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BillyCarpenter1 09-13-2003 04:47 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!

Aug. 25 — Maybe a couple of years ago, it was too soon to ask when Peyton Manning would win a game that really counted. But it’s his sixth season in the NFL now, and he’s started every game in every one of his previous five seasons. It’s no longer too early to ask.

WHICH MEANS THAT it’s also fair to ask when Manning is ever going to do anything other than ring up eye-popping statistics that are, in the absence of playoff wins, as hollow as Christmas tree ornaments

And yet, in his last 50 games, including playoffs, his record as a starter is 25-25, and, for all his scintillating numbers, he has never led the Colts out of the first round of the playoffs. In last season’s attempt — his third — to change that, he and the Colts got hammered 41-0 by the Jets. This is not the definition of coming up big.

It’s one thing to vie with Marino and Jim Kelly for the title of Greatest Quarterback Never to Win a Super Bowl. Those two Hall of Famers at least got to the big game. But when the title you’ve already got wrapped up is Greatest Quarterback Never to win a Playoff Game, it’s time to ask some serious questions

For four seasons, the good fans of Indianapolis, who have pretty much defined “long-suffering� in the 20 years since Robert Irsay smuggled the team out of Baltimore in the dead of night, were patient with the strapping young quarterback. But last year’s blowout playoff loss struck a nerve.

The formula is there for him. Stop trying to get it all at once. Stop forcing the ball into places it can’t go under pressure. Throw the ball away now and then. Throw the short outlet pass. Stop looking down the field.
Or maybe the easier and shorter way to say it is simply: stop being Peyton Manning.

I would like to know from all the people on here that are wanting Aaron Brooks gone, if you would say the samething about Peyton Manning of the Colts. I would like you to use the same reasons you give for getting rid of Aaron Brooks. And remember Peyton has been a starter for much longer than Brooks. I am really interested in your reply.


WhoDat---Trade Right Now

"Right after the head coach, the quarterback is next in line as far as being responsible for wins and losses. So it's hard for me to understand why winning and losing wouldn't be part of the passing efficiency rating."
This one statement tells it all for me.
QB's FWtex would trade Aaron for:

[Edited on 13/9/2003 by BillyCarpenter1]

BillyCarpenter1 09-13-2003 05:50 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!

WhoDat 09-13-2003 05:51 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
Yes - let\'s trade them straight up. Brooks for Manning.

BillyCarpenter1 09-13-2003 05:53 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
I hear ya brother.

You don\'t have a leg to stand on there do ya WhoDat??? ;)

BillyCarpenter1 09-13-2003 06:12 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
Peyton Manning Stats:

1998 Indianapolis Colts 16 16 575 326 56.7 3739 6.50 78 26 28 71.2
1999 Indianapolis Colts 16 16 533 331 62.1 4135 7.76 80 26 15 90.7
2000 Indianapolis Colts 16 16 571 357 62.5 4413 7.73 78 33 15 94.7
2001 Indianapolis Colts 16 16 547 343 62.7 4131 7.55 86 26 23 84.1
2002 Indianapolis Colts 16 16 591 392 66.3 4200 7.11 69 27 19 88.8

Just to use the same logic that has been said about Aaron Brooks. Look at the efficency rating of Peyton -- he has regressed in the last 2 years. Also the stat that matters the most -- TD to Interception ratio is worse than Brooks.

How long does Peyton get to prove himself?? This is year 6 and he just doesn\'t seem to be right for the system. At least Aaron has won one playoff game.

BlackandBlue 09-13-2003 07:01 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
Ok, let\'s get down to serious business.

Would you trade Aaron Brooks for Peyton Manning, if and only if, it is a leap year, the date is August 22nd, the planets are aligned, and you have to sacrifice a pig fetus in a voodoo ritual? Wouldja? Cause you would be wrong!!!!! Everytime a QB has been traded under those exact same terms, the QB has always failed to live up to expectations. Let see all you Brooks bashers figure your way out of this one.

