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this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; I only brought that question up for one reason - to see Billy\'s reaction - which suprisingly was fairly good. I kind of figured that. You didn\'t put as much effort into as you usually do? What\'s up with that? ...

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Old 09-21-2003, 12:28 AM   #61
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Quarterback Stats Revealed

I only brought that question up for one reason - to see Billy\'s reaction - which suprisingly was fairly good.
I kind of figured that. You didn\'t put as much effort into as you usually do? What\'s up with that?

On the Favre issue - the guy\'s good ole boy persona only works b/c he\'s as far away from the good ole boys as possible. His family is full of criminals, druggies, and just generally bad people. Yes, I know some of \'em.
I\'ve met some of them too. Although living down here where he\'s from you can\'t help but to meet some of \'em. There must be a 1000 Favres down here. Most of the one\'s I\'ve met are good people. I\'ve heard the drug rumors before, but most of the Favres are considered good people and citizens of the community.

I\'ve also never heard anyone say a kind word about Brett Favre. What I have heard is that he is a jerk and has always been a jerk. He\'s been in plenty of trouble with the law down here but has always been swept under the rug.
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Old 09-21-2003, 12:54 AM   #62
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Quarterback Stats Revealed

Yes he has - as have many of his siblings and cousins.
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Old 09-21-2003, 09:58 AM   #63
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Quarterback Stats Revealed

Ok gents, I\'ve enjoyed all this comraderie about enough. You all know better than use some of the words you\'ve used. STOP IT NOW! I\'m a nice guy but don\'t push. At least act like adults, please.
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Old 09-22-2003, 06:46 AM   #64
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Quarterback Stats Revealed

AB\'s QB rating? Irrelevant. So is his completion percentage, his potential, his intelligence, or how well he fits into the west coast offense. Or even if the Saints have a west coast offense. What is relevant? This.

With the talent that we have had on offense for the last few seasons, we do not NEED someone who could be, or even WILL be, one of the all time greats. We need a solid, experienced QB to take advantage of this talented offense NOW.

We have had a unique window of opportunity that is closing. For a short time, New Orleans didn\'t look like such a bad place to be for a free agent. After last season, it may well have already closed. We had a winning season, went 9-7, beat some of the best teams in the NFL, and still ended up a laughing stock.

Did you guys see what happened to Arizona last year? Everyone got the hell out of dodge the instant they could. Kinda like our once powerfull defense has. Will we still have this talented offensive unit once Brooks has finally matured, if he ever does?

Is that enough of an explanation? Do you understand now why the bashers bash? Probably not. But I tried.

And to Rusta who was screaming about all the bashers just shutting up, go yourself. You don\'t want to hear people complain about AB, fine. Don\'t go anywhere they talk about Saints football. I\'m not forcing you to come to this site, or read the messages. You do that of your own free will. And if you are so stupid that you are constantly tortured by reading things you don\'t want to read, might be a good option. It would definately help us cleanse the gene pool I will state my opinion on AB when and where I like, without censoring it so my negative vibes don\'t hurt your delicate little ears. I think AB sucks. Deal with it.

To Isusurfer - You are wrong. In times of war, like in times of peace, all I have to do is pay my taxes. I still disagree with the war and the president. I don\'t wish harm on any American troops, but I don\'t feel much sympathy. They joined the Army of their own free will. If they didn\'t realize it is not uncommon for people in the army to get shot at... Well, no comment. So I damn sure don\'t have to support Brooks because the season has started.

Well censorship being what it is. I felt compelled to censor some of your comments. Sorry but it is in the best interest of all members.

[Edited on 22/9/2003 by JOESAM2002]

"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so." -- Douglas Adams.
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