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BOLTS4LIFE 02-01-2010 03:13 AM

Re: Saints Hatred?

Originally Posted by FatCitySaint (Post 200481)
Cause we beat up on poor Brent Farvra!!!!!;)

They're going to hate you even more when you beat up on their poor Peyton!!! What's going to happen to all his stupid commercials?

BTW... Sweet Bike!!! :cool:

9thWardDesire 02-01-2010 04:51 PM

Re: Saints Hatred?
I'm shocked of this myself.

#1. The Saints NEVER had any kind of winning tradition like most of the teams in the league.
#2. The Saints were NEVER called, or referred to as "America's Team".
#3. The Saints NEVER had any victory referred to as a 'hard fought' win, because many would like to continue to call their wins "lucky".

Where is all of this hatred coming from? Why is everybody and their great-grandmama hating a doormat, a punchline, a joke of a team for a majority of years that has finally made it to the biggest game in its history? They are NOT the "Greatest Show on Turf". They are NOT the "Cardiac Kids". They are NOT "America's Team" (although I believe that title has been forfeited by a team west of the Mississippi).

I remember when nobody cared about the 'Crotching Elvises' known as the New England Patriots, especially when they lost to the Bears and the Packers in their first two Super Bowls. But when they went back to the big game (when Bledsoe went down and a 2000 6th Round pick from Michigan, Tom Brady stepped in) against the Rams, all of a sudden everybody were kissing up to the Patriots til their rears had a millions lipstick flavors. The Saints, just the opposite. Nobody cared, even if we made the Super Bowl (except for the NFL who want to go "AL DAVIS" on us by claiming they trademarked a slogan they never cared about, or know existed until the Super Bowl.) Sometimes I just want to find that NFL shield on the field and do something else to it (which I cannot type because the mods would not approve) other than stand on it like T.O. did the Cowboy's star.

Keep the "Haterade" flowing, because I would relish the moment when I see the look on their faces and the deafening sound of silence when the Lombardi finds it's way to 5800 Airline Drive!

breesfan27 02-01-2010 05:13 PM

Re: Saints Hatred?
I am not surprised by certan fan bases that all of sudden hate us. (ie: Cardinals and Vikings fans) When the Bears beat us in the NFC Championship game a few years back, I had this unrelenquished hate for anything Chicago. Especially since they beat us every year after that. But after we beat Minnesota, all that didn't matter anymore. I called one of my good friends, who's a Bears fan and said, "I officially forgive your team for beating my team. I'm much happier with the team we have now, than we did in the '06 season." He laughed at me, but he said he understood where the hatred came from. The only thing I would change about this team is to have Deuce on the active roster, so he can get his ring.

So, I understand Arizona and Minnesota fans for hating us, (other than Atlanta, Carolina and Tampa Bay fans) but that's it. Everybody else is just a bunch of wankers that are pissed off because we're finally happy, our team has something to celebrate and their teams are sitting at home while ours is in Miami, preparing for Super Bowl Sunday.

BOLTS4LIFE 02-01-2010 06:54 PM

Re: Saints Hatred?
This is the biggest thing I've noticed...
Up to week 14, the NFL was drooling over the thought of two undefeated teams in the Super Bowl. After the Saints lost to the Cowpies, they no longer had a use for the Saints. Then all that love shifted to the Cowpies, as usual.

I think they had their sights set on a Ponies/Cowpies Super Bowl. Then when that wasn't going to happen, they wanted a Manning/Farve Super Bowl!!!


Choupique 02-01-2010 06:57 PM

Re: Saints Hatred?
I lived in Upper Mexico for years. Their parties aren't worth crashing.


BOLTS4LIFE 02-01-2010 07:00 PM

Re: Saints Hatred?

Originally Posted by Choupique (Post 202015)
I lived in Upper Mexico for years. Their parties aren't worth crashing.


What are you talking about?

SaintPauly 02-01-2010 07:07 PM

Re: Saints Hatred?
I think he's referring to Texas Bolt. :)

breesfan27 02-01-2010 07:10 PM

Re: Saints Hatred?
I don't give a [explitive] if we crashed their party or not. We're here. Not the Cowgirls, not the Viqueens, not ANYBODY else! Here's to quarterback abuse!

(I still love you Peyton, except for SB Sunday! ;))

BOLTS4LIFE 02-01-2010 07:15 PM

Re: Saints Hatred?