This ignorant tirade is brought to you by Louisville Slugger. If you\'re going to beat a dead horse, do it right with Louisville Slugger

BrooksMustGo 09-13-2003 07:52 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
Oddly enough, Manning has had to get it done without much of a running game in Indy.

So I guess I see the point, we don\'t have any sort of ground game here at ALL. Duece is just really lucky that :hallucine: Brooks :hallucine: lets him ride his coat-tails.

And likewise, the whole standard for judging a QB is whether he\'s been on a team that\'s won a playoff game. So let\'s just go ahead and trade for Trent Dilfer, he\'s got several playoff games to his credit.

Well please excuse me, I\'ve got to go start making :hallucine: Brooks :hallucine: bust for Canton.

BillyCarpenter1 09-13-2003 08:03 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
BMG --

First things first -- Before you go talking about Peyton not having a running game -- get your facts straight. The Colts have had a terrific running game. James had a couple of all pro years and even without him they still had a great running game.

I\'m not going into the reason I posted this with you -- You draw your own conclusions.

[Edited on 14/9/2003 by BillyCarpenter1]

saintz08 09-13-2003 08:05 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
Brooks -

YEAR TEAM G GS Att Comp Pct Yds YPA Lg TD Int Rate
2000 New Orleans Saints 8 5 194 113 58.2 1514 7.80 53 9 6 85.7
2001 New Orleans Saints 16 16 558 312 55.9 3832 6.87 63 26 22 76.4
2002 New Orleans Saints 16 16 528 283 53.6 3572 6.77 64 27 15 80.1
2003 New Orleans Saints 1 1 47 29 61.7 274 5.83 42 1 1 76.0
TOTAL 41 38 1327 737 55.5 9192 6.93 64 63 44 79.2

Manning -

1998 Indianapolis Colts 16 16 575 326 56.7 3739 6.50 78 26 28 71.2
1999 Indianapolis Colts 16 16 533 331 62.1 4135 7.76 80 26 15 90.7
2000 Indianapolis Colts 16 16 571 357 62.5 4413 7.73 78 33 15 94.7
2001 Indianapolis Colts 16 16 547 343 62.7 4131 7.55 86 26 23 84.1
2002 Indianapolis Colts 16 16 591 392 66.3 4200 7.11 69 27 19 88.8
2003 Indianapolis Colts 1 1 43 27 62.8 211 4.91 18 0 2 55.5
TOTAL 81 81 2860 1776 62.1 20829 7.28 86 138 102 85.4

Lets see ,
Brooks average 79.2
Mannings average 85.4 and that was while playing for Jim Mora as Head Coach .Mora by the way could not get a win in the playoffs in New Orleans either .

I would take Peyton considering , not factoring in his rookie year , his worst season Rating 84.1 is only slightly lower then Brooks best year at 85.7 . So if Peyton had a bad year wearing black and gold he would still rate near Brooks if he has a good year ...

Take the trade ........

BillyCarpenter1 09-13-2003 08:08 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
sainz08 --

Your not getting off that easy buddy -- Where\'s all the bashing of Peyton. Would you not cut him too? Use the same standards with Peyton that you used with Brooks

Can\'t do it can ya??

There ain\'t no way outta this one buddy -- :P

BrooksMustGo 09-13-2003 09:20 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!

You must\'ve missed the whole Edgerrin James ACL surgery bubba. Can\'t be much of an all pro running back when you\'re rehabbing a knee. And last year he was out a fair bit too. I fully expect him to come on strong this year though.

A balanced game should take Indy deep into the playoffs.

:hallucine: Brooks :hallucine: could stand to spend more time in the film room rather than happy feet around/back out of his protection/wait on WR separation to make his throws.

But maybe if :hallucine: Brooks :hallucine: will come in from walking on water, he could help Duece win a game or two for us.

