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Choupique 01-28-2010 06:52 PM

Re: What Is This BS Im Hearing About the NFL Thinking They Own "Who Dat?"

Originally Posted by arsaint (Post 200366)
I'm surprised that the NFL hasn't sued Webster's Dictionary for having words that contain the letters "n", "f", or "l".


Be careful. You typed the letters.



skymike 01-28-2010 06:58 PM

Re: What Is This BS Im Hearing About the NFL Thinking They Own "Who Dat?"
So is anyone hearing anything more on the news about this?

homerj07 01-28-2010 07:02 PM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]

The NFL whines like a Vikings fan!!!

skymike 01-28-2010 07:07 PM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear

Originally Posted by saintpaul25 (Post 200033)
Maybe I should try to get property rights to the cross symbol, or maybe patent the wheel, ...

slam bam, right on the head. here here.

Me Own Fire.... You pay use fire.... fire from me...

9thWardDesire 01-28-2010 07:51 PM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
It's bad enough that Al "Crypt Reeker" Davis forced the Ravens to change their logo because of the shield, which looks nothing like that crap they have on their helmets. Oh, does anyone remember the Brass? The NHL and the St. Louis Blews for the minor league hockey team to change their logo because of one horn when the Brass had three. I can see if there is some concrete evidence about the NFL's rights and bylaws, but this is ridiculous. Nobody cared when the Saints were annual doormats. Now that the team is in the Big Show (Go ahead, take that from me, I dare ya!!), they are showing up late like a crackhead. FORTY-THREE YEARS LATE!!!

tkoger 01-28-2010 08:02 PM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
A good place to start letting the NFL know how you feel is the PR department. They'll understand that this has the potential to be really bad for the NFL.

Joe Browne, Executive Vice President of Communications & Public Affairs
212.450-2031 e-mail:
280 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017
212. 450-2000
PR Dept. FAX: 212. 681-7572

Saintswrath 01-28-2010 08:54 PM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
From what i heard, the Rights to "WHO DAT" Isn't the issue, it's the Rights to the Saints Logo (the Fleur De Lis) And The Name "Saints" on anything, most of our Saints Logo and Saints named stuff just happened to have "WHO DAT" on it.
Someone probably exaggerated the story a bit to get people in an uproar..

skymike 01-28-2010 09:16 PM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]

Originally Posted by Saintswrath (Post 200416)
From what i heard, the Rights to "WHO DAT" Isn't the issue, it's the Rights to the Saints Logo (the Fleur De Lis) And The Name "Saints" on anything, most of our Saints Logo and Saints named stuff just happened to have "WHO DAT" on it.
Someone probably exaggerated the story a bit to get people in an uproar..

no, i listened to WWL a moment ago... they were going after people selling anything black and gold... and ANY fleur, not just the Saints trademark fleur.

i really dont think the NFL wants this to become a big story... keep talking about it, and watch and see if it doesnt get interesting. we've made our voices heard before....

SmashMouth 01-28-2010 09:49 PM

Re: What Is This BS Im Hearing About the NFL Thinking They Own "Who Dat?"

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 200374)
So is anyone hearing anything more on the news about this?

Yes ..... Let's change it to


That way the NFL can go take a Nice Flying Leap!

Saintswrath 01-28-2010 09:52 PM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 200423)
no, i listened to WWL a moment ago... they were going after people selling anything black and gold... and ANY fleur, not just the Saints trademark fleur.

i really dont think the NFL wants this to become a big story... keep talking about it, and watch and see if it doesnt get interesting. we've made our voices heard before....

Well if they are trying to stop anything with the Fleur de lis on it and black and gold, they will have a fight on their hands, thats just ridiculous, first the Fleur de lis don't even belong to American's, it's a French/Religious Symbol that have been used for centuries not decades.
And even after that the city of New Orleans when founded kept that symbol as a city trademark along with the crescent sign.
The Fleur De Lis has a Deeper meaning than a damn Football game or any modern games for that matter, they will lose that one.. Besides Ed Hartley have been using that on his cloths for a while now, why haven't they targeted that clothing designer?.

Black and Gold? How can you Trade mark colors or the 3 words.. They don't own it..
The Saints i agree, they own the rights to that as a Football name and it shouldn't be printed on to cloths that relate to football and be sold without permission.

But i'll go listen to the WWL Podcast to see what this is all about.

Saintswrath 01-28-2010 09:53 PM

Re: What Is This BS Im Hearing About the NFL Thinking They Own "Who Dat?"

