03-20-2010, 04:53 PM
Merces Letifer
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 4,161
Re: How would people feel if we drafted Tebow?
Originally Posted by skymike
I'll 4th it just for freshness. nobody's "whining," just pointing out a tired internet cliche. Used sparingly, its kind of funny. Indiscriminately, it begins to sound "15." But enough on that....
If we're gonna puke pea soup over Tebow, how bout some substance? perhaps:
- "His arm is questionable."
- "He has no experience in a pro style offense."
- "His team around him decimates his opposition, leaving him untested."
- "A number of scouts are questioning his ability to read & react."
- "Because he cusses underclassmen, and pops equipment managers with towels."
- "Because f*** Florida, thats why!"
Which are much more credible than:
- "becaue he smiles/cries/perspires."
- "because he loves Jesus and dares to say so." (how many players name themselves "Mohammed?"-- I say no harm, no foul.)
- "because he's "All American," and I like my heros subversive and melancholy."
Drew Brees is clean & articulate too, smiles a lot, has a lovely wife, seems to love America, and even dares to mention God. --and nobody in New Orleans had a Linda Blair attack when he speaks. So lets enjoy some beignets and be glad there are puppies & kittens.
At least if the guy espouses values, maybe he wont be distracted by strip clubs, baby-mamas, and gun violence? maybe? After some personal self soul-evaluation for some of us, I think the prime question we ask is, "Can he help us win?"

As for how would I feel if the Saints drafted Tebow? the current FO and coaching staff just delivered a Superbowl in 4 years against higher odds than anyone ever, just about anything they have done personnel-wise has turned to gold, so if they decide they wanted Tebow, I'd be all for it.
..oh, and the bed must be on the floor!