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View Poll Results: What do you think about having a WHO DAT License plate?
Hell why not? 9 31.03%
I've seen other NFL cities with them i've wondered why Louisiana never had one 2 6.90%
Bout time! 8 27.59%
As long as it has a Fleur De lis on it 6 20.69%
As long as it has the Superdome on it 1 3.45%
As long as it has the Superdome and the Fleur De Lis on it 3 10.34%
Why is Louisiana Politcians focused on this? 0 0%
Why not ? as long as the money goes to the right sources let em have at it! 4 13.79%
Dude we got better things to worry about like umm.. Levees and Jobs? 2 6.90%
I don't live in Louisiana so if i can't have it no one CAN! MUHAHAHA! 3 10.34%
Proceeds go to charities huh? i want names of these charities. 2 6.90%
If i can vote on where the money goes, im all for it.. 2 6.90%
Why we didn't have this when we were short on payment inducements to the Saints? 1 3.45%
I smell something rotten about this.. i just can't place my finger on it. 1 3.45%
As long as the citizens get to choose from a series of designs im for it! 3 10.34%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 29. You may not vote on this poll

"Who Dat Nation" license plate?

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; Sorryu - I chose the "MUHAHA!!" option. It will just make me even more hella jelous. specially because I am surrounded by Bucs fans & license plates....

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Old 03-02-2010, 09:28 PM   #11
In Doh We Trust
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Re: "Who Dat Nation" license plate?

Sorryu - I chose the "MUHAHA!!" option. It will just make me even more hella jelous. specially because I am surrounded by Bucs fans & license plates.
homerj07 is offline  
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crowe, rickey hardy, slidell, who dat, who dat license plate, wwl,

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