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mikesaintfan 02-27-2010 02:20 PM

Grading Payton
After 4 years SP has taken us to the championship game and now won a superbowl. He does call some curious plays but they are gambles which a coach needs to do sometimes. What grade does he deserve from the average fan like all of us?

dizzle88 02-27-2010 02:27 PM

Re: Grading Payton
Its kind of hard not to give payton an A, seen as he delivered the first superbowl and means so much to the franchise. I think 2007 and 2008 seasons, everone realizes they were mistakes on all fronts, from front office, to free agent signings to even when we couldnt stop anyone defensively.
However what he did to correct those mistakes this year proved pivotal, with him as our O coordinator aswell as the head coach, Our offense has been number 1 the past 3 out of 4 years. He is a genious, it did not take a genious to realize we needed some help on D. But he did not stop at a few signings, he went full out with greg williams and pulled out all the stops.

I'm so happy with this year and how we are looking ive gotta give him an A

breesfan27 02-27-2010 02:45 PM

Re: Grading Payton
I give him an A+. I'v very happy with the direction this team has gone since he came aboard. Thank you Coach!

QBREES9 02-27-2010 02:56 PM

Re: Grading Payton
A+ there is no one better !!!

ScottF 02-27-2010 03:44 PM

Re: Grading Payton
A+ Bottom line, what else do you want from him?
I questioned the play calling along with everyone else, but the guy just won the Super Bowl

subguy 02-27-2010 04:56 PM

Re: Grading Payton
I believe he deserves a solid A grade. I admire his ability to take risks and think he does an excellent job managing this team.

MatthewT 02-27-2010 06:32 PM

Re: Grading Payton
Started out great, then had a couple crappy seasons, then finished big. I admire the fact that he understands and learned from mistakes of the past. Payton is simply the best, A plus for now. Of course, none of this would be possible without Mickey Loomis, a guy who was nothing more than a "bean counter" into one of the most prolific GM's in the game.

iceshack149 02-27-2010 07:39 PM

Re: Grading Payton
The Saints get their first Superbowl win in their history. Payton gets an A+. So does Loomis. So does Brees.So does G Williams. So does Vilma. So does P.Thomas. So does Colston. So does Sharper. ........

QBREES9 02-27-2010 08:08 PM

Re: Grading Payton
Bressfan27 your Avatar is to funny.

Srgt. Hulka 02-27-2010 08:52 PM

Re: Grading Payton
How can it be anything else but A+. Sean Payton took a rag tag bunch of players, many of them rejects from all around the league, brought them all together, and did what none of us thought we would ever see in our lifetimes. He took his team to Miami and won Superbowl XLIV! What else does he have to prove?

homerj07 02-28-2010 12:18 AM

Re: Grading Payton
99 right now. I am interested to see what he (& Loomis) does this off season & how they handle certain aspects of the draft, UFA & RFA.

CheramieIII 02-28-2010 08:15 AM

Re: Grading Payton
Sorry guys and gals but I only gave him a B and it's because he's also had a couple of really Mediocre seasons. I know he's made alot of first for us but I think he has to follow up the Superbowl win with at least another appearance in the NFC Championship Game. I mean 3 NFC Championship games in 5 years who woulda thunk it! Then I'll give him the A+ but he's a great coach and has another 30 years in him to do it for us. Can everyone imagine the Saint Legacy after the next 30 or 40 years with Payton at the helm. Damn, just damn!

Euphoria 02-28-2010 10:42 AM

Re: Grading Payton
Why isn't there an F on this. I want to grade him an F for making a stupid call in the SB. YOu don't call an onside kick to start a half, LMAO.

Cruize 02-28-2010 10:51 AM

Re: Grading Payton
He led the Saints to a Super Bowl victory! Enough said!

jeanpierre 02-28-2010 10:58 AM

Re: Grading Payton
Normally Superbowl means you're exempted from your freshmen seminars; but Brian Billick, an "offensive genius" won a Superbowl with a great defense and he's not what I'd consider an "A" coach...

