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skymike 02-11-2010 08:55 AM

These Are YOUR Saints Too!
Four and a half years ago, an uninformed person, no, let me say a misinformed person, told me that the Saints were moving, as there was "no one left" to support them. I knew he was dead wrong.

I knew enough about the Saints fan base to know those affected by the Storm, who could find a way, would. I knew those outside the destruction would step up. I also knew there were thousands of fans outside New Orleans already, who drove hours to sit in Tiger Stadium & watch a 3-13 team, led by a disaffected quarterback, just to show their support, and refuse to quietly allow our supposed fate. I was one of these people.

San Antonio is 3 hours closer to my house than New Orleans. Had the Saints moved, I would have quit the NFL forever.

Occasionally, talk arises of the "Gulf Coast Saints," or the "Louisiana" Saints, and from certain vantage points, the reasoning seems valid. But I, being a Texan by birth, believe the "New Orleans Saints" are just as mine as if I were raised on St. Charles Avenue. If you are a long-suffering supporter from Hattiesburg, the "New Orleans Saints" are yours also.

The Saints belong to and belong in New Orleans, a city we have all in some form, adopted in our hearts. Louisiana is the most beautiful place on earth, and I love the entire state. Buy Saints merchandise, wear their logos, insist your local pub show the team, and you are supporting New Orleans. I predict, in wake of Super Bowl XLIV, Louisiana tourism will set new records this year.

Mississippi Fan, you stood in 100 degree heat in Jackson, to watch a team practice. Anyone who's ever ran a long distance race knows the value of moral support. You bought the tickets, made the drive, spent tourism dollars, and raised Hell to the NFL, when they suggested you didnt exist. If I were Tom Benson, I would return not only a Louisiana patch to the uniform, but a Mississippi patch also. These are YOUR Saints.

Cajun Country Fan, your home is in Crowley, Abbeville, Eunice, Lafayette and countless wonderful small towns. The world doesnt know about you, but you've been there all along. You cant count the dollars you've spent on Saints merchandise, as the team is part of your life. You too support New Orleans, and know how to act when you're there. These are YOUR Saints.

Northwest Louisiana Fan, you may be the toughest of our bunch. Your tv station in Shreveport has slapped your face for years, showing the Cowboys, and a remarkable ignorance of geography. Your weaker neighbors succumb to a crowded bandwagon, and loudly berate your Faith and Loyalty. And even some of your Saints brethren, who should WELCOME your support, accuse you of being a "hick" religious fanatic.
What you are is a hard working, honest living, pillar, who happens to have a different, more ardent standard than me. You will outlive me and my liver. Thank you for driving 5 hours to the Superdome. Thank you for wearing Saints gear in disputed territory. These are YOUR Saints.

Texas Fan, perhaps you're on (oil) business, or there by Storm, most likely living in souless Houston, but your heart is east. Local media just discovered you. Maybe you live in the marsh in SE Texas, or the Piney Woods, and you just cant stand the Cowboys. Either way, unless you're watching games in a crowded Saints sportsbar, people have been looking at your Saints gear funny, and in some cases, saying ignorant things. This is your time now. Houston & New Orleans must realize their sisterhood. Each is a wind away from needing the other. Those of you who lost your homes, I cannot grasp what your heart must have been Sunday night. Need I say it? These are YOUR Saints.

And Fans from all over the U.S. and other countries, you already wear the gear. Dont forget you can also order all sorts of New Orleans merchandise online, from countless shops across the city. Why not decorate your home with authentic Mardi Gras treasures? Your Saints jersey just became the fashion statement of your town. And some day, you're going to visit New Orleans. Thank you for advertising the Saints and the City in your locale. Your money makes its way to our owner, and therefore helps pay Drew Brees. These are YOUR Saints too.

New Orleans Fans, thank you for sharing your city and YOUR Saints. We loved and supported this team when they were losers. We believed in and supported New Orleans when others pronounced her dead. We can all say, "These are Our Saints." GEAUX.

exile 02-11-2010 09:15 AM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!
Straight from the heart Mike. Well done. I put my stamp of approval on this entire message. Being a Saints fan is less about where you live and more about how you live.

Who Dat!

