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SaintPauly 02-10-2010 04:30 PM

New Stadium?
How far does this win go, in getting a new stadium built? I haven't heard anything about this in a while, so I was just curious.

st thomas 02-10-2010 04:45 PM

Re: New Stadium?
that won't come up untill the louisiana/benson agreement is up again
and thats going to be 2025

UK_WhoDat 02-10-2010 05:15 PM

Re: New Stadium?
It ain't gonna happen any time soon.

Srgt. Hulka 02-10-2010 06:00 PM

Re: New Stadium?
As much money that he is making off of Saints gear, he ought to be able to build one next week!

SaintPauly 02-10-2010 06:04 PM

Re: New Stadium?
I was thinking the same thing. If ever there was a time, to discuss a new stadium, that time is now. I didn't know that a new lease was signed. Especially for that long! With all this team has done for LA, and N.O., I think they more than deserve it. Benson should just build it on his own. Although if he does, ticket prices will go through the roof. Which who knows, they might do that already.

st thomas 02-10-2010 06:15 PM

Re: New Stadium?

Originally Posted by saintpaul25 (Post 207146)
I was thinking the same thing. If ever there was a time, to discuss a new stadium, that time is now. I didn't know that a new lease was signed. Especially for that long! With all this team has done for LA, and N.O., I think they more than deserve it. Benson should just build it on his own. Although if he does, ticket prices will go through the roof. Which who knows, they might do that already.

stpaul i would agree,would love to see something up against the mississippi river. but i don't think benson has jerry money. his can opener stadium was a 1 billion dollar job two years ago, benson's would be 1.5 billion. i would love a new place not far from the dome. or put it in the same place. but this debate won't come up till 2025 when i probably can't walk no more so, they'll need more handi-cap seating areas lol.

SaintPauly 02-10-2010 06:19 PM

Re: New Stadium?
Wow. 2025. I will be in my 50s. Geez. The dome is old. Will it last that long???

st thomas 02-10-2010 06:24 PM

Re: New Stadium?
our state has to keep it up till then plus pay millions a year

Budsdrinker 02-10-2010 06:28 PM

Re: New Stadium?
No place to put a new stadium that makes sense and if they build a new one get ready to pay a PSL.

saintsfan1976 02-10-2010 06:35 PM

Re: New Stadium?
Upgrades were made post-Katrina to bring the Dome into the millennium.

What' so wrong with "one of the toughest places to play in the NFL"?


Its in a great location. It's loud. It has seats, food, drinks, bathrooms, etc...

I don't see the need.

saintfan 02-10-2010 06:51 PM

Re: New Stadium?
If that's what it takes to keep 'em in 15 years, but damnit I don't want a new Stadium. Me likie da DOME

21Hilliard 02-10-2010 06:58 PM

Re: New Stadium?
2025 the Dome will be 50 years old. The Astrodome has come and gone. The Pontiac dome is history. The H.H. Humphrey dome in Minneapolis from around 80 or 81. These all came into existence withing the same 10- or 12 year span. The Dome is already the oldest of the domed stadiums in the NFL. If we're still playing there in 2025, expect at least one more round of upgrades, probably 2 if we stay there beyond the current lease.

foreverfan 02-10-2010 07:31 PM

Re: New Stadium?
The dome will remain way past 2025.

B_Dub_Saint 02-10-2010 07:32 PM

Re: New Stadium?
We will prob just up grade what we have. I love the Dome. Its our staple.

SaintPauly 02-10-2010 07:47 PM

Re: New Stadium?
Yeah, I like the dome too. But I think the question is, do the owners like it? Benson will be gone soon, and then his daughter will be running the show. I understand they can't go anywhere until 2025, just a question.

Saintswrath 02-10-2010 08:01 PM

Re: New Stadium?
Believe me when i say this guys, Benson will bring it up at full force way before the 2025 date.
They can upgrade and renovate the Superdome all they want, it's still wont be up to standards in a few years, new skin, windows and paint does not bring anything into a new decade, the building will simply cease to amaze and not be impressive after all of the other cities are done out doing each other, Atlanta is even fixing to get into serious talks about a New Stadium and the Georgia Dome is only 17 years old.