Originally Posted by breesfan27 (Post 202024)
I don't give a [explitive] if we crashed their party or not. We're here. Not the Cowgirls, not the Viqueens, not ANYBODY else! Here's to quarterback abuse!

(I still love you Peyton, except for SB Sunday! ;))

All I'm saying is "that's the reason for this hatred." That's NFL for you.

ESPN wants Romo to become an elite QB in the worst way.

breesfan27 02-01-2010 07:18 PM

Re: Saints Hatred?

Originally Posted by BOLTS4LIFE (Post 202026)
All I'm saying is "that's the reason for this hatred." That's NFL for you.

ESPN wants Romo to become an elite QB in the worst way.

Yeah, I know. They wanted a Favre/Manning Super Bowl. They were foaming at the mouth over the possibility.

Too bad for them, we crushed their dreams. Time to write our own Hollywood script now, folks!

SaintPauly 02-01-2010 07:19 PM

Re: Saints Hatred?

Originally Posted by breesfan27 (Post 202024)
I don't give a [explitive] if we crashed their party or not. We're here. Not the Cowgirls, not the Viqueens, not ANYBODY else! Here's to quarterback abuse!

(I still love you Peyton, except for SB Sunday! ;))

Dang girl! I'm really starting to like you. You are like the roudiest Saints chick I've ever met! Right on.

breesfan27 02-01-2010 07:20 PM

Re: Saints Hatred?

Originally Posted by saintpaul25 (Post 202029)
Dang girl! I'm really starting to like you. You are like the roudiest Saints chick I've ever met! Right on.

Thanks! :D Tee hee! Rowdy is putting it nicely. I flipped a chair over, jumping out of it after the NFC Championship game. I'm very passionate about football. Love every aspect of the game! :)

SaintPauly 02-01-2010 07:25 PM

Re: Saints Hatred?
The worst thing I ever did, was put my foot through a door in my house. That was the first year we drafted Ricky Williams, and we lost to the Niners, in San Francisco. We should have won the game, but we blew it in the end. Thus, the door had to pay.....

breesfan27 02-01-2010 07:30 PM

Re: Saints Hatred?

Originally Posted by saintpaul25 (Post 202034)
The worst thing I ever did, was put my foot through a door in my house. That was the first year we drafted Ricky Williams, and we lost to the Niners, in San Francisco. We should have won the game, but we blew it in the end. Thus, the door had to pay.....

I threw a couch cushion at the tv after the 2006 NFC Championship game. I was so pissed we lost, I just grabbed and chucked it, without even thinking. Luckily, the tv wasn't damaged, but I knocked my mom's candles off the entertainment stand and broke them. Oops! :doh:

Mom banned me from watching football at her house from that point on. Hee hee!

BOLTS4LIFE 02-01-2010 07:30 PM

Re: Saints Hatred?

Originally Posted by breesfan27 (Post 202028)
Yeah, I know. They wanted a Favre/Manning Super Bowl. They were foaming at the mouth over the possibility.

Too bad for them, we crushed their dreams. Time to write our own Hollywood script now, folks!

Slaughter the Ponies on Sunday!!! :cool:

breesfan27 02-01-2010 07:31 PM

Re: Saints Hatred?

Originally Posted by BOLTS4LIFE (Post 202038)
Slaughter the Ponies on Sunday!!! :cool:

I hope so. I love Peyton Manning, but I want us to stick it to him for the city of New Orleans, and everything daddy Archie couldn't do.

Choupique 02-01-2010 07:32 PM

Re: Saints Hatred?
I don't really worry about who those folks are hating on.

For the most part I didn't like most of them to begin with, so why should I care what they think?

Seriously. I don't give a chit what the hateraide nation thinks about the Saints.
Most of them, particularly the talking heads on the boob tube, are dipsticks.

Cynical? Well, stop being a society of lazy, whiney yuppies who have not
"earned this" and I'll meet em' halfway.

BOLTS4LIFE 02-01-2010 07:36 PM

Re: Saints Hatred?

Originally Posted by breesfan27 (Post 202039)
I hope so. I love Peyton Manning, but I want us to stick it to him for the city of New Orleans, and everything daddy Archie couldn't do.

As I mentioned earlier... I hate the Ponies but I've always liked the Saints (unless they're on the opposing side of the Chargers). They've always been one of my secondary favorites, even before Drew went there.

Though I'm obviously not very fond of the Mannings but I'll keep that to myself.