JoanieNTX 02-11-2010 09:37 AM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!
Excellent, excellent post! I fit right in there with the Texas fan! Had to leave Louisiana because my hubby's career is here. :( But I will ALWAYS love my Saints!

Choupique 02-11-2010 09:46 AM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!
The Who Dat Galaxy includes many humans, critters and who knows what else.... and they reside everywhere, has been my experience.

Global Dat.

Saint_LB 02-11-2010 10:38 AM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 207321)

I would return not only a Louisiana patch to the uniform, but a Mississippi patch also.

Great sentiment...but it won't work. Then you have Texas fan saying, "Hey, what about me?"

So you add you have LA, MS, and TX on the patch...and Alabama fan says..."Hey, what about me?"

You see where I'm going with this, I'm sure. But, I have a solution. Why not just put a patch that is the Earth. That should cover everyone.

SmashMouth 02-11-2010 11:04 AM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!
Well said ... but this team is more than just the aforementioned. It is now not only America's New Team, but also the World's Team!

Whoux Dat!

Lombradi Gras on Dat Tuesday!

RaginCajun83 02-11-2010 12:19 PM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!
Well said Mike. I'm one of those brought to Houston by the oil industry but as much as I can I fly the Louisiana flag proudly. Houston is so lifeless that it makes me sick when it comes to support of sport's teams. Sure they have some die hard out there but you normally only see any support when the teams are winning. What a joke?

breesfan27 02-11-2010 12:28 PM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!
Great post, Mike. I left New Orleans when I was little, but I still consider it my home. The Saints will always be my team. There is no other team in the league that I would even WANT to root for. If the Saints left New Orleans, I'd quit watching football, and that itself would be hard on me. I love everything about the game. But I just couldn't bring myself to root for another team the way I root for New Orleans.

Tobias-Reiper 02-11-2010 12:37 PM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!
Sky, I hope one day I can buy you a beer or 3.

After this year,they should put a map of the USA in the uniform

Stiggs 02-11-2010 12:38 PM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!
Thanks for the excellent post Mike. As a native Shreveporter who grew up in Oklahoma and now lives in TX, I have met many a Saints fan along the way. But there where many more football fans who thought I was nuts to like, no, LOVE such a "bum" team. When I moved back to Shreveport in the 80's, man it sucked to see a surging Saints team bumped from TV to show the suck-a$$ Cryboys. I embrace your sentiments entirely, they are OUR Saints team.

saintfan 02-11-2010 12:41 PM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!
Rep for you sir. Born and Raised in Louisiana but 11 years removed from living there. A very good read indeed!

Rugby Saint II 02-11-2010 02:24 PM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!
I was born in La. and I have suffered for decades. I bleed black and gold and the Saints will always be my team.....but, I'll share them with America and the World.;)

ROBH71 02-11-2010 03:21 PM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!
Great post! From New Orleans but live in Boston now and had a bunch of Pats fans cheering for the Saints! My girlfriend will never give up her Pats but the Saints are a close second for her now.

niteadept 02-11-2010 03:50 PM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!
Been a Saints fan for a long time here in North Carolina and catch all kinds of crap for wearing my Saints jersey all year long. Listened to everyone talk smack all season and everytime reminded them that the Super Bowl would prove what I've known ever since Drew Brees came to NO. WE ARE the BEST TEAM in the WORLD! North Carolinian by birth, Saints fan by the grace of GOD! WHO DAT!

UK_WhoDat 02-11-2010 04:51 PM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!

Srgt. Hulka 02-11-2010 05:51 PM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!
Nice post Mike. I am in what I like to call "The Front Lines" here in Shreveport. Every word you said is true. It is tough being here in Shreveport and being a Saints fan. I hope people around the country got a little better understanding this week of what a true Saints fan really is. There is no other team of any sport in the world that has fans like Saints fans.


Just remember, the first home game of the season we get to hear the announcer say: Welcome you to New Orleans and the Louisiana Superdome, where today the DEFENDING SUPERBOWL CHAMPIONS NEW ORLEANS SAINTS start the season to defend their title against the....

destinwhodat 02-11-2010 06:49 PM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!
This post made me give up my lurker status and register! Well Said Sky! They are MY saints and have been since early 90's and I love them more and more win or lose. We have tons of Snowbirds in FL this time of year that have teased me for my Saints garb....even saying they'd be back to "rub it in my face" when the Colts won. Guess what, they never came back. My point is they are MY boys and I am proud of them and all they have accomplished. I love New Orleans, the Saints and the whole Who Dat Nation!

skymike 02-11-2010 07:14 PM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!
North Carolina, Boston, UK, wow!

