04-22-2010, 01:47 PM
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Re: Vikings players say they outplayed the Saints and say "Colts" should have won! (they're not seeing us as the real champs)
Originally Posted by falconhater
Actually I am an English Teacher and I can assure you that The comma placement here is fine.
Comma Rules of usage as stated in "Writers Inc. 'A Student Handbook for Writing and Learning'", Houghton Mifflin Company, Wilmington, Massachhusetts, pg. 461
"You may use a comma for clarity or for EMPHASIS. There WILL be times when none of the traditional rules call for a comma, but one will be needed to prevent confusion or to emphasize an important Idea.”
As purposed by the author, for example:
He isn't looking forward to this game , (I assure you.)—emphasized by the comma as the writers declaration.
I give the poster a thumbs up for exceptional use of punctuation to express his point.