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exile 01-28-2010 07:52 AM

NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
1 Attachment(s)
They're all questions Fleurty Girl t-shirt shop owner Lauren Thom is being forced to answer.

“The NFL is not a company that I want to rock the boat with, but I definitely want to look into it further to see what my rights are,” Thom said.
Two weeks ago, Thom got a cease and desist order from the NFL.

“They're telling me not to print anymore shirts and to get rid of the inventory that I have because it says the words 'Who dat' and it has a gold fleur de lis on the shirt,” she said.

But Thom’s t-shirt isn’t the only one the NFL has a problem with. Storyville t-shirt shop also got a cease and desist order for two of their t-shirts.
“I really thought the 'Who Dat' was something that belonged to the people more than to the Saints or to the NFL or anything else,” said Storyville co-owner Josh Harvey.

NFL orders shops to stop selling 'Who Dat' gear | | News

MATHIUS 01-28-2010 07:53 AM

NFL is trying to take "Who Dat" away from us!
WHAT THE _____?

NFL orders shops to stop selling 'Who Dat' gear | | Local News

SaintPauly 01-28-2010 08:09 AM

Re: NFL is trying to take "Who Dat" away from us!
Twenty years ago, to a year ago, no one cared about the term "Who Dat", or the rights to it. Now that the Saints are going to the superbowl, here come the fat cats. Leave it to success, to mess things up for the little people, who gave their heart and soul, to make it happen. Disgraceful.

Choupique 01-28-2010 08:11 AM

Re: NFL is trying to take "Who Dat" away from us!
I built a web site years ago for retired nfl players... an unofficial
privately owned forum and the NFL even gave us a hard time
about logo use.

They protect the leagues intellectual property rights. That would include
all teams under a wide legal umbrella. Just think of the verbal disclaimers after ever game....
"accounts of the game, etc"

I'm not taking sides. That is their take on the matter. It could be argued
they've become anal retentive but so much money is at stake they slap
every small guy they can in an effort to control the profitablity.

There are so many bootleg Who Datters is ain't funny is the reality of the situation.

Locally every mom and pop under the sun has been painting who dat
on anything and everything possible and trying to sell it. People are greedy.

Reminds me of the music industry, somehow.


TheOak 01-28-2010 08:17 AM

Re: NFL is trying to take "Who Dat" away from us!
From what i read they are not trying to take that away from us. They are trying to stop people/businesses from selling Saints gear that is not licensed and she had the Fleur De Lis in Saints colors on that shirt.


According to NFL spokesman Dan Masonson, "Any unauthorized use of the Saints colors and other [marks] designed to create the illusion of an affiliation with the Saints is equally a violation of the Saints trademark rights because it allows a third party to 'free ride' by profiting from confusion of the team's fans, who want to show support for the Saints."

SaintGup 01-28-2010 08:18 AM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear
I thought maybe this was some sort of joke but it isn't though it is laughable. I really cannot believe that the NFL would clamp down on such a thing. They do not own it so what the hell are they playing at? In fact it is so pathetic it's embarrassing.

Choupique 01-28-2010 08:20 AM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear
They are clamping down because they have the legal right to protect the leagues intellectual property rights. It really is stealing to bootleg NFL stuff. It is more than just the who dat slogan.

I'm not defending them, just saying that is the legality of the scenario.
They do have a leg to stand on. If it were your property rights and someone was stealing it you might have a different perspective.

Banjojoe 01-28-2010 08:23 AM

Re: NFL is trying to take "Who Dat" away from us!
If she in fact is printing the logo in Saint's colors, I think they (NFL) have a case. However, the term "who dat" goes way way back. If you follow the link below you will be surprised just how far.

Who Dat? - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Banjojoe :rolleyes:

SaintPauly 01-28-2010 08:25 AM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear
Fleur de lis', were tattooed, or branded, on people's bodies, in 17th century France, when they were to be put to death. That symbol, has been around for a LONG time. The term "Who Dat", probably came from a couple of drunk cajuns, after a Saints win sometime in 84'. The fans came up with it, not the NFL.

Maybe I should try to get property rights to the cross symbol, or maybe patent the wheel, if this is the case.

SaintPauly 01-28-2010 08:31 AM

Re: NFL is trying to take "Who Dat" away from us!
Well, if we are going to go that far back, then let's keep going...

Fleur-de-lis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

foreverfan 01-28-2010 08:33 AM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear
N.F.L. - No Fleur-de-Lis

Fleur-de-lis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Halo... can I still use my sig?

Choupique 01-28-2010 08:33 AM

Re: NFL is trying to take "Who Dat" away from us!

Originally Posted by Banjojoe (Post 200032)
If she in fact is printing the logo in Saint's colors, I think they (NFL) have a case. However, the term "who dat" goes way way back. If you follow the link below you will be surprised just how far.

