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CantonLegend 02-12-2010 02:07 PM

Who knew the onside kick was coming?
be honest......

i knew payton was going to pull off something tricky during the game. Right as the halftime show ended i thought to myself that there would be an onside kick.

if you've watched the saints at all this season you know there is at least 1 crazy play every game.

my question is......who else predicted the onside kick?

breesfan27 02-12-2010 02:09 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?
I'll be honest, I didn't see it coming. Kudos to Coach Payton for having big enough kahunas to pull it off though!

Turbo Saint 02-12-2010 02:12 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?
canton, i'm sorry, there's no way you KNEW lol.

maybe thought about it, but dude, that's just one crazy play. way to go payton.

foreverfan 02-12-2010 02:14 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?
I remember thinking before half time that Canton was thinking we would pull off an onside kick.
For the record... I still think he's nuts.

Euphoria 02-12-2010 02:20 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?
I knew it and I have witnesses. I said it all year they should do it to start the half. Teams were not playing the kick like they should have. It was perfect timing and at our party I said onside kick is coming. We need to generate a turnover.

Srgt. Hulka 02-12-2010 02:22 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?
I thought that it was odd that he elected to recieve after the coin toss, but damm, I never saw this comming. I thought I was going to have to change my underwear when I saw it.

saintfan 02-12-2010 02:24 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?
I figured Sean would get creative at some point - more than figured - I think we all knew he would, but that kick caught me completely off guard. Balls 'O Brass I tell ya.

CantonLegend 02-12-2010 02:43 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?

Originally Posted by Turbo Saint (Post 207846)
canton, i'm sorry, there's no way you KNEW lol.

maybe thought about it, but dude, that's just one crazy play. way to go payton.

there is no possible way anybody could've KNOWN he was going to do it

but it crossed my mind that an onside kick wasnt out of the question and then i told everyone at my party that it was coming......a few seconds later i thought i read sean paytons mind

UK_WhoDat 02-12-2010 02:47 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?
TBH, I didn't see it coming. But then again I didn't see anything over Lake Pontchartrain :mrgreen:

Binx 02-12-2010 02:56 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?
No, I didn't see it coming. But I really wasn't all that surprised...

neugey 02-12-2010 03:00 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?
Most of America, myself included, sat down with a fresh plate of food, then ...


subguy 02-12-2010 03:03 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?

Originally Posted by UK_WhoDat (Post 207865)
TBH, I didn't see it coming. But then again I didn't see anything over Lake Pontchartrain :mrgreen:


breesfan27 02-12-2010 03:05 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?

Originally Posted by neugey (Post 207871)
Most of America, myself included, sat down with a fresh plate of food, then ...


Haha! My sentiments exactly! I had just sat down to eat my second bowl of gumbo and I about choked on that first bite! :D

saintsfan1976 02-12-2010 03:05 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?

But it had Sean Payton written all over it and I loved it.

Saintsfan4ever 02-12-2010 04:23 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?
I put this in another thread about the onside kick, but I was in New Orleans on bourbon street upstairs with about 10 of my friends watching the game in the hotel room so we could hear the game and see it, and we had a balcony that we ran out on to scream every time the Saints made a play or scored.

Right before the 2nd half kickoff I yelled out "Onside kick right HERE Right NOW! Onside kick right HERE!"
Then it happened.
They all looked at me like I was Nostradamus. Then they all jumped up and hi-fived me saying "you called it man, you called it!".
So, did I KNOW it was coming? No.
Was it a lucky call on my behalf? Absolutely.
But it made sense for 2 reasons. 1) I know Sean Payton is a gambler, and 2) The best way to keep Indy from scoring is to keep it out of Peyton's hands.
Calling the onside kick before it happened will always be an extra special memory for me.

Dasidreidia 02-12-2010 04:28 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?
I called it. In the chatroom I said,

"I wouldn't be at all surprised if the whole first half was a setup to make the colts think we came out flat footed. I'll bet Sean and Drew are in the locker room right now laughing and saying, 'okay they bought it. now let's go kick their ass!' " Then, out loud, I said, "Onside kick" not long before they lined up.

I about shat myself when it happened.

Rugby Saint II 02-12-2010 04:56 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?
I had a friend call me from out of state after the kick. I told him that Sean Payton is sneaky and it would be a great way to start the half. He said when I told him that he said no way.:cool:

OldMaid 02-12-2010 05:00 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?
I had no idea this play was the happening play until the commentator shouted it out.
Of course, no one knew SP would use this play, sort of defeats the purpose.
I did hear in the post SB interviews that S.Payton told the official it was coming at some time so to look for it.

I do not like downing people.
J. Mora and B. Phillips were decent coaches during their time. Their day was all a long time ago.
I don't like comparing people so I am not doing that.

I will say S.Payton is not conservative in coaching. Being non-conservative, like in politics too, doesn't mean you're stupid, or risky, nothing like that.
Just saying S.Payton will go for the TD and point after-7pts. instead of usually sure fire FG-3pts.

Saints coaches usually have been not as risky.

Sir Psycho Sexy 02-12-2010 05:00 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?
I see we have 6 liars so far.

breesfan27 02-12-2010 05:06 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?
When Morstead did the onside kick, I thought he effed up the kickoff! It wasn't until my boyfriend screamed, "HOLY SH*T! An onside kick! Payton's got balllllls!" that I realized what was going on!

Choupique 02-12-2010 05:14 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?

Originally Posted by Saintsfan4ever (Post 207890)
I put this in another thread about the onside kick, but I was in New Orleans on bourbon street upstairs with about 10 of my friends watching the game in the hotel room so we could hear the game and see it, and we had a balcony that we ran out on to scream every time the Saints made a play or scored.