Originally Posted by SmashMouth (Post 200432)
Yes ..... Let's change it to


That way the NFL can go take a Nice Flying Leap!

That'll actually work for me, i actually like that better than the English Version..
Why have we been using the English Word anyway? LMAO.

breesfan27 01-28-2010 09:57 PM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
This is SO unfair to Lauren! I have severaly Fleurty Girl shirts, including the #WHODAT shirt. The No Fun League sucks.

What a bunch of ra-tards!

But on a good note, all this free publicity is getting Lauren more business! Kudos, girl! I support you 100%

strato 01-28-2010 10:34 PM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
We must revolt...whos with me? "The Who Dat Revolution!"

breesfan27 01-28-2010 10:42 PM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
Defend Who Dat! Defend Fleurty Girl!


SaintPauly 01-28-2010 10:48 PM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
I remember an interview with Ronnie James Dio, when he was asked who started the devil horns sign, at metal shows, and actually he did start doing it, but then I guess Gene Simmons came out in the press, and said he started it. Dio said according to Gene, he invented the color orange, and the word "the".

Very similar situation.

xan 01-28-2010 10:56 PM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
The Fleur de Lis has been employed in various ways since 493 with the Frankish King Clovis I and became the standard and consistent emblem of French royalty thereafter. It is essentially a "serif'ed" cross, signifying a union between the Almighty and the conference of power to His designee on earth. It has nearly always been depicted as a gold flower regardless of the background. Most notably,


The NFL would lose on summary judgment.

WillMacKenzie 01-28-2010 11:38 PM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
They can't copyright a fleur de lis, because its not even American, and its much older than even the copyright system (as someone pointed out earlier).

They can't copyright black and gold colors.

And unless they've copyrighted "who dat!", there's nothing they can do about that either.

The only issue would be if she used an exact picture of the Saints logo, emblem, the word Saints, or anything directly linked to the NFL and its properties.

You can copyright an EXPRESSION of an idea, but you can't copyright an underlying idea. Nor can you copyright something in the public domain.

She could well say that a fleur de lis and the words "WHO DAT!" are not related to The Saints football team, but is more of an expression of attitude for New Orleans residents. (i.e. "who dat", who is going to keep New Orleans from recovering)

Copyrights: How Different is Different Enough

SaintGup 01-29-2010 02:46 AM

Re: What Is This BS Im Hearing About the NFL Thinking They Own "Who Dat?"

Originally Posted by Choupique (Post 200369)
That is likely true. I'd be leery, however.

I think it would be great for all the stores to sell black, gold or white shirts with a big 'WHO DAT!' on them. I don't care how big a company you are, you cannot licence words and I have only ever heard of 2 companies that have licenced colours and even then I don't think they would waste time proving that it is the exact same shade. No Fleur-de-Lys, no Saints logos, just a big Who Dat. I'm telling you they couldn't do a thing but everyone would still know what it was about.

SaintPauly 01-29-2010 02:53 AM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
I recently found a company online, that sells game day jerseys, all stitched, for 60 dollars each. It is an exact replica, or the same jerseys, that sell for 300 dollars, on any website. Not just the Saints, EVERY team in the NFL. Now how is it possible for them to do this, and not get notes from the NFL?

skymike 01-29-2010 05:34 AM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
Next they'll claim they own the shape of Louisiana.


Originally Posted by breesfan27 (Post 200445)
Defend Who Dat! Defend Fleurty Girl!


Yes. Defend these indeed. Lets stick together and fight this bull****.

TheOak 01-29-2010 02:16 PM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]

Originally Posted by saintpaul25 (Post 200487)
I recently found a company online, that sells game day jerseys, all stitched, for 60 dollars each. It is an exact replica, or the same jerseys, that sell for 300 dollars, on any website. Not just the Saints, EVERY team in the NFL. Now how is it possible for them to do this, and not get notes from the NFL?

LOL Because right now WHO DAT is HOT and selling. The others.. "Not so much".

Revis Saves 01-29-2010 02:21 PM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]

Originally Posted by saintpaul25 (Post 200487)
I recently found a company online, that sells game day jerseys, all stitched, for 60 dollars each. It is an exact replica, or the same jerseys, that sell for 300 dollars, on any website. Not just the Saints, EVERY team in the NFL. Now how is it possible for them to do this, and not get notes from the NFL?

Because they're made in CHINA by Chinese knock-off companies (probably the same S- when you think about it)

strato 01-29-2010 03:32 PM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
The NFL is run by didnt know this...