Choupique 02-01-2010 07:38 PM

Re: Saints Hatred?
They are spoiled brats if that helps your cause. I know some folks who knew them growing up and they are kinda... whiney.

breesfan27 02-01-2010 07:38 PM

Re: Saints Hatred?

Originally Posted by BOLTS4LIFE (Post 202043)

Though I'm obviously not very fond of the Mannings but I'll keep that to myself.

My best friend Ty is a HUGE Chargers fan and he hates the Mannings. Especially Eli. :rolleyes: I get the whole reasoning behind any San Diego/Manning hatred. :p

But as much as I love the Manning family, seeing the Saints whoop up on them makes me happy! Then, after the game, I can go back to loving them.

BOLTS4LIFE 02-01-2010 07:47 PM

Re: Saints Hatred?

Originally Posted by breesfan27 (Post 202047)
My best friend Ty is a HUGE Chargers fan and he hates the Mannings. Especially Eli. :rolleyes: I get the whole reasoning behind any San Diego/Manning hatred. :p

But as much as I love the Manning family, seeing the Saints whoop up on them makes me happy! Then, after the game, I can go back to loving them.

I respect what Archie did for your team but there's a reason why it's called the NFL Draft and not the NFL Job Fair.

Though I'm glad he did it cause I'd hate to have Sheli on my team.

RocEmSocEm 02-03-2010 09:01 PM

Re: Saints Hatred?

Originally Posted by saintpaul25 (Post 200479)
Ok, we haven't even played in our first freaking superbowl yet, and it seems that from the media, to fans of other teams, are all completely against us all the sudden? I don't get it. What the hell have we done to anybody? This team played their freaking butts off, to get where they are, and this is the thanks they get? None of our players have anything close to an ego, personal problems, or problems with the law, but people hate them? I don't get this at all. To me, this goes to show, that the entire country is going to Hell, and they are happy as can be, to be on the ride.

Talk all you want about the team I guess, if that's all you can do, to make yourself feel better about your team losing, but leave Katrina, and the thousands of dead bodies, and destroyed homes and lives OUT OF IT. Pardon my violent nature, but when I read stuff like I have been reading lately, IT MAKES ME VIOLENTLY ANGRY. All I want to do, is start laying people out fist to face, because they are too stupid to be breathing.

My entire family lives on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi. My cousin lost her house, her cars, all of her possessions, and almost her life, along with her two kids. The Gulf Coast still looks like an a-bomb hit it, for the most part, so to hear people relating their hate for a football team, to this kind of catastrophe is not only infuriating, it's un called for.

If these people have no better moral's, or even value for human life than this, then I can only blame their parents, for being such terrible people, that they allow their children to act this way. It's disgusting.

So I say this. Hate us. I officially don't care anymore. With your "kind", I will consider it a compliment to be hated by you, and anyone like you.

I wonder how many of these morons even know how many Colts players are from the Gulf Coast area, and how much suffering they went through themselves. Probably not. Most people with no class, stay that way, their entire lives.

As a somewhat impartial observer I might be able to help with this question. I say impartial because I am a Chargers’ fan. I have nothing against the Saints, I don’t hate them at all. In fact I hope you guys win the Super Bowl. I have always liked Brees and miss him here in S.D.

But, let me ask this question in an attempt to help answer your question: Why do so many fans hate Brett Favre? No, I’m not a Favre lover and this isn’t a post in support of Favre. I don’t hate the guy, but I don’t cherish him either. Just think about the question in a serious manner though and you might have your answer as to why so many people are against you all of a sudden.

SaintPez 02-03-2010 09:09 PM

Re: Saints Hatred?
I also think teams that we beat that we normally didnt fans hate on us now.
Usually they would chalk up a W and now they got their Aces handed to them by 21 points on some occasions.
giants fans...jets fans...i caanton, I also hear the "I told ya so the saints suck" all the damn timen see why they hate, we ended their unbeaten streak.

SaintPez 02-03-2010 09:12 PM

Re: Saints Hatred?
RocEm, I love favre and hope he returns another year.
I hope he smashes the GB Fackers again.
I think its like always though, if a player is one of the faces of the NFL and they may get a few calls, people cant seem to get over it. KNow what I mean?
He is a true warrior and I will miss his play when he retires.

Choupique 02-03-2010 11:38 PM

Re: Saints Hatred?
Brett ain't comin' back. Pants on the ground taught him a lesson.

You heard it here. He is done.

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