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saintfan 04-22-2010 02:05 PM

Re: Vikings players say they outplayed the Saints and say "Colts" should have won! (they're not seeing us as the real champs)

Originally Posted by CantonLegend (Post 220266)
u guys remember that time we won the super bowl?

I do, but at this red-hot moment my concern is for the fate of our youth. They're going to have health care but they won't be able to write worth a damn. LOL

falconhater 04-22-2010 02:08 PM

Re: Vikings players say they outplayed the Saints and say "Colts" should have won! (they're not seeing us as the real champs)

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 220255)
Our poor misguided youth. Why don't you look up 'comma-splice' in that book?

Now, using a comma between two independent clauses doesn't make the statement any clearer nor does it provide any EMPHASIS as you say. In fact it results in a comma-splice. When a person is a well-known and published writer some grace is given and rules are bent. I assume you know this since you teach English. This is not such a case.

Want me to pick this one apart for you too? I hope none of your students visit this web site.:rolleyes:

The comma is correct for multiple reasons actually.

It can be considered an Interjection or a weak exclamation. (Writers inc. pg 460)

The key to checking if a comma can be used is to move the phrase from one end of the sentence to anothe if it works you use a comma.

I assure you, He isn't looking forward to this game.

He isn't looking forward to this game, I assure you.

saintfan 04-22-2010 02:09 PM

Re: Vikings players say they outplayed the Saints and say "Colts" should have won! (they're not seeing us as the real champs)

Originally Posted by falconhater (Post 220233)
Actually I am an English Teacher

And you're a coach too. Is that correct? Here's an educated guess. You majored in PE and you teach English out of a book because that's what the school makes you do. I'll bet Strato's favorite guitar you didn't major in English.

Got any papers from when you were in college? Oh how I'd LOVE to read some of your essays.


falconhater 04-22-2010 02:14 PM

Re: Vikings players say they outplayed the Saints and say "Colts" should have won! (they're not seeing us as the real champs)

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 220275)
And you're a coach too. Is that correct? Here's an educated guess. You majored in PE and you teach English out of a book because that's what the school makes you do. I'll bet Strato's favorite guitar you didn't major in English.

Got any papers from when you were in college? Oh how I'd LOVE to read some of your essays.


Actually, I majored in English education at The University of Louisiana at Lafayette, where I graduated in 07 with a 3.0 gpa. Furthermore, if you think you can digest the writing from my undergraduate studies I will gladly send you some, unless you want it posted in a thread for ALL to see. I teach English and Coach Football because those are two areas that provide tools for teaching young men to face and overcome adversity.

falconhater 04-22-2010 02:15 PM

Re: Vikings players say they outplayed the Saints and say "Colts" should have won! (they're not seeing us as the real champs)
Hey Strato Which Guitar do I get.

TEACHING CERTIFICATE LEVEL 1 465357 6/19/2007 TO 6/19/2010
This Certificate is issued to JAMES DONALD , JR.

By the Louisiana Department of Education, based upon the following:


ELIGIBILITY: The holder of this certificate is eligible for the following area(s) and/or terms:

ENGLISH - 6/19/2007

I removed my last name from data...

strato 04-22-2010 02:16 PM

Re: Vikings players say they outplayed the Saints and say "Colts" should have won! (they're not seeing us as the real champs)
Damn..i want to keep my axes

saintfan 04-22-2010 02:21 PM

Re: Vikings players say they outplayed the Saints and say "Colts" should have won! (they're not seeing us as the real champs)

Originally Posted by falconhater (Post 220272)
The comma is correct for multiple reasons actually.

It can be considered an Interjection or a weak exclamation. (Writers inc. pg 460)

The key to checking if a comma can be used is to move the phrase from one end of the sentence to anothe if it works you use a comma.

I assure you, He isn't looking forward to this game.

He isn't looking forward to this game, I assure you.

Wrong again. If you want to make it right there are all sorts of assumptions you can make. In this example, a period is the right punctuation. Next would be a conjunction. A semicolon, while not completely perfect would be better than a comma, since the use of a comma, by definition, makes the above a run-on. No English teacher I ever had taught anyone I ever knew to do anything other than get it right until such time as you are a published writer, at which time you can do pretty much anything you'd like.

Moving the expressions from back to front or front to back is how we teach third graders to 'see' the two, independent clauses and not where to put a comma, since a comma alone here isn't sufficient. There is no 'interjection' or 'weak exclamation' here.

Hurry! We need to get there now!

Hurry, we need to get there now.

That's what you are trying to twist this to in order to make your point. You can't just break the rules when you want to. If you tried to teach that crap to my daughter me and you would have a come-to-Jesus of a parent teacher conference.

strato 04-22-2010 02:21 PM

Re: Vikings players say they outplayed the Saints and say "Colts" should have won! (they're not seeing us as the real champs)

Ok i can part with this easy dont let her looks fool ya..she been all over and played on a many

saintfan 04-22-2010 02:22 PM

Re: Vikings players say they outplayed the Saints and say "Colts" should have won! (they're not seeing us as the real champs)

Originally Posted by falconhater (Post 220280)
Hey Strato Which Guitar do I get.

TEACHING CERTIFICATE LEVEL 1 465357 6/19/2007 TO 6/19/2010
This Certificate is issued to JAMES DONALD , JR.

By the Louisiana Department of Education, based upon the following:


ELIGIBILITY: The holder of this certificate is eligible for the following area(s) and/or terms:

ENGLISH - 6/19/2007

I removed my last name from data...

Good God how did you ever get out of college?

falconhater 04-22-2010 02:22 PM

Re: Vikings players say they outplayed the Saints and say "Colts" should have won! (they're not seeing us as the real champs)
Let Strato keep his Guitar Ill just Take ZOOEY since you like gambling with stuff that isn't yours.

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