What makes Payton great was that he did it on his known strengths, changing the "culture" upon his arrival, and the statement he made with the move to get Williams as DC...

And he looks like he's addict when it comes to winning Superbowl trophies...

I'm down with that...

9thWardDesire 02-28-2010 04:29 PM

Re: Grading Payton
@ breesfan27's avatar: "You're not fully clean unless you're ZEST-FULLY CLEAN!!"

9thWardDesire 02-28-2010 04:32 PM

Re: Grading Payton

Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 210598)
Why isn't there an F on this. I want to grade him an F for making a stupid call in the SB. YOu don't call an onside kick to start a half, LMAO.

That call was risky and it could have gone either way. Saints won Super Bowl "Xtra Large 4", bottom line.

hagan714 02-28-2010 06:29 PM

Re: Grading Payton
B+ ALSO CHER. Way to many lucky bounces through out the season for an A. He is not done. Lets see him load up even more now that the core is intact. youth movement is just getting started.

Choupique 03-01-2010 01:36 AM

Re: Grading Payton

Originally Posted by CheramieIII (Post 210581)
Sorry guys and gals but I only gave him a B and it's because he's also had a couple of really Mediocre seasons. I know he's made alot of first for us but I think he has to follow up the Superbowl win with at least another appearance in the NFC Championship Game. I mean 3 NFC Championship games in 5 years who woulda thunk it! Then I'll give him the A+ but he's a great coach and has another 30 years in him to do it for us. Can everyone imagine the Saint Legacy after the next 30 or 40 years with Payton at the helm. Damn, just damn!

I give you an F-.

You are no longer a Saints fan. You've been banned for a year.
Have fun pulling for the Dirty Birds.


Crusader 03-01-2010 01:38 AM

Re: Grading Payton
I'd give him an A just for the fact that he evaluates and impoves his coaching just as much as he does with the team. He's getting better and the team with him.

exile 03-01-2010 09:26 AM

Re: Grading Payton
The New Orleans Saints won the Superbowl. :eek: A++++++ for the coach who can accomplish such a miraculous feat!

Buford72 03-01-2010 09:40 AM

Re: Grading Payton
To me there is only one grade that can be given to this head coach, that is an A+, the man is a genius...enough said...:bng:

73Saint 03-01-2010 11:14 AM

Re: Grading Payton
I think A+ means there is no room for improvement, therefor I chose A. Would like to think that there is always room for improvement...

saintsfan1976 03-01-2010 12:04 PM

Re: Grading Payton
A+ when we repeat.

mikesaintfan 03-01-2010 12:15 PM

Re: Grading Payton

Originally Posted by rfenasci (Post 210709)
I think A+ means there is no room for improvement, therefor I chose A. Would like to think that there is always room for improvement...

EXACTLY thats why i put A+ and A on the poll

exile 03-01-2010 12:21 PM

Re: Grading Payton

Originally Posted by rfenasci (Post 210709)
I think A+ means there is no room for improvement, therefor I chose A. Would like to think that there is always room for improvement...

Difficult to improve on winning the Superbowl. Maybe we should have run up the score? :D

Rugby Saint II 03-01-2010 12:28 PM

Re: Grading Payton doubt about it.:doh:

breesfan27 03-01-2010 02:26 PM

Re: Grading Payton

Originally Posted by exile (Post 210717)
Difficult to improve on winning the Superbowl. Maybe we should have run up the score? :D

My thoughts exactly! :D

savoyk 03-01-2010 02:34 PM

Re: Grading Payton

st thomas 03-01-2010 02:44 PM

Re: Grading Payton
he got all the candy baby A+

CantonLegend 03-01-2010 02:46 PM

Re: Grading Payton
i give him a T



SapperSaint 03-01-2010 02:52 PM

Re: Grading Payton
I have got to agree with Uncle Hulka.

They man delivered us our first SuperBowl. No way does he get anything other than a A+.

FrenzyFan 03-01-2010 03:28 PM

Re: Grading Payton
Gave him a "B" which is a very good grade. I agree with a lot of people who feel we depended on the "lucky bounce" way too often. We haven't had the lucky bounce in the two most recent years and we were a .500 team.