Who Dat? - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Banjojoe :rolleyes:

That is correct. I've seen old 78 rpm records with who dat on them.


In 1981, the Cincinnati Bengals fans and players had started with their similar "Who Dey" cheer.
Who dey is so lame I'd have to move out of Ohio. Really, please stop.

who dey. puhlease.

foreverfan 01-28-2010 08:34 AM

Re: NFL is trying to take "Who Dat" away from us!
N.F.L. - No Fleur-de-Lis

Halo... can I still use my sig?

Choupique 01-28-2010 08:35 AM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear
Sure you can. You are not trying to sell it.

This entire forum, however, is subject to a lawsuit. Howsabout them apples?

"This telecast is copyrighted by the NFL for the private use of our audience. Any other use of this telecast or of any pictures, descriptions, or accounts of the game without the NFL's consent, is prohibited."


fwiw, I always hit the escape key to stop the animations.

It is hard to read a thread with stuff jumping up and down or
spinning around in a circle on the page.

SaintPauly 01-28-2010 08:38 AM

Re: NFL is trying to take "Who Dat" away from us!
How about we merge these two topics while we're at it Halo? :)

strato 01-28-2010 08:40 AM

Re: NFL is trying to take "Who Dat" away from us!

cajunvoodoo 01-28-2010 09:09 AM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
The NFL didn't care until games were being won and national attention shifted to the Saints.

I doubt this forum is "really" subject to lawsuits because there's no money in it for the NFL at this time.

Anyone knows who owns "Americas Team"? I've seen plenty of shirts with that crap on it and they weren't NFL branded.

exile 01-28-2010 09:11 AM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]

Originally Posted by cajunvoodoo (Post 200073)
Anyone knows who owns "Americas Team"? I've seen plenty of shirts with that crap on it and they weren't NFL branded.

Yeah and what about "SKOL Vikings". Oh wait, no one cares about these two any longer. :p

SmashMouth 01-28-2010 09:31 AM

Re: NFL is trying to take "Who Dat" away from us!

Originally Posted by Choupique (Post 200019)
I built a web site years ago for retired nfl players... an unofficial
privately owned forum and the NFL even gave us a hard time
about logo use.

They protect the leagues intellectual property rights. That would include
all teams under a wide legal umbrella. Just think of the verbal disclaimers after ever game....
"accounts of the game, etc"

I'm not taking sides. That is their take on the matter. It could be argued
they've become anal retentive but so much money is at stake they slap
every small guy they can in an effort to control the profitablity.

There are so many bootleg Who Datters is ain't funny is the reality of the situation.

Locally every mom and pop under the sun has been painting who dat
on anything and everything possible and trying to sell it. People are greedy.

Reminds me of the music industry, somehow.


Interesting take ... it's still BS .... who owns the trademark "who dat"?

And ... +1, Exile, on the Skol one!

Choupique 01-28-2010 09:39 AM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
Not sure. I don't claim to know who dat, just to be one.


This web site is indeed at risk. The NFL disclaimer doesn't say, make money...


Again, I've seen the NFL tell retired players to be careful with www logo use or get in legal hot water. That wasn't a for profit endeavor.

You think this place is immune? C'mon now.

73Saint 01-28-2010 09:46 AM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
Not only that, apparently there is a bar somewhere in NOLA called Who Dats, and they are going after them as well.

strato 01-28-2010 09:52 AM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
There goes my idea for the "Who Dat Blues Revue Band" about give you the blues...

cajunvoodoo 01-28-2010 09:52 AM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
Of course this place isn't immune. I don't think anyone would claim that. Look around, no one person or thing is immune to any lawsuit provided someone wants and has the finances to wrap another up in legal issues but it's always about money. If there isn't a profit concerned, no one really cares.

The part that I am struggling with is a matter of consistency. Again, why is it just NOW an issue? I doubt it would be an issue if the Saints weren't in the SB.

exile 01-28-2010 09:59 AM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
I sent out a "Who Dat!" email to all my friends, family and whoever else was in my contact list. Do I need a lawyer?

Choupique 01-28-2010 10:07 AM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
Don't get me wrong. I'm not really defending the NFL's aggressive intellectual property right stance... just sayin it exists.

SaintPauly 01-28-2010 10:10 AM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
I think I speak for everyone here, when I say, that I would like to see their "rights" on paper, and also see exactly where it is, that they own the rights to "Who Dat". Because I don't think that they do. I might be wrong, but I've never seen the words, "liscensed by the NFL", on any of the "Who Dat" merchandise I've seen online, or anywhere else.

darstep 01-28-2010 10:15 AM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
They'll be going after Mardi Gras next...
Let's litigate it in the 5th Circuit Court downtown;
so we can run these clowns out of town on a rail.

