase and spreads the wealth to all refs. The difference in my pocketbook is .05% --- maybe, if all goes well with my evil scheme. Payday baby! |
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