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Why Me?????

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; Top O' the world! She's serving tables at IHOP...perhaps she's a layed off BioChemist that can't find work in her field....

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Old 02-05-2010, 02:49 PM   #11
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Re: Why Me?????

Top O' the world! She's serving tables at IHOP...perhaps she's a layed off BioChemist that can't find work in her field.
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Old 02-05-2010, 02:53 PM   #12
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Re: Why Me?????

LOL, SaintLB...guess it could be a Vitamin D deficiency! Darstep...she was a customer...the servers were far, far more sane than she!
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Old 02-05-2010, 02:58 PM   #13
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Re: Why Me?????

Originally Posted by JoanieNTX View Post
Ok, so I had the episode yesterday with the fish. Today, hubby and I run over to an IHOP close to our plant for lunch. They seat us, and this woman (about 60ish), with some kind of Kool-aid pink dye on the top of her otherwise all grey long, messy hair starts attacking us because we have our Saints shirts on! Starts in about how the Colts are gonna beat us, and she's a cowgirl's fan, and she's gonna marry Troy Aikman. Hubby asked her how Aikman's wife felt about that, and she said his wife was a plant! Next, she starts in on how the Saints had a contract out on poor Brett Favre, and that Manning would win because he "honors God." I asked her if his commercial where he's cursing the little kids out is "honoring God." She then decided she didn't like my mouth. At this point, the servers were trying to shut her up, and I just asked them to move us. So we moved to a different room, but you could see her harrassing everyone that sat anywhere near her! (My hubby is 6'5", and a former defensive you can imagine how this woman was affecting him)???!!! Am I just being picked on, or are any of you having weird experiences that are escalating the closer it gets to game day?

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Old 02-05-2010, 03:05 PM   #14
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Re: Why Me?????

But Papa Voodoo, as long as I'm not disrespecting anyone, I or any Saints fan should have the right to wear our gear without some nutbag attacking us. We're at a restaurant...not a stadium. People are gettin' crazier these days!
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Old 02-05-2010, 03:11 PM   #15
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Re: Why Me?????

Originally Posted by JoanieNTX View Post
This is STILL my favorite SNL skit!

But I feel you Joanie. I've been putitng up with people like that for 19 years. Ever since we moved to South Dakota and people found out I was a Saints fan, I've been getting picked on for it. Some guy told me after the Vikings game that I should just shoot myself in the face, "because the Saints won't stand a chance against Lord Peyton and the Mighty Colts. It would save you the trouble of suffering through another Saints a*s beating." It took my brother and his girlfriend holding me back to keep from leaping across the table and ripping his head off. People are just nasty and will look for any way to put other people down.

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Old 02-05-2010, 03:11 PM   #16
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Re: Why Me?????

Joanie, this is a new thing for us Saints fans. Being "on top" that is...

You have a Superbowl to watch this weekend - and as for that Pink-haired elderly troll... well, she has to wake up and be herself tomorrow.

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Old 02-05-2010, 03:18 PM   #17
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Re: Why Me?????

Thanks, ya'll! You make me feel better. The best way to answer all of these kooks is to go out there and win the game. Period. Dot. Dot. Haters = ones who lose!
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Old 02-05-2010, 03:18 PM   #18
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Re: Why Me?????

Originally Posted by JoanieNTX View Post
LOL, SaintLB...guess it could be a Vitamin D deficiency! Darstep...she was a customer...the servers were far, far more sane than she!
Sorry J, I thought you could get a free meal out of the deal if it were an obnoxious employee. A bitter hater. Not much to do about those.
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Old 02-05-2010, 03:25 PM   #19
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Talking Re: Why Me?????

It's an omen...Your saints are going to go down and go down bad this sunday really I would advise ever going to that IHOP again.

Originally Posted by JoanieNTX View Post
Ok, so I had the episode yesterday with the fish. Today, hubby and I run over to an IHOP close to our plant for lunch. They seat us, and this woman (about 60ish), with some kind of Kool-aid pink dye on the top of her otherwise all grey long, messy hair starts attacking us because we have our Saints shirts on! Starts in about how the Colts are gonna beat us, and she's a cowgirl's fan, and she's gonna marry Troy Aikman. Hubby asked her how Aikman's wife felt about that, and she said his wife was a plant! Next, she starts in on how the Saints had a contract out on poor Brett Favre, and that Manning would win because he "honors God." I asked her if his commercial where he's cursing the little kids out is "honoring God." She then decided she didn't like my mouth. At this point, the servers were trying to shut her up, and I just asked them to move us. So we moved to a different room, but you could see her harrassing everyone that sat anywhere near her! (My hubby is 6'5", and a former defensive you can imagine how this woman was affecting him)???!!! Am I just being picked on, or are any of you having weird experiences that are escalating the closer it gets to game day?
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Old 02-05-2010, 03:30 PM   #20
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Re: Why Me?????

I got hammered by the girl working the entrance at Sam's here in Shreveport too. She wasn't as oboxious as the psyco you're talking about but she was irritating. Don't worry about it Jonie, it's just sore loser Cowboy fans taking out their frustrations. Just smile, keep on the high ground, and move on. We know who the winners are.

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