I agree the Superdome should remain, but to serve other purposes other than holding a professional football team before that time.
The Supersome looks incredible outside, but when you get in, it's looks horrible, lots of long grey cement walls, and stale halls, it's definitely a staple of Louisiana's great industrial age..
We are now in the Modern age and if we don't keep up we will miss out and probably have some of those ol'e fashion moving debates, but it wont be with Tom Benson, it'll be with his grand daughter that is FAR more smarter than her paw paw, and could probably have things done a lot more efficently and smoothly, thats one chick you don't want to piss off..

Oh yes we will have those talks around 2015..
Don't buy into the contractual obligation, it's only if they are profiting, all she has to do is manipulate a few numbers and whine to the state about it and how this and that stadium is profiting with various dollar figures, and run the show, she's a Business Degree Major she'll figure it out whenever she's ready to lay down the law when she takes complete control.

Nemesis 02-10-2010 08:36 PM

Re: New Stadium?
I thought I heard 3,000 seats, along with still more renovations were scheduled.

MatthewT 02-10-2010 09:19 PM

Re: New Stadium?
Superdome actually kind of sucks, but it's home. My take is the Saints should be playing outdoors. Let the heat and humidity create a true home field advantage.

breesfan27 02-10-2010 09:25 PM

Re: New Stadium?
I haven't been to the dome yet. :(

exile 02-10-2010 09:37 PM

Re: New Stadium?

Originally Posted by MatthewT (Post 207208)
Superdome actually kind of sucks, but it's home. My take is the Saints should be playing outdoors. Let the heat and humidity create a true home field advantage.

No way. The Dome rules and I wouldn't make many games with an outdoor 100 degree stadium. C'mon man! :clap::D

Besides, the Dome is mucho louder than any outdoor stadium in the world. Thus home field advantage.

jnormand 02-10-2010 10:15 PM

Re: New Stadium?
Not to mention...who the heck would want to sit in the 100 plus degree weather with 100 pct humidity sitting next to a 350 lb rhinocerous. Nah...I think the dome should stay.

SaintPauly 02-10-2010 10:29 PM

Re: New Stadium?
I'm going to put it to you guys like this. I like the superdome, but as far as Superbowl revenue, for the city, and state, I have a feeling that the one coming up, might be the last. With Jerry World open, the new stadium being built here in NorCal, for the 49ers, the possible state of the art stadium being constructed in LA, hell even the new one, in New York, the ante has been upped for getting the most important football game in the world. I mean, if you guys don't mind not getting the superbowl anymore, then I guess you will be fine with it, but if you are not, then I suggest you re-evaluate your thoughts on this subject.

I'm not saying the possibillity of getting the superbowl again, is not there, but with these new, state-of-the-art stadiums, and domes being built by just about EVERY team in the league, other than the Saints, it's going to become less likely.

poydras 02-11-2010 09:14 AM

Re: New Stadium?
With stadiums running in the $1.5 BILLION range, yes, with a "B", it's not going to happen.

darstep 02-11-2010 09:45 AM

Re: New Stadium?
Now is the worst time to be talking about a new stadium. Especially if it once again belongs to the people of the state, and tax monies are subsidizing it. But here is some relief, Ray is on his way out, Mitch is on his way in, and all those monies that "somehow" couldn't get delivered are going to begin to flow like the mighty Mississippi. Shovel ready projects by the drove will start about a year from now and will run well into Mitch's 2nd term. From levee upgrades to streets and drainage projects to possibly a Brand Spanking New State of the Art Olympic Grade Multi-Purpose Monstrosity, compliments of Mary and the Federal Gov.'s New Orleans Revitalization Initiative blah-blah-blah. Might be kind of nice. Personally, I like the Dome.

Rugby Saint II 02-11-2010 02:47 PM

Re: New Stadium?
I heard somewhere recently that naming rights to the Super Dome could be up for sale. I could be wrong but I thought that with the current deal the naming right are to the state of La. Isn't it the Louisiana Super Dome?

st thomas 02-11-2010 02:56 PM

Re: New Stadium?
i'm all in on a new stadium, it could be domed again. they can make the roof open up on the west bank to let the patrons walk the mississippi to the game. lol

cajun911 02-11-2010 08:12 PM

Re: New Stadium?
I guess a new fancy stadium would be cool, but the dome still gets the job done.

Halo 02-11-2010 08:45 PM

Re: New Stadium?

Originally Posted by st thomas (Post 207158)
our state has to keep it up till then plus pay millions a year

I think we changed this. They own the building next door. Money the state was paying the Saints came from travel and tourism money that was taken directly from the city of New Orleans.