Revis Saves 01-29-2010 04:39 PM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
Not yet at least..... for the moment they're just making the clothing ;)

As far as the who dat stuff...... if no one ever trademarked it, then the NFL/NO Saints could copyright/trademark the phrase like any catch phrase a corporation uses. They probably realized much of your fanbase is purchasing more WHO DAT gear than the officially licensed NFL apparell.

I have a little (very little) online shop where I come up with offbeat/different JETS and football shirts (mostly for friends/family) but sold a few.
I replaced some with some Saints/Colts designs for the SB and several random people across the country hopped on the Saints/who dat? stuff. Even some guy in IN.

OH well NFL....... it'll be awhile before they can truly enforce it.

skymike 01-29-2010 04:56 PM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]

Originally Posted by Revis Saves (Post 200809)
... it'll be awhile before they can truly enforce it.

no, they're already targeting specific vendors with cease & desist letters. The intimidation alone is enough. I got thru to Jim Rome today, but the screener said they werent talking about it today, and wanted to wait till its a bigger story. I still think we should raise hell.

UK_WhoDat 01-29-2010 04:57 PM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
Well at the moment if you say New Orelans you are thinking..................SAINTS. So I guess the NFL better come on in and put an order on every damn piece of paper, clothing, .... that has New Orleans on. And God forbid that it has any of black, gold or white on!

skymike 01-29-2010 05:08 PM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
here's the link to the online petition thread

We might even considering shouting over to site-X, if they feel the same way we do, and seeing if they'll help this.

anyone here Bi-Boardal?

update: wow, 12,000 signatures... guess Im not the only Who Dat outraged by this.

9thWardDesire 01-29-2010 06:39 PM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
Can you say.....AL DAVIS?

Choupique 01-29-2010 07:08 PM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
I try not to.


TheOak 02-01-2010 08:23 AM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
I found this excerpt to be priceless!

I am hereby advocating that Warner Communications Inc., parent of DC Comics, sue the NFL because ``Super Bowl'' infringes on the Superman trademark.
Also, Rome called.
They want their numerals back.
Who Dat? It's the big, bad NFL, that's who - Sports -

spkb25 02-01-2010 08:34 AM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]

Originally Posted by Revis Saves (Post 200809)
Not yet at least..... for the moment they're just making the clothing ;)

As far as the who dat stuff...... if no one ever trademarked it, then the NFL/NO Saints could copyright/trademark the phrase like any catch phrase a corporation uses.

I am not sure that that is completely true. I believe there are some things that become public domain and are unable to be owned by any individual or organization. Not 100% positive on that, but am fairly certain. Anyone else with some info please chime in

TheOak 02-01-2010 10:02 AM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]

Originally Posted by spkb25 (Post 201663)
I am not sure that that is completely true. I believe there are some things that become public domain and are unable to be owned by any individual or organization. Not 100% positive on that, but am fairly certain. Anyone else with some info please chime in

They COULD, but if they have not it is their loss.

I did a Trade mark search. From what I have seen someone in New Orleans has the Trade Mark for "Who Dat!". Looks like they have had if for a few years.

exile 02-01-2010 01:09 PM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]


The politicians of Louisiana have spoken, and the NFL is listening.

The league appears to be backing down from their ownership claims of the phrase "Who Dat?" and the fleur-de-lis logo.

"'Who Dat' we do not claim to own by itself," said Brian McCarthy, a spokesman for the NFL told the New Orleans Times-Picayune. "It's when 'Who Dat' is used in conjunction with Saints marks that it's a problem."

T-shirts can use the phrase and a fleur-de-lis unlike the one owned by the Saints as long as they are not being advertised as Saints paraphernalia.

McCarthy said the brouhahaha over the issue last week was a "significant misunderstanding." Senator David Vitter had urged the league to "drop this obnoxious and legally unsustainable position."

The league, it appears, is essentially doing just that.
Who dat backing down from a legal fight? |

skymike 02-01-2010 04:22 PM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
all a "misunderstanding." mmm hmmm.

thaaaats what we thought you meant. good move, NFL.

breesfan27 02-01-2010 04:24 PM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 201878)
all a "misunderstanding." mmm hmmm.

thaaaats what we thought you meant. good move, NFL.

That's lawyer speak for, "Oh we just wanted to scare you into giving up. Hurr hurr hurr. Guess it didn't work. Now what are we gonna do to squander money from the little guys?!" :dunce:

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