BillyCarpenter1 09-13-2003 09:25 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
BMG --

I didn\'t miss a thing. Do your homework and go check out Indy\'s rushings stats !!

I can\'t do everything for ya : BUBBA

BrooksMustGo 09-13-2003 09:34 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
OK :casstet:

Let\'s go ahead and cut Peyton, fine, no big deal, he can play in Canada.
Let\'s apply the \"Billy Logic\" and cut :hallucine: Brooks :hallucine: too, he can back Peyton up in the CFL.

Then let\'s sign a QB who can win playoff games: Trent Dilfer. Trent Dilfer has won playoff games (more than one even) so he\'s the natural choice to lead the Saints.

But until we get Dilfer, let\'s all agree to hit the play-dough room and start making a bust for our big bust to put in the hall in Canton.

BillyCarpenter1 09-13-2003 09:40 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
I don\'t think Peyton should be cut. In the famous words of saintsfan -- It\'s a damn good thing you don\'t make the decisons for the Saints.

BrooksMustGo 09-13-2003 10:04 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
Hey wait a second. Even with your number, Peyton (and to be fair we\'ll only take the past 3 years) has 63% completion.

Our master of reading defenses and English has a 55%.

Call me :hallucine: Brooks :hallucine: here, but isn\'t it better to get the ball to your own guys a higher percentage of the time?

BillyCarpenter1 09-13-2003 10:14 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
Look Mr. BrooksMustGo --

I\'m not crying for Peyton Manning needs to be cut or benched. If the only arguement you can come up with for Brooks Must Go is a few completion percentage points -- Then you need to change you name to -- IdontKnowWhatTheHellIamTalkingAbout

BillyCarpenter1 09-13-2003 10:21 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
Oh -- Thanks for being fair and comparing Peytons last 3 years and Brooks first 3 years

How bout we compare their first 3 years to be fair??

Peyton Manning -- 59%

Aaron Brooks -- 56%

BrooksMustGo 09-13-2003 10:23 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
Looking at over the past 3 years, Peyton even has a better completion percentage than Brett Favre who is averaging about 60%, which is still better than :hallucine: Brooks :hallucine: .

But hey, I must not have any more brains than :hallucine: Brooks :hallucine:. I thought the object of the game was to make sure your guys catch the ball. Go figure

BillyCarpenter1 09-13-2003 10:29 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
You can\'t be all bad since you\'re a Saints fan. Tell ya what -- Turn on your TV tomorrow and -- Like it or Not -- There he will be -- Larger than Life -- Mr. Aaron Brooks.

I know it kills ya for him to throw all those TD passes. Maybe you have big plans on someone else taking his job -- But, you know what?? That\'s exactly what they are gonna have to do.

Jump on the Aaron Express before it\'s too late. If you are off -- Stay off 4 ever --

Just kidding -- I\'ve saved a seat 4 u --- :P

[Edited on 14/9/2003 by BillyCarpenter1]

[Edited on 14/9/2003 by BillyCarpenter1]

BrooksMustGo 09-13-2003 10:35 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!

I don\'t care what anyone else says about you, you\'re alright in my book. :D

I\'d very much like to see a big win tomorrow.

WhoDat 09-13-2003 10:39 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
What I think Billy is trying to say here is that Manning has had more time in Indy and isn\'t \"coming through\" the way the fans want him to there either - so if you advocate finding a replacement for Brooks then you have to advocate finding a replacement for Manning. Is that right Billy?

I, for one, AGREE COMPLETELY with that rational. I DO NOT think Peyton will be able to get it done wearing blue and white and I think he DOES need a change of scenery. I didn\'t say Manning was bad, I said he\'s not working in the system. Same holds true for Brooks.

Peyton and Brooks are actually similar QBs in that they both make a lot of bone-headed decisions, but are both gifted talent-wise. So why do I like Peyton more than Brooks? Obviously I have a vendetta.