Now Benson leases the building space next door to the State to use. At least it's a better dollar for dollar deal.

Think they another (3rd) renovation to the Dome in the works. That's the third since 2005... anyone have an article on this?

Halo 02-11-2010 08:50 PM

Re: New Stadium?

Originally Posted by saintpaul25 (Post 207234)
I'm going to put it to you guys like this. I like the superdome, but as far as Superbowl revenue, for the city, and state, I have a feeling that the one coming up, might be the last. With Jerry World open, the new stadium being built here in NorCal, for the 49ers, the possible state of the art stadium being constructed in LA, hell even the new one, in New York, the ante has been upped for getting the most important football game in the world. I mean, if you guys don't mind not getting the superbowl anymore, then I guess you will be fine with it, but if you are not, then I suggest you re-evaluate your thoughts on this subject.

I'm not saying the possibillity of getting the superbowl again, is not there, but with these new, state-of-the-art stadiums, and domes being built by just about EVERY team in the league, other than the Saints, it's going to become less likely.

I dunno. We have another Super Bowl coming in 2013 and another major renovation. I think they are keeping the same structure of the Dome and plan to completely rebuild it over time through major renovations.

There will be windows on the dome this time.

Building a new stadium isn't practical for most of America. Even the "Jerry Dome" almost broke his bank.

NO-native 02-12-2010 01:00 AM

Re: New Stadium?
Withing 5 to 10 years the Saints will demand a new stadium, a new fancy job with a retractable roof. I love the Dome too but it is very dated, very 70's ish. The price to keep an NFL franchise is to keep them in nice newer stadiums, also the 2013 SB will be the last in the SuperDome, hopefully Louisiana will cough up the cash at the time, I was actually dissapointed that they were renovating the Dome and not building a new stadium, something that will bring in more outside light with a retractable roof, the Dome to way to dark on the inside.

NO-native 02-12-2010 01:04 AM

Re: New Stadium?
I think that Reliant stadium in Houston is a great example, it has a retractable roof and has great natural lighting, it's very bright inside. It seats 71K, but that could be tweaked for the Saints needs.

OldMaid 02-12-2010 01:18 AM

Re: New Stadium?
I get that the Superdome has been around for a long time. It is getting old in years and is old in its looks.
Other cities are getting more modern stadiums.
The SD is still pretty. Huge. Has something 80,000 seating capacity for major concerts and football games.
The only acts that used to be able to sell that kind of concert was the Rolling Stones. They are semi-retired.
I don't think U2 ever came alone for a show. There are really no entertainers out there and probably won't be that can alone in concert sell 72,000 or so .
The biggest sports show is SB.N.O. has SB 2013.
The dome has has renovations to update it. I assume, you can only renovate so much.

N.O. used to get the SB almost every 4 years.
Other NFL cities with great,new modern stadiums have to and win it to.It has to go around. N.O. will never get the SB like it used to, new stadium or not, because other NFL cites must be awarded the SB too.
You have expansion teams .

N.O. and LA cannot support a Supersuper Dome.
If the city gets a new one, the Superdome would have to be imploded.
The team would need it to play in as the new one is being built, but the spot to put it is where the old would be.:rolleyes:

TheSuperdome still holds up. Sound is good. It isa concrete thing and darker in sides.
The new stadium look is windowed all over and has some kind of bright roof.
I googled Jerys's dome. It is space age, pretty, bright.
The Relaint Center here has that brighter look and lighter feel.
The sound is awful. I saw Kenny Chesney there but I have not been to a Texans game.

I say take care of that when the Dome gets close to being not good enough.
Right now,it still works.

Dasidreidia 02-12-2010 10:56 PM

Re: New Stadium?

That's my not so distant childhood we're talking about.

lynwood 02-12-2010 11:42 PM

Re: New Stadium?
Whatever happened to going to a stadium to watch a game and not being concerened about the color of the tile. You have a seat, beer, food, and a loud ass home field advantage. Screw the yuppie features. Jerry built a big IMAX theatre. I'd puke if the Saints had to play in something like that. A new stadium doesn't equa wins or filling in the seats. Last time I checked the dome is sold out and has a waiting list miles long. Adding more seats would increase revenue but I don't understand the "Modernize" argument. What you want laser toilets and a theme park inside?

breesfan27 02-12-2010 11:56 PM

Re: New Stadium?