Originally Posted by destinwhodat (Post 207596)
They are MY saints and have been since early 90's and I love them more and more win or lose.

Had we lost the Super Bowl, I believe we would still be having this conversation.

Way to represent, Florida Brother. These are YOUR Saints.

I'll bet we hear from Alabama too.

destinwhodat 02-11-2010 07:45 PM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!
Laughing my a$$ off, I'm originally from Alabama. I'll be in a Mardi Gras parade tomorrow and my float will be flying our Saint's flag high & proud in the middle of Fairhope Alabama!!!! Who D@mn Dat!!!

neugey 02-11-2010 07:52 PM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!
Born in Houston, but my family came from South Dakota and we moved back here when I was little. Back in the early 90's I could've been a Vikes or a Chiefs or a Cowboys fan, but I saw a few of those games with the Dome Patrol D and awesome colors and I was hooked.

Now one advantage of being remote is my kids can go around and say "My daddy's team won the Super Bowl" and up here it's something not something you hear a lot with many Bears, Chiefs, Vikes fans around! Gotta love it.

One of these days, sooner rather than later, I'll make my pilgrimage to New Orleans and get my Fleur De Lis tattoo. #1 in bold on my bucket list.

skymike 02-12-2010 08:28 AM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!

Originally Posted by Srgt. Hulka (Post 207576)
... There is no other team of any sport in the world that has fans like Saints fans.

I agree. We are the best fans in all of sports.

exile 02-12-2010 08:44 AM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!

Originally Posted by destinwhodat (Post 207623)
Laughing my a$$ off, I'm originally from Alabama. I'll be in a Mardi Gras parade tomorrow and my float will be flying our Saint's flag high & proud in the middle of Fairhope Alabama!!!! Who D@mn Dat!!!

Welcome to the party destin. Fly it high and proud brother!

QBREES9 02-12-2010 09:00 AM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!
Excellent post Mike !!! Saints Nation, Americas Team. I was on the Yale Campus yesterday.
I heard WHO DAT I looked up a kid had a big smile on his face and I said WHO DAT. We talked for a second but it was great to meet a fellow member of the WHO DAT nation. He is from New Orleans studying at Yale.


Dasidreidia 02-13-2010 12:09 PM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!
Born at Meadowcrest, raised on the Westbank (the WHOLE Westbank) for 16 years. Transplanted to Charlotte due to the storm, and still flying the Who Dat flag proudly. My first football game was an overtime victory in the Dome vs the Seahawks when I was still younger than 10. And still I screamed for Warren Moon's head throughout the game. I bleed Black and Gold, and these are MY Saints too.


CheramieIII 02-13-2010 12:17 PM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!

skymike 02-13-2010 05:20 PM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!

Originally Posted by QBREES9 (Post 207736)
...great to meet a fellow member of the WHO DAT nation. He is from New Orleans studying at Yale.

Yale in the house.... man that sounds weird... but Who DAt!


Originally Posted by Dasidreidia (Post 208031)
.... Transplanted to Charlotte due to the storm, and still flying the Who Dat flag proudly. ...and these are MY Saints too.


More NC representing.... Yes these are YOUR Saints.

cajun911 02-13-2010 10:42 PM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!
I will always support the Saints down here in Thibodaux!!

skymike 02-15-2010 07:31 AM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!

SaintGup 02-15-2010 07:53 AM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!
Born in London, England. Raised in London, England. One day I saw American Football. Didn't understand it, but the COLOURS man! And those cool helmets. Something new. What team to choose though. Liked Jazz all those years ago and saw that there was a team from New Orleans and they had excellent colours. Still had no clue. Fast Forward thirty years and I am crying and laughing because my beloved Saints, the team I have looked for even when there was no games on the tv just results in the paper, have won the Superbowl at their first visit. I was there in a city I have visited many times and grown to love, surrounded by crazy people I have come to be so very fond of, with the woman I married on All Saints Day, watching the game. I would have it no other way.
'Cut me and I bleed Black and Gold
my heart is shaped like a Fleur-de-Lys
those memories of Superbowl 44
Will always be with me'

Dasidreidia 02-15-2010 08:04 AM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!

Originally Posted by SaintGup (Post 208313)
Born in London, England. Raised in London, England. One day I saw American Football. Didn't understand it, but the COLOURS man! And those cool helmets. Something new. What team to choose though. Liked Jazz all those years ago and saw that there was a team from New Orleans and they had excellent colours. Still had no clue. Fast Forward thirty years and I am crying and laughing because my beloved Saints, the team I have looked for even when there was no games on the tv just results in the paper, have won the Superbowl at their first visit. I was there in a city I have visited many times and grown to love, surrounded by crazy people I have come to be so very fond of, with the woman I married on All Saints Day, watching the game. I would have it no other way.
'Cut me and I bleed Black and Gold
my heart is shaped like a Fleur-de-Lys
those memories fo Superbowl 44
Will always be with me'

That got a little Ray Bradburyish there. Had to read it a couple of times to make sure you weren't saying you were watching the game when you got married. :doh:

But all kidding aside, thank you for choosing Black and Gold for all your (American ;) ) football needs. Fans like you make me feel good. Anyone can obtain fanaticism through immersion like I did, but it takes a true fan to reach it the way you did.


Wampuscat 02-15-2010 08:29 AM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!
Very Nice! I got thrown off the other forum a couple of years ago for defending the Northwest La Krewe. I grew up in Lafayette but have been in Shreveport for 20 years and have had to fight for the Saints! Cha Ching! I Belive, Whoot there it is ! and more to come.

skymike 02-15-2010 03:30 PM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!

Originally Posted by SaintGup (Post 208313)
Born in London, England. Raised in London, England. One day I saw American Football. ...I was there in a city I have visited many times and grown to love, surrounded by crazy people I have come to be so very fond of, with the woman I married on All Saints Day, watching the game. I would have it no other way.

Gup, you know that you talk funny, right? (I was raised on a ranch in Texas, if that helps you envision my speech pattern...) So you watchted the Super Bowl in New Orleans? Did I understand that? crazy story, man, either way.

Originally Posted by Wampuscat (Post 208318)
Very Nice! I got thrown off the other forum a couple of years ago for defending the Northwest La Krewe. I grew up in Lafayette but have been in Shreveport for 20 years and have had to fight for the Saints! Cha Ching! I Belive, Whoot there it is ! and more to come.

Welcome aboard. You're gonna like it here, unless you're into drama. B&G gave me exactly what I was looking for, but didnt get from my old board. Way to represent WhoDat Nation in the Ark-La-Tex. These are YOUR Saints, Brother.

Saint_LB 02-15-2010 06:23 PM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!

Originally Posted by Dasidreidia (Post 208314)
That got a little Ray Bradburyish there. Had to read it a couple of times to make sure you weren't saying you were watching the game when you got married. :doh:

...or maybe Ray Baronne. He recorded the SB over his wedding tape.

sunshine5 02-18-2010 10:59 PM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!
And Fans from all over the U.S. and other countries, you already wear the gear. Dont forget you can also order all sorts of New Orleans merchandise online, from countless shops across the city. Why not decorate your home with authentic Mardi Gras treasures? Your Saints jersey just became the fashion statement of your town. And some day, you're going to visit New Orleans. Thank you for advertising the Saints and the City in your locale. Your money makes its way to our owner, and therefore helps pay Drew Brees. These are YOUR Saints too.

New Orleans Fans, thank you for sharing your city and YOUR Saints. We loved and supported this team when they were losers. We believed in and supported New Orleans when others pronounced her dead. We can all say, "These are Our Saints." GEAUX.[/QUOTE]


Mike, you are the living proof that true SAINTS fans are unique... just as the city of New Orleans and its people.... I love their passion for their team... it's intoxicating... it draines you completely and energizes at the same time... If I were given a choice of my birthplace, I would chose NOLA. SAINTS would be a big part of my life there, but also the culture... how New Orleanians never forget where they come from, no matter where they are... SAINTS just sealed this unity and made it even more special. Thus WHODAT NATION was born... How ignorant does one have to be not to see it? SAINTS belong in NOLA. I don't know about "hell freezing over" but God has definitely spoken... Amen!


skymike 02-19-2010 06:17 AM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!

Originally Posted by sunshine5 (Post 209189)
... I don't know about "hell freezing over" but God has definitely spoken... Amen! GEAUX SAINTS!

Hey 'Vina, welcome aboard again. I hope you are recovered. I am still not well, as you can tell by my SA reports. Havent heard from Ed in over a week. He must be busy. There will be no party without ED.

Russian WhoDat Babes, These Are Your Saints Too!

SuperDome 02-24-2010 03:40 PM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 209221)
Hey 'Vina, welcome aboard again. I hope you are recovered. I am still not well, as you can tell by my SA reports. Haven'T heard from Ed in over a week. He must be busy. There will be no party without ED.

Russian WhoDat Babes, These Are Your Saints Too!

Michael, Michael, Michael,...

She speaks Russian...but she is NOT Russian. I know that when WE WERE GROWING UP (gotcha!) the names Russia and Soviet Union were used interchangeably, but Sunshine grew up in the Ukraine not Russia, and since she is Jewish neither the U.S.S.R. or Sunshine herself, considered her nationality to be Ukrainian. On her old Soviet passport under "Nationality" it said "Jewish"...we all know what happened in the German camps but few remember that if Hitler was #1, Stalin was #2...with Torquemada a close 3rd.

Lucky she likes an ex-gymnast she could do a double somersault with a full twist dismount from the balanced beam and stick the landing with her "cruel shoes" into the soft padding of your gonads!

Now, seriously...Mike that was great writing. You know how much it means to me. I can't let myself think about it because I'll get too emotional. I also can't believe it still. Thank you and all the krewe from the "dark side" for being in New Orleans, Bourbon and Toulouse, GROUND ZERO on the greatest day ever for the WHO DAT NATION!!!!

homerj07 02-24-2010 08:07 PM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!
Well guys I have only BEEN to NO. Never lived there but loved it every time I was there (even the time I got mugged ;) )

I have been a Saints fan for over 30 years. I have loved, loss, bi***ed & moaned, yelled & screamed - along with all of you.

I am so happy to find this site because it gives me even more of a bond with the Saints.

Thanks for giving me a forum to express my love for the Saints.

jeanpierre 02-24-2010 11:24 PM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!

Who Dat Say Anything Like Dat Anybedder...

Seriously Brother, Nice Post...

I've missed my Bros...

skymike 02-26-2010 06:58 PM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!

Originally Posted by homerj07 (Post 210174)
I have been a Saints fan for over 30 years. I have loved, loss, bi***ed & moaned, yelled & screamed - along with all of you.

Florida Representing! People like you are the reason I started this thread. Definitely, These Are Your Saints!

Originally Posted by SuperDome (Post 210125)
Michael, Michael, Michael,...
She speaks Russian...but she is NOT Russian. I know that when WE WERE GROWING UP (gotcha! -Does this exclude you from being a "father" figure? ) the names Russia and Soviet Union were used interchangeably, but Sunshine Jewish

my apolgoies. I stand corrected.
Jewish WhoDat Babes---These Are Your Saints!!!!

Originally Posted by SuperDome (Post 210125)
Thank you and all the krewe from the "dark side" for being in New Orleans, Bourbon and Toulouse, GROUND ZERO on the greatest day ever for the WHO DAT NATION!!!! subnote: tell all the Houston gang at Site-X Hello & WhoDat from He Who Cannot Be Named. --and lets find an excuse to get together, even if we have to eat fruit and drink lemonade.

I am not worthy of being at your table on such an important day in your personal history. Thanks for putting up with me.

You gotta admit my friends here are friendly. Thanks so much for posting here, my Holy friend.

Black and Gold Brothers and Sisters, your team is World Champion!

These Are Your Saints.

Thank you all for being a part of this.

skymike 03-23-2010 07:57 AM

Re: These Are YOUR Saints Too!

Originally Posted by homerj07 (Post 210174)
Thanks for giving me a forum to express my love for the Saints.

Amen. Thats exactly how I feel.

New Black and Gold Board Members:

These Are Your Saints, Baby!

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