No, the reason is this - toughness. Manning sits in the pocket and takes hits. The man played with a freakin\' broken jaw. I\'m sure there will be plenty of arguments from the guys who log into this site from the bushes outside of Aaron\'s house ripping that comment for one reason or another, but that\'s my opinion.

I also think Manning\'s talent-set is a better fit for our scheme, but that\'s just me. But, Billy is right. Manning is yet to prove that he is THE answer in Indy. Just as Brooks has failed to prove himself in black and gold.

BillyCarpenter1 09-13-2003 10:40 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
BMG --

Well, you know with a name like BrooksMustGo that you are certain to get a slight amount of resistance from the Brooks supporters and I\'m his biggest one.

It\'s all in good fun though. We just argue our points and it doesn\'t change anything on the field.

Sometimes it gets a little heated but I think we all get over it. The members I argue with the most are the one\'s I like the most.

Just don\'t let Gator get hold of you -- He told me some things when I first started on here and oh how right he was !!!

[Edited on 14/9/2003 by BillyCarpenter1]

BillyCarpenter1 09-13-2003 10:45 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
WhoDat --

I have to admit I am very surprised. You kept true to your beliefs and graded Manning the same way you did Brooks. I respect that.

I disagree with you completely but I respect your truthfulness.

[Edited on 14/9/2003 by BillyCarpenter1]

tweeky 09-14-2003 08:31 AM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
Manning looks too much like a T-Rex when he runs.
His little arms move faster than his legs.
I say cut him. ;)

WhoDat 09-14-2003 09:00 AM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
Brooks always looks like Gumby to me when he runs. Everything\'s in slow motion until he tries to juke someone and then his legs get all elastic and start flopping back and forth every which way.

subguy 09-14-2003 10:42 AM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
I feel no need to post anymore, arguing with Billy gets old, but this is some funny stuff. Tweeky , B&B, WhoDat you guys are killing me. Manning, does need a change of scenery and for the Saints to have success Brooks needs to have a scenery change also. Manning would face some fire from our ineffective line, I think Gatorman said that, and I agree, but Manning is a leader(maturity) and is smart. Those 2 things alone would give us an advantage over what we have. Of course Delhomme may have been an improvement in both of those areas. Billy, you and Haslett stick by boy even when he is hurt and is a detriment to the entire team. The only difference is Haslett will lose his job over his loyalty, Billy, you will just have to eat crow. Numbers can be read to meet your own needs anyway you would like to.....and neither has been an incredible winner, sometiomes gut feelings factor in and I would take that trade straight up.

BillyCarpenter1 09-14-2003 10:48 AM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
Subguy --

I don\'t know what your definition of leadership is but I thought it was to lead your team to victory. Peyton is 25 & 25 as a starter. Peyton is a choke artist. He did it at Tennessee, he\'s done it with the Colts. You\'re not argueing with me, you are arguing with the FACTS.

I\'m glad you have a gut feeling about Peyton and pay no attention to the facts. Brooks has done more than Peyton in a much shorter time. I just don\'t get all the bashing of Brooks and people like you stand up for Peyton.

At least you were honest and said the only reason you are standing up for Peyton is a GUT FEELING....

You say Peyton is smart. Is that why he throws in to double coverage all the time and gets picked off. If throwing more interceptions than Brooks proves Manning is smart then I\'ll take a dumb QB everytime. And let\'s not overlook the FACT that Manning has been in the NFL twice as long as Brooks. Looks to me like Manning has reached his potential and Brooks still has some upside.

[Edited on 14/9/2003 by BillyCarpenter1]

saintz08 09-14-2003 11:19 AM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
Looks like the current starting quarterback to be cut standard is 84.1 .

Manning 85.4 is above the standard .
Brooks 79.2 is below the standard .

Bring on Eli .....# 18

SugarbowlBaby 09-14-2003 04:02 PM

Peyton Manning shoud be cut !!
What a dumb thing to say.

[Edited on 14/9/2003 by SugarbowlBaby]

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