Originally Posted by lynwood (Post 207975)
Whatever happened to going to a stadium to watch a game and not being concerened about the color of the tile. You have a seat, beer, food, and a loud ass home field advantage. Screw the yuppie features. Jerry built a big IMAX theatre. I'd puke if the Saints had to play in something like that. A new stadium doesn't equa wins or filling in the seats. Last time I checked the dome is sold out and has a waiting list miles long. Adding more seats would increase revenue but I don't understand the "Modernize" argument. What you want laser toilets and a theme park inside?

Think of it this way, the night Jerry's World opened up, the Cowgirls got their a*ses handed to them by the G-men. And does anyone remember the punter who kicked the football into the jumbotron during pre-season?? (Sorry, can't remember his name) You know what they say about big stadiums, right?! Coming from a woman's POV, it looks like Mr. Jones has the little man syndrome!

CheramieIII 02-13-2010 12:20 PM

Re: New Stadium?
They just made millions in upgrades to the SUPERdome and I agree that they won't talk about this until 2025.

OldMaid 02-13-2010 01:18 PM

Re: New Stadium?
Lynwood and breesfan are just crazy funny people.
I am laughing so hard.
Very good posts and yeha,you both have a point.

Breesfan, gogle Dallas New Football Stadium and you will see pictures of art works that are inside the stadium. It is all very pretty.
It is part museum and part DC home.
Look at the calendar of events. It does not have many events coming up and hardly any big events. How is Jerry's World going to make it? Beats me.
Superdome has evey year : Esscense Fest., Saints games, Bayou Classic, Sugar Bowl. Those are big events, but still probably not enough.
Does SDome get some Carnival balls? Carnival parades disband? I cannot remember.

breesfan27 02-13-2010 02:43 PM

Re: New Stadium?

Originally Posted by OldMaid (Post 208043)
Lynwood and breesfan are just crazy funny people.
I am laughing so hard.
Very good posts and yeha,you both have a point.

Breesfan, gogle Dallas New Football Stadium and you will see pictures of art works that are inside the stadium. It is all very pretty.
It is part museum and part DC home.
Look at the calendar of events. It does not have many events coming up and hardly any big events. How is Jerry's World going to make it? Beats me.
Superdome has evey year : Esscense Fest., Saints games, Bayou Classic, Sugar Bowl. Those are big events, but still probably not enough.
Does SDome get some Carnival balls? Carnival parades disband? I cannot remember.

Yeah, I've seen pictures of it. It is nice, but it is a little too much. Like I said before, Mr. Jones is compensating for something.

SmashMouth 02-14-2010 09:04 AM

Re: New Stadium?
The SuperDome is cool... for a little while at least ... but we must face reality... it'll be time before you know it to have to up the ante. First off, New Orleans could use some infrastructure upgrades. That means building a new dome at an alternate location would facilitate much of that. Combine that with the upcoming new LSU/Charity/VA project, it could be a complete new facelift. Locations are one of two in my view. First and most priority is the area of the Bienville projects. It is an area that sorely needs a facelift and it would help the Rampart Street area including Armstrong Park. Its still close proximity to the Quarter makes it a natural. It would help with Conventions as well by increasing the space available to compete with Las Vegas. The other location is across the river in Algiers. We could have a fancy Gondola system, one better than what we had at the world's fair to cross the river. Or maybe even a mono or regular rail system that connects the new dome with downtown and the airport. Either way, having an area to tailgate would enhance our games in an immeasurable way. What we have now in tailgate space is a joke.

Not sure how this city can afford all of this. It couldn't before and it certainly cannot now as the tax base has shifted yet again. New Orleans was already behind in technology and business pre-Katrina. They must find a way to diversify its economy and not rely so much on tourism. The new LSU/Charity/VA project is a start. Incentivisation of business through tax breaks is key along with making education tops so you can attract businesses. It must modernize its port facilities. We need a new regional airport, one somewhere close to the river; up river is my best guess. And tie it in with rail for freight transportation. It could continue its push to become the Hollywood of the south. None of this is possible without ensuring proper levee maintenance and bringing them to a much higher standard than pre-Katrina. New Orleans is geographically unique. It needs to take advantage of its key advantage over other cities. It's sad politics have gotten in the way. Let's hope this new mayor can do something.

Sir Psycho Sexy 02-14-2010 09:23 AM

Re: New Stadium?
I like our Dome!

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