Just the same, we won the big dance - so he has a "B" minimum forever.

Srgt. Hulka 03-01-2010 05:13 PM

Re: Grading Payton

Originally Posted by FrenzyFan (Post 210763)
...I agree with a lot of people who feel we depended on the "lucky bounce" way too often....

"Luck is when opportunity meets with preparation..."
from: Little Man - by Tom Waits

I totally disagree with you FrenzyFan. We stomped the **** out of every team we played up until the Washington game. We got behind in some of them, way behind in one (Miami), but we made adjustments and overcame our predicament. I don't call that luck. I call that good preperation. When Washington missed the field goal that sent us to overtime, When the Vikes got the penalty then threw the interception that sent us into overtime, That was not luck, their players couldn't handle the pressure and buckled. True, we could have lost both of those games with both of those, but we didn't because their team was not as prepared as we were to handle that kind of pressure. When Tracy Porter intercepted Peyton Manning in the Superbowl, that was not luck. That man spent days watching the tapes and recognized the play, took control and intercepted the pass, ran it back for a touchdown, sealing our victory. I didn't see any luck in our play this year. This team was prepared more than the rest, and came out and did what had to be done. And now we are the Defending Superbowl Champions!


Nwlasaint 03-03-2010 02:11 PM

Re: Grading Payton
I don't think Sean Payton would give himself an A+ and that is what I love about him. He and the team always talk about how they can be better rather than look what we did. I love the mentality that he brings to this team and I wish the fans would embrace it as well.

SaintPauly 03-03-2010 05:58 PM

Re: Grading Payton
Well, I'm giving an A+. I will let the coach, and the players grade themselves as critically as they want. As a fan, I will give the coach the highest praise. He just gave me something, that I never thought i would see in my lifetime. A superbowl win.

jeanpierre 03-03-2010 06:36 PM

Re: Grading Payton
He shows up three-four years ago, changes the culture of forty plus years of the same-ole-saints, wins a Superbowl, and we're grading him?!?

Has he been perfect? F-know...

But I geaux to war with 'em...

CheramieIII 03-06-2010 05:03 PM

Re: Grading Payton

Originally Posted by Choupique (Post 210667)
I give you an F-.

You are no longer a Saints fan. You've been banned for a year.
Have fun pulling for the Dirty Birds.


I was born and raised in New Orleans, have been a Saints fan since the beginning and lived through all of the lean years. Let me remind you until this past season Payton's record was the same as Hasbeen's in his first four years and you have to admit we did have the ball bounce our way several times so I just don't think he deserves the A yet plain and simple. Let me remind you that Saints fans are a rare breed and certainly deserve their own opinion and aren't afraid to give it. You can't take that away from any Saints fan big boy. I'm out!

CantonLegend 03-07-2010 05:58 AM

Re: Grading Payton

Originally Posted by CheramieIII (Post 211735)
I was born and raised in New Orleans, have been a Saints fan since the beginning and lived through all of the lean years. Let me remind you until this past season Payton's record was the same as Hasbeen's in his first four years and you have to admit we did have the ball bounce our way several times so I just don't think he deserves the A yet plain and simple. Let me remind you that Saints fans are a rare breed and certainly deserve their own opinion and aren't afraid to give it. You can't take that away from any Saints fan big boy. I'm out!

dont get cher mad or he'll do something ugly to you

like lose to you in fantasy football or something like that.....hes crazy.....he'll pull ur hair and force feed you beer.....but not good beer.....natties or busch or something terrible like that

CheramieIII 03-07-2010 07:56 AM

Re: Grading Payton

Originally Posted by CantonLegend (Post 211801)
dont get cher mad or he'll do something ugly to you

like lose to you in fantasy football or something like that.....hes crazy.....he'll pull ur hair and force feed you beer.....but not good beer.....natties or busch or something terrible like that

Damn that's some funny ****e Legend. Where's my PBR? roflmao

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