Saint_LB 01-28-2010 10:20 AM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
Who dat sayin' dat? Who dat say who dat when I say who dat!!

The only thing I can lend to this conversation is that replacing the "th" in a word with a "d" is very common for that part of the country...for both blacks and whites...or whatever color. My mother gave me a hard time about it back in my younger years when I lived at home...and I'm white, for the record.

For the NFL to say they have a right to it...if that's what they're saying...well, I could have a case that they have to go through me first.

strato 01-28-2010 10:24 AM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
I live in Texas and say "dat" in La..for 17 yrs of my life is the reason why..Its just the accent there..

cajunvoodoo 01-28-2010 10:25 AM

Re: NFL Orders Shops to Stop Selling "Who Dat" Gear [Merged]
I'm going to guess that it's not an issue with a shirt that just says "Who Dat". Add a NO Saints image to it and that's where the problems start.

skymike 01-28-2010 06:07 PM

What Is This BS Im Hearing About the NFL Thinking They Own "Who Dat?"
I'm not getting this story where I'm at. I saw a little of it on Who the hell do they think they are? Are they crazy? Does Roger Goodell have a God complex?

SaintPez 01-28-2010 06:10 PM

Re: What Is This BS Im Hearing About the NFL Thinking They Own "Who Dat?"
Hell, up here in Baltimore, where the Ravens are in the Bangals division, the Bengals are claiming that they STARTED who dat
no joke.

skymike 01-28-2010 06:14 PM

Re: What Is This BS Im Hearing About the NFL Thinking They Own "Who Dat?"
yeah, we've heard the Who Dey vs. Who Dat thing for years. But now apparently the NFL thinks "Who Dat," which was something we, the fans started yelling back in the early 80s--- all of a sudden belongs to them, as if it is some kind of trademark. Bull$4I@! What else to they think they own? grass? They didnt invent grass either, but its not a stretch if they think they own a mere utterance yelled by fans.

Who Dat belongs to the fans.


primadox 01-28-2010 06:16 PM

Re: What Is This BS Im Hearing About the NFL Thinking They Own "Who Dat?"
Well, at least this proves to the Bengals that our cheer started first, if the NFL is after it...:D

Hey, NFL...$crew dat!!!

skymike 01-28-2010 06:29 PM

Re: What Is This BS Im Hearing About the NFL Thinking They Own "Who Dat?"
HAAAA hahahahahaha!

G504 01-28-2010 06:31 PM

Re: What Is This BS Im Hearing About the NFL Thinking They Own "Who Dat?"

Originally Posted by primadox (Post 200350)
Hey, NFL...$crew dat!!!

What's their point? They'll shut down any unlicensed vendors selling "Who Dat" tee-shirts? Good luck!

skymike 01-28-2010 06:34 PM

Re: What Is This BS Im Hearing About the NFL Thinking They Own "Who Dat?"

Originally Posted by G504 (Post 200359)
What's their point? They'll shut down any unlicensed vendors selling "Who Dat" tee-shirts? Good luck!


Thats what I'm hearing. They're doing cease & desist letters. Whoever decided to do that is a complete Grinch.

Primadox, always great to have you here. Did you hear we stayed at Oak Alley Saturday night?

btw, the kids can skip one day of school, right????

Euphoria 01-28-2010 06:40 PM

Re: What Is This BS Im Hearing About the NFL Thinking They Own "Who Dat?"
As long as they don't put the Saints logo or use their colors they are fine. Who Dat came first before Who Dey and even documented in songs from like the 40's out of our area. It was around before the Saints when the cajuns would chant for the local college teams in the area.

arsaint 01-28-2010 06:46 PM

Re: What Is This BS Im Hearing About the NFL Thinking They Own "Who Dat?"
I'm surprised that the NFL hasn't sued Webster's Dictionary for having words that contain the letters "n", "f", or "l".

Choupique 01-28-2010 06:47 PM

Re: What Is This BS Im Hearing About the NFL Thinking They Own "Who Dat?"

As long as they don't put the Saints logo or use their colors they are fine.
That is likely true. I'd be leery, however.

The potential legal problems are not worth a short term windfall to some folks, is my point.

Many folks are misinformed about copyrights and trademarks. As an example I had someone threaten to sue me for using a word in an article in a arts/culture/music magazine. I referred to cybercafe in a general sense and some twit thought I was stepping on their intellectual property right toes.

I will digress before I type the word douchebag.

The thing to consider is someone, somewhere would want to sue you if you make money off of who dat.

I just want the Saints to win the Super Bowl. I don't give a ratsarse about making money on the deal.


Bootleg Who Dat!

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