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strato 04-22-2010 01:51 PM

Re: Vikings players say they outplayed the Saints and say "Colts" should have won! (they're not seeing us as the real champs)
Dont judge me son is a English major ..i get it

CantonLegend 04-22-2010 01:52 PM

Re: Vikings players say they outplayed the Saints and say "Colts" should have won! (they're not seeing us as the real champs)

Originally Posted by falconhater (Post 220244)
I see we can jump on pour Saintsgup for Correctly using the English Language but when we are proven WRONG its time to move on... LOL

lol it wasnt supposed to be only about your post but it was the last one on the page so i quoted that one

my bad

i just think its funny when people correct grammar on the internet

especially since i use periods like crack..........

falconhater 04-22-2010 01:53 PM

Re: Vikings players say they outplayed the Saints and say "Colts" should have won! (they're not seeing us as the real champs)

Originally Posted by CantonLegend (Post 220248)
lol it wasnt supposed to be only about your post but it was the last one on the page so i quoted that one

my bad

i just think its funny when people correct grammar on the internet

especially since i use periods like crack..........


breesfan27 04-22-2010 01:55 PM

Re: Vikings players say they outplayed the Saints and say "Colts" should have won! (they're not seeing us as the real champs)

Originally Posted by 9thWardDesire (Post 220245)
We've been "AMERICA'S UNDERDOGS" for four decades and, prior to winning "A" Super Bowl, we learned to deal with it (i.e. "Big Ben", "1-15", "Coulda-Woulda-Shoulda", "The Ricky Trade", "Katrina", etc.) The Vikings (or any team on our 2009 schedule, for that matter) took a beating from us to get to the Super Bowl for four quarters and they can't handle it?!?!?!? We had fans from one team wanting us to lose the NFC Championship to a team that embarrassed them the week before!! Isn't that supposed to be the other way around?? And a league, in which our team has been a part of since 1967, wants to capitalize on a slogan that they never created and a logo that was centuries old!! Now we all know (at least, many of us already know) what kind of fans they really are. I have never heard so much whining from most of these fans that they make... Naw, that would be a blatant disrespect to preschoolers everywhere. Let's keep it moving....

You know what, though, I can't wait for the day when the Who Dat Nation flock "Da DF-Dub" to, first, set up the table on the STAR for Thanksgiving, then come back in February only to leave saying "TWO DAT!!!" Yes, "Lombardi Gras II" for SB X-tra Large 5!!!



I tried to give you a Rep point, but apparently I have to "spread it around" first.

B&G wants me to be slutty with my reps, apparently! :rolleyes:

saintfan 04-22-2010 01:57 PM

Re: Vikings players say they outplayed the Saints and say "Colts" should have won! (they're not seeing us as the real champs)
Our poor misguided youth. Why don't you look up 'comma-splice' in that book?

Now, using a comma between two independent clauses doesn't make the statement any clearer nor does it provide any EMPHASIS as you say. In fact it results in a comma-splice. When a person is a well-known and published writer some grace is given and rules are bent. I assume you know this since you teach English. This is not such a case.


Actually I am an English Teacher and I can assure you that The comma placement here is fine.
Want me to pick this one apart for you too? I hope none of your students visit this web site.:rolleyes:

falconhater 04-22-2010 01:58 PM

Re: Vikings players say they outplayed the Saints and say "Colts" should have won! (they're not seeing us as the real champs)

Originally Posted by strato (Post 220246)
Dont judge me son is a English major ..i get it

NO worries have you read my post even I do not use correct grammar in a forum.... Its really hit and miss.

Zoey just "rubbed me" the wrong way....LOL

strato 04-22-2010 01:58 PM

Re: Vikings players say they outplayed the Saints and say "Colts" should have won! (they're not seeing us as the real champs)
Oh No!!

saintfan 04-22-2010 01:59 PM

Re: Vikings players say they outplayed the Saints and say "Colts" should have won! (they're not seeing us as the real champs)

Originally Posted by falconhater (Post 220244)
I see we can jump on pour Saintsgup for Correctly using the English Language but when we are proven WRONG its time to move on... LOL

We weren't jumping on Saintsgup. Do you read threads or do you just react to the first thing you see? Forget it. I already know the answer.

CantonLegend 04-22-2010 02:02 PM

Re: Vikings players say they outplayed the Saints and say "Colts" should have won! (they're not seeing us as the real champs)
u guys remember that time we won the super bowl?

9thWardDesire 04-22-2010 02:03 PM

Re: Vikings players say they outplayed the Saints and say "Colts" should have won! (they're not seeing us as the real champs)

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 220217)
And why is he so infatuated with that word? It makes one wonder.


Done to "Summer Breeze"

"Summer's Eve, makes him feel fresh....."

I'mma stop right there.

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