Right before the 2nd half kickoff I yelled out "Onside kick right HERE Right NOW! Onside kick right HERE!"
Then it happened.
They all looked at me like I was Nostradamus. Then they all jumped up and hi-fived me saying "you called it man, you called it!".
So, did I KNOW it was coming? No.
Was it a lucky call on my behalf? Absolutely.
But it made sense for 2 reasons. 1) I know Sean Payton is a gambler, and 2) The best way to keep Indy from scoring is to keep it out of Peyton's hands.
Calling the onside kick before it happened will always be an extra special memory for me.

3. Freeny wasn't prepared to go on the field. The Dolts thought they had time to prep him. Oooooops. That is what a dolt gets for trying to think.

OldMaid 02-12-2010 05:30 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?
I agree with breesfan.

I agree with Saintsfan 1976. You said it much shorter than I did.

spkb25 02-12-2010 05:41 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?
All I am saying (and I am an attention whore) I called it before it happened in the chat room, during the halftime show!!

CantonLegend 02-12-2010 06:27 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?

Originally Posted by Sir Psycho Sexy (Post 207904)
I see we have 6 liars so far.

not liars good sir


or people that were just really really.......really drunk

Rugby Saint II 02-12-2010 07:27 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?

Originally Posted by CantonLegend (Post 207930)
not liars good sir


or people that were just really really.......really drunk

Errrrr.........prophets? No one is making a profit now.;)

hagan714 02-12-2010 10:08 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?
I said at half it would be funny then some friends pointed out the insanity of it. Your right but SP is a nut. All I could do was think about the dallas game a few years back but to be honest I never thought SP was that crazy. Gotta love him he keeps you guessing

Saint_LB 02-12-2010 11:49 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?
It was mentioned in the chat room. It appears that it crossed everybody's mind...just nobody thought he'd actually do it.

QBREES9 02-12-2010 11:53 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?
No Clue

G504 02-13-2010 06:34 AM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?
I didn't see it coming, but I sure reacted a lot quicker than Hank Basket!

subguy 02-13-2010 07:35 AM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?

Originally Posted by G504 (Post 207993)
I didn't see it coming, but I sure reacted a lot quicker than Hank Basket!

Another teehee for this comment!

Dasidreidia 02-13-2010 03:49 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?

Originally Posted by spkb25 (Post 207924)
All I am saying (and I am an attention whore) I called it before it happened in the chat room, during the halftime show!!

Yeah. We were talking about how they were gonna come out and hand the Colts' collective ass to them on a black and gold platter.

Choupique 02-14-2010 05:42 AM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?
This thread is quite revealing.

Who cares who called it? That is as meaningless as a fresh pile of cow chit in a hurricane... unless of course ego is the topic.
In that case, got it. Clear as glass. Roger doger. Aok. Okie Dokie.

Saint_LB 02-14-2010 07:14 AM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?

Originally Posted by Choupique (Post 208113)
This thread is quite revealing.

Who cares who called it? That is as meaningless as a fresh pile of cow chit in a hurricane... unless of course ego is the topic.
In that case, got it. Clear as glass. Roger doger. Aok. Okie Dokie.

This post is somewhat revealing itself...

saintsfan1976 02-14-2010 07:50 AM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?

Originally Posted by Saint_LB (Post 208116)
This post is somewhat revealing itself...


CheramieIII 02-14-2010 09:10 AM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?
Thought that he would do it just not then.

C17-BING 02-14-2010 09:56 AM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?
Give me a break ... None of you knew he'd do this ... This is load of crap thread.

So, BIGGEST game in Saints history --- at the SB none-the-less and SOME of you knew he'd on-side kick it to start the second half? HA HA HA ... You don't do that crap in 3rd grade mighty-might football ...

I'm stoked he did it, but let's be honest people --- Even the Colts didn't know it was coming and who do you think studied and knew more about the Saints than their team? You didn't know ...

CheramieIII 02-14-2010 11:12 AM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?

Originally Posted by C17-BING (Post 208155)
Give me a break ... None of you knew he'd do this ... This is load of crap thread.

So, BIGGEST game in Saints history --- at the SB none-the-less and SOME of you knew he'd on-side kick it to start the second half? HA HA HA ... You don't do that crap in 3rd grade mighty-might football ...

I'm stoked he did it, but let's be honest people --- Even the Colts didn't know it was coming and who do you think studied and knew more about the Saints than their team? You didn't know ...

Yes, some of us did think it was going to happen during the game and it's your opinion that those people are lying, right? If you have nothing else better to do than start crap then it's my opinion that your's doesn't really mean crap. Thanks and have a nice day.

Euphoria 02-14-2010 11:25 AM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?
Maybe I play to much madden but how could you not see it coming. You give the Colts the ball they march down the field and score on us and the game is so different. You need to create turnover and do everything you can to put points on the board before the Colts do.

C17-BING 02-14-2010 01:38 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?
CheramieIII ... Seriously? Pretty sure we're all Saints fans here -- Take your 3-year-old attitude over to ... It's perfect over there.

I wasn't saying anyone was lying ... I just find it hard to believe that anyone really "called" this ... If you did ... More power to you.

CheramieIII 02-14-2010 03:23 PM

Re: Who knew the onside kick was coming?

Originally Posted by C17-BING (Post 208205)
CheramieIII ... Seriously? Pretty sure we're all Saints fans here -- Take your 3-year-old attitude over to ... It's perfect over there.

I wasn't saying anyone was lying ... I just find it hard to believe that anyone really "called" this ... If you did ... More power to you.

I was about to ask